Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range Main Range Episode 1 The Sirens of Time 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 21 Statistics Quotes 8 Overview Released Monday, July 19, 1999 Written by Nicholas Briggs Directed by Nicholas Briggs Runtime 126 minutes Story Type Multi-Doctor Time Travel Past, Future Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Cloister Bell, Consequences, Disease, Doctor imprisoned, Life force, Lost the TARDIS, Mind Control, Robots, War, World War I Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, Gallifrey, The Panopticon Synopsis Gallifrey is in a state of crisis, facing destruction at the hands of an overwhelming enemy. And the Doctor is involved in three different incarnations - each caught up in a deadly adventure, scattered across time and space. The web of time is threatened - and someone wants the Doctor dead. The three incarnations of the Doctor must join together to set time back on the right track - but in doing so, will they unleash a still greater threat? The Seventh Doctor is in Episode 1 of this four-part story; the Fifth Doctor is in episode 2; the Sixth Doctor is in episode 3; and all three Doctors are in the final episode. Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Fifth Doctor Peter Davison Sixth Doctor Colin Baker Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy The Time Lords Vansell First Appearance Sirens of Time First Appearance Celestial Intervention Agency First Appearance The Knights of Velyshaa Show All Characters (8) How to listen to The Sirens of Time: Listen on Apple Music Listen on Spotify Big Finish Audio The Sirens of Time Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 21 reviews 22 February 2025 · 133 words Review by joeymapes21 1 It is understandable in kicking off a new range of audios that you would want to include a multi-Doctor story, to show off the talent on board, and the depth of the stories that you can tell, and the ambition here is commendable for sure. However, this did not land when the story is as convoluted and messy as it is. There are too many elements, which do not fit as tightly as they should, which really reduces enjoyment. Ultimately, while Davison, Baker and McCoy are all fantastic throughout this story, but the story does not match up to the talent and the acting that they provide. After this rocky start, it is good to know that the range managed to find its feet, and maintain to provide some strong storytelling moving forward. joeymapes21 View profile Like Liked 1 11 February 2025 · 63 words Review by InterstellarCas 2 It’s a decent audio for the Main Range’s first outing. It’s definitely ambitious story-wise. But I agree with what a lot of other people have said about the plot not being structured super great, because I did indeed get confused a few times. Though in terms of being a multi-doctor story, it works well balancing each of the three out. InterstellarCas View profile Like Liked 2 16 January 2025 · 528 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! É isso mesmo, só depois de muito tempo eu peguei para ouvir a primeira Main Range e posso dizer que The Sirens Of Time, cumpre bem seu papel de apresentação da BIG FINISH estabelecendo como suas histórias da franquia de Doctor Who irão funcionar em seus áudios dramas. Nada melhor que começar por um Multi-Doctors para conquistar logo de cara seus fãs – A história começa em Gallifrey quando uma TARDIS do modelo 70 pilotada pelo Coordenador Vansell chega trazendo uma mensagem muito importante, ele informa que o planeta está correndo grande perigo exigindo ver o Presidente. Sabemos que Gallifrey está sendo cercada por uma espécie desconhecida e que vestígios de energia Artron foram detectados através de uma distorção do tempo, tudo levando a crer que o Doutor tem um suposto envolvimento nessa situação. A partir disso, Nicholas Briggs dedica as três primeiras partes do áudio a cada Doutor, finalizando sua quarta parte unindo todos eles para a resolução final. Começando pela história do 7° Doutor, confesso que ela me passou uma má impressão porque, além de seu enredo ser bem bobinho, seus personagens tem papeis bem simples que estão longe de encher os olhos - Não foi o meu caso, mas talvez a personagem Ruthley te irrite bastante pela sua histeria exagerada (por curiosidade ela é interpretada pela saudosa Maggie Stables que mais a frente incorpora a adorável companion do 6° Doutor, Evelyn Smythe). As coisas vêm a melhorar na história do 5° Doutor, que se mostrou muito promissora e interessante, mas acabou seguindo caminhos que a deixaram bem rasa. E por fim a do 6° Doutor, que disparada é a melhor história das três se destacando por ser a mais enriquecida, ter um ótimo desenvolvimento e uma bela dinâmica narrativa - Parece que essa foi a única das três que o Briggs se atentou aos detalhes. Sua quarta parte conclusiva é boa, mas peca em estacionar sua trama várias vezes para se dedicar a fazer inúmeras explicações extensas, deixando assim sua última parte mais maçante. Em compensação a dinâmica e interações dos 3 Doutores deixam as coisas menos chatinhas nessa última parte. Gostei bastante do conceito das Sereias do Tempo, seres que sobrevivem pela absorção da energia liberada pelas distorções e anomalias temporais, sendo assim uma espécie bem manipuladora e persistente, não é à toa que a vilã Lyena se passa por 3 personas diferentes para enganar os Doutores. Sobre o desempenho dos três atores, a performance do Colin Baker se sobressaiu com sobras em comparação a do Peter Davison e do Sylvester McCoy – Peter me pareceu ainda estar relembrando como incorpora seu personagem, já o McCoy incorporou bem em grande parte da história, mas as vezes aparecia que apenas estava lendo o script. No geral, sendo justo e levando em consideração que esse é o primeiro lançamento da franquia de Doctor Who da BIG FINISH, temos que relevar muitas coisas ainda mais sabendo que os recursos da empresa na época não eram os mesmo de hoje. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 1 11 January 2025 · 195 words Review by doctorwho_reviews76 4 The Sirens of Time - 3/10 This was my first ever big finish experience and I can't say it was all that exciting. It made sense that the first big finish story would be multi doctor but then only having them together for the final confusing part of a very confusing story (especially for a first time audio drama listener) is just disappointing. I haven't got an awful lot of thoughts to get down as after the initial excitment of hearing the doctors voices in a story I knew nothing about had worn off I was left with a very confused hour and half in all honesty. I liked the performances though all of the doctors transferred to audio brilliantly and I really could picture it all happening and their mannerisms along with that, however what they were acting just didn't grip me whatsoever unfortunately. Overall The Sirens of Time gets a disappointing 3/10 because honestly I didn't really find any enjoyment, I hope to one day in the future re listen to this adventure and really try to understand more. This however hasn't put me off big finish at least and I'm interested to explore further! doctorwho_reviews76 View profile Like Liked 4 7 January 2025 · 123 words Review by 15thDoctor 1 My main takeaway is that it sounds like a professional production and Colin Baker's excellent performance instantly stands out in this format... other than that I haven't got that much positive to say. It is a tedious story limited by the fact that its been chopped into four pieces to give each Doctor his own episode, then a reunion at the end. It doesn't help that the villain has very little charisma. It is totally understandable that Big Finish would want to start with a bang though and have all of their stars in one place. I'm sure it helped sell themselves as a legitimate source of Doctor Who back in 1999. I would be interested to hear what listeners at the time thought. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 Show All Reviews (21) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating267 members 3.01 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating1,133 votes 3.56 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 473 Favourited 16 Reviewed 21 Saved 1 Skipped 3 Owned 22 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite ELLIE: I don’t quite see why I should be answering questions from an interloper. And anyway, you’re mistaken. SIXTH DOCTOR: Oh, I’m afraid that won’t wash. I can assure you that if you knew me well enough you’d know that I’m hardly ever mistaken! — The Sirens of Time Show All Quotes (8) Open in new window