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Friday, October 31, 2003

Written by

Paul Magrs, Stephen Cole

Directed by

Gary Russell


134 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Lost the TARDIS, Mind Control

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Bianca's Cabaret


Whilst this story was released before Zagreus, the correct listening order is to listen to Zagreus first.


There's one place in creation where the truth really can be found in the bottom of a glass — Bianca's, a very special and very exclusive little club.

The Doctor, careworn and seeking quiet distraction, gains admission. But his rest and relaxation is soon shattered by the wobbly arrival of louche trans-temporal adventuress Iris Wildthyme. She claims she's on a secret mission of vital importance, the success of which hinges on her getting paralytic. When she's drunk, she can hear the whispering voices in her head..

The Doctor soon learns that Bianca's airs and graces cover not just one malevolent power lurking in the shadows, but several. And a wriggling, writhing presence has designs on the clientele — just as Bianca herself has designs on the Doctor.

At last, after so many centuries, the weary Time Lord is dragged by the heels into that darkest of undiscovered countries... love...

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I love The Wormery.
I think Iris and 6 have some of the best Energy, Iris, and a Doctor could have. Katy does an amazing Job here, like she always does with Iris, and so does Colin. Sure, this is very much a more lighthearted and fairly silly Story, but it does what it wants to do superb! I really enjoy the ending as well with Seven.
Overall, a campy but great time!


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

“The Wormery: Cabaret Chaos with a Twist of Tequila Worms"

An atmospheric but uneven comedy adventure with chaotic characters and ambitious ideas that never quite come together.

A Noir-Tinged Night at Bianca’s Bar

The Wormery is a quirky, boozy interlude in Big Finish’s Main Range, pairing Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor with Katy Manning’s eccentric Iris Wildthyme. Set in Bianca’s cabaret club—a smoky, piano-filled haven that straddles space and time—the story mixes humour, mystery, and temporal oddities. From its 1930s Berlin gateway to its cosmic stage, the setting oozes noir charm. The jazzy atmosphere, bolstered by narration and music, feels like stepping into a 1950s film, but unfortunately, the plot struggles to match the strength of its setting.

Iris Wildthyme: Delightful Chaos in Moderation

Katy Manning gives a lively performance as Iris Wildthyme, delivering chaotic energy and drunken eccentricity that are simultaneously endearing and overwhelming. Her chemistry with Colin Baker is electric, but her larger-than-life antics occasionally push the Doctor into the background. Manning expertly differentiates Iris from her more familiar role as Jo Grant, crafting a flamboyant and unpredictable character best enjoyed in smaller doses.

Maria McErlane’s Bianca provides a strong foil to Iris. Her sophisticated and mysterious presence forms a compelling bond with the Doctor, adding a layer of intrigue. However, while the supporting cast helps populate the cabaret, their roles feel underdeveloped, contributing little to the central narrative.

Intrigue Undermined by Meandering Execution

The story’s strongest moments lie in its atmosphere and the initial promise of its mystery. Bianca’s bar is revealed as a nexus of temporal anomalies, and the eerie voices lurking in the shadows hint at untold dangers. However, these elements never fully coalesce into a gripping narrative. The plot meanders, bogged down by ambitious ideas—like worms in tequila bottles as aliens—that feel more absurd than compelling.

The second half falters further, devolving into a melodramatic love triangle between Iris, Bianca, and the Doctor. While the reveal that Bianca is Iris’s future (and final) incarnation adds intrigue, it arrives too late to salvage the muddled storyline. Even the outlandish twists, like Iris accidentally summoning dangerous powers during a performance, fail to generate much excitement.

A Finale That Fizzles

The story’s conclusion feels as scattered as its middle act. The final twist—Bianca narrating the tale to none other than the Seventh Doctor (as Mr. Ashcroft)—is a cheeky nod but ultimately adds little substance. By this point, the narrative’s lack of focus and stakes has long since sapped any momentum.

Verdict: Style Over Substance

The Wormery is an intriguing experiment that brims with atmosphere and charisma but ultimately falls short due to its convoluted plot and lack of cohesion. While the performances—particularly from Katy Manning and Maria McErlane—elevate the material, and the setting is a joy to inhabit, the story struggles to maintain interest. It’s a fun but forgettable outing best appreciated for its quirky charm rather than its narrative strength.



