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[France 1890]

(Night. It is raining. In a bedroom, an unappreciated artist is having a breakdown by his new painting of Still Life with Twelve Sunflowers, dedicated to Amy. His doctor is in attendance.)

GACHET: Vincent, can you hear me? Please.
VERNET: It's not enough he goes drinking all round the town. Now the whole neighbourhood has to listen to his screaming.
GACHET: He's very ill, Madame Vernet.

(Madame Vernet looks at another painting, which we do not get to see.)

VERNET: Look at this, even worse than his usual rubbish. What's it supposed to be?

[Cabinet War Rooms, London 1941]

(Bracewell brings the picture to the Prime Minister.)

BRACEWELL: It was found behind the wall, in an attic in France. It's genuine. It's a Van Gogh.
CHURCHILL: Why bring it to me?
BRACEWELL: Because it's obviously a message, and you can see who it's for.
CHURCHILL: Can't say I understand it.
BRACEWELL: You're not supposed to understand it, Prime Minister. You're supposed to deliver it.

[Stormcage Containment Facility 5145]

(A guard answers a telephone.)

GUARD: Cell four two six. The Doctor? Do you mean Doctor Song?

(River goes to the bars of her cell.)

RIVER: Give me that. Seriously, just give it to me. I'm entitled to phone calls.

(The guard gives her the telephone.)

RIVER: Doctor?

[Cabinet War Rooms]

CHURCHILL: No, and neither are you. Where is he?
RIVER [OC]: You're phoning the Time Vortex. It doesn't always work. But the TARDIS is smart. She's re-routed the call.


RIVER: Talk quickly. This connection will last less than a minute.
GUARD: Doctor Song. Are you finished with that?

(River returns the telephone with a smile.)

RIVER: You're new here, aren't you?
GUARD: First day.
RIVER: Then I'm very sorry.

(River pulls him to the bars and kisses him. Later, a group of armed guards run to the cell. The guard is inside, pointing his gun at something.)

GUARD 2: Stay exactly where you are.
GUARD: She had the lipstick. The hallucinogenic lipstick. She tried to use it on me. Your tricks don't work in here, Doctor Song.

(He is pointing his gun at a stick drawing on the wall with the word 'Bye!' in a bubble.)

[The Royal Collection 5145]

(Empty frames hang in the empty hallways. River finds the picture she is looking for and tears it out of its frame. She is halfway up a staircase when the lights come on.)

LIZ: This is the Royal Collection, and I'm the bloody Queen. What are you doing here?
RIVER: It's about the Doctor, Ma'am. You met him once, didn't you? I know he came here.
LIZ: The Doctor?
RIVER: He's in trouble. I need to find him.
LIZ: Then why are you stealing a painting?
RIVER: Look at it. I need to find the Doctor, and I need to show him this.

[The Maldovarium 5145]

(River is at a nightclub table with a blue skinned man.)

DORIUM: Well now, word on the Belt is you're looking for time travel.
RIVER: Are you selling?

(Dorium snaps his fingers and an alien brings a box.)

DORIUM: A vortex manipulator, fresh off the wrist of a handsome Time Agent.

(He opens the box and sighs.)

DORIUM: I said off the wrist.

(The alien takes the box away.)

DORIUM: Not cheap, Doctor Song. Have you brought me a pretty toy?

(She takes off one of her earrings.)

RIVER: This is a Calisto Pulse. It can disarm micro-explosives from up to twenty feet.
DORIUM: What kind of micro-explosives?
RIVER: The kind I just put in your wine.


(Amy is studying the engagement ring that she found in the Doctor's jacket pocket.)

DOCTOR: Vavoom!
AMY: Va-what?
DOCTOR: I can't believe I've never thought of this before. It's genius. Right. Landed. Come on.
AMY: Where are we?
DOCTOR: Planet One. The oldest planet in the universe. And there's a cliff of pure diamond, and according to legend, on the cliff there's writing. Letters fifty feet high. A message from the dawn of time And no one knows what it says, because no one's ever translated it.
DOCTOR: Till today.
AMY: What happens today?
DOCTOR: Us. The TARDIS can translate anything. All we have to do is open the doors and read the very first words in recorded history.

