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Doctor Who S11 • Episode 4

Arachnids in the UK

66% 2,040 votes

First aired Sunday, October 28, 2018
Written by Chris Chibnall
Directed by Sallie Aprahamian
Runtime 50 minutes
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Visiting Family LGBTQA+ Environmental Message
Locations Sheffield Earth England
UK Viewers 8.22 million
Appreciation Index 83

The Thirteenth Doctor finally manages to bring her friends home, but with more time alone on the horizon, she soon discovers that something unnatural has happened to the eight-legged population of Sheffield. Why have they converged on an unopened hotel, and why is there a man going around like he owns the place?

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Najia Khan  Hakim Khan  Sonya Khan  Jack Robertson