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Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

The Church on Ruby Road

Average. Rating: 69%
Average rating: ★ 3.64
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60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 3

The Giggle

Average. Rating: 72%
Average rating: ★ 3.74
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60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 2

Wild Blue Yonder

Average. Rating: 84%
Average rating: ★ 4.33
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60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 1

The Star Beast

Average. Rating: 66%
Average rating: ★ 3.48
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Doctor Who Specials

The Power of the Doctor

Average. Rating: 70%
Average rating: ★ 3.70
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Doctor Who Specials

Legend of the Sea Devils

Average. Rating: 37%
Average rating: ★ 2.05
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Doctor Who Specials • New Year Special

Eve of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 66%
Average rating: ★ 3.51
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Doctor Who S13 (Flux) • Episode 6

The Vanquishers

Average. Rating: 50%
Average rating: ★ 2.73
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Doctor Who S13 (Flux) • Episode 5

Survivors of the Flux

Average. Rating: 52%
Average rating: ★ 2.83
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 8

Let’s Kill Hitler

Average. Rating: 54%
Average rating: ★ 2.94
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 7

A Good Man Goes to War

Average. Rating: 71%
Average rating: ★ 3.74
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 6

The Almost People

Average. Rating: 59%
Average rating: ★ 3.17
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 5

The Rebel Flesh

Average. Rating: 58%
Average rating: ★ 3.12
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 4

The Doctor’s Wife

Average. Rating: 79%
Average rating: ★ 4.12
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 3

The Curse of the Black Spot

Average. Rating: 53%
Average rating: ★ 2.87
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 2

Day of the Moon

Average. Rating: 73%
Average rating: ★ 3.85
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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 1

The Impossible Astronaut

Average. Rating: 76%
Average rating: ★ 3.98
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Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

A Christmas Carol

Average. Rating: 75%
Average rating: ★ 3.94
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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 13

The Big Bang

River Song, pointing a gun
Average. Rating: 78%
Average rating: ★ 4.06
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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 12

The Pandorica Opens

Average. Rating: 79%
Average rating: ★ 4.11
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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 11

The Lodger

Average. Rating: 62%
Average rating: ★ 3.32
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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 10

Vincent and the Doctor

Average. Rating: 86%
Average rating: ★ 4.45
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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 9

Cold Blood

Average. Rating: 59%
Average rating: ★ 3.16
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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 8

The Hungry Earth

Average. Rating: 58%
Average rating: ★ 3.14
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