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Classic Who S18 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

The Leisure Hive

66% 556 votes

First aired Saturday, August 30, 1980
Production Code 5N
Written by David Fisher
Directed by Lovett Bickford
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Bleak Resort
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver
Locations Argolis

The Fourth Doctor and Romana II arrive on Argolis in search of a peaceful holiday at the famed Leisure Hive. Instead they become embroiled in both a takeover scheme by the Argolins' historic enemy the Foamasi and the machinations of Pangol, child of the Generator.

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, August 30, 1980
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by David Fisher
Directed by Lovett Bickford
UK Viewers 5.9 million


The planet Argolis, around the year 2290. The Argolins live in a huge shielded city, protected from the irradiated wasteland outside. The planet's survival depends on the tourists their Leisure Hive attracts. But a series of horrific deaths seems to jeopardise that future - can the Doctor and Romana find a solution?

First aired Saturday, September 6, 1980
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by David Fisher
Directed by Lovett Bickford
UK Viewers 5 million


Another man is found dead, strangled by the Doctor's scarf, so the Doctor is put on trial. By some of the archaic rules of law, he's made to "prove" his innocence by becoming a test subject in a new tachyon experiment with time. The result will prove his innocence or guilt, so they say.

First aired Saturday, September 13, 1980
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by David Fisher
Directed by Lovett Bickford
UK Viewers 5 million


With the Doctor suffering from the time experiment, the clandestine schemes of others start coming to light, along with the secreted purposes to which the tachyonic generator has been used.

First aired Saturday, September 20, 1980
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by David Fisher
Directed by Lovett Bickford
UK Viewers 4.5 million
Appreciation Index 65


With the saboteur and murderer revealed and arrested, peace should now be restored, but a new threat emerges - a war-monger who's both ready and eager to aggress upon other worlds with a newly manufactured warrior army.

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Romana  K9 Mark II  Foamasi  Argolin