Stories Television Doctor Who Season 15 Classic Who S15 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Invasion of Time 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Vardan spacecruiser] (A small space ship rendezvous' with a very much larger one. The Doctor enters and stands in front of three beings. We only see their backs, which makes them look like a rack of metal cones.) DOCTOR: I am prepared.LEADER: Speed is vital, Doctor. [TARDIS console room] (Leela is bored, moping around in a very tatty looking console room.) LEELA: K9, can you tell me how long he'll be?K9: Negative. Prognostication impossible in matters concerning Doctor.LEELA: Prog what?K9: I cannot tell.LEELA: Can you tell me where we've landed?K9: Affirmative.LEELA: Well?K9: Materialisation took place on alien spacecraft.LEELA: Why wouldn't the Doctor let me go with him?K9: I do not know. Prognostication impossibleBOTH: In matters concerning. I know, I know. Well, he may need my help. I'm going to take a look.K9: Do not touch the scanner control, mistress.LEELA: Oh, I know the Doctor said we weren't supposed to, but wouldn't you like to see where he is? Who he's talking to?K9: Negative. Wishing for such things is emotion. I am not programmedLEELA: Oh, shut up. You're no help at all. (Leela operates the scanner controls, but nothing happens.) LEELA: What's wrong? Why won't it work? K9? K9, what's? K9, sulking is also an emotional thing. If you cannot wish, you cannot sulk. K9! K9, I'm sorry. (Leela tickles K9 under his chin, and he lifts his head.) LEELA: I didn't mean to shout at you.K9: Apologies are not necessary.LEELA: No, no, no, of course they're not. Now, can you tell me, please, why this scanner will not work?K9: The Doctor immobilised the mechanism before he left in order to prevent you switching it on.LEELA: You mean he doesn't trust me? What is he doing out there? [Vardan spacecruiser] LEADER: We will conclude formalities. Sign it.DOCTOR: I never sign anything before I've read it.LEADER: Then read it.DOCTOR: You promised complete control over the Time Lords.VARDAN: You will have complete control.DOCTOR: But here in paragraph four subVARDAN: Lawyer's quibbles, Doctor.DOCTOR: Well, I've heard that before. Almost got me killed once, but of course you know that.LEADER: Sign it!DOCTOR: Complete control.LEADER: My word.DOCTOR: Well, I've signed so many things, one more won't make any difference.LEADER: But it will, Doctor. It will. (The Doctor puts his sigil on the document and pockets the pen.) DOCTOR: I'm honoured to be allowed to serve your glorious cause. [TARDIS console room] LEELA: Where have you been?DOCTOR: Shush.LEELA: (sotto) Where have you been? Why did you turn the scanner off? Doctor, where have you been?DOCTOR: Order K9 to tell you to shut up.LEELA: Yes. K9, the Doctor said you're to tell me to shut up. How dare you!K9: Adopt silent mode, mistress. (K9 sticks his laser tube out.) LEELA: K9, youK9: Imperative, mistress. [Castellan's office] (A communications panel beeps. The guard commander puts the receiver to his ear.) ANDRED: Speak. Where? When? Relative time, please, Rodan. Thank you. (He walks from his little alcove into the main room, where the Castellan is using a hand computer.) ANDRED: Ahem.KELNER: Yes? What is it, Commander.ANDRED: A report, sir.KELNER: Continue.ANDRED: Temporal scan indicates unidentified capsule approaching.KELNER: Unidentified?ANDRED: At this distance, within our own continuum, unidentified, sir.KELNER: But our own?ANDRED: Molecular patina indicates Gallifreyan origin, yes, sir, but it's too early for a positive.KELNER: When, then?ANDRED: Approximately two minutes relative, sir.KELNER: Defences?ANDRED: Green level.KELNER: No sense in taking chances, Commander. Go to amber alert.ANDRED: Yes, sir. (Kelner gives Andred a yellow ball from his desk. Andred takes it back to his little alcove and picks up the comm. again.) ANDRED: Main security. Commander Andred speaking. Please establish amber alert. (He puts the ball into a socket, and an alarm starts pulsing.) [TARDIS console room] (The alarm can be heard here.) DOCTOR: Amber alert. They've put an amber alert on me. On me? Cheek.K9: Cheek?DOCTOR: Yes, cheek.K9: Physical characteristics, humanoid facial component.DOCTOR: Wrong.K9: Tertiary data check insists definition correct.DOCTOR: Amber alert? On me? [Castellan's office] ANDRED: Confirmation, sir. The capsule is Gallifreyan.KELNER: Then what is all the fuss about?ANDRED: Still unidentified.KELNER: Unidentified? (Kelner activates his wall monitor, which displays Gallifreyan writing.) KELNER: Only two Time Lords are absent from their duties here on authorised research missions. You will find their molecular codes inANDRED: Yes, sir. Neither match. I've checked.KELNER: Then who is in that capsule? Unauthorised use of a time capsule has only one penalty, Commander. See to it.ANDRED: Yes, sir. (Andred returns to his comm. unit and makes a tannoy broadcast.) ANDRED: Commander Andred to all guard leaders. An unidentified capsule is approaching Gallifrey. Any sentient form on board is to be arrested on arrival. If there is no sign of life, destroy capsule as soon as it materialises. [TARDIS console room] (The Doctor is sitting on the floor next to K9, eating sweets.) DOCTOR: Would you like a ball bearing?K9: Please do not mock, master.DOCTOR: Where's Leela?K9: Immersed, master.DOCTOR: What?K9: Totally immersed in H2O, master.DOCTOR: Fine time to take a bath. (Actually, she's swimming in a luxury indoor pool, with mosaics on the wall and a Grecian statue holding her towel. There are ferns and potted palms around the place too.) [Castellan's office] ANDRED: Excuse me, sir. I've decided to supervise the destruction of the capsule personally.KELNER: Yes, of course. Remember, Commander. A sentient who can control a time capsule is a danger. Capture, interrogateANDRED: I will see that all regulations are observed, sir. [Vardan spacecruiser] LEADER: Switch to visual. (The viewscreen displays pink and purple blocks.) LEADER: Interesting. He appears to have landed.VARDAN: He may be killed.LEADER: There will be others. [Citadel] (The TARDIS materialises in a public space of the same shape and size as the Panopticon. Andred signals the other guards to stay back. He walks forwards, then signals the seven to come forward. They line up as a sort of honour guard. The Doctor steps out of the TARDIS, followed by Leela, and salutes.) DOCTOR: Gentlemen, I'm delighted to be back on Gallifrey. (The guards all aim their small hand weapons at him.) DOCTOR: Oh, I like it. Yes, I like you. Where are you from, soldier?GUARD: Gallifrey.DOCTOR: Gallifrey? Never heard of it. Guard of honour? You're a rabble. Nothing but a rabble. You're not fit to guard a jelly baby. (to Andred) Would you like a jelly baby?ANDRED: We're here to arrest you.DOCTOR: Well, let's get on with it. Come on, Leela. Where do you think you're going?LEELA: You just told me to follow you.DOCTOR: You stay here till I send for you.LEELA: But Doctor (The Doctor walks off, and Andred signals the guards to follow. Two stay with Leela.) [Corridor] ANDRED: Halt!DOCTOR: Right, you lead.ANDRED: No, you follow me.DOCTOR: Right. (Further on, the Doctor stops and opens a door. Andred immediately puts his gun to the Doctor's head.) DOCTOR: What is it?ANDRED: That's the Chancellor's office.DOCTOR: Well, I know it's the Chancellor's office.ANDRED: Well, no one goes in there unannounced.DOCTOR: Well, announce me.ANDRED: (after a pause) All right. [Chancellory] (Andred opens the inner door and enters.) BORUSA: Yes?ANDRED: Forgive the intrusion, sir. An unexpected emergency has arisen. (The Doctor enters.) BORUSA: Doctor!DOCTOR: I am here to claim my legal right.BORUSA: What?DOCTOR: I claim the inheritance of Rassilon. I claim the titles, honour, duty and obedience of all colleges. I claim the Presidency of the Council of Time Lords. (See The Deadly Assassin for why he can do this.) [Vardan spacecruiser] LEADER: I believe we have chosen well. Very well. [TARDIS console room] K9: Where is the Doctor? (The TARDIS beeps to him.) K9: Speak. (beeps) You are a very stupid machine. [Chancellory] DOCTOR: You don't dispute my claim, then?BORUSA: No, only the arrogance with which you present it.DOCTOR: Oh, Borusa, how you used to bore me with your interminable lectures on responsibility and duty.BORUSA: Which obviously failed.DOCTOR: Mmm.BORUSA: You make me regret teaching you anything at all.DOCTOR: You taught me nothing. Nothing that instinct couldn't provide better.BORUSA: Then you