(So they go outside and read - Hello Sweetie ΘΣ ΦΓΥΔζ )

AMY: Vavoom.

[Salisbury Plain]

(The TARDIS materialises at the edge of a wood, on a hill.)

AMY: Right place?
DOCTOR: Just followed the co-ordinates on the cliff face. Earth. Britain. One oh two am. No, pm. No, AD.

(They are looking down on a Roman camp.)

AMY: That's a Roman Legion.
DOCTOR: Well, yeah. The Romans invaded Britain several times during this period.
AMY: Oh, I know. My favourite topic at school. Invasion of the hot Italians. Yeah, I did get marked down for the title.

(A soldier runs up and salutes.)

CLAUDIO: Hail, Caesar!
CLAUDIO: Welcome to Britain. We are honoured by your presence.
DOCTOR: Well, you're only human. Arise, Roman person.
AMY: Why does he think you're Caesar?

(Claudio has a smear of lipstick on his face.)

CLAUDIO: Cleopatra will see you now.

[Cleopatra's tent]

RIVER: Hello, sweetie.
AMY: River. Hi.
DOCTOR: You graffitied the oldest cliff face in the universe.
RIVER: You wouldn't answer your phone.

(Her slaves leave and she offers the Doctor the rolled up painting.)

DOCTOR: What's this?
RIVER: It's a painting. Your friend Vincent. One of his final works. He had visions, didn't he? I thought you ought to know about this one.
AMY: Doctor? Doctor, what is this?

(It is a version of Starry Night, with an exploding TARDIS in the middle. Cue Titles)

(After the titles, the three are galloping along on horseback. Meanwhile -)

AMY: Why is it exploding?
RIVER: I assume it's some kind of warning.
AMY: What, something's going to happen to the TARDIS?
RIVER: It might not be that literal. Anyway, this is where he wanted you. Date and map reference on the door sign, see?
DOCTOR: Does it have a title?
RIVER: The Pandorica Opens.

(Still galloping.)

DOCTOR [on horseback]: Come on. Ya!
AMY: The Pandorica? What is it?
RIVER: A box, a cage, a prison. It was built to contain the most feared thing in all the universe.
DOCTOR: And it's a fairy tale, a legend. It can't be real.
RIVER: If it is real, it's here and it's opening, and it's got something to do with your TARDIS exploding. Hidden, obviously. Buried for centuries. You won't find it on a map.
DOCTOR: No, but if you buried the most dangerous thing in the universe, you'd want to remember where you put it.


(The riders arrive and run inside the circle. The Doctor and River start scanning the stones)

AMY: How come it's not new?
RIVER: Because it's already old. It's been here thousands of years. No one knows exactly how long.
AMY: Okay, this Pandorica thing. Last time we saw you, you warned us about it, after we climbed out of the Byzantium.
RIVER: Spoilers.
AMY: No, but you told the Doctor you'd see him again when the Pandorica opens.
RIVER: Maybe I did, but I haven't yet. But I will have. Doctor, I'm picking up fry particles everywhere. Energy weapons discharged on this site.
DOCTOR: If the Pandorica is here, it contains the mightiest warrior in history. Now, half the galaxy would want a piece of that. Maybe even fight over it. We need to get down there.

(Night time. River places a device on each corner of the Altar stone.)

RIVER: Right then. Ready.

(There is a sound of machinery moving, then the Altar stone moves aside to reveal a staircase down into the ground.)

DOCTOR: The Underhenge.

(As they go down, a nearby severed Cyberman head twitches.)

[Pandorica chamber]

(The Doctor lights a handy torch with his sonic screwdriver. He lights another for River and they unbar a big door, then enter.)

DOCTOR: It's a Pandorica.

