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Classic Who S11 • Serial 3 · (4 episodes)

Death to the Daleks

64% 1,212 votes

First aired Saturday, February 23, 1974
Production Code XXX
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by Michael E. Briant
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Traps
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver
Locations Exxilon

An energy drain traps the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith on the planet Exxilon with its hostile natives, causing the travellers to make an uneasy alliance with a Marine Space Corps expedition and a squadron of Daleks. The key to escape for all of them lies at the heart of a powerful and mysterious lost city, but only if they can navigate a series of deadly traps.

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, February 23, 1974
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.1 million
Appreciation Index 61


The barren planet Exxilon, some time in the future. The TARDIS is forced down by a total power failure and the Doctor and Sarah meet a stranded Earth crew who came here to mine for priceless medical supplies. But what is causing the power failures? And why have the Daleks come here too?

First aired Saturday, March 2, 1974
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 9.5 million


The Doctor and the MSC crew join forces with the Daleks to mine the parrinium, only to come under attack from the Exxilons.

First aired Saturday, March 9, 1974
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 10.5 million
Appreciation Index 61


The Doctor and Sarah meet up with Bellal, who helps them escape from the Daleks and explains the origin of the City.

First aired Saturday, March 16, 1974
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 9.5 million
Appreciation Index 62


The Doctor and Bellal continue to penetrate the City's defences while Sarah and Jill try to stop the Daleks leaving with the parrinium.

Signal Strength: 30%

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