must trust your instincts.DOCTOR: Mmm. And you yours, Lord Borusa.BORUSA: I'll do what I can to persuade the Cardinals to accept you as their President.DOCTOR: I am the President! No persuasion is necessary.BORUSA: Politeness dictatesDOCTOR: I am the President! Is there another candidate legally?BORUSA: No. That was an unfortunate oversight.DOCTOR: Thank you.BORUSA: I meant no disrespect.DOCTOR: Oh yes you did. Borusa, before you go, another lesson.BORUSA: On what particular subject?DOCTOR: The Constitution.BORUSA: You had that at your fingertips last time we met.DOCTOR: Yes, and if I hadn't, you would have killed me.BORUSA: Not I, the then Chancellor.DOCTOR: Oh yes, Did you, did you just assume his Office?BORUSA: The Council ratified my appointment.DOCTOR: Without a President, the Council can ratify nothing.BORUSA: There was no President, and the President-elect was elsewhere.DOCTOR: Yes. But my point is. Borusa! You haven't been give leave to depart yet.BORUSA: And until you have been confirmed and inducted as President, I do not need your leave to do anything.DOCTOR: The ceremony must take place at once.BORUSA: As soon as possible.DOCTOR: At once! (Borusa nods, and leaves by a pair of double doors.) [Vardan spacecruiser] LEADER: This needs thought.VARDAN: The course is obvious.LEADER: I may reconsider. The Doctor could be more use to us alive. He understands discipline. [Castellan's office] BORUSA: No discipline, that's always been the trouble.KELNER: He understands the dangers? He accepts the risks of induction without the necessary preparations?BORUSA: He accepts nothing. That's always been the trouble with him. No discipline. (Andred enters.) ANDRED: Forgive me, sirs. The President-elect desires your immediate attendance.BORUSA: Then let him rot in a black star.ANDRED: It is his request, sirs. (Andred's hand moves towards his holster.) KELNER: After all, Chancellor, a request is a request. And it's only a matter of time. [Chancellory] DOCTOR: It's always a matter of time, eh, Castellan? Especially for Time Lords. What do you think about my office?KELNER: Oh, it's simply a formality.DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes, I know that. No, I meant my quarters. You know, room of ones own, somewhere to be. I do so hate squatting.BORUSA: The President's quarters are inadequate.DOCTOR: Correct. Have them refurbished.KELNER: In what style?BORUSA: We are not his lackeys. We are Time Lords of the Supreme Council. I am Chancellor.DOCTOR: Illegally.BORUSA: I am a Cardinal, then. That at least.DOCTOR: Oh, yes, a Cardinal. That at least. [President's room] (With a gold compass rose on the floor.) DOCTOR: Yes, this has possibilities.KELNER: In what style, sir?DOCTOR: Oh, I don't know. Early Quasar Five with a touch of Rega.KELNER: With the merest hint of Simian Empire?DOCTOR: Second dynasty, of course.KELNER: Of course.BORUSA: In short, Earth, twentieth century.DOCTOR: Well I did get used to it. I even liked it at times.KELNER: Now, that's Sol Three, relative dates zero three four one four three nine eight nineDOCTOR: No, no, no. I prefer four three seven zero eleven nine.KELNER: Yes, of course, sir.DOCTOR: Thank you.KELNER: It will, of course, take a little time, sir.DOCTOR: Well that's something we've plenty of, eh, Cardinal? I mean, Chancellor-elect?KELNER: Will that be all, sir?DOCTOR: No. See to my friend, Leela. Make sure she has comfortable quarters and suitable clothes for my induction. She will attend. (Borusa opens his mouth to protest.) KELNER: Yes, of course, sir. (Kelner bows and leaves.) BORUSA: May I go also, President-elect?DOCTOR: No. We have things to discuss.BORUSA: What things?DOCTOR: Oh, the redecorations, for one.BORUSA: I'm sure the Lord Castellan is quite capable ofDOCTOR: Oh yes. Quite. But I'd be so very grateful if you'd help him with the small things. The good Castellan has his flaws, hmm? I mean, his experience hardly extends to Earth zero seven three period.BORUSA: Zero seven three?DOCTOR: Yes, you remember all those marvellous panels, hmm? Very primitive, of course.BORUSA: Yes, I remember. Where would you like them?DOCTOR: Everywhere.BORUSA: Everywhere?DOCTOR: Everywhere. Floor, ceilings, wall, everywhere.BORUSA: But lead?DOCTOR: Shush.BORUSA: It's a very difficult substance to control.DOCTOR: It is.BORUSA: Only a few have mastered the art.DOCTOR: Then more should. Put your best men on it immediately. (Borusa nods and heads for the door.) DOCTOR: Borusa?BORUSA: Yes?DOCTOR: And the door. Everywhere. [Leela's quarters] (With a feather boa draped around her neck, Leela is dropping outfits onto the floor, watched by Andred.) ANDRED: Yes, that looks good. (It goes onto the floor.) ANDRED: Madam.LEELA: My name is Leela.ANDRED: Leela, we've been through the whole cosmos. May I ask what you would like?LEELA: Well, I would like a quiver, a bow, a pouch of Janis thorns and my knife back.ANDRED: Madam, Leela, I've told you many times that I can't give you your knife. No weapons are allowed here, except for internal security.LEELA: The Doctor said you were to look after me.ANDRED: Yes, those were the President-elect's orders, madam.LEELA: And don't call me madam!ANDRED: I'm sorry! Leela. But I can't give you weapons.LEELA: Then keep your fine clothes and your useless baubles. And keep your President-elect also! [Chancellory] (Borusa is in his formal robes with the weird headdress. The Doctor is in a long white shift.) DOCTOR: What then?BORUSA: Then Gold Usher will formally introduce you to the Matrix.DOCTOR: Ah. Just the Matrix.BORUSA: There is no just about it. The Matrix is the sum total. Everything. All the information that has ever been stored, all the information that can be stored, the imprints of personalities of hundreds of Time Lords and their Presidents, their elected Presidents. That will become available to you. It will become a part of you as you will become a part of it.DOCTOR: Yes, that's what I thought. [Vardan spacecruiser] LEADER: Prepare. [Chancellory] BORUSA: But you know this already. Once before, you have entered into the amplified Panatropic computer.DOCTOR: Yes. I didn't much care for it, either.BORUSA: The APC net is only a small part of the Matrix.DOCTOR: And when I've been introduced to the Matrix, will I have complete power?BORUSA: More power than anyone in the known Universe, yes.DOCTOR: I'll put it to good use. The best.BORUSA: That is your duty.DOCTOR: Oh, yes, quite, quite. [Vardan spacecruiser] LEADER: Summon the commanders.VARDAN: Full standby?LEADER: No, not yet. The first phase is nearing completion. [Leela's quarters] (Andred is in ceremonial breastplate.) ANDRED: It is time.LEELA: This ceremony, it does the Doctor much honour?ANDRED: The greatest honour Gallifrey can offer.LEELA: Then I shall not let him down. (And snatches her knife from Andred's belt.) ANDRED: Leela!LEELA: Are there any duties for me?ANDRED: Duties?LEELA: Yes. Rites I must observe, things to do, things not to do.ANDRED: No, there's nothing for you to do, but, Leela? If you could avoid killing anyone, it would help.LEELA: I will try. [Panopticon] GOMER: Undue haste is one thing, vulgar bad manners another. I normally take the oath to consider an induction, let alone assemble one.SAVAR: Unsettled times, eh, Gomer? Though still the time will throw up the man.GOMER: They say with time wisdom comes to a man. Aren't you due for regeneration?SAVAR: I believe I have wisdom to fit my years.GOMER: Just so, Lord Savar. Cyclic burst.SAVAR: I beg your pardon?GOMER: The answer may lie in the cyclic burst ratio.SAVAR: A black star protects us. What is a cyclic burst ratio?GOMER: A little study of mine, a hobby. You comprehend hobby?SAVAR: I believe I've come across it, sir, but I fail to understand any significant meaning. (Leela and Andred enter.) GOMER: That does not surprise me. I'm making a study of what I would term wavelength broadcast power transduction.SAVAR: Really.GOMER: Yes. You see, I've noticed lately, well, over the last decade or so, an enormous fluctuation in relative wavelength transduction over a particularly narrow band. (Fanfare. Gold User leads three guards down the steps, carrying the regalia of Rassilon on red inflated plastic cushions. The Doctor waits until they get to the bottom, then walks down and steps onto the dais.) GOLD USHER: Honoured members of the Supreme Council, Cardinals, Time Lords, madam. We are here today to honour the will and the wisdom of Rassilon. (He strikes the floor with his staff three times.) [Vardan spacecruiser] VARDAN: We are near