(It is a big square monument with a circular design on each face.)

RIVER: More than just a fairy tale.

(The Doctor's foot touches a Cyberman's severed arm lying in the dust of the floor.)

DOCTOR: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
AMY: How did it end up in there?
DOCTOR: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
RIVER: I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him.
AMY: So, it's kind of like Pandora's Box, then? Almost the same name.
DOCTOR: Sorry, what?
AMY: The story. Pandora's Box, with all the worst things in the world in it. That was my favourite book when I was a kid. What's wrong?
DOCTOR: Your favourite school topic. Your favourite story. Never ignore a coincidence, unless you're busy. In which case, always ignore a coincidence.
RIVER: So can you open it?
DOCTOR: Easily. Anyone can break into a prison. But I'd rather know what I'm going to find first.
RIVER: You won't have long to wait. It's already opening. There are layers and layers of security protocols in there, and they're being disabled one by one. Like it's being unlocked from the inside.
DOCTOR: How long do we have?
RIVER: Hours at the most.
DOCTOR: What kind of security?
RIVER: Everything. Deadlocks, time stops, matter lines.
DOCTOR: What could need all that?
RIVER: What could get past all that?
DOCTOR: Think of the fear that went into making this box. What could inspire that level of fear? Hello, you. Have we met?
RIVER: So why would it start to open now?
DOCTOR: No idea.
AMY: Ahem, And how could Vincent have known about it? He won't even be born for centuries.
DOCTOR: The stones. These stones are great big transmitters, broadcasting a warning to everyone, everywhere, to every time zone. The Pandorica is opening.
RIVER: Doctor, everyone everywhere?
DOCTOR: Even poor Vincent heard it, in his dreams. But what's in there? What could justify all this?
RIVER: Doctor, everyone?
DOCTOR: Anything that powerful, I'd know about it. Why don't I know?
RIVER: Doctor, you said everyone could hear it. So who else is coming?
AMY: Oh? Oh, what?
RIVER: Okay. If it is basically a transmitter, we should be able to fold back the signal.
DOCTOR: Doing it.

(The Doctor goes around the bases of the Sarsen stones with his sonic screwdriver.)

AMY: Doing what?
RIVER: Stonehenge is transmitting. It's been transmitting for a while, so who heard?
DOCTOR: Okay, should be feeding back to you now. River, what's out there?
RIVER: Give me a moment.
DOCTOR: River, quickly. Anything?
RIVER: Around this planet there are at least ten thousand starships.
AMY: At least?
RIVER: Ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million, I don't know. There's too many readings.
DOCTOR: What kind of starships?
DALEK [OC]: Maintaining orbit.
DALEK 2 [OC]: I obey. Shield cover compromised on ion sectors.
AMY: Daleks. Those are Daleks.
DALEK [OC]: Scan detects no temporal activity.
DALEK 2 [OC]: Soft grid scan commencing.
DALEK [OC]: Reverse thrust for compensatory stabilisation.
RIVER: Daleks, Doctor.
DALEK [OC]: Launch preliminary armaments protocol.
DOCTOR: Yes. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Dalek fleet, minimum twelve thousand battleships, armed to the teeth. Ah! But we've got surprise on our side. They'll never expect three people to attack twelve thousand Dalek battleships. Because we'd be killed instantly. So it would be a fairly short surprise. Forget surprise.
CYBERMAN [OC]: Course correction proceeding.)
RIVER: Doctor, Cyberships.
DOCTOR: No, Dalek ships. Listen to them. Those are Dalek ships.
RIVER: Yes. Dalek ships and Cyberships.
DOCTOR: Well, we need to start a fight, turn them on each other. I mean, that's easy. It's the Daleks. They're so cross.
RIVER: Sontaran. Four battlefleets.
DOCTOR: Sontarans! Talk about cross, who stole all their handbags?
RIVER: Terileptil. Slitheen, Chelonian, Nestene, Drahvin. Sycorax, Haemogoth, Zygon, Atraxi, Draconian. They're all here for the Pandorica.
DOCTOR: What are you? What could you possibly be?


