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First aired

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Written by

Russell T Davies


50 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Future

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Susan Twist

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Lincolnshire, Space

UK Viewers

7.14 million

Appreciation Index



The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Donna to the furthest edge of adventure. To escape, they must face the most desperate fight of their lives, with the fate of the universe at stake.

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15 reviews

🚨Boltzmann Brains mentioned🚨


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É incrivel de pensar que no especial de 60 anos da serie o Russel T Davies consegue espremir um episodio tão esperimental, tão independente de qualquer tipo de fan service ou apelo a nostalgia, e ainda usar um conceito de ficção ciêntifica mais complexo para exploração dos perssonagens. O melhor dos especiais de 60 anos e um incrivel sinal para a nova era de Doctor Who por vir.



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This episode was such a relief. It was the best Doctor Who episode in six years, and boy did we need it. It is completely inventive, essentially a two-hander as we push the Fourteenth Doctor and Donna to the absolute limit and see what they are made of. The 'no-things' are absolutely terrifying, and the plot line is so intricate and clever. It brought back the rush that all the best Doctor Who episodes give. It's a tour de force by some of the world's most talented actors, and I loved every bit.


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Admittedly, I had my worries for this one.
I had high points, there must be a point why this Episode was such a secret and good lord.. while my hopes for a return of Susan wasn't there, I still feel good about calling this a masterful episode.
The Star Beast, while fun, throw me off with some wonky moments and a pacing that sadly didn't slow down. The directing was top tier (mostly), but still it felt like a very casual way to reintroduce doctor who to an audience that fell out of touch with the show after the tennant era.
And I am fine with that.
But this one is excellent!
As somebody who really hates the "Tennant-Clone "trope"" in Doctor Who, I am impressed how well this was done!
Just a really GOOD Episode, I might need to think about this one a little more before I can add more to this!


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I'm never going to be over this one I think. It's got all my favorite things: evil doppelgangers, the Doctor and Donna Going Through It, weird body horror, and some genuinely terrifying moments. David and Catherine are so good at playing terrifying villains.


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AVG. Rating947 members
4.31 / 5

AVG. Rating591 votes
4.01 / 5

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DOCTOR: She just dropped some coffee into the console.

DONNA: But don't worry, he's got a time machine, which means he can blame me for all eternity.

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Transcript + Script

[England 1666 (Woolsthorpe Manor)]

MERRIDEW: Ah! 'Tis a glorious day, sir.
NEWTON: England at its finest. I think I shall hie me to yonder apple tree, there to contemplate the mysteries of God's universe.
MERRIDEW: Well, don't come back until you've had a very good idea, sir.
NEWTON: I shan't. Good day, Mrs Merridew.


(Sitting under a tree, writing in a notebook with a quill, when an apple drops, hitting him.)

NEWTON: Ow! Of course.

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