victory. [Panopticon] GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Sash of Rassilon? (Silence. He strikes the floor once.) GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Rod of Rassilon? (Silence. He strikes the floor once.) GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Great Key of Rassilon? (Silence. He strikes the floor once.) GOLD USHER: By custom, with wisdom, and for honour, I shall strike three times. Should no voice be heard by the third stroke, I will, duty-bound, invest the candidate as President of the Supreme Council of the Time Lords of Gallifrey. [Vardan spacecruiser] VARDAN: Now we have them. [Panopticon] GOLD USHER: It is my duty and privilege, having the consent of the Time Lords of Gallifrey, to invest you as President of the Supreme Council. Accept, therefore, the Sash of Rassilon. (The Doctor places the heavy sash round his neck.) GOLD USHER: Accept, therefore, the Rod of Rassilon. (The Doctor cradles the ceremonial mace in his right arm.) GOLD USHER: Seek, therefore, to find the Great Key of Rassilon. [Vardan spacecruiser] VARDAN: We have been cheated!LEADER: No, all is exactly as expected. [Panopticon] (With his left hand, the Doctor points to the empty cushion.) GOLD USHER: Do you swear to uphold the laws of Gallifrey?DOCTOR: I swear.GOLD USHER: Do you swear to follow in the wisdom of Rassilon?DOCTOR: I swear.GOLD USHER: Do you swear to protect the law and the wisdom?DOCTOR: I swear. (A circlet rises up from the floor of the dais. Gold Usher takes it and walks behind the Doctor, who kneels.) GOLD USHER: I invest you Lord President of the Supreme Council. I wish you good fortune and strength. I give you the Matrix. (He places the circlet on the Doctor's head and moves away. The Doctor stands and everyone kneels, including Leela. The Doctor starts to bow, then clutches at his head and falls to his knees as large gemstones on the side of the circlet glow.) Part Two [Panopticon] LEELA: Doctor! Doctor! (Leela runs forward and tries to remove the circlet.) BORUSA: The Matrix rejects the candidate. Guards, seize him!GOLD USHER: No! No one may lay hands on the President.BORUSA: The Matrix has rejected him.GOLD USHER: He is the Matrix now. It cannot reject him. Surgeon General. (Gomer goes to the Doctor.) LEELA: Will he be all right?BORUSA: This is unheard of. For a candidate to be attacked by the Matrix.GOLD USHER: There's no longer a candidate. There's only the President. After his official induction, the Matrix can only be worn by the President. Therefore this is the President.GOMER: If you continue to argue legal niceties, we may well have to go through this whole boring business in the very near future.LEELA: Is he going to die?GOMER: He has retreated.LEELA: Never! The Doctor is no coward.GOMER: A self-induced cataleptic. A simple defense reaction brought about by a sudden unexpected attack upon his consciousness.BORUSA: There! Do you hear? An attack.GOMER: Have the kindness to be quiet, Borusa. The President needs peace, rest and medical attention which I shall supervise myself.BORUSA: Take him to the Chancellory.GOMER: Indeed, that would be perfect. (Guards half-carry the Doctor away.) GOMER: And Borusa, I suggest you cut off your communications, prohibit visitors and keep all your tedious bureaucratic problems to yourself. (Gomer leaves.) BORUSA: Impertinent!KELNER: He is young yet, Chancellor. Impetuous, I know, but I still believe his hearts are in the right places. [Vardan spacecruiser] LEADER: Very close. He has little strength.VARDAN: It will take a long time to replace him.LEADER: Too long. Signal all commanders to increase speed and evaluate implementation Plan Three. [Panopticon] BORUSA: High Lords, we have taken the President to the Chancellory. Please remain calm. Bring the girl. (Leela touches Borusa's arm.) BORUSA: What?LEELA: I didn't hurt him. I saved him.BORUSA: The enquiry can determine that. Bring her.ANDRED: Sir. (Leela pulls her knife on Andred, and another guard puts his gun to her head. She puts the knife away.) [Chancellory] BORUSA: Well, Lord Gomer?GOMER: He has suffered a severe sub-mental shock. I've given him a massive deranger dose, but even that will take hours to (The Doctor opens his eyes.) GOMER: Incredible.LEELA: Are you all right?BORUSA: Quietly, now.DOCTOR: Lord Chancellor, what happened?BORUSA: Your alien friend almost killed you. She openly attacked you.LEELA: No, it was the crown! The crown almost killed him!DOCTOR: What's she doing here?LEELA: Well, you brought me.DOCTOR: Impossible. No aliens are allowed in here. Get rid of her.LEELA: Doctor, what's happened to you?BORUSA: Put her out, Commander.ANDRED: Where, sir?DOCTOR: Outside the Citadel, of course.ANDRED: In the outer world?DOCTOR: Yes, expel her.LEELA: No! I will not go!BORUSA: Take her! (Leela pushes Andred aside, kicks another guard below the belt and runs out.) BORUSA: Stop her, before she does any more damage! [Corridor] GUARD: Stop! Stop or I'll fire! Stop!ANDRED: Where'd she go?GUARD: She turned down there, sir.ANDRED: Well get after her! (into comm.) Commander Andred. Sound the alarm and turn out the guard. Escaped alien prisoner, female, at large in the Citadel. (Further on, Leela pushes between two Time Lords in the narrow corridor.) GUARD: Stop! Stop, alien! [Chancellory] DOCTOR: That's funny, I've got a ringing in my head.BORUSA: That's the alarm system. (Andred enters.) DOCTOR: Shush. I've got a ringing in my head. Listen. Can you hear?ANDRED: I ordered them to sound the alarm. The girl got away. (Kelner enters.) KELNER: What is happening? Who ordered the? Oh, your Excellency, you are feeling better.DOCTOR: Yes.KELNER: I'm very pleased to see this.DOCTOR: So am I.KELNER: Where is the girl?ANDRED: She escaped.KELNER: Escaped?BORUSA: The President ordered that she be expelled from the Citadel. She got away.DOCTOR: She can be dangerous, Castellan.KELNER: Very well, I will take charge of the operations myself.ANDRED: I'm quite capable of catching her.KELNER: I will see that she is driven out of the Citadel. Come. (Kelner and Andred leave.) DOCTOR: And switch that awful ringing off in my head! (The Doctor closes the doors, and the alarm stops.) DOCTOR: That's better.BORUSA: What exactly are you playing at, Excellency?DOCTOR: Playing at, Lord Chancellor?BORUSA: You know very well what I mean.DOCTOR: I'd like a little more respect from you, if you don't mind.BORUSA: I thought that was a quality you didn't admire.DOCTOR: Ah, that was before. I would have thought you, of all people, knew me better than that.BORUSA: Well, you could never deceive me when you were my student at the Academy. You haven't changed, and neither have I. But this is rather more than a student prank, isn't it.DOCTOR: Believe me, Lord Borusa, I've never been more serious in any of my lives. While Leela remains free in the Citadel, we are in danger.BORUSA: Isn't that a little melodramatic, even for your vivid imagination?DOCTOR: No! My ordeal at the induction has made me tired.BORUSA: You can rest here. We can continue after you've had your rest, and the alien has been caught and expelled. (Leela hides as guards run past. Some time later, the Doctor is in his usual clothes. He puts on the sash under his scarf and is about to leave when a guard outside coughs.) DOCTOR: Can't fool me, Borusa. (He goes behind a tapestry, and chuckles.) DOCTOR: Well done, Doctor. (The tapestry rises up. There's a secret door.) [Outside the Chancellory] (Andred tries to enter, and the guards draw their weapons.) ANDRED: Good men. [Chancellory] (The Doctor tries his sonic screwdriver on the secret door. Nothing. The Doctor speaks directly to camera.) DOCTOR: Even the sonic screwdriver won't get me out of this one. (He goes to the desk, which has a large picture of lots of keys hanging on the wall behind it, and has a one-sided conversation with the empty chair.) DOCTOR: I have a problem. There is absolutely no point in having another door in the room if you don't have another key, hmm? QED. What? Latin. QED, Latin. Now, a key can either be lost or stolen, hmm? Therefore, ergo, you are the key, Borusa. Hmm? Palm print? No, that's too simple. Retina pattern? No. You must admit, you do like the sound of your own voice. (He goes back to the secret door.) DOCTOR: Open sesame. I command you to open. Please. Palm print, no. Retina pattern, no. Voice print? As Borusa always said, there's nothing more useless than a lock with a voiceprint. (And the door clicks. The Doctor laughs.) DOCTOR: There's nothing more useless than a lock with a