(Lots of spaceships are buzzing around in the sky.)

AMY: What do we do?
RIVER: Doctor, listen to me. Everything that ever hated you is coming here tonight. You can't win this. You can't even fight it. Doctor, this once, just this one time, please, you have to run.
DOCTOR: Run where?
RIVER: Fight how?
DOCTOR: The greatest military machine in the history of the universe.
AMY: What is? The Daleks?
DOCTOR: No. No, no, no, no, no. The Romans.

[Cleopatra's tent]

(River returns to the Roman camp and is taken prisoner.)

COMMANDER: So. I return to my command after one week and discover we've been playing host to Cleopatra. Who's in Egypt. And dead.
RIVER: Yes. Funny how things work out.

(A spaceship buzzes them.)

COMMANDER: The sky is falling and you make jokes. Who are you?
RIVER: When you fight Barbarians, what must they think of you?
COMMANDER: Oh, riddles now.
RIVER: Where do they think you come from?
COMMANDER: A place more deadly and more powerful and more impatient than their tiny minds can imagine.

(River uses her gun to disintegrate a wooden stand filled with ornaments.)

RIVER: Where do I come from? Your world has visitors. You're all Barbarians now.
COMMANDER: What is that? Tell me what?
RIVER: A fool would say the work of the Gods, but you've been a soldier too long to believe there are Gods watching over us. There is, however, a man. And tonight he's going to need your help.
MAN [OC]: Sir?
COMMANDER: One moment.

(The Commander has a whispered conference with a shady Centurion.)

COMMANDER: Well, it seems you have a volunteer.

[Pandorica chamber]

AMY: So what's this got to do with the TARDIS?
DOCTOR: Nothing, as far as I know.
AMY: But Vincent's painting. The TARDIS was exploding. Is that going to happen?
DOCTOR: One problem at a time. There's forcefield technology inside this box. If I can enhance the signal, I could extend it all over Stonehenge. Could buy us half an hour.
AMY: What good is half an hour?
DOCTOR: There are fruit flies live on Hoppledom Six that live for twenty minutes and they don't even mate for life. There was going to be a point to that. I'll get back to you.

(Amy takes the ring box from her pocket.)

AMY: So, are you proposing to someone?
DOCTOR: I'm sorry?
AMY: I found this in your pocket.
DOCTOR: No. No, no, that's er, a memory. A friend of mine. Someone I lost. Do you mind?
AMY: It's weird. I feel, I don't know, something.
DOCTOR: People fall out of the world sometimes, but they always leave traces. Little things we can't quite account for. Faces in photographs, luggage, half eaten meals, rings. Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely. And if something can be remembered, it can come back.
AMY: So, was she nice, your friend?
DOCTOR: Remember that night you flew away with me?
AMY: Of course I do.
DOCTOR: And you asked me why I was taking you and I told you there wasn't a reason. I was lying.
AMY: What, so you did have a reason?
DOCTOR: Your house.
AMY: My house.
DOCTOR: It was too big. Too many empty rooms. Does it ever bother you, Amy, that your life doesn't make any sense?

(An energy weapon fires at them. It is the severed Cyberman arm. They hide behind the Pandorica.)

AMY: What was that?
DOCTOR: Okay, I need a proper look. Got to draw its fire, give it a target.
AMY: How?
DOCTOR: You know how sometimes I have really brilliant ideas?
AMY: Yes.
DOCTOR: Sorry.

(The Doctor runs out.)

DOCTOR: Look at me, I'm a target!

(He gets shot at and hides behind the base of a Sarsen.)

AMY: What is that?
DOCTOR: Cyberarm. Arm of Cyberman.
AMY: And what's a Cyberman?
DOCTOR: Oh, sort of part man, part robot. The organic part must have died out years ago. Now the robot part is looking for, well, fresh meat.
AMY: What, us?
DOCTOR: It's just like being an organ donor, except you're alive and sort of screaming. I need to get round behind it. Could you draw its fire?
AMY: What, like you did?
DOCTOR: You'll be fine if you're quick. It's only got one arm, literally.