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The Wormery sempre me despertou um certo interesse em querer visita-lo não só pela sua capa que traz ares de mistério, mas também por ser situado após os eventos de The Trial Of A Time Lord. Imaginando abordar temáticas voltadas ao Doutor tentando lidar com os ocorridos na saga, uma delas sendo bem traumática a perda e suposta morte de sua companion Peri Brown – O áudio foge completamente dessa proposta esperada, inclinando seus holofotes para um desenvolvimento e aprofundamento na relação entre Iris Wildthyme e Doutor. Para quem não a conhece, Iris basicamente é uma senhora do tempo que viajou pelo multiverso, teve sua introdução nos livros da BBC do 8° Doutor, ela também tem várias versões/encarnações sendo a mais popular a da BIG FINISH interpretada pela Katy Manning a mesma que atuou como uma das companions do 3° Doutor a icônica Jo Grant, sua “nave” ou “espécie de TARDIS” é um tradicional ônibus britânico vermelho. Agora falando de seu enredo, toda a trama de The Wormery é situada em um cabaré chamado “Bianca’s” supostamente localizado em Berlim de 1930 - O 6° Doutor reencontra Iris completamente bêbada que os leva a se envolverem com os funcionários e principalmente com a dona do estabelecimento, Bianca. Mais a frente os dois viajantes descobrem que o cabaré é precisamente posicionado em um nexo cheio dos chamados “Buracos de minhoca” (uma espécie de tuneis temporais que conecta vários universos), permitindo assim a visita de clientes de todo o espaço e tempo.
Mesmo tendo uma progressão narrativa muito lenta, sua primeira metade tem um ótimo papel em sua criação de mundo e apresentação de seus personagens, cautelosamente as peças que serão responsáveis pelos desfechos mais notáveis do áudio vão sendo desenvolvidas e muito bem posicionadas, dificilmente o ouvinte não vai terminar esse primeiro bloco curioso para saber quais serão os próximos passos – Esperando que as coisas se intensifiquem em sua segunda metade, infelizmente temos um desfecho nada notável longe de ser memorável, também não chega ser algo desastroso - Além de manter sua narrativa lenta a trama leva muito tempo para executar os passo a passo da história tornando desafiador manter o interesse. Mesmo transitando várias vezes pelos gêneros de suspense terror e drama e desenvolvendo muito bem sua “novela” com o Doutor, Iris e Bianca - O que realmente sustenta essa experiência são as ótimas performances do Colin Baker e da Katy Manning trazendo uma dinâmica incrível entre os dois personagens. De início Bianca apresenta ares de mistério bem interessante criando uma certa curiosidade, mas sua personagem acaba se perdendo em um estereótipo de vilã pirada narcisista maligna. Quando os Psychic Worms (os vermes psíquicos) começam a ser elementos importante para o desfecho de The Wormery iniciando uma série de ataques ao cabaré, tudo se torna previsível e bem histérico, uma histeria não muito agradável de se ouvir. Em resumo, esse é aquele típico áudio que requer muita paciência e principalmente interesse de seu ouvinte, sua narrativa lenta cria uma enorme sensação monótona de extensão no enredo para no fim se resultar em algo básico.


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This is an excellent play - and very, very funny.

Something is going on at a smoky old club, ‘Bianca's’ which is somehow both in 1930s Berlin and deep space. We are introduced to an equal parts chaotic and magnetic time travelling character Iris Wildthyme - a drunk, horny, wandering accented tour de force. An exceptional counter to a companion free 6th doctor (who is seemingly her least favourite incarnation!) I was gobsmacked by the quality of Katy Manning's performance throughout. There is much more to Iris than I thought based on the episode of her series BF make available for free.

The comedy is pitched perfectly, despite being consistently daring. The moment Bianca uses her powers to tempt the Doctor into her arms is a particularly surprising moment - those groans conjured up some images I didn't particularly want to imagine...!

The music throughout, even songs we only hear scraps of are gorgeous.

The plot ties up nicely, the beautiful characterisation of our leads not trumping the plot. Another success for the 6th Doctor.


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love this story, overall!

Sixie being so depressed after the Trial, beloved. And Iris! Iris, Iris, Iris, carelessly stepping all over his feelings with no idea what she's doing and a bit too many drinks in her.

But, of course, her drinking is plot relevant, here! Hilarious, I love it, there's bloody tequila worms, half of whom want to freeze time forever, half of whom want to use Iris's singing voice to cause chaos all throughout the universe. And Iris can only hear them when she's drunk, and initially she just thought she was hearing the Voices because she was out of it. But no. It's the tequila worms. Oh, and they also plan to take over hijacking the minds of every alcoholic ever. Hilarious.

Oh, and did I mention Bianca? Iris's version of the Valeyard, babey!!

(Bit of an odd point where six falls in love (????) with Bianca, and Iris, the overdramatic dear, has a whole tearful love confession to make to him. It's hilarious, and amazing, and though Iris is being overdramatic there's some truth to her, and just- ough, Iris, beloved.)

Anyway, fun Magrs story :)

Also!!! Seven being the one who's being told the story???? Promising to keep the tapes safe???? Oh my god, yes! This does prove that the Doctor does, in fact, care for Iris, no matter how much they may protest. It being Seven is particular is so heartwarming (with context of Muse of Fire. I wonder whether it's before or after?)


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