voiceprint. (The door swings open. Further on down the corridor, Leela hides from the sound of heavy boots coming her way, but actually it is the Doctor, playing hopscotch as he passes. She smiles and follows.) [Castellan's office] ANDRED: Sir. We found the girl.KELNER: Well, where is she?ANDRED: She's with the President.KELNER: With the P?ANDRED: Line two, on your own mixer. (Kelner switches on his wall monitor, to see the Doctor walking along, followed carefully by Leela. Kelner picks up his comm.) KELNER: Chancellor? Castellan Kelner here. Is the President, by any chance, still with you? Oh, no, no, no. Not to be disturbed, of course. Would you be kind enough to inform me when he wakes? Thank you so much. Don't just stand there, Commander, get out there.ANDRED: Yes, sir. [Corridor] (The Doctor meets a guard patrol.) DOCTOR: Bow to the Sash of Rassilon. (The guards bow low, and Leela walks through them too.) LEELA: I'm with him. (The Doctor goes into the ? and the TARDIS.) ANDRED: Didn't you see her?GUARD: Well, she did come this way, sir.ANDRED: Well? She's probably heading for the President's capsule. Come on. (Leela tries to force the TARDIS' lock with her knife. Kelner watches on his monitor.) [Citadel] LEELA: Doctor! (She hammers on the door. Inside, the Doctor puts his fingers in his ears and K9 lowers his head. Leela hides on an upper gallery as Andred and the guards enter.) GUARD: It's locked, sir.ANDRED: She must be in there. These old Type Forties had a complex trimonic locking device. [Castellan's office] ANDRED [on screen]: We need a set of cypher indent keys.GUARD [on screen]: Yes, sir. [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: What do you think?K9: Too many variables for accurate forecast, master.DOCTOR: Really? What variables?K9: Humanoid illogical procedure, master.DOCTOR: Like me?K9: Affirmative. (K9 puts his little red sucker probe against the Doctor's skull.) DOCTOR: How am I?K9: Cerebral circuits in order. Physiognomy dubious.DOCTOR: Oh, I see.K9: The risk you took would appear to have been justified.DOCTOR: Good. Can we proceed then?K9: Actions so far indicate a success probability along this path analysis, thirty nine point seven five.DOCTOR: That bad, is it?K9: Affirmative.DOCTOR: Listen, I've discovered the location of the security control room. It's directly beneath the Panopticon area, level three zero.K9: Then success probability increases to forty eight point three five.DOCTOR: Well, that's not bad.K9: Advise against any plan incorporating success factor below six five.DOCTOR: Suppose I throw a mirror cast?K9: Master?DOCTOR: Shadow shift. Create a false image to Space Traffic Control.K9: Suggest you reflect the transmissionDOCTOR: Shush. Suppose I reflect a transmission beam off the security shield, feed it back through a link crystal bank and boost it through the transducer?K9: Couldn't have put it better myself, master.DOCTOR: I don't think you could. Ha!K9: Agree. Possibility of your explanation being better than mine, less than one percent.DOCTOR: What? You are the most insufferably arrogant, overbearing, patronising bean tin.K9: Master?DOCTOR: Nothing. Someone once said that to me, once.K9: Correction, master. Several people have said that about you.DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you very much.K9: Thanks are not necessary.DOCTOR: Well at least no one's ever called me smug!K9: Correction.DOCTOR: Listen. If you destroy the control centre after I feed in the Doppler effect and eliminate the red shift, the invasion must succeed, hmm?K9: Probability of success would rise to ninety eight point two.DOCTOR: Well, what's a couple of points between friends? Break the transduction field. [Space Traffic Control] (Leela dodges into what looks like a woman's quarters to avoid a patrol. She is in the alcove, while the woman is in the main area.) RODAN: Come in, whoever you are.LEELA: Where are your guards?RODAN: I don't need any.LEELA: You don't need?RODAN: There's a forcefield between you and me. Between me and everyone. Don't you know this is one of the highest security rated rooms in the Citadel?LEELA: I did not know.RODAN: You must be that alien everyone's looking for.LEELA: I am Leela.RODAN: I'm called Rodan. And please put that thing away, you could hurt yourself.LEELA: The Doctor's always saying. (puts knife away) Why do you not tell them I am here?RODAN: Why bother? That's their affair.LEELA: That's whose affair?RODAN: The guards and the Time Lords. All the boring people. Do you know, I've passed the Seventh Grade and I'm nothing more than a glorified traffic guard?LEELA: Then you are a guard!RODAN: Do stop cavorting about like that. It's really so undignified. (comm. beep) Not again. Excuse me. Space Traffic Control. (She turns on the wall screen.) RODAN: Yes, I have them. Clearance is authorised. (She turns it off again.) LEELA: What was that?RODAN: Probative space fleet. Neo-crystal structure, atomic power and weaponry, on its way to blast some part of the galaxy to dust, I suppose.LEELA: Then you must stop them!RODAN: But that would be against every law of Gallifrey. Oh no, I could never interfere, only observe.LEELA: Supposing they attacked you?RODAN: Then they would be very stupid. Nothing can get past the transduction barrier. [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: K9, destroy the transduction barriers.K9: Master. (K9 moves forward, and the Doctor stops him with his foot.) DOCTOR: Not yet. Can I have a few moments to get away, please?K9: Affirmative.DOCTOR: And will you get off my foot, please?K9: Affirmative.DOCTOR: Thank you. [Citadel] ANDRED: Seems to be stuck in this ridiculous shape. I wonder what it was imitating when (The Doctor comes out of the TARDIS.) BOTH: What are you doing here?ANDRED: My Lord President!DOCTOR: That's all right. I've come back for my jelly babies. I'd left my jelly babies in the TARDIS.ANDRED: I beg your pardon?DOCTOR: Jelly babies. Would you like one? They're a delicacy I discovered on Earth. Go on.ANDRED: Ah, that's Sol Three in Mutter Spiral.DOCTOR: That's right. (The Doctor has a red one, and Andred a yellow one.) DOCTOR: What do you think?ANDRED: Mmm, yes. Delicious.DOCTOR: Good, good. Here, have the bag.ANDRED: Oh, sir, IDOCTOR: No, no, no, go on. I've got plenty more. I've got plenty more. Anyone who likes jelly babies can't be all bad, huh? (sotto) Don't mention this to the Chancellor. He doesn't approve of jelly babies. I think he's frivolous.ANDRED: No, sir.DOCTOR: Have you caught that girl yet? [Castellan's office] ANDRED [on screen]: No, sir. We thought she was in your capsule.DOCTOR [on screen]: There's no one in my capsule.ANDRED [on screen]: Well, she came this way.DOCTOR [on screen]: It is absolutely vital that girl is caught and put outside the Citadel. Absolutely vital.ANDRED [on screen]: Vital?DOCTOR [on screen]: Vital.ANDRED [on screen]: Right away, sir. Guards, follow me. (Andred leads the guards out the way they came in. The Doctor goes up the steps to the gallery like Leela did. Kelner ponders. Andred and the guards go past Space Traffic Control.) [Citadel] GUARD: Hello, Commander? I've got the keys. (The guard shrugs and goes to the TARDIS. He starts trying the various pieces of coloured plastic. A big round piece of pink and white doesn't make a noise, so he unlocks the TARDIS and K9 comes out. The guard bends down and holds out his hand to the dog, who shoots him.) [President's quarters] (Kelner enters.) BORUSA: Castellan.KELNER: Is the President still resting in your room, Chancellor?BORUSA: He is.KELNER: And he's been there all the time in your room?BORUSA: He has, and I've been here.KELNER: I think you should rouse him now. I would very much like to speak with him. [Chancellory] (The Doctor comes back through the secret door and puts the tapestry back into place. There is a knock on the door. He dashes over to the recliner and lies down. A second knock, and Kelner enters with Borusa behind him.) BORUSA: Your Excellence. Your Excellence?DOCTOR: Hmm?BORUSA: Castellan Kelner wishes to speak with you.DOCTOR: Good. Bring him in.KELNER: I trust that you feel better for your rest, sir?DOCTOR: Mmm, thank you.KELNER: I'm afraid I have to tell you that the girl has evaded her captors and is hiding somewhere in the Citadel.DOCTOR: Castellan, how did that happen?KELNER: Regrettable oversights on the part of one of my guards.DOCTOR: Castellan! You are responsible for security. You see to it.KELNER: Immediately, Eminence.DOCTOR: Borusa! Call a meeting of the Council at once!BORUSA: But