(Amy runs, screaming. The Doctor pounces on the arm.)

DOCTOR: Come here!

(He manages to sonic it.)

AMY: Doctor?
DOCTOR: Scrambled its circuits, but stay where you are, it could be bluffing.
AMY: Bluffing? It's an arm.
DOCTOR: I said stay where you are!

(Something creeps up behind Amy and lassoes her ankle.)

AMY: Doctor?

(She is pulled to the floor.)


(The Cyberarm gives the Doctor an electric shock, knocking him out.)

AMY: Doctor!

(Amy is being attacked by the Cyberhead. She grabs it by the ears. It fizzles, then the mask pops open to reveal a skull, which falls out. Amy screams. The mask keeps snapping open and shut. She hits it against a Sarsen until it lets her go, then throws it to the floor. It crawls away.)

AMY: Doctor?

(The Cyberhead fires a little dart into Amy's neck.)

CYBERHEAD: You will be assimilated.
AMY: Yeah? You and whose body?

(A headless, armless Cyberman enters. It puts its head back on then goes after the woozy Amy. She backs out through the big doors.)


AMY: Doctor? Doctor?

(A Roman short sword pierces the door, which swings open to reveal the Cyberman skewered to the wood.)

AMY: Who, who are you?

(The Centurion removes his helmet.)

RORY: Hello, Amy.

(Amy passes out.)

RORY: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

(He catches her in his arms and lays her gently on a stone.)

SOLDIER: Sir, the man's coming round.
DOCTOR: Amy? Where's Amy?
RORY: She's fine, Doctor. Just unconscious.
DOCTOR: Okay. Yes, she's sedated, that's all. Half an hour, she'll be fine. Okay, Romans. Good. I was just wishing for Romans. Good old River. How many?
RORY: Fifty men up top, volunteers. What about that thing?
DOCTOR: Fifty? You're not exactly a legion.
RORY: Your friend was very persuasive, but it's a tough sell.
DOCTOR: Yes, I know that, Rory. I'm not exactly one to miss the obvious. But we need everything we can get. Okay, Cyberweapons. This is basically a sentry box, so headless wonder here was a sentry. Probably got himself duffed up by the locals. Never underestimate a Celt.
RORY: Doctor?
DOCTOR: Hush, Rory. Thinking. Why leave a Cyberman on guard, unless it's a Cyberthing in the box. But why would they lock up one of their own? Okay, no, not a Cyberthing, but what? What? No, I'm missing something obvious, Rory. Something big. Something right slap in front of me. I can feel it.
RORY: Yeah, I think you probably are.
DOCTOR: I'll get it in a minute.

(The Doctor leaves with the weapons, drops them and returns. He prods Rory.)

DOCTOR: Hello again.
RORY: Hello.
DOCTOR: How've you been?
RORY: Good. Yeah. Good. I mean, Roman.
DOCTOR: Rory, I'm not trying to be rude, but you died.
RORY: Yeah, I know. I was there.
DOCTOR: You died and then you were erased from time. You didn't just die, you were never born at all. You never existed.
RORY: Erased? What does that mean?
DOCTOR: How can you be here?
RORY: I don't know. It's kind of fuzzy.
DOCTOR: Fuzzy?
RORY: Well, I died and turned into a Roman. It's very distracting. Did she miss me?

(Something shakes the ground.)

[Pandorica chamber]

(The circular designs on the Pandorica are glowing green and moving like cog wheels.)

RORY: What is it? What's happening?
DOCTOR: The final phase. It's opening.

[Salisbury Plain]

(River is on her horse, watching the myriad of shining spaceships buzzing above Stonehenge.)

RIVER: You're surrounded. Have you got a plan?
DOCTOR [OC]: Yes. Now hurry up and

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Get the TARDIS here. I need equipment. What are you? They're all here, all of them, all for you. What could you possibly be?


