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The Second Doctor Adventures: James Robert McCrimmon • Episode 3

The Shroud

80% 46 votes

Released Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Written by Bob Ayres
Runtime 60 minutes
Time Travel Unclear
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Mission from the Time Lords
Locations Ninevah

Arriving on the planet Ninevah, the Doctor and Jamie find a desperate human colony fighting the effects of a devastating super weapon - the Shroud. Nullifying all light, the Shroud has rendered the humans blind in the face of aggressive alien invaders dubbed ‘Squids’, and it’s only a matter of time before the colony falls.

The Doctor and Jamie are caught between helping the humans fight back against the ‘Squids’ and investigating their latest mission for the Time Lords - but as they haven’t been told what that mission is, the pair are in the dark in more ways than one.

Signal Strength: 40%

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