Stories Comic First Doctor TV Comic The Klepton Parasites 1 image Overview Characters Reviews 4 Statistics Related Stories Quotes Overview Released Monday, November 9, 1964 Written by Neville Main Publisher Polystyle Publications Pages 20 Time Travel Present, Future Location (Potential Spoilers!) Thain Planet, Earth Synopsis John, Gillian and their grandfather, Doctor Who, travel to the 30th century where they help the peaceful Thains overcome an invasion by the evil Kleptons. Complete Completed Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters First Doctor John First Appearance Gillian First Appearance Kleptons First Appearance Show All Characters (4) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 4 reviews 26 February 2025 · 144 words Review by DarthGallifrey Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! This isn't as bad as a lot of the later Polystyle comics get. It's not anything outstanding, but for the average grade-schooler (first through fifth grader) I could see this being a lot of fun. It's got decent artwork, the Doctor looks like his TV counterpart, the aliens are decent designs, and the plot is serviceable if a bit on the simple side. It moves along at a good pace and the action is fun. Plot-wise, it's a simple story of one alien species enslaving another and the Doctor and his grandkids getting involved and putting an end to villains' plans. Yes, the girl companion Gillian gets a bit sidelined, and the boy companion is a little trigger-happy, but it's a fun little pulp adventure comic for younger kids. It's the materpieces of storytelling that DWM would achieve, but it's serviceable and isn't boring. DarthGallifrey View profile Like Liked 3 15 November 2024 · 4 words Review by Rock_Angel 5 i hate tv comics Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 5 6 August 2024 · 202 words Review by mrtc2003 5 All things considered, this isn’t a bad first attempt at a Doctor Who comic strip. The story is basic but - with a few tweaks - I could imagine it as a televised story from the First Doctor’s era. Indeed, I can see a few similarities with the first Dalek story. The artwork is also fairly basic - at least compared to what would come later but it has a certain charm to it. The design of the Klepton city and, indeed, of the Kleptons themselves is quite impressive. The more humanoid looking Thain people are somewhat less so. The dialogue is fairly functional and non-descript so none of the characters really stand out, including the Doctor and his grandchildren. Gillian in particular does nothing of note. John, on the other hand seems quite bloodthirsty. He’s more than willing to punch out a Klepton or gun them down if necessary. Overall, it’s hardly an auspicious debut for what will become over 60 years worth of Doctor Who comics. But then the same could probably be said for the first televised story and look at how that turned out. As with the TV series, the best is yet to come. mrtc2003 View profile Like Liked 5 21 July 2024 · 78 words Review by PexLives 5 Looked at objectively, the TV Comic series is dogshit, but to my eyes, it’s very charming. The art is great, and the bare bones of the story work same as something like The Daleks works. The dialogue is where this all falls apart, as every speech bubble is just a character explaining the plot as it happens, and it’s very unexciting and bears absolutely no insight into any of the characters or themes in the strip. PexLives View profile Like Liked 5 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating32 members 2.33 / 5 Member Statistics Completed 56 Favourited 1 Reviewed 4 Saved 4 Skipped 3 Related Stories Past Doctor Adventures Campaign Rating: ??? Story Skipped Book Reviews(2) More Actions Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote