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WhoTheoryYT Physician, heal thyself
United Kingdom · He/Him

WhoTheoryYT has submitted 20 reviews and received 40 likes

Review of Orbis by WhoTheoryYT

23 February 2025

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I feel like Orbis is kinda the Eighth Doctor's version of Trenzalore: the place he defends for hundreds of years and is willing to die for, and I really liked that we got to see Eight in a Time Of The Doctor-esque setting. There were some really heavy hitting moments, like when the Doctor tells Lucie that 'Sometimes people don't want to be saved, sometimes, it's time to die, you should respect that', an (in my opinion) incredibly profound line that really shows how committed he is to the planet. I enjoyed the other aspects of the story as a whole (although the ending was really depressing), and I'm hoping this leaves an impact on the Doctor-Companion dynamic over the rest of the series (shooting the Doctor probably won't do great things for the Doctor's friendship with Lucie I'd assume, and he's 600 years older).


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Review of The Claws of Axos by WhoTheoryYT

18 February 2025

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I thought this was a pretty average story overall, but I thought the interactions between the Doctor and The Master in the last two parts were great, both in that we got to see hints of their past friendship, and in the way it shows Three's more manipulative side for the first time in a really engaging way.


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Review of The Vengeance of Morbius by WhoTheoryYT

16 February 2025

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Well that ending was... Very unexpected. Obviously I know he's not actually dead but it sure feels like it, and I think that if they Doctor were to actually die, that would be an extremely fitting way to do it, going down with his enemy one last time to save the universe. Not much to say about the rest of the story, but I do like these lore heavy, Time Lord centric Eighth Doctor finales like this and Neverland, so I quite liked this one, and I liked Morbius in it. I'm really intrigued by the cliffhanger, so I'm really excited to get into the next series, (a good sign for any finale), but I just hope they resolve it in a non-cop outy way, cause I don't want the impact of the ending to be lessened (I suspect the sisterhood may have something to do with his inevitable survival but we'll see).


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Review of The Fall of the House of Pollard by WhoTheoryYT

11 February 2025

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NOOO, IT CAN'T END LIKE THAT! That was an incredibly heartbreaking but beautiful story, and is a great revisitation and quasi-sequel for the absolute classic stories that are Storm Warning, The Chimes Of Midnight, Seasons Of Fear, Zagreus, and more - the elements of Charley's family we've learned about all coming to a bittersweet close here. The story deals incredibly with the consequences of Charley's travels with the Doctor on her family in an incredibly heartfelt and emotional way, and goes into depth on the struggles Louisa and Richard Pollard faced after losing their daughter, and the effects of Charley's decision to board the R101. I really loved the moments between Charley and her father: the scene where he admits to reading her books specifically actually made me cry, and the joy he radiates when he realises she really is his Lottie is incredible (Hardiman gives an amazing performance as Richard here). The story really feels like a bookend on Charley's travels with Eight, all the references to their adventures, Charley's memories of her mother, and even mentioning characters like Edith and Grayle, this is just the perfect ending for that story, and I can't see anything else topping it in the series, it's just that good. I did not see the reveal at the end that the Viyrans had wiped her parents memories of her coming at all and it really caught me off guard, on the one hand, it stops them worrying about their daughter, but it just seems like such an unfeeling and callous thing to do, and really makes me loathe then on a visceral level now, like I actually hate them. Their morals are so skewed towards the supposed greater good that can't see that the things they are doing are blatantly bad, and - judging by their development of their own virus in this story - it just seems to be getting worse (I guess they're dislikability is intentional for the story but gosh that ending was screwed up, at least Richard's investments are looking up I guess). Overall, my favourite episode of the series so far by a looooong way, and I'm looking forward to the series finale next time!


