Classic Who S16 • Serial 5 · (4 episodes)
The Power of Kroll
The Fourth Doctor and Romana I arrive on the marsh moon of Delta Magna in search of the fifth segment of the Key to Time. They are caught in the conflict between the native Swampies and the crew of a chemical refinery. The presence of a gun runner complicates matters; to make things worse, the Swampies intend to awaken Kroll, the giant god that lives beneath the swamps.
4 Episodes:
The Third Moon of Delta Magna, The Future. The Doctor and Romana arrive in search of the fifth segment and are immediately swept up in a conflict between the crew of a new refinery and the embittered natives…
The Doctor and Romana try to avoid being sacrificed to Kroll – just in time for the real monster to appear.
The massive Kroll is awake and killing anyone in its path. And the swampies are determined to appease it – by sacrificing the Doctor and Romana.
The Doctor and Romana are trapped between the monstrous Kroll and the insane refinery commander. And there is no sign of the fifth segment of the Key to Time.