DOCTOR [OC]: Sorry, sorry, dropped it. Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica, takes the universe. But bad news, everyone,

(The Doctor appears on the Altar stone.)

DOCTOR: Because guess who? Ha! Listen, you lot, you're all whizzing about. It's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I am talking! The question of the hour is, who's got the Pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question. Who's coming to take it from me? Come on! Look at me. No plan, no back up, no weapons worth a damn. Oh, and something else. I don't have anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship, with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way. Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then, and then, do the smart thing. Let somebody else try first.

(The spaceships retreat.)

DOCTOR: That'll keep them squabbling for half an hour. Romans.


RIVER: Okay.

(She dematerialises the TARDIS, but it jerks.)

RIVER: What's the matter with you?

[Pandorica chamber]

RORY: They're still out there. What do we do now?
DOCTOR: If I can stop whatever's in this box getting out, then they'll go home.
RORY: Right.
DOCTOR: Rory, I'm sorry. You're going to have to be very brave now.

(Amy walks past Rory.)

AMY: Oh, my head.
AMY: Ah.
DOCTOR: Just your basic knock-out drops. Get some fresh air, you'll be fine.
AMY: Is it safe up there?
DOCTOR: Not remotely, but it's fresh.
AMY: Fine. Oh, you're the guy, yeah? The one who did the swordy thing.
RORY: Yeah.
AMY: Well, thanks for the swording. Nice swording.

(Amy heads out.)

RORY: No problem. My men are up there. They'll look after you.
AMY: Good. Love a Roman.
RORY: She doesn't remember me. How can she not remember me?
DOCTOR: Because you never existed.


RIVER: What are you doing? What's wrong?

(The TARDIS lurches down the Time Vortex.)

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: There are cracks. Cracks in time. There's going to be a huge explosion in the future, on one particular day. And every other moment in history is cracking around it.
RORY: So how does that work? What kind of explosion? What exploded?
RIVER [memory]: And for those of us who can't read the base code of the universe?
DOCTOR [memory]: Amy's time.
DOCTOR: Doesn't matter. The cracks are everywhere now. Get too close to them and you can fall right out of the universe.
RORY: So I fell through a crack and now I was never born?
DOCTOR: Basically.
RORY: Well, how did I end up here?
DOCTOR: I don't know, you shouldn't have. What happened? From your point of view, what physically happened?
RORY: I was in the cave, with you and Amy. I was dying, and then I was just here, a Roman soldier. A proper Roman. Head full of Roman stuff. A whole other life, just here like I'd woken up from a dream. I started to think it was a dream, you and Amy and Leadworth. And then today, in the camp, the men were talking about the visitors. The girl with the red hair. I thought you'd come back for me. But she can't even remember me.
DOCTOR: Oh, shut up.
RORY: What?

(The Doctor throws the ring box to Rory.)

DOCTOR: Go get her.
RORY: But I don't understand. Why am I here?
DOCTOR: Because you are. The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous, and sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles, and that's the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do me. Now get upstairs. She's Amy and she's surrounded by Romans. I'm not sure history can take it.


(The TARDIS stops. It is creaking somewhere.)

RIVER: Okay. You okay now?

(River leaves. The scanner lights up. Location: Earth. Date 26/06/2010. Then it breaks, a crack exactly like the crack in Amy's bedroom, in the glass.)

VOICE [OC]: Silence will fall.

[Outside Amy's house]


RIVER: Why have you brought me here?

(She finds scorch marks in the lawn, and the front door is hanging off its hinges.)

RIVER: Okay, so something's been here.

[Amy's bedroom]

(She follows her tricorder signal upstairs.)

RIVER: Amy. Oh, Doctor, why do I let you out?

(River finds a copy of The Story of Roman Britain by Amy's bed.)

COMMANDER [memory]: A place more deadly and more powerful and more impatient than their tiny minds can imagine.

