Stories Television Doctor Who Season 11 Classic Who S11 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 The Time Warrior 1 image Overview Episodes Characters How to Watch Reviews 5 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 6 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, December 15, 1973 Production Code UUU Written by Robert Holmes Directed by Alan Bromly Runtime 100 minutes Story Type New Companion Introduction Time Travel Past Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Time Travel Pivotal, The Doctor’s Name, Mind Control Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!) Working for UNIT Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Rhondium sensor Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England Synopsis When scientists start to go missing in the 20th century, the Doctor is called in by the Brigadier to investigate. His investigations lead him to deduce that they are being kidnapped through time, and he sets off in pursuit, unknowingly kidnapping journalist Sarah Jane Smith in the process. Arriving in the middle ages, the Doctor and Sarah find themselves caught up in the machinations of the robber baron Irongron and his "star warrior". The alien, a Sontaran named Linx, is arming him with modern weapons in return for helping him repair his damaged ship, and it's up to the Doctor and Sarah to stop him from ruining the Earth's timeline. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save 4 Episodes Part One First aired Saturday, December 15, 1973 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Robert Holmes Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 8.7 million Appreciation Index 59 Synopsis England, the 12th century. Robber baron Irongron is recruited by Linx, a Sontaran warrior whose starship has been forced down on Earth. Linx is forced to use a time-travel device to steal resources and scientists from the future to repair his ship, but in doing so involves UNIT and the Doctor... Part Two First aired Saturday, December 22, 1973 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Robert Holmes Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 7 million Synopsis The Doctor tracks the missing scientists to Irongron's castle, where Linx is using them to repair his spaceship and construct advanced weapons for Irongron. Part Three First aired Saturday, December 29, 1973 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Robert Holmes Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 6.6 million Synopsis The Doctor escapes the castle with Sarah and Hal and must persuade Sir Edward to trust him before Irongron launches an attack on them. Part Four First aired Saturday, January 5, 1974 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Robert Holmes Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 10.6 million Appreciation Index 60 Synopsis The Doctor attempts to return the scientists to their own time, before Linx tries to use his spaceship and destroys the entire castle. Show All Episodes Characters Third Doctor Jon Pertwee Sarah Jane Smith Elisabeth Sladen First Appearance Commander Linx First Appearance Sontarans First Appearance The Brigadier Nicholas Courtney UNIT Show All Characters (6) How to watch The Time Warrior: Watch on iPlayer DVD The Time Warrior DVD Bred For War – The Sontaran Collection DVD The Monster Collection: The Sontarans DVD An Introduction to the Third Doctor VHS The Time Warrior (VHS) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 8 December 2024 · 243 words Review by dema1020 There's so much I adore about The Time Warrior. At a time I'm sure was uncertain for the show - what would it be like with Jo gone, Sarah Jane comes in and very much steals the show. She's a lot of fun and I love how her introduction is handled with her role as a journalist. It's very well done. It feels like this story breathes in some new air into the series, especially since this is the first time we've done any sort of actual time travelling in a good, long while. It feels like a shame the show would often skirt away from exploring Earth history, as it is one of the more interesting aspects of the series. This is also a very fun introduction for the Sontarans. They work really well here in the historical setting and I like some of the characters such as Professor Rubeish and Irongon. They were a memorable bunch and added a lot to the story. Overall these episodes are a great start to what would be Pertwee's final season. It does feel like production kind of saw the writing on the wall. With Delgado's death and producer Barry Letts soon to be leaving, Pertwee would follow, and so in many ways it feels like they went all out this season starting with Time Warrior. It didn't always work out, but a lot of these episodes have a certain energy I can really appreciate. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 0 30 November 2024 · 48 words Review by BSCTDrayden 1 Not much to say other than what an absolutely fun story! Linx is a very entertaining villain, Elizabeth Sladen is amazing from the jump with instant chemistry with Pertwee, Pertwee puts in such a fun performance as 3, and the dialogue is witty and entertaining throughout. Just a delight! BSCTDrayden View profile Like Liked 1 24 November 2024 · 21 words Review by Rock_Angel 2 Amazing start to the series and Sarah Jane brings that freshness I wanted for a while in the 3rd doctor era Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 2 14 November 2024 · 631 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! The show feels new again! New diamond shape logo, new companion and most different of all - our adventurer has travelled to the Middle Ages! Robert Holmes is an expert at making sure there is plenty of plot to go round in any given episode and The Time Warrior is certainly no