ExcellencyDOCTOR: At once! No excuses! Get out! Get out! Get out! (Kelner and Borusa back out, and the Doctor slams the door in their faces. ) [Space Traffic Control] RODAN: I do find astrophysics a bore, I must say, but then one must fight them on their own terms, don't you think?LEELA: Oh, one must, one must, yes.RODAN: I knew I'd like you. Come in. (Rodan releases the forcefield Leela is leaning against, and she tumbles forward. An alarm sounds, and the Vardan cruiser appears on the screen.) RODAN: It can't be! No creature would dare! (into comm.) Space Traffic Control. Code Beta Three. An alien spacecraft within two spans. Course zero to Gallifrey, immediate. Raise the transduction barrier to factor five. Red alert. I repeat, red alert. (As the alarm sounds in an area full of fancy equipment, K9 shoots a guard and heads down to a series of control panels which he then blasts to atoms.) RODAN: Then find him. I must speak to Lord Castellan. (Kelner is answering the Doctor's summons to the Panopticon.) RODAN: (broadcast) The transduction barrier has failed. We are being invaded. [Panopticon] DOCTOR: Gentlemen, this is no ordinary meeting. I'm privileged to introduce to you your new masters. (The Doctor kneels. There is a crackling sound and three vaguely humanoid shapes of aluminium foil appear. The Doctor cackles, evilly.) Part Three [Panopticon] BORUSA: He's mad! Guard! (A guard on the steps draws his weapon. A Vardan moves towards him, and the beam bounces off him back to the guard. Basically, he shoots himself.) DOCTOR: Resistance is useless. The Vardans have more power than we have dreamed of and more knowledge than we can hope for. You must submit the way I did when I first met them.BORUSA: And when was that?DOCTOR: A long time ago.BORUSA: So you knew about this all the time. You knew about this before your induction.DOCTOR: Yes, before that, yes.BORUSA: And all you know is in the Matrix.DOCTOR: And all I know is in the Matrix.BORUSA: You really disappoint me, Doctor. I expected better of you.DOCTOR: Did you really? Thank you. [Space Traffic Control] RODAN: The invaders are in control.LEELA: Good. Now we can fight them.RODAN: Didn't you hear the Lord President's announcement? We must submit.LEELA: You keep your Lord President, I'll keep my Doctor. He has a plan.RODAN: What plan?LEELA: I don't know.RODAN: Then how can you say?LEELA: He always has a plan. [Panopticon] DOCTOR: You will now disperse until my next summons. (Kelner and the Time Lords leave.) BORUSA: You have no right!DOCTOR: Borusa. Have you carried out my instructions?BORUSA: Regarding what, Supremacy?DOCTOR: The redecoration of my office.BORUSA: The matter is in hand.DOCTOR: Ah. (sotto) But is it finished?BORUSA: I believe so.DOCTOR: Confirm it, and meet me there within the hour. (Borusa nods and leaves.) LEADER: Congratulations, Doctor. You show great promise in the application of power. You could be a first grade dictator.DOCTOR: Thank you. You're very kind. That's very kind of you. (sotto, walking away) K9.LEADER: What did you say?DOCTOR: Nothing.LEADER: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes?LEADER: How long will it take you to find the Great Key?DOCTOR: Oh. Oh, it's just a matter of time. (The Doctor leaves. K9 is on his way.) [Space Traffic Control] LEELA: There's no point in further discussion. Discussion is for the wise or the helpless, and I am neither.RODAN; Then what are you going to do?LEELA: Well, if the Doctor wished me banished, I'll be banished.RODAN: You will surrender?LEELA: No! You talk always of surrender. Are all your tribe like this?RODAN: We are rational.LEELA: You are cowards. No, if the Doctor wished me banished, it was for a reason.RODAN: Reason dictates the Doctor is a traitor.LEELA: Never!RODAN: Reason dictatesLEELA: Then reason is a liar!RODAN: And if I am right?LEELA: Then I am wrong, and I will face the consequence. Are you coming? (Rodan nods and takes Leela's outstretched hand. ) [President's office] (The Doctor ducks away from his escort into his newly decorated office. The walls and doors are dull grey metal with a multitude of various wheels in relief. Borusa is waiting.) DOCTOR: Nice. Yes, really nice. Bit rococo for a purist like me. What are you doing here, Borusa?BORUSA: You wished to see me, your Excellence.DOCTOR: Did I? Did I really? Oh yes, yes. Are the decorations complete?BORUSA: As you can see.DOCTOR: Completely complete.BORUSA: To the last detail.DOCTOR: No substitutes, no forgeries, no penny-pinching.BORUSA: They are the finest to be had in the whole Thessorian Empire.DOCTOR: And this exquisite relief work, in pure lead?BORUSA: As you can see?DOCTOR: Good. Now at last we can talk. [Corridor] (Leela and Rodan make their way along carefully.) ANDRED: Stop! [President's office] BORUSA: But the strain must have been intolerable.DOCTOR: Nearly. I owe you a great deal, Lord Borusa. Especially apologies for the indignities and insults I threw at you.BORUSA: The President need apologise to no one.DOCTOR: Thank you.BORUSA: The PresidentDOCTOR: Need thank no one. True, very true. It's a habit I picked up.BORUSA: How accurate is your data?DOCTOR: Absolutely accurate, but not yet complete.BORUSA: The Vardans can travel along wavelengths of any sort?DOCTOR: Yes.BORUSA: In the sense that any electro-temporal field aids communication, are they telepathic?DOCTOR: Hmm, yes. They can read thoughts.BORUSA: But a lead-lined room would shield you from them.DOCTOR: True.BORUSA: Yet you maintained a partial shielding unaided.DOCTOR: Well, I had the benefit of your training.BORUSA: And you did not think that I could shield myself?DOCTOR: Well, Lord Borusa, you and the other Time Lords are singularly logical, hmm? You're also short on humour and imagination. You can't offer distractions as I can. What's for tea?BORUSA: Tea?DOCTOR: Tea.BORUSA: Tea is camillia in dried formDOCTOR: I know what tea is.BORUSA: Well, what's that got to do with the threat from the Vardans?DOCTOR: See, you're too single-minded. You're as transparent as good, old fashioned glass.BORUSA: You're right. I wouldn't last a moment. My mind is too easy to read. The master learns from the student, eh, Doctor? [Corridor] RODAN: So, what are you going to do?ANDRED: That depends. How much is she involved with the invaders?LEELA: I am not involved with them. I am against them.RODAN: She doesn't even know who they are.ANDRED: But she's the President's friend.LEELA: Yes, I am. I want to save him.ANDRED: And that's why you destroyed the transduction barrier.LEELA: I destroyed the?RODAN: She couldn't have. She was with me.ANDRED: Who did, then?RODAN: I have no idea. Oh look, we must get out of the Citadel.ANDRED: What for?RODAN: Well, it's safer than staying in here.ANDRED: All right. But be careful. There's a total curfew on. If any of my men see you, they'll shoot.RODAN: What?ANDRED: Kelner's orders.RODAN: Oh, come with us, Andred.ANDRED: Somebody's got to try and balance Castellan Kelner. He's having a lovely time, settling old scores, locking people up. Besides, you never know, there might be a chance to have a go at the invaders.LEELA: Come on. (Rodan and Leela leave.) ANDRED: Or even the President. [President's office] BORUSA: But why banish your friend Leela?DOCTOR: Because she could be the biggest danger of all.BORUSA: Oh, yes. If I'm as transparent as good, old-fashioned glass. (Leela and Rodan have acquired cloaks to wear.) DOCTOR: Until she gets to outer Gallifrey.BORUSA: That barbarian garden? How can she be safe there?DOCTOR: Well, that barbarian garden's her natural habitat. She's a huntress, a creature of instinct. The power out thereBORUSA: I know. Awful. Can she survive? [Wilderness] (Leela and Rodan make their way across sand dunes under an orange sky.) RODAN: Oh, I'm so tired. I must rest.LEELA: We haven't come far enough.RODAN: I never thought it'd be like this.LEELA: What, you've never been outside the Citadel before?RODAN: No, why should I have? There's everything we need inside.LEELA: This is much better than inside.RODAN: It's frightening.LEELA: Why are you scared?RODAN: It's all so (pause) natural.LEELA: We must go on. They can still see us here from the Citadel.RODAN: How much further?LEELA: Just over there, then you can rest.RODAN: All right.LEELA: Come on. (Further on.) RODAN: Now can we rest?LEELA: Yes. Yes, rest here.RODAN: Whose stupid idea was it to leave the Citadel?LEELA: Oh, you'd rather be with the invaders?RODAN: No, you're quite right. It's got to be safer here. (A spear slams into the sand beside her. They are