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First aired

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Written by

Joy Wilkinson

Directed by

Sallie Aprahamian


46 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

By Royal Command, Celebrity Historical, LGBTQA+

Location (Potential Spoilers!)


UK Viewers

7.21 million

Appreciation Index



Team TARDIS lands in early 17th century England in the midst of a witch trial, and despite her own non-interference policy, the Thirteenth Doctor cannot help but try and stop the killings. However, with King James growing suspicious of the Doctor and her ways, it is up to her friends to play Witchfinders and uncover the hidden mysteries behind the trials.

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2 reviews

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Like most episodes of this era, it's a mixed bag.

I wish it delivered on the themes it establishes in the first act. Here we have the first female Doctor running headfirst into what is perhaps the ultimate sexism. She is actively discriminated against and is facing a (female) villain who is specifically weaponizing misogyny to hurt other women. There's a lot of meat in that premise and I just don't see what we get out of it other than Jodie remarking that she'd be taken more seriously if she was "still a bloke."

I'm not saying the episode has to be a YouTube essay on historical sexism, but this really could have been an all-time classic if it WENT THERE. We get tantalizingly close, too. Comments like "oh, you won't get pockets for a few hundred years" are genuinely funny, but they'd be excellent little asides keeping our focus on the episode's central theme without hitting us over the head if the episode was going to GO THERE.

Instead the resolution is like any other. They figure out the sci-fi bullshit and save the day by touching a tree or something.

I can't help but feel there's a more powerful resolution we're missing, a more powerful resolution that dares to explore what it means for the Doctor to have this face. Basically Jodie never got her Dot and Bubble and it's a bummer. (I'm leaving this review in February 2025 so here's hoping the audios starting this summer GO THERE.)

Cinematography and music are excellent, as they often are in this era.


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Compare Ryan's reaction here towards discrimination with that in Rosa, quite ironical.


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AVG. Rating633 members
3.20 / 5

AVG. Rating1,393 votes
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DOCTOR: We want certainty, security, to believe that people are evil or heroic. But that's not how people are. You want to know the secrets of existence? Start with the mysteries of the heart. I can show you everything if you stop being afraid of what you don't understand.

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Witchfinders

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Transcript + Script Needs checking


(The village is played by Little Woodham living village, Hampshire. The people are dressed in early 17th Century rustic clothing.)

DOCTOR: I'm sure it's somewhere around here.
GRAHAM: Come on, Doc, admit it.
DOCTOR: I dunno what you mean.
GRAHAM: Well, look at it! This ain't the coronation of Elizabeth the First, is it?
RYAN: It's like a street party. Ye olde hipster pop-up happening.
DOCTOR: The TARDIS is being a bit stubborn at exact readings.

(A woman hands Graham a tankard, and nobody is taking a bit of notice of their strange clothing.)

YASMIN: So where are we?
DOCTOR: Apple bobbing! I love apple bobbing.

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