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HOK NEPO: I knew I should have listened to my agent! He told me, "Never work with animals, children, or people pretending to be robots!"

KROTON: Why do they do it? What are these things called freedom and emotion? If I could only understand them, I might be able to stop them attacking us...

JACK: And this is Ianto Jones. Ianto cleans up after us, and gets us everywhere on time.

IANTO: I try my best.

JACK: And he looks good in a suit.

IANTO: Careful, that's harassment, sir.

JACK: This kid, Bernie. Where does he live?

TOSH: Splott.

OWEN: Splott?!

IANTO: I believe estate agents pronounce it "Sploe".

IANTO: I blame it on magic mushrooms.

JACK: What you do in private is none of our business.

OWEN: I hate the countryside. It's dirty, it's unhygienic, and what is that smell?

GWEN: That would be grass.

OWEN: It's disgusting.

SARAH JANE: I saw amazing things, out there in space. But there's strangeness to be found wherever you turn. Life on Earth can be an adventure, too. You just need to know where to look.

— Sarah Jane Smith, Invasion of the Bane

KORWIN: Burn with me.

— , 42

ALICE: (crying) Sorry. I'm sorry. I thought I was... It's, it's just...

All this. All of this here.

It's wonderful. It's from space.

And I, and I just look at it all, and... And all I want...

I want her to see it. That's all. I want mum to be here.

She'd love it.

DOCTOR: Life moves forward. No matter how much it hurts. It has to.

ARC: ...Want...

DOCTOR: You know what, ARC?

Right now I don't care what you want.

The Amstrons aren't robots. Neither are the J'arrodic. They're living beings who are dying. All around us.

And I've had enough of dying. I am sick of dying. I am sick of war.

ADA: Daughter. Listen to me now.

Listen. And if you forget everything else I ever say to you... never forget this.

I know sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it's painful. There are times you'll want to to do anything else.

But if something is wrong - if you know something is wrong - you must always speak out.


No matter what.

DOCTOR: You want people with imaginations? You have to set them free. Let them see things, go places, meet each other and understand how it all works so they can make it better than you managed to. That might mean risking some chaos, danger. But it's worth the risk.

— Thirteenth Doctor, Gatecrashers

MISSY: Don't go sentimental on me. I'm allergic.

— Missy, The Master Plan

DOCTOR: Okay, Scandi Superclub, here we come!

Avicii, Loreen, Måns Zelmerlöw. The wildest night in the Arctic Circle outside of the Advance on Reykjavik!

Tags: Funny

THE HYPNOTISING CAT: You are under my command. Jump into that puddle behind you.

DOCTOR: Honey, I'll ruin my shoes.

WOLF: You can't run forever, Time Lord!

DOCTOR: But I have! I was with Pheidippides at Marathon. I trained with the Chariots of Fire boys, in 1924!

How's the theme go? "Der-der-der-der-der-derr, der-der-der-der-derr..."