suddenly surrounded by a hunting band.) [Castellan's office] KELNER: You will stay with the President at all times. You will be his personal bodyguard, do you understand?BODYGUARD: Yes, Castellan.KELNER: You will take your orders only from me, and you will report to me everything the President says and does. Understood?BODYGUARD: Of course, Castellan.KELNER: You see, there may be those who wish to dispose of the President, but you will protect him against every threat until I tell you otherwise.BODYGUARD: Nothing will happen to him while I'm guarding him, Castellan.KELNER: Good. Because if anything does happen, I would have to take over as President, and I have no wish to expose myself to the dangers of that position (pause) for the moment.BODYGUARD: I understand perfectly, sir.KELNER: Good. You will be suitably rewarded when the time comes. Now go about your business.BODYGUARD: Yes, sir. And thank you. [Nesbin's camp] (Leela and Rodin are lead through the scrub to a tatty encampment.) NESBIN: What's this?ABLIF: We found them, Nesbin.NESBIN: Found them?ABLIF: Thought they were game at first. Jasko nearly put a spear through them.NESBIN: Were they armed.ABLIF: This one was. It took all of us to get it off her. (He hands over Leela's knife.) NESBIN: She is very strange. (Leela takes Nesbin's pointing hand and neatly throws him onto his back, getting her knife back.) LEELA: Then don't touch me!NESBIN: Well, it speaks.LEELA: I am not an it. I am Leela. This is Rodan. Who are you and what do you want with us?NESBIN: I am Nesbin.LEELA: The leader?NESBIN: Yes. This is Presta. (A young woman comes forward.) NESBIN: And this is Ablif. But what is more to the point, what do you want with us?RODAN: We don't want anything with you.PRESTA: It's a trick. They've come here to trap us.ABLIF: Yes, send them back to the city before they bring their guards on us.RODAN: No, we're escaping from the city.NESBIN: Well, then you do want something from us.RODAN: What?NESBIN: Protection. Help. You can't survive out here without.LEELA: I can survive anywhere.NESBIN: I believe that. What are you?LEELA: I am a warrior of the Sevateem.PRESTA: An alien! That's dangerous. Surely they'll come hunting for her?NESBIN: We'll consider that in a moment. Well, warrior, I don't doubt that you can survive, but what about your friend here?RODAN: What about me?NESBIN: Well, you're no alien. I doubt if you've ever set foot outside the Citadel in your life before, have you?RODAN: No.NESBIN: Well, out here it's different. You have to fend for yourself.RODAN: Fend?NESBIN: That's right. What are you going to eat, for instance?RODAN: I have some supplies. Look. (Some tablets in a box in her belt pouch.) NESBIN: They won't last long. When they've gone, what will you do?RODAN: I, I don't know.NESBIN: I thought not. You wouldn't even know what you could eat, would you? Have you ever eaten flesh or fruit?RODAN: No.NESBIN: And shelter. Do you understand the need for shelter? No, of course you don't. You wouldn't last three days out here.RODAN: I didn't realise. I'm so tired and cold.NESBIN: Better get her inside.PRESTA: Are we going to let them stay, then?NESBIN: We'll decide about that when we've heard their story. This one'll need rest and shelter before she can tell us anything. [President's office] BORUSA: How much have you told me?DOCTOR: Well, as much as I dare.BORUSA: Just so I know how much I am liable to give away.DOCTOR: You'll be all right. Do you think you can do it?BORUSA: Yes.DOCTOR: You're a brave man, Borusa.BORUSA: I am a Cardinal.DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, well, this shielding'll make them suspicious if we stay out of sight too long. Let's go. (K9 returns to the TARDIS and opens a panel in the console base.) [Castellan's office] (The Vardans are with Kelner when the Doctor, Borusa and their escort enter.) DOCTOR: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.KELNER: It is I who should apologiseDOCTOR: I wasn't talking to you. Move over. Shall we start? Chancellor, these are our new masters. I order you to acknowledge their absolute authority.BORUSA: You have no authority under the Constitution to order the Chancellor to do anything.DOCTOR: The Constitution is suspended as of now.BORUSA: This is monstrous, President.DOCTOR: Yes, but it is so. Do it.BORUSA: Never. I will not submit to these creatures. I am a Time Lord, a (A white beam hits Borusa, making him gasp and start to double over in pain.) DOCTOR: Don't destroy him. He might be useful to us.LEADER: You will be responsible for him.DOCTOR: Yes, of course. Yes, of course. (The beam stops.) DOCTOR: Get up, you stiff-necked old Chancellor. Get up. Castellan, have the Chancellor removed to his quarters.KELNER: Guards, escort the Chancellor to his rooms. Remain on guard.DOCTOR: And don't let anyone in or out. He's under house arrest. (The guards take Borusa away.) DOCTOR: You have to admire him. He has courage.LEADER: He is foolish. If he causes trouble, we shall destroy him, and you also.DOCTOR: I've kept my part of the bargain. What more do you want?LEADER: More? We haven't begun yet. When we are certain that we have complete dominance over your people, then we shall reveal our requirements to you.DOCTOR: And yourselves, I hope. I find it disconcerting talking to shimmering shapes.LEADER: The time is not right. First you must complete the arrangements for the subjugation of your people.DOCTOR: Naturally, naturally. Well, Castellan, the Chancellor doesn't seem too keen to help. How about you?KELNER: It is my duty, sir, to serve the President at all times. I will do whatever you wish.DOCTOR: I thought you would. You can start by making sure that no one organises any resistance. That's the last thing I want.KELNER: Of course, sir. Peaceful cooperation is a much more fruitful course.DOCTOR: Good. Listen, why don't you regard yourself as Acting Vice-President?KELNER: Oh, thank you, sir.DOCTOR: And you'd better make me a list of all Time Lords holding official positions, and let me know which ones you think are reliable.KELNER: Yes, of course, sir. And perhaps you'd like a list of all known trouble makers at the same time?DOCTOR: That's the stuff. Off you go. (Kelner bows himself out. The bodyguard stands in the background as the Doctor sits in Kelner's chair.) DOCTOR: I knew we could rely on him. Well, now that you're safely here, why don't you, er, make yourselves comfortable, hmm? (K9 continues to do something clever with the TARDIS console. Kelner returns with a data pack.) KELNER: Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?DOCTOR: Yes. A jelly baby. My right hand pocket. (Kelner takes out a paper bag.) KELNER: What colour would you prefer, sir?DOCTOR: Orange.KELNER: There doesn't appear to be an orange one.DOCTOR: One grows tired of jelly babies, Castellan.KELNER: Oh, indeed one does, sir.DOCTOR: One grows tired of almost everything, Castellan.KELNER: Indeed, sir.DOCTOR: Except power.KELNER: Yes.DOCTOR: Is the curfew effective?KELNER: No incidents have been reported, sir.DOCTOR: What a splendidly subservient Citadel you do run, Castellan.KELNER: You are too generous, sir.DOCTOR: Have you brought the list?KELNER: Sir. (Kelner gives him the data pack.) DOCTOR: So these Time Lords are the only potential rebels to our new regime, hmm?KELNER: Yes, sir. I have checked all the bio-data extracts personally.DOCTOR: You have?KELNER: Well, er, with one or two exceptions, such as your good self.DOCTOR: Hmm. I should thing so, too. Well, if these are the only threats to our new regime, we'd better do something about them.LEADER: Unreliable elements must be destroyed.DOCTOR: Oh, I hardly think so. They may be persuaded to see reason and some of them might be useful to us.LEADER: There is no choice.DOCTOR: Oh, but there is.KELNER: There is, sir?DOCTOR: Yes. Expulsion.LEADER: Expulsion?KELNER: Yes, that's an excellent idea, sir.DOCTOR: None of them can survive out there without help, and there's no help out there.KELNER: Oh yes, sir, that's an admirable detail. Once people realise that they'll liable to expulsion, they will quickly come to heel.LEADER: Very well, we approve. But leaders such as Chancellor Borusa shall be kept here in confinement.DOCTOR: Naturally. Well, see to it, Castellan. Oh, and Castellan, if I were you, I'd put them out one by one.KELNER: Yes, sir. I will start at once.DOCTOR: Good. (Kelner leaves.) DOCTOR: Well, that's a good morning's work, wouldn't you say?LEADER: Your progress so far has been quite satisfactory.DOCTOR: Isn't it time we shared