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Virgin New Adventures

Timewyrm: Apocalypse

58% 659 votes

Released Thursday, October 17, 1991
Written by Nigel Robinson
Pages 201
Time Travel Future
Locations Kirith

The TARDIS has tracked the Timewyrm to the edge of the Universe and the end of time -- to the lush planet Kirith, a paradise inhabited by a physically perfect race.

Ace is not impressed. Kirith has all the appeal of a wet weekend in Margate, and its inhabitants look like third-rate Aussie soap stars.

The Doctor is troubled, too: If the Timewyrm is here, why can’t he find her? Why have the elite Panjistri lied consistently to the Kirithons they govern? And is it possible that the catastrophe that he feels impending is the result of his own past actions?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Timewyrm  Panjistri