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Classic Who S17 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)

City of Death

84% 2,030 votes

First aired Saturday, September 29, 1979
Production Code 5H
Directed by Michael Hayes
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Past Future
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver

While taking in the sights of Paris in 1979, the Fourth Doctor and Romana sense that someone is tampering with time. Who is the mysterious Count Scarlioni? Why does he seem to have counterparts scattered through time? And just how many copies of the Mona Lisa did Leonardo da Vinci paint?

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, September 29, 1979
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Michael Hayes
UK Viewers 12.4 million


Paris, 1979. The Doctor and Romana are here on holiday, but something is disturbing the flow of time. Could the time travel experiments of Count Scarlioni be to blame?

First aired Saturday, October 6, 1979
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Michael Hayes
UK Viewers 14.1 million
Appreciation Index 64


Captured by the Count, the Doctor and Romana uncover an elaborate plan to steal the Mona Lisa. But there is more to Scarlioni's plans than a simple theft.

First aired Saturday, October 13, 1979
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Michael Hayes
UK Viewers 15.4 million


The Doctor and Romana unwrap an intricate plot involving aliens, time travel and the Mona Lisa. How is Count Scarlioni living in two times at once? And what does he want?

First aired Saturday, October 20, 1979
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Michael Hayes
UK Viewers 16.1 million
Appreciation Index 64


Scaroth is determined to go back 400 million years in time to prevent a mistake. But the Doctor must stop him – because the consequences would be disastrous.

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Romana  Duggan  Scaroth  Jagaroth