a bit of trust? I mean, couldn't you materialise and have a jelly baby?LEADER: We are not ready yet.DOCTOR: Oh.LEADER: Your next task will be to dismantle the quantum force field around Gallifrey.DOCTOR: Dismantle it? That's not possible.LEADER: It has to be possible.DOCTOR: But if we tamper with that, the whole planet could be vaporised.LEADER: You will find a way.DOCTOR: I can't.LEADER: You will! [Nesbin's camp] (Mealtime, at a wooden table with wooden plates and bowls. Leela and Rodan have fur cloaks like the others now.) NESBIN: Gallifrey invaded? Nonsense. That's impossible.LEELA: How do you know? You're not a Time Lord.NESBIN: Oh, but we are, or rather, we were until we decided to drop out.LEELA: What is drop out? You fell?NESBIN: All that peace and eternal tranquillity. We decided to get back to nature out here.LEELA: Is this true?RODAN: Well, I've heard it rumoured, but it's a subject that's never mentioned.NESBIN: Well no, it wouldn't be. Might upset their cosy little world.LEELA: Then you like fighting. Good.NESBIN: Oh, now wait a minute, listen.LEELA: No, you listen to me, before it's too late. [Castellan's office] KELNER: Your record shows, Gomer, that you are politically unreliable.GOMER: Unreliable? How dare you, Kelner. There's not a more loyal Time Lord in all Gallifrey.KELNER: Exactly. Loyal to the old ways.GOMER: What other ways are there?KELNER: You are considered to be dangerous, a threat to the new regime.GOMER: I consider that to be a compliment, Kelner. Thank you. I may be getting old, but if I had a weapon to use against these invaders, I'dKELNER: You'd use it. Yes. Yes, you would. I think we'd be a lot safer with you out of the way.GOMER: What are you going to do with me?KELNER: By order of the President, you are to be expelled from the Citadel. [Corridor] (Andred holds Gomer's arm as they walk along.) GOMER: I'm sorry I can't go any faster. By the time you're my age, I'm in my tenth regeneration, you knowANDRED: Yes, sir, I know. I don't mind how slowly we go.GOMER: In my younger days I was considered to be lively enough.ANDRED: That's why you're being put out now.GOMER: Oh, yes, it would be. Kelner and his sort never let bygones be bygones. We never got on, never saw eye to eye. To tell you the truth, I can't stand the fellow.ANDRED: You're not alone in that.GOMER: Watch your step, young man, or you'll be following me out there.ANDRED: Oh, I don't think so. Some of us intend to do something about all this. It's all right, they're with me.GOMER: Are they indeed?ANDRED: There are plenty of us, more than Kelner and the President bargained for, and we're gaining strength every hour.GOMER: Good for you, young Andred. Good for you. Now, can I stay and help?ANDRED: Thank you, but I must put you out, sir. If I don't, Castellan Kelner will get suspicious.GOMER: Yes, I understand.ANDRED: But you may find help outside.GOMER: Help? Out there?ANDRED: Rodan and the alien girl Leela are already out there. Others are following. [Nesbin's camp] NESBIN: But you can't even take care of yourselves!LEELA: Try me!NESBIN: When I'm not busy.ABLIF: Now that's the language I do understand.LEELA: Then we are agreed? We shall fight! [Corridor] BODYGUARD: Where are we going, sir?DOCTOR: I'm not at liberty to say. [Somewhere in the Citadel] (Andred greets two Time Lords.) ANDRED: You came. Good. Now, listen to me. Before we can do anything against the invaders, we have to dispose of the President. I know it's against every law of the land, and it'll mean breaking my oath, but I believe he's forfeited the right to protection. He's a traitor who's brought these creatures in, and he must die. Are you with me?MAN 1: Yes.MAN 2: Yes.ANDRED: Right. We must get him away from his invader friends and away from Kelner's tame bodyguard, then we can strike. [Citadel] (The Doctor unlocks the TARDIS.) DOCTOR: No, no, no. You stay here.BODYGUARD: But sir, I can't. I must stay with you. Castellan's orders.DOCTOR: Rescinded.BODYGUARD: Beg pardon, sir?DOCTOR: Do you know what this is? (The Doctor opens his jacket to reveal that he is still wearing the Sash. The bodyguard kneels.) BODYGUARD: Yes, Excellence.DOCTOR: Will you disobey me?BODYGUARD: The Castellan will have me shot, sir.DOCTOR: Well, that's all right. I'll have him shot. You stay there. [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: How's it going, K9? [Citadel] (Andred enters and shoots the bodyguard.) ANDRED: Now, look. I'll go in first. [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: K9? (The Doctor uses the TARDIS' PA system.) DOCTOR: K9, this is no time to be enjoying yourself, all right? (K9 detaches himself from the console.) K9: Absorption of data most satisfactory, master.DOCTOR: Good. Take this. I could try it myself, but they'd be sure to find out. (The Doctor places the Matrix circlet on K9's head.) DOCTOR: Come on, K9. Come on. Easy, easy, easy. Steady now.K9: Primary circuits locked in.DOCTOR: Good. (The doors start to open.) K9: Commencing secondary feed.DOCTOR: Excellent. Ah, Andred. I've got something for you. A surprise.ANDRED: In the name of liberty and honour, I sentence you to death, traitor.DOCTOR: Oh, but.Part Four [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: Don't point that thing at me. I am the President, you know. You owe me a little respect. Stun him, K9. (The Doctor catches Andred as he slowly topples backwards, stunned, and lays him on the floor.) DOCTOR: Good dog. Well, don't just stand there, reconnect.K9: Commencing reconnection. [Castellan's office] KELNER: Arrest Commander Andred and his guards. If they resist, kill them.GUARD: Yes, sir. (The guard leaves.) LEADER: There is something wrong?KELNER: Nothing my guards cannot deal with, honoured sir. A minor infringement of discipline.LEADER: You are right. Lack of discipline cannot be tolerated. [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: Come on, K9, come on. (Andred wakes up.) ANDRED: Die, traitor.DOCTOR: Not now. Can't you see I'm busy? (Andred tries to shoot the Doctor.) DOCTOR: It won't work in here. It's a patrol staser. It doesn't operate, you see, not in a relative dimensional stabiliser field.ANDRED: What treachery are you attempting now?DOCTOR: A rather more effective treachery than yours, I hope. (Outside, the new bunch of guards shoot the two Time Lords and Andred's guards, and report back.) ANDRED: Now look, you're surrounded. There's no way you can leave this craft and live. Didn't you hear me?DOCTOR: I heard. K9? I'm going out for a few moments. I'll rely on you. And you, don't touch anything.ANDRED: Goodbye, Doctor. [Citadel] (The Doctor sees the pile of bodies on his doorstep.) DOCTOR: What's going on out here?GUARD: They were trying to assassinate you.DOCTOR: What? Did you have to kill them all?GUARD: Yes.DOCTOR: I see.GUARD: Lord President, I don't think you understand the seriousness of the situation.DOCTOR: But I assure you I do, I do. Someone's made an attempt on my life and you let the ringleader escape.GUARD: Ringleader, sir?DOCTOR: Yes, your own commander, Andred.GUARD: Don't worry, sir, he won't get far.DOCTOR: I hope not. You get after him before he tries again.GUARD: Yes, sir. (He leaves one guard to protect the President. The Doctor goes back inside the TARDIS.) [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: No way to go out there and leave. I've got news for you.ANDRED: What?DOCTOR: You're stuck here.ANDRED: What?DOCTOR: Your pitiful attempt at revolution has failed. (The Doctor shuts the TARDIS doors.) ANDRED: You're lying.DOCTOR: I'm the living proof I'm not. I don't know what they teach you at the Academy these days, but if you can't pull off a simple palace revolution, what can you pull off, hmm?ANDRED: I don't believe you. (Andred tries to activate the scanner.) ANDRED: It's jammed.DOCTOR: Yes. And it's going to stay jammed until the invaders have gone. (sotto) You see, while I'm in here, they can't touch me, and they can't read my thoughts.ANDRED: You mean they can travel along any form of broadcast wavelength?DOCTOR: Yes, and materialise at the end of it. But until they do materialise, I can't identify their planet of origin and time loop it.ANDRED: But you have access to the greatest source of knowledge in the universe.DOCTOR: Well, I do talk to myself sometimes, yes.ANDRED: I mean the Matrix.DOCTOR: Oh. Oh, that old thing. Yeah. There's a problem there. I've been under a bit of a strain recently. You see, the Matrix has been invaded.ANDRED: The Matrix has been invaded?DOCTOR: Yes.ANDRED: Why haven't you