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Classic Who S19 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)


70% 1,527 votes

First aired Monday, January 4, 1982
Production Code 5Z
Directed by Fiona Cumming
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future Past
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver

The Doctor's latest regeneration has proven more unstable than his previous ones. His two companions, Tegan and Nyssa, help him recuperate on the tranquil planet of Castrovalva.

Adric has been captured by the Master, who is taking advantage of the Doctor's weakened state to ensnare him in an elaborate trap whose recursive nature threatens to destroy his mind.

4 Episodes:

First aired Monday, January 4, 1982
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 9.1 million


Southern England, 1981. The universe has been saved, but at the cost of the fourth Doctor's life. The newly-regenerated fifth Doctor must rely on his friends to survive as the regeneration threatens to fail…

First aired Tuesday, January 5, 1982
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 8.6 million


The TARDIS is plunging toward destruction. But even if the Doctor can escape, is yet another trap waiting?

First aired Monday, January 11, 1982
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 10.2 million


The Doctor has arrived in the supposed safety of Castrovalva. But something is odd about the seemingly tranquil city…

First aired Tuesday, January 12, 1982
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 10.4 million


The TARDIS crew are caught in a space-time trap. Escaping will mean a final confrontation with the Master.

Signal Strength: 50%

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