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Review of The Legend of Baba Yaga by WhoTheoryYT

30 January 2025

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This episode was the part that - before the release of the set - that I was most skeptical of, I just thought it seemed... Out of place compared to the hard sci-fi I was expecting in a Fugitive Doctor series. And I was completely wrong. I absolute adored this episode, very different tonally from Fast Times, but a very interesting and entertaining story nonetheless. The way the episode deals with folklore seems like a much more Doctor Whoey way of incorporating fantasy elements into the show than the latest series has been doing, with the revelation at the end of the Baba Yaga and her hut being the result of a malfunctioning TARDIS's chameleon circuit and a psychic field (in the process addressing Fugitive's TARDIS's police boxiness) being, in my opinion, a great way to incorporate the very Time Lord heavy themes of the series with more fantastical elements. I thought things like the Doctor recognising Time Lord skulls because of the regenerative scorching, and the whole idea of the Doctor going to a folklore figure for help were cool and intriguing elements, and I thought The Fugitive Doctor also, might I add, got a lot of great lines in this one ('that's why you change your password regularly,' being a personal favourite), the episode, I feel, giving more of a flavour of what a regular Fugitive doctor TV episode could be like, keeping the Fugitive element as a framing device, but being a slightly lower stakes plot for the overall lore than all her prior appearances. Overall, I thought this was a very strong episode, and I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of the series soon.


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Review of Fast Times by WhoTheoryYT

29 January 2025

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Hearing 13's theme again gave me chills. That was a great start, I wasn't too sure about it at first but as it got into it there were a lot of things I really liked. The idea of fugitive coming across the Daleks for the first time was a really cool idea, and I loved the way they dealt with the Daleks knowing her but her not knowing the Daleks (I thought quite similar to Genesis but with the roles reversed), something you can only really do with a pre-hartnell doctor like this. I also thought scenes like the one where she used the New Mexico nuclear test to nuke the Daleks were also really interesting ideas, this one specifically being one I'm surprised hasn't been used in Doctor Who in some way before (to my knowledge), which as well as being cool, new ideas, show the differences, and more violent nature of this Doctor than those we're more familiar with. The overarching plot of Fugitive being, well, a fugitive is also seeming quite interesting to me so far, and I thought the way that she evaded Cosmagon at the end through the protection of those she'd helped in the episode was a nice touch, and really shows that even though she's a very different Doctor, she still can't help but help people, and is, in the end, the same person. The only real issue I had with it was that I felt the start was a bit too slow, and it jumped around with the prison stuff a bit too much before getting into the main plot, other than that though I thought this was a great start for the Fugitive Doctor's solo stuff, and, assuming all of BF's thirteen era stuff is like this, I am very excited!


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Review of The Zygon Who Fell to Earth by WhoTheoryYT

28 January 2025

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I was not expecting the sheer amount of twists in this story, that ending and Trevor's whole story was actually so sad, my only real issue was the Doctor taking so long to realise that Lucie was a Zygon when she was acting so strange the whole time, especially the weirdly prejudicial attitude she had towards the Zygons despite having no experience with them.


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Review of Inferno by WhoTheoryYT

25 January 2025

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I liked the parallel world plot, but I though the actual monsters were a bit weird and didn't really make much sense.


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Review of The Shadow at the Edge of the World by WhoTheoryYT

22 January 2025

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I liked this episode quite a bit, and I think I understand the structure of the series now, Charley goes into the prolixity and does something related to the overall Viyran/Lamentation Cypher plot (assuming it continues like this). I think the main problem I had with it was that I guessed the twist of the Slaverings being the infected expeditionary men very early on, which slightly lessened the experience, but other than that, a very solid story.


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Review of The Ambassadors of Death by WhoTheoryYT

7 January 2025

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The general may seem a bit insane wanting to nuke the aliens, but he is in reality, just any modern day politician. Jokes aside, I enjoyed this one, the music was especially nice compared the the odd Kazoo thing from the previous story, however the pacing was still slightly slow in my opinion (either that or 7 parts is too long for a modern audience lol). I'm really enjoying Pertwee as the Doctor, and I feel the these unit based stories are a really nice change from earlier stuff, so I'm liking the sort of genre of these a lot.


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