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The Second Doctor Adventures: James Robert McCrimmon • Episode 2

The Green Man

76% 48 votes

Released Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Written by Paul F Verhoeven
Runtime 60 minutes
Time Travel Unclear
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Mission from the Time Lords
Locations Florestus Prime

Perched hundreds of miles above the forest canopy of Florestus Prime, The Grove rehabilitation centre promises to help the staggeringly rich of the galaxy cheat death. When a reunited Doctor and Jamie are despatched by Raven to investigate the disappearance of a Time Lord, they are greeted by Chief of Medicine, Overseer Fuller.

Watching from his room at The Grove, an incapacitated Doctor helplessly observes the facility from afar. Who is the lone patient waving from across the courtyard? Why is Overseer Fuller doing rounds late at night when the Grove appears to have no other patients? And what precisely does Raven know about the 'Green Man'?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Raven  Krynoids