exception - there is an awful lot going on. Lets start with outstanding Sarah Jane Smith - she was delight from start to finish and was my favourite element of The Time Warrior. I really enjoyed the comedy that came from her simply refusing to believe that she had travelled in time and treating everyone she encountered as actors with costumes and props. She really played it for real and went through the same thoughts and emotions that any member of the audience would have in her same situation. Her forthright, feminist and proactive personality is a welcome addition to the show. Her chemistry with The Doctor grew nicely over the episode, inventively beginning with suspicion and ending with a sparky and joyful playfulness. I loved the character of Jo Grant (her and Jamie are for me the show's join best companions to date) but I definitely did not take to her as quickly as this - this is very promising. This story acted as a lovely jumping on point for viewers. Pertwee properly re-introducing himself to Sarah in Part Three gave me a warm feeling, I loved him summing up his character in a single scene - and the first ever mention of Gallifrey was tantalising. The Third Doctor himself was on fine form here, perhaps a new companion was keeping him on his toes. The absolutely brilliant scene where he is dodging the inaccurate gunfire of Middle Ages first-time shooters was incredible fun - exactly the kind of bizarre high concept fun that the show thrives on. Pertwee plays that scene perfectly and teams up with Sarah in a way that feels warm and natural. Time travel, especially heading backwards in history has been conspicuous in its absence in the Second and Third Doctor's eras, so it is a very welcome return bringing further variety to the show. I understand that the hesitance to delve into historical settings was due to a comparative lack of interest the audience showed for Hartnell stories of this kind. Having enjoyed Marco Polo and The Aztecs immensely, I feel like this was a vital component to remove from Doctor Who. The Time Warrior has certainly gone some way to make up for it here. It was an excellent move to tamper with the historical formula by putting an alien, the brilliant Sontaran Linx into the mix. Irongron and his men vs. the mild nobleman would perhaps not have been as interesting if they were not interacting with the weird and wild time travel meddling that surrounded them. The Sontaran was a brilliant coming together of script, costume and acting. You got a real sense that for Linx, a mighty warrior, this whole situation was beneath him. His unique head emerging from under his helmet, followed by his tongue emerging from those disgusting lips is a wonderfully iconic visual moment. Maggots aside, I think the tactical war loving Sontaran is the best concept for a new alien since the Silurians, and in my opinion better executed. I respect Holmes for really building up and bringing to life otherwise inconsequential characters like Professor Rubesh. Other writers would be pulling out their hair trying to stretch out a story across four parts, but Holmes skillfully inserts an entertaining character who only adds to the story. So, a wonderful start to season eleven - a delightful story which I had never seen before. I am very happy to have Sarah Jane on board. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 2 July 2024 · 1232 words Review by deltaandthebannermen Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! By its very nature, The Time Warrior is something of an oddity. As Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks both point out on the commentary and in the accompanying documentary (The Beginning of the End), having the Third Doctor visit a historical period was incredibly rare. In fact, the only time previous to this story that the Doctor had ventured into Earth’s past was in The Time Monster when he and Jo followed the Master back to Atlantis. There has also been a visit to the medieval-inspired planet of Peladon, but this is the first time we see the Third Doctor really get stuck in to history. Interestingly, the writers of the novels and audios have also steered clear of Pertwee-based historicals. In the novels, there is David A McIntee’s 1916 set The Wages of Sin and David Bishop’s 1952 set Amorality Tale (which, being only 20 odd years prior to the Third Doctor’s usual period only just qualifies as a historical). Of course, this lack of history day trips is mainly down to the ‘present day Earth’ format of the Pertwee era, forced on it for budgetary reasons in the early days. What’s odd is that once the production team of Letts and Dicks started getting the Doctor away from Earth (because they had realised this limited the possible script scenarios) that it took so long for them to get him back into history. Colony in Space was the first time the Doctor took a trip away from Earth and that was in Season 8. The Time Warrior is Season 11! And what a lot of fun it is too. Despite Robert Holmes’ reluctance to write a historical story, he produces one of his most entertaining scripts. The medieval characters are a joy, brought to life perfectly by the cast. David Daker’s Irongron and John J Carney’s Bloodaxe spit out wonderful ‘middle ages’ dialogue and have immense fun goading Linx and the Doctor and pushing around Hal the Archer and Sarah. Their polar opposites Edward and Eleanor (Alan Rowe and a simply brilliant June Brown) perform a slightly more realistic version of the King and Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland – the ineffectual, weak king accompanied by his strident, cunning and strong wife and queen. Barry Letts mentions what a shame it is that the story was not a six parter as this would have allowed the character of Eleanor to be developed more. I agree with this, although do wonder