(And a copy of the Legend of Pandora's box.)

AMY [memory]: So it's kind of like Pandora's box, then? That was my favourite book when I was a kid.
RIVER: Oh no.


(Rory goes up to Amy.)

RORY: Are you okay?
AMY: Did the Doctor send you? I'm fine. He just fusses.
RORY: You got a blanket. That's good. Who gave you that?
AMY: One of the fellows.
RORY: Which one?
AMY: Just one of them. Does it matter?
RORY: No. No. Forget him. It. Forget it.
AMY: What's your name?
RORY: I'm Rory. What's wrong?
AMY: Nothing. It's just not what you expect Romans to be called. What's it short for? Roranicus?
RORY: Yeah. You're crying.

[Pandorica chamber]

(The Doctor contacts River.)

DOCTOR: The TARDIS, where is it? Hurry up.


RIVER: Don't raise your voice, don't look alarmed, just listen.


RORY: Hey, what's wrong?
AMY: Nothing. It's like, it's like I'm happy. Why am I happy?


RIVER: They're not real. They can't be. They're all right here in the story book. Those actual Romans. The ones I sent you, the ones you're with right now. They're all in a book in Amy's house. A children's picture book.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: What are you even doing there?
RIVER [OC]: It doesn't matter. The TARDIS went wrong.


RIVER: Doctor, how is this possible?

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Something's using her memories. Amy's memories.
RIVER [OC]: But how?
DOCTOR: You said something had been there.
RIVER [OC]: Yes.


RIVER: There's burn marks on the grass outside.

[Pandorica chamber]

RIVER [OC]: Landing patterns.
DOCTOR: If they've been to her house, they could have used her psychic residue. Structures can hold memories, that's why houses have ghosts. They could've taken a snapshot of Amy's memories. But why?


RIVER: Doctor, who are those Romans?

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Projections, or duplicates.


RIVER: But they were helping us. My lipstick even worked.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: They might think they're real. The perfect disguise. They actually believe their own cover story, right until they're activated.


RIVER: Doctor, that Centurion.

(River has found a photograph of Amy in her policewoman outfit with Rory dressed as a Roman.)


RORY: What's the matter?
AMY: Nothing. I don't know why I'm doing that.
RORY: It's me. Amy, please. It's me.


RIVER: It's a trap. It has to be. They used Amy to construct a scenario you'd believe, to get close to you.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Why? Who'd do that? What for? It doesn't make sense.


(Something goes Bang.)

DOCTOR [OC]: River? River?

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: River, what's happening?


RIVER: I don't know. It's the engines. Doctor, there's something wrong with the TARDIS, like something else is controlling it.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: You're flying it wrong.


RIVER: I'm flying it perfectly. You taught me.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Where are you? What's the date reading?


RIVER: It's the 26th of June, 2010.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: You need to get out of there now. Any other time zone.


DOCTOR [OC]: Just go.
RIVER: I can't break free.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Well, then shut down the TARDIS. Shut down everything!


RIVER: I can't!
VOICE [OC]: Silence will fall. Silence will fall.


AMY: But I don't know you, I've never seen you before in my life.
RORY: You have. You know you have. It's me.
AMY: Why am I crying?
RORY: Because you remember me. I came back. You're crying because you remember me.


RIVER: Someone else is flying it. An external force. I've lost control.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: But how? Why?

(A high pitched noise fills the chamber and the Romans slump over for a moment, then reactivate.)

DOCTOR: Listen to me, just land her anywhere. Emergency landing, now. There are cracks in time. I've seen them everywhere, and they're getting wider. The TARDIS exploding is what causes them, but we can stop the cracks ever happening if you just land her.


RIVER: It's not safe.

[Pandorica chamber]

(The Pandorica starts to open. A brilliant white light floods out.)

DOCTOR: Well, now. Ready to come out, are we?


RORY: Argh! No! No, please. No! I'm not going. I'm Rory!


RIVER: Doctor?

