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First aired

Monday, February 15, 1982

Production Code


Written by

Eric Saward

Directed by

Peter Moffatt


100 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)


Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London


The Fifth Doctor tries to take Tegan back to Heathrow Airport but the TARDIS arrives in the 17th century instead of the 20th. The time travellers find a space capsule has crash-landed nearby and that its alien occupants, three Terileptil prison escapees, intend to wipe out all indigenous life on Earth by releasing rats infected with an enhanced strain of the great plague.

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4 Episodes

Part One

First aired

Monday, February 15, 1982


25 minutes

Written by

Eric Saward

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

9.1 million


As plague sweeps 17th century England, the Doctor discovers a more exotic threat at work - shipwrecked Terileptil convicts, intent on making the planet their own.

Part Two

First aired

Tuesday, February 16, 1982


25 minutes

Written by

Eric Saward

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

9.3 million


To rescue Tegan and Adric, captured and interrogated by the Terileptil fugitive leader, the Doctor must get past the locals under alien control and overcome Death (an android servant dressed up as The Grim Reaper).

Part Three

First aired

Monday, February 22, 1982


25 minutes

Written by

Eric Saward

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

9.9 million


The Doctor makes the fugitive Terileptils a rare offer they shouldn't refuse; but, though few in numbers, they have a plan in the works for the quick and complete domination of Earth and mean to see it through.

Part Four

First aired

Tuesday, February 23, 1982


25 minutes

Written by

Eric Saward

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

10.1 million


With Tegan and Richard under alien control, and the manor sealed against anyone leaving or entering, it's a question whether or not the Doctor can get to London before the Terileptils release their improved strain of black death upon the world.


How to watch The Visitation:


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7 reviews

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This is the first time (in the order that I've been watching it) that I've actually wanted a side-character in the classic era to join the crew, I'll miss you every day c*nty lock-picking thespian <3.

This is also the second time the Doctor has knowingly caused a historical fire and then dipped out (See the Romans).


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The Visitation continues to be another great romp in this season. The team lands on Earth in the wake of crashing aliens that promise to wipe out the world with disease. I couldn't love this TARDIS team more and each of them shine greatly here. Nyssa shows her technical skills, Adric (barely) manages to fly the TARDIS and Tegan gets controlled (but she does manage to snap out of it!). This is the end of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver too, which does actually have consequences starting from this story. The sets are beautiful, as is the android and the Tereleptil suits are also remarkably well done.


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An impressively rollicking story that manages that rarest of feats; giving all three companions something to do that meaningfully contributes to the story. The companions' relationships with one another were well-developed as well. Richard Mace was a delightful rouge, the Tereleptils were thrillingly villainous, and the android... well, they can't all be winners. The Grim Reaper motif was a good idea, but I'm not sure it quite came across. Overall, a nicely made serial that kept up a reasonable pace throughout.


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I absolutely love this story. It starts off surprisingly dark where we're introduced to these people who initially seem to be the main guest characters...and then they kill them off before the Doctor and his companions even arrive!

It's such an effective way to open the story, doing a really great job at teasing rather than showing the threat, and setting the stakes for the rest of the adventures.

The monsters are among 80s Who's finest. The Terileptils are really imposing, and the android they use is brilliantly designed and realised.


The highwayman Richard Mace is absolutely hilarious too. Michael Robbins steals the show in that role on so many occasions, and sets himself firmly among some of Doctor Who's finest guest turns.

I really like how this story also does something that the new series would later take inspiration from also, in that it explains historical mysteries in where the black death plague came from and what started the Great Fire of London. That was a very clever move by the writer Eric Saward.

Poor Tegan getting possessed again though, straight after Kinda! She really did have a rough time with the Doctor.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Dream Team

Finally, after the string of very experimental episodes, we return to a bit of normality. This is a very generic story, but thanks to a solid cast, witty dialogue and a fun plot this is probably the story I've had the most fun with in all of Season 19.

The Terileptil design is great, accompanied by a menacing voice the Terileptils are instantly a great villain. This is the final classic Doctor Who story to feature the sonic screwdriver, a rather unceremonious end in my opinion but this doesn't take away from the story in the slightest.

I'd like to write a longer review but genuinely this story was just so traditional that I have nothing to say about it, that's not a bad thing, in fact I'd argue it's quite good after the very surreal Season 18 and similarly strange beginning to Season 19.

Next Story: The Star Men


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AVG. Rating379 members
3.43 / 5

AVG. Rating245 votes
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NYSSA: What's the matter?

TEGAN: It's only sunk in properly, what happened to me on Deva Loka.

NYSSA: What? The Doctor said nothing eventful had occurred.

TEGAN: He would. But while you were enjoying forty eight hours peaceful sleep in the delta wave augmenter, my mind was occupied. Taken over.

NYSSA: By whom?

TEGAN: More a what. Something called a Mara. It makes me shiver to think of it.

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Transcript Needs checking

Part One

[Entrance hall]

(In Restoration England, night is falling. The old family retainer brings a three stick candelabra into the main room where his master is dozing by the fire and the son is cleaning a flintlock pistol, and takes away another that has nearly burnt out. Outside in the entrance hall, a young woman looks out of the window at a pair of falling stars. There is a sudden series of explosions, like fireworks.)


[Manor house]

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