Stories Audio Book The Companion Chronicles The Companion Chronicles Episode 2 The Rocket Men 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 3 Statistics Related Stories Quotes Overview Released Wednesday, August 10, 2011 Written by John Dorney Narrated by William Russell Runtime 78 minutes Time Travel Unclear Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Space Station Location (Potential Spoilers!) Jobis Synopsis The TARDIS has landed on Platform Five, a floating city in the sky of the planet Jobis, and for a time the Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki get the chance to enjoy this idyllic place. And then the Rocket Men arrive, led by the sadistic Ashman. When the only other option to certain death is suicide, Ian Chesterton takes the gamble of his life... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters First Doctor Ian Chesterton Ashman Barbara Wright Vicki Pallister Show All Characters (5) How to listen to The Rocket Men: Big Finish Audio The Companion Chronicles: The Rocket Men Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 3 reviews 28 January 2025 · 155 words Review by Tugs 1 Para mim, Doctor Who está no seu auge quando o plot é meramente um pretexto, um fundo, para a figura central brilhar dentro da narrativa. Nesse caso, a história é sobre o Ian e seus profundos sentimentos pela Bárbara, sobre estar apaixonado, sobre estar perto e se fazer presente, sobre como o amor transcende diversas barreiras e que, na maioria das vezes, vale a pena tomar riscos em seu nome. O áudio é simples, com um formato não tão inovador, mas ainda sim diferenciado (não-linear) e bem dinâmico na sua proposta. Adorei o sound design, a narração do William Russell está espetacular, provavelmente a melhor dele na BF, e a construção de mundo encanta sem deixar cansativo devido o formato de audiobook narrado. Realmente uma pérola escondida no meio de tantos áudios mais ou menos do Primeiro Doutor. Que saudades do William Russell e da Jacqueline Hill, meu Deus. Tugs View profile Like Liked 1 28 May 2024 · 72 words Review by Rock_Angel Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! What an amazing story for our tardis crew platform 5 sounds like an amazing place to land and Ian really shines in this story especially at the first cliffhanger the story is a little too fast for me to keep up but it means I’ve Got something new out of relistening too it today the rocket men are also one of my fav big finish villains real threats to the whole crew Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 7 May 2024 · 862 words Review by Joniejoon Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! "When do you know?....." This is a Ian story. We haven't had one of those in a while! So it's very welcome! The party lands at a sky hotel in a world filled with purple hues and sparkling stars. The setting is presented wonderfully! The story takes a lot of time to get this right. Describing loads of details about how the colors in the sky blend together, how dreamy it is and what the characters think of it. It really makes us care for it. After the setting is introduced, we get the disruption in the form of the rocket men. A relatively simple to understand group of space pirates. Their signature is, surprise surprise, that they all have a rocket taped to their back. They take control of the hotel and want to farm the planet of its resources. A basic affair, but that's not a bad thing. The story around the rocket men invasion is told slightly out of order, and slowly the pieces catch up with each other. For example, we start with the party being held hostage and only later learn how they got in that situation. It's like hearing 2 different parts of the story and swapping between them. That's not necessarily anything new. Plenty of stories start in the middle, then go back (In Medias Res, if you need a term). But this story weaves it all together in some really interesting ways. 2 of those stand out. First of all, we have the word connections. To signify swaps between the 2 parts, we often get a phrase that is used in both contexts. For example, say Ian is looking at the sky and saying "It's a sight to behold". After he has said, we immediately switch to the other storyline. The enemy captain looks at his invasion and says "What a sight to behold". Same words, different context. This story really likes to play with that. The other notable thing about the weaving, is how this story withholds information. For example, we hear at the start how the party is held captive. Barbara and Vicki are in a corner, and Ian is across from them. The story lets us know that much. What we don't know at this point, is that Ian is disguised as one of the rocket men. We make the assumption he's also a hostage, then get surprised when he had an ace up his sleeve all along. It binds the pieces together nicely and is a creative use of storytelling. It keeps you on your toes. This interwoven narrative mostly works, but duds a little at the end. At a certain point, we swap from a "past-storyline and a present-storyline" to a "present-storyline and a future-storyline". Basically, the story starts acting like it already told us the resolution and is reaching its ending. Talking about how difficult it all was, and how we're glad it's over. Meanwhile we haven't seen that resolution yet and it's still going on for us. That's a bit jarring. We cut out of the final battle quite a few times, and I think it would've been stronger if we stayed in the fight. Especially since the story has earned that fight quite well. As for the actual content of the tale, it's mostly a character piece. The main enemies are not that complicated, and don't get any more focus than they need. Instead, we focus on Ian. The story never explicitly states it, but this is the story where Ian realizes he's in love. We get a small, mental speech from him. A realization he has while Barbara gets pushed out of an airlock, into the open sky. It's a fantastic bit of writing: "When do you know? When do you know.... Not the first moments, not then. Not in the early, heady joys. (.....) When you see it torn from your hands. And it's never coming back. That's when you know. The moment you risk losing it forever, you know. And sometimes, you have to take a chance." After that brilliantly performed mental speech, Ian makes his usual heroic moves. And. it. has. never. been. more. earned. He jumps after her, into the open. Saving what matters to him. It's unbelievably well executed. Ian at his absolute best. As for the other characters, they get some minor stuff. Vicki has some childlike wonder, which is cute. The Doctor shows of his cleverness, and Barbara gets the moments of wonder about the world. Small stuff, not that important, but enjoyable. It keeps the focus on Ian though, as it should be. This is his tale. The Rocket men is a simple story with layers and layers of character work inside. At the same time, it tries a new way of storytelling that is refreshing and keeps surprising. It's tightly written, and knows exactly what it wants to achieve. Even though it has the slightest of missteps at the end, it is an absolute powerhouse of a story. One of the most insightful tales into Ian. Making him remember why he fights at all. A must listen. Joniejoon View profile Like Liked 1 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating76 members 4.06 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating130 votes 3.95 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. 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