[Pandorica chamber]

RIVER [OC]: I'm down.


RIVER: I've landed.
DOCTOR [OC]: Okay, just walk out of the doors. If there's no one inside, the TARDIS engines shut down automatically.

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Just get out of there.
RIVER [OC]: I'm going.

(The Roman's fingers drop away from their hands to reveal weapons. They are Autons.)

RIVER [OC]: Doctor! Doctor, I can't open the doors!

(The Doctor sees the Autons.)



RORY: Listen to me. You have to run. You have to get as far away from here as you can. I'm a thing! I'll kill you. Just go! Please, no, I don't want to go. I'm Rory! I'm, I'm-
AMY: Williams. Rory Williams from Leadworth. My boyfriend. How could I ever forget you?
RORY: Amy, you've got to run. I can't hold on. I'm going.
AMY: You are Rory Williams and you aren't going anywhere ever again.


RIVER: Doctor, I can't open the doors! Doctor, please, I've got seconds!

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Plastic Romans. Duplicates, driven by the Nestene Consciousness, eh? Deep cover, but what for? What are you doing? What's in there, eh? What's coming out?

(River hooks the TARDIS engines to the main door handles.)

MARCELLUS: The Pandorica is ready.
DOCTOR: What, do you mean it's open?

(The White Supreme new style Dalek trundles forward.)

WHITE DALEK: You have been scanned, assessed, understood, Doctor.

(Red and Yellow beam in behind it.)


AMY: The ring. Remember the ring? You'd never let me wear it in case I lost it.
RORY: The Doctor gave it to me.
AMY: Show it to me. Show me the ring.
RORY: Amy.
AMY: Come on. Just show it to me.

(Rory obeys.)

[Pandorica chamber]

DOCTOR: Scanned? Scanned by what, a box?
WHITE DALEK: Your limits and capacities have been extrapolated.

(Cybermen, Judoon and Sontarans beam down.)

STARK: The Pandorica is ready.
DOCTOR: Ready for what?
WHITE DALEK: Ready for you.

(The Doctor struggles against the grip of two Romans.)


AMY: There it is. You remember. This is you, and you are staying.

(Rory's gun hand activates.)


(He shoots Amy.)

RORY: No! No! No!

[Pandorica chamber]

(River tries frantically to escape the TARDIS as the Doctor is dragged closer and closer to the Pandorica, then fastened into the seat inside it. His arms, torso and head are clamped in place and all his old enemies stare at him.)

DOCTOR: You lot, working together. An alliance. How is that possible?
WHITE DALEK: The cracks in the skin of the universe.
STARK: All reality is threatened.
CYBERLEADER: All universes will be deleted.
DOCTOR: What? And you've come to me for help?
STARK: No. We will save the universe from you!
DOCTOR: From me?
CYBERLEADER: All projections correlate. All evidence concurs. The Doctor will destroy the universe.
DOCTOR: No, no, no. You've got it wrong.
CYBERLEADER: The Pandorica was constructed to ensure the safety of the Alliance.
WHITE DALEK: A scenario was devised from the memories of your companion.
STARK: A trap the Doctor could not resist.
WHITE DALEK: The cracks in time are the work of the Doctor. It is confirmed.
DOCTOR: No. no, no, not me, the TARDIS. And I'm not in the TARDIS, am I?
WHITE DALEK: Only the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS.
DOCTOR: Please, listen to me!
WHITE DALEK: You will be prevented.
DOCTOR: Total event collapse! Every sun will supernova at every moment in history. The whole universe will never have existed. Please, listen to me!
CYBERLEADER: Seal the Pandorica.
DOCTOR: No! Please, listen to me! The TARDIS is exploding right now and I'm the only one who can stop it! Listen to me!

(The Pandorica closes.)


(River opens the TARDIS doors to discover she is parked right up against a rock wall.)

RIVER: I'm sorry, my love.

(The TARDIS explodes. As Rory weeps over Amy's body, every star in the universe goes KaBOOM.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.