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DOCTOR: You gave me hope, and then you took it away. That's enough to make anyone dangerous. God knows what it will do to me. Basically, run!

— Eleventh Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife

DOCTOR: Whatever else happens, I am the Doctor, whether you like it or not.

— Sixth Doctor, The Twin Dilemma

DOCTOR: Watch it, Mestor!

— Sixth Doctor, The Twin Dilemma

DOCTOR: Oh, but this has been a timely change. Change. What change? There is no change. No rhyme, no time.

(The Doctor starts to cringe amongst a rack of clothes.)

DOCTOR: No place for space. Nothing. Nothing but the grinding engines of the universe, the crushing boredom of eternity.

STOTZ: All right, snoop. Hands in the air and over here.


STOTZ: Because I'll kill you if you don't.

DOCTOR: Not a very persuasive argument actually, Stotz, because I'm going to die soon anyway. Unless, of course

STOTZ: I'll give you to a count of three.

DOCTOR: Unless, of course, I can find the antidote. I owe it to my friend to try because I got her into this. So you see, I'm not going to let you stop me now!

STOTZ: Three!

(As the planet surface fills the screen, the Doctor shuts his eyes.)

MASTER: So, a new body at last.

(The Master goes behind Tremas and slides inside him. Tremas' grey hair and beard vanish to be replaced by slicked back black hair and a trimmed goatee beard.)

MASTER: A new body at last.

(He goes inside the clock and it dematerialises.)

NYSSA: Father? Where are you?

ROMANA: The Nimon be praised? How many Nimons have you seen today?

SOLDEED: Don't dare blaspheme the Nimon.

ROMANA: How many!

SOLDEED: Skonnos will

ROMANA: How many Nimons?

SOLDEED: Three. I have seen three.

DRAX: Hello, Theet. How you been, boy?


DRAX: It is Theet, innit? Theta Sigma? Yeah, 'course it is. Remember me, ay?

CAPTAIN: I'm gratified that you appreciate it.

DOCTOR: Appreciate it? Appreciate it? What, you commit mass destruction and murder on a scale that's almost inconceivable and you ask me to appreciate it? Just because you happen to have made a brilliantly conceived toy out of the mummified remains of planets

ROMANA: My name is Romanadvoratnelundar.

DOCTOR: I'm so sorry about that. Is there anything we can do?

(The Doctor tries his sonic screwdriver on the secret door. Nothing. The Doctor speaks directly to camera.)

DOCTOR: Even the sonic screwdriver won't get me out of this one.

LEELA: These taxes, they are like sacrifices to tribal gods?

DOCTOR: Well, roughly speaking, but paying tax is more painful.

(Reuben is lying there.)

DOCTOR: Rigor mortis.

LEELA: What is that?

DOCTOR: He's been dead for hours.

LEELA: But that is not possible. He was in his room.

DOCTOR: Not Reuben.

LEELA: But he was! I saw him.

DOCTOR: The chameleon factor, sometimes called lycanthropy. Leela, I've made a terrible mistake. I thought I'd locked the enemy out. Instead, I've locked it in, with us.

CASEY: Chains clanking, nine foot tall.

JAGO: You've been drinking.

CASEY: Not a drop, sir.

JAGO: Well, it's time you started.

(Jago holds out his hip flask. Casey takes a long pull.)

(D84 reaches the communicator.)

D84: Goodbye, my friend.

(D84 turns it on, and his head explodes)

HILDRED: There are no Type Forties in service. They're out of commission, obsolete.

DOCTOR: Obsolete? Twaddle. Take no notice, my dear old thing.

SARAH: Don't forget me.

DOCTOR: Oh, Sarah. Don't you forget me.

SARAH: Bye, Doctor. You know, travel does broaden the mind.

DOCTOR: Yes. Till we meet again, Sarah.

(Sarah leaves.)

SARAH: Just how big is the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: Well, how big's big? Relative dimensions, you see. No constant.

SARAH: That's not an answer.

DOCTOR: How big are you at the moment?

SARAH: Five four, just, and that's still not an answer.

DOCTOR: Listen, listen. There are no measurements in infinity. You humans have got such limited little minds. I don't know why I like you so much.

SARAH: Because you have such good taste.

DOCTOR: That's true, that's very true.

MORBIUS: I am a Time Lord of the first rank. What are you?

DOCTOR: Oh, nothing, nothing. A mere nobody, but I don't think you're in the first rank any more.

FARADAY: Doctor! What the devil's going on?

DOCTOR: An invasion of Earth is going on, Colonel.

SUTEKH: Kneel before the might of Sutekh

— Sutekh, Pyramids of Mars

VISHINSKY: There it is, Zeta Minor. The last planet of the known universe.

DOCTOR: Yes, that's the TARDIS. And I'm going to pilot it all the way to London. I can be there five minutes ago.

SARAH: Just a minute, Doctor. I thought you couldn't do that.

DOCTOR: Of course I can. Coming?

BRIGADIER: No, thank you.

HARRY: I think I'll stick to InterCity this time, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Sarah?



SARAH: All right. Providing we do go straight back to London.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, we will. I promise.

DOCTOR: Harry, were you trying to undo this?

HARRY: Well, naturally.

DOCTOR: Did you make the rocks fall, Harry?

HARRY: Er, well, I suppose I must have done, yes.

(The Doctor laughs.)

DOCTOR: Harry Sullivan is an imbecile!