whether the actual plot of The Time Warrior would have stretched beyond the four episodes it already is (there is a fair amount of toing and froing from castle to castle). Alongside them with have Jeremy Bulloch as Hal and Sheila Fay as Meg, both of whom give great performances. I particularly like Sarah’s scenes with Meg in the castle kitchens where they discuss women’s liberation. It’s slightly heavy-handed characterisation for the new companion but is an entertaining section of script all the same. Linx the Sontaran is a brilliant creation. The Sontaran race have, quite rightly, become Doctor Who classic monsters. Their back story of the interminable war with the Rutan allows future stories featuring them to plough a limitless furrow of story ideas. Their constant need to get the upper hand in the war allows for stories of experimentation, expansion and other audacious schemes. So iconic are they that it was only a matter of time before the new series brought them back. Kevin Lindsay performs him beautifully and it is no wonder he returns to play Styre in The Sontaran Experiment. The costume and mask are well designed. Of course, this is also Elisabeth Sladen’s debut as Sarah Jane Smith. I was never the biggest fan of Sarah Jane, but her revival in the 21st century has opened my eyes somewhat to her greatness. The sad loss of Elisabeth last year will be keenly felt by fandom for many years to come, but it is in stories like The Time Warrior where we see why, as a character and an actress, she was so iconic. She just fits as the companion. As always a lot of the independence and fighting spirit Sarah displays in this story comes and goes depending on who is writing the script and, like all female companions, she is forced to revert to stereotype on occasion. Here, though, we get Sarah as she should always be and Elisabeth is a joy to watch. What’s particularly striking about this story, with these disparate characters, is the richness of dialogue and the contrasts between the different characters. Linx’s alien, scientific approach to everything gives his dialogue a robust preciseness which contrasts with the florid, almost Shakesperean medieval flavoured dialogue of the native characters. Throw into this mix Sarah Jane and Professor Rubeish’s modern 70s speech patterns – including Elisabeth Sladen’s Liverpudlian ‘gerroff!’ when captured and we have a script which sparkles. Less successful are some of the sets. After watching The King’s Demons which had a very convincing castle set which looked solid and believable, The Time Warrior suffers from flat walls and wooden ‘stone’ steps which look very stagey. There is some good set dressing (and Jim Acheson’s costuming is magnificent, particularly the medieval get up that Sarah gets to wear) but overall, the sets feel unreal and, with some wonderful location footage, this jars slightly with the rest of the production. I know it is unfair to compare serials which were broadcast 10 odd years apart, and the other way round, but this is the nature of my marathon. That said, the much earlier The Crusade, had solider looking sets than this story and that was a good 10 years previous. Historically, the story is incredibly vague. Terrance Dicks points out on the commentary that this was deliberate. We know nothing more than it is ‘middle ages’. Many of Edward’s soldiers are away fighting a war for the king, but which king is never revealed. Irongron is described as a ‘robber baron’ but apparently Edward’s title of Wessex is an anachronism for even the vague period this is set. Lance Parkin chooses to set this story in 1273. He acknowledges that Edward refers to interminable wars – possibly the Crusades – and that Irongron refers to Normans – possible dating it soon after the Norman invasion of 1066. However he also takes into account Sarah Jane’s comment in The Sontaran Experiment that Linx died in the 13th century. He also bases the date on a comment in The Paradise of Death that this adventure happened 800 years ago. I don’t quite get this as that would surely mean a setting for The Paradise of Death of 2073 but maybe I’m misunderstanding Lance’s reasoning. Either way, the dating of this story is really no more placeable than ‘the Middle Ages’. Consequently, the costuming and set design are reminiscent of a ‘medieval’ story like Ivanhoe or Robin Hood and this story owes much to films like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, much as The King’s Demons did. I think the fact that this period of history is one which, for many years, was considered ‘The Dark Ages’ means we rely on television and film interpretations as our reference points, unlike periods far more well documented like the Tudors and Victorians. A great story. deltaandthebannermen View profile Like Liked 1 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating371 members 3.92 / 5 AVG. Rating439 votes 3.75 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating183 votes 4.20 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 695 Favourited 72 Reviewed 5 Saved 4 Skipped 0 Owned 9 Related Stories Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Target Collection Doctor Who and the Time Warrior Rating: 3.64 Story Skipped Book More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting. — Third Doctor, The Time Warrior Show All Quotes (6) Open in new window Transcript Needs checking Part One [Irongron's hall] (As a spaceship streaks through the inky black void, an axe smashes into a table in the great hall. Two men wearing heavy fur cloaks are seated.) IRONGRON: This sheep has been dead a year. Are they trying to poison me?BLOODAXE: It is salted.IRONGRON: Salted? It stinks! Wine! Must I perish of thirst? Bring me wine! (A serving woman pours from a pitcher into his tankard.) Show Full Transcript Open in new window