explained this to the Supreme Council?DOCTOR: Shush. Because they can read thoughts. Even encephalographic patterns. That's why I've plugged K9 into the Matrix instead of me. He's got no brains, you see. Sorry about that, K9.ANDRED: Can you trust a machine?DOCTOR: This one I can. He's my second best friend. [Castellan's office] KELNER: There is another matter I should like to raise with you, sir.LEADER: Well?KELNER: Unfortunately, it is a matter of some delicacy.LEADER: Speak.KELNER: The President has been behaving, well, strangely. Just a suspicion, no more. (The Vardans laugh.) LEADER: We speculated as to how long it would take for you to recognise and report this.KELNER: You knew?LEADER: We have suspected the Doctor since we first made contact. We shall deal with him soon. [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: Well, at least they don't suspect me.ANDRED: Yes. Banishing Leela and the others was the best way of protecting them.DOCTOR: Hmm. (eureka moment) It might just work. Give me your helmet. (The Doctor takes it and goes deeper into the TARDIS.) ANDRED: He's mad. One of us is mad. It's either him... [Castellan's office] (The Vardan leader is 'sitting' in Kelner's chair.) LEADER: And all the rebels are dead?KELNER: Yes, all except Commander Andred.LEADER: Ah, you took him prisoner. Good. Bring him to us.KELNER: No sir, I'm afraid he has escaped.LEADER: Escaped?KELNER: My men have made a thorough search of the Citadel, sir. He is not inside. He must have escaped to Outer Gallifrey.LEADER: To Outer Gallifrey? This is most unsatisfactory.KELNER: There is no need to worry, sir. He won't survive out there for long. No one does. [Nesbin's camp] (Archery practice, and Leela's bulls eye raises a cheer.) NESBIN: Good shot.LEELA: It's a good weapon. We must make some more.NESBIN: We'll need to if we're to go on feeding this lot. How many more is he going to expel?LEELA: Not for food. We shall need more weapons if we are to attack the Citadel.NESBIN: We can't fight with these? (Leela gets a second bulls eye.) LEELA: Why not? [TARDIS console room] (The Doctor enters and throws the helmet to Andred.) DOCTOR: That should keep them guessing.ANDRED: My helmet?DOCTOR: Yes, I built a partial encephalographic barrier into it. It'll keep your deepest thoughts hidden, but you're going to have to concentrate. Can you do that?ANDRED: Yes.DOCTOR: Good.ANDRED: What?DOCTOR: Never mind.K9: Master?DOCTOR: K9. (K9 detaches himself from the TARDIS console.) K9: Channel located.DOCTOR: What is it?K9: It is an outer spatial exploration and investigation channel, number nine nine seven seven nine five seven positive.DOCTOR: Can you tell where it's tuned to?K9: Negative.DOCTOR: Why not, K9? Sorry. Go on, K9.K9: There is considerable radiolactic interference.DOCTOR: Is there now? That's interesting. Is it deliberate?K9: Probability ninety five percent.DOCTOR: We're going to have to force them to materialise before we can identify their planet of origin. (The Doctor takes the circlet off K9's head.) DOCTOR: K9? I'm going to have to play along with them again.ANDRED: What are you going to do?DOCTOR: I'm going to dismantle the forcefield around Gallifrey.ANDRED: What?DOCTOR: It's the only way to convince them that we're really cooperating.ANDRED: But that could blow us all to pieces.DOCTOR: Yes.ANDRED: You can't do that.DOCTOR: I can't, but Rassilon can.ANDRED: Yes. Rassilon's dead.DOCTOR: Yes.ANDRED: Eons ago.DOCTOR: That's right, but his mind lives on in the APC net. I'm part of that net now. Rassilon built the forcefield. Maybe he can dismantle it.ANDRED: But if you do that, you'll leave the whole of Gallifrey defenceless.DOCTOR: Exactly! Which is why it's the only way to convince them. How do you feel about that?ANDRED: Well, IDOCTOR: That's the spirit. K9, you're in charge. (The Doctor leaves.) ANDRED: Now, lookK9: I'm in charge. We will now trace the circuit again and fuse it.ANDRED: But the circuit is part of the Academy. Instruction and investigation control.K9: We will give them a day off school. Blow it. [Nesbin's camp] (A Time Lord can barely draw the long bow. Nesbin takes Leela to one side.) NESBIN: This is hopeless.LEELA: I agree. They are.NESBIN: So much for that idea.LEELA: We shall just have to fight on our own.NESBIN: Who?LEELA: Well, you and your warriors. With me.NESBIN: There aren't enough of us to capture the Citadel. Not if Castellan and his guards are working for the invaders. They all have stasers.LEELA: Then we shall not try to capture the Citadel. We shall just rescue the Doctor. He will know what to do.NESBIN: But he is on their side!LEELA: Never! He cannot be!NESBIN: It's still impossible.LEELA: Not if we can surprise them. Choose your best warriors. Rodan can come with us. She will be able to guide us once we are inside. [Panopticon] (The Doctor enters carrying the circlet.) LEADER: You must not waste time, Doctor.DOCTOR: I've been thinking about it very hard, but I need to contactLEADER: Yes, we know, Doctor. You need to consult the APC net again. (The Doctor puts the circlet on.) DOCTOR: That's right. (The large gems start flashing. After a few moments -) DOCTOR: There is a way.LEADER: Well? Proceed! (The Doctor removes the circlet and goes to leave.) LEADER: Doctor! We are watching your every move and monitoring your every thought.DOCTOR: Yes. (He bows and leaves.) [TARDIS console room] (Andred has removed his jacket and is using a hand held calculator.) ANDRED: Z over P times log three five nine six equalsK9: Cosine four seven three two. [Forcefield control area] (Which is the part of the basement where K9 blasted the panels to pieces. A Vardan appears next to the Doctor.) DOCTOR: Well, it doesn't look too difficult. Well, don't stare at me. This is a very delicate operation. You're making me nervous. (The Vardan does not leave. Leela and Nesbin lead their troops through the sand dunes. After a while, the Doctor is getting dirty rummaging in the innards of a unit with his sonic screwdriver.) DOCTOR: Right, that seems to be in. Right? Right. Now hold your breath, or whatever it is you fellows hold. This is the tricky bit. (The air shakes, or is it Gallifrey shaking? The inside of the TARDIS is vibrating too.) DOCTOR: Hang on, Doctor, you're nearly there. What did you say? I said, hang on Doctor, you're nearly there. (The shaking stops.) DOCTOR: Well, I did it. [TARDIS console room] K9: Imperative we reach President's office immediately. Helmet! [Panopticon] (The Doctor enters. Kelner fell down the stairs during the shaking.) DOCTOR: There you are. I did it.LEADER: You have turned off the forcefield?DOCTOR: It's impossible to destroy the forcefield without atomising the entire planet, but I have made a sizeable hole in it above the Citadel.LEADER: You have done well.KELNER: A hole in the forcefield? Then we're without protection!VARDAN: You have our protection now. Are you not satisfied?KELNER: Oh, yes, yes, yes, of course.LEADER: This hole is permanent?DOCTOR: Well, I'd need to do a little more work on it to achieve that.LEADER: We are safe now. (The Vardans materialise. They are humanoids in green uniforms.) KELNER: They're just human.DOCTOR: Mmm. Disappointing, aren't they. Nice to see you again.LEADER: Continue with your work. Assist him.DOCTOR: No, I can manage very nicely, thank you.LEADER: Accompany him!DOCTOR: Would you like to assist me in my work? It's, er, it's this way. (In a corridor, K9 and Andred meet a guard. Andred shoots him.) [Wilderness] LEELA: Nesbin, you must take your warriors, enter the Citadel from that side. Attack the Chancellor's guards, create a diversion. I shall enter from the other side with Rodan and Jasko.NESBIN: That sounds good. Take care now.LEELA: You too.NESBIN: Come on, then! (The Vardan spacecruiser approaches Gallifrey. Both the Doctor and the Vardan, and K9 and Andred, make their way through the corridors.) [President's office] K9: We must wait for the Doctor.ANDRED: How long will that be?K9: Closing down to conserve resources. (Andred shuts the doors then takes off his helmet.) [Corridor] LEELA: Something's wrong.RODAN: What?LEELA: Where are your defences?RODAN: The transduction barrier's down.LEELA: But where are your guards?RODAN: Missing.LEELA: Exactly. [Another corridor] (The Doctor stops suddenly.) DOCTOR: Shush! I've had an idea. Two seconds. [President's office] (The Doctor enters and seals the door using several small wheels. The Vardan outside becomes tinfoil again. The Doctor laughs.) DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. I'm so glