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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Eternal Dogfight

74% 508 votes

Released Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Written by Rob Williams
Publisher Titan Comics
Artist Warren Pleece
Colourist Hi-Fi
Pages 22
Time Travel Present
Locations London

The day after tomorrow – and the Vrezian Confederacy and the J'arrodic Federation have brought their "honourable" air-war to Earth. They're not here to invade, and they're being exceptionally considerate about collateral damage, all things considered. But human air travel is at a standstill, our culture is collapsing, the skies are clogged with toxic smog... And UNIT can't do a thing, as the aliens vaporize the weapons stockpile of any country that dares interfere! The deadlock needs a peaceful and clever solution – let's hope the Doctor is up to the job! And in the middle of it all... Alice is given a shocking offer she dare not refuse!

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Alice Obiefune  John Jones  ARC