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Torchwood Series 1 • Episode 2

Day One

68% 806 votes

First aired Sunday, October 22, 2006
Production Code 1.2
Written by Chris Chibnall
Directed by Brian Kelly
Runtime 50 minutes
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) LGBTQA+
Locations Cardiff Earth Wales
UK Viewers 2.5 million

Gwen's first day on her new job at Torchwood sees Cardiff's night-life at the mercy of a gaseous alien who consumes its victims during orgasm, leaving behind only dust. And it's all her fault — she let it escape a fallen meteorite. The gas is devouring its teenage host. She's fighting for control as the alien inside takes down victim after victim. Torchwood tracks the alien to a sperm bank, but too late for the patrons within. Soon, if they don't act quickly enough, it'll be too late for everyone else too!

Signal Strength: 30%

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Also featuring:

Alien sex gas