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First aired

Saturday, September 4, 1976

Production Code


Written by

Louis Marks

Directed by

Rodney Bennett


100 minutes

Story Type

New TARDIS interior

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Cult, Fencing

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Italy, Mandragora Helix, San Martino


An encounter with the living energy structure known as the Mandragora Helix leads the TARDIS to 15th century Italy. Between palace intrigue, the machinations of a sinister cult and a rogue fragment of Helix energy, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah have their hands full. There is not much time, for when Mandragora swallows the Moon, it will be time to strike.

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4 Episodes

Part One

First aired

Saturday, September 4, 1976


25 minutes

Written by

Louis Marks

Directed by

Rodney Bennett

UK Viewers

8.3 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Sarah arrive in Renaissance Italy unaware that they have brought a deadly alien energy force with them.

Part Two

First aired

Saturday, September 11, 1976


25 minutes

Written by

Louis Marks

Directed by

Rodney Bennett

UK Viewers

9.8 million

Appreciation Index



The Mandragora energy joins forces with the secret Brotherhood of Demnos. Count Federico plots to steal the Dukedom of San Martino from his nephew, Giuliano.

Part Three

First aired

Saturday, September 18, 1976


25 minutes

Written by

Louis Marks

Directed by

Rodney Bennett

UK Viewers

9.2 million


Tempted by the promises of ultimate power offered by Mandragora, Hieronymous plots to eliminate the threat posed by the Doctor and uses an unwitting Sarah as his weapon.

Part Four

First aired

Saturday, September 25, 1976


25 minutes

Written by

Louis Marks

Directed by

Rodney Bennett

UK Viewers

10.6 million

Appreciation Index



As the leading scholars of the era assemble in the palace for the masque, Mandragora prepares to attack, intent on sending the world into a new dark age.


How to watch The Masque of Mandragora:


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3 reviews

Soft spot for this story due to renting it from the library many times but it’s defo not a banger


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One of those stories that you don't really hear spoken of that often. It's fun to see Four in a historical story and the BBC always did a fantastic job with period settings and their costumes. It meanders a bit to begin with but gets quite good in the last couple of episodes as the threat of the Cult of Demnos ramps up and Tom Baker is in fine form.


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This review contains spoilers!

Louis Marks is not one of the series' more inspiring decade spanning writers, but I did enjoy his fourth Doctor stories (this and Planet of Evil) significantly more than his previous efforts for the first and third Doctors (Planet of Giants and Day of the Daleks).

The most exciting moment of this serial happens up top with The Doctor introducing Sarah-Jane to the "old" TARDIS console room, it is a more radical interior redesign than we ever could have hoped for. A beautiful Victorian mahogany console - so much more "The Doctor" than everything that has come before. By making it a different room in the TARDIS rather than a redesign it adds to the mythology of the show and sense of infinite space inside the machine.

Its not just that TARDIS that looks beautiful but the locations and costumes. I loved seeing Sarah-Jane in her posh 15th century frock - period costumes are something the BBC was and continues to be fantastic at. Anyone who has seen The Prisoner would admit that the location of Portmeirion could have been put to *slightly* better use in this story, but there is no doubt that it livens up the screen considerably more than your typical Doctor Who set.

The story itself has some exciting twists and turns, the villain we are presented in part 1 does not end up being the ultimate threat, which is satisfying. It is let down by a couple of far-fetched elements in the plot, where annoying leaps of logic are made which pull you out of the drama.

The baddies are often wearing static masks, which work well in the cloak and dagger scenes but less well in the brightly lit conversational scenes, with the actors relying on their vocal acting chops (not the most engaging TV). The main character you are routing for in 14th Century Italy is another one of these limp, young, wet leaders (that we saw twice on Peladon) that seem to be "nice" rather than have any character. His friend Marco however is a very passionate and exciting character to follow - his brief interactions with Tom Baker were marvelous.


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AVG. Rating366 members
3.32 / 5

AVG. Rating369 votes
3.56 / 5

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SARAH: But they lost. You know, the worse the situation, the worse your jokes get.

— Sarah Jane Smith, The Masque of Mandragora

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Transcript Needs checking

Part One

[TARDIS corridor]

SARAH: Where are we now?
DOCTOR: The TARDIS, where else?
SARAH: I know we're in the TARDIS, I just don't know this bit.
DOCTOR: I'll give you a guided tour someday.

(Sarah stops to look through an open doorway into a room which looks like an elegant Georgian drawing room, with a pair of Wellington boots by the door.)

SARAH: What's in there?
DOCTOR: Boot cupboard. Not very interesting.
SARAH: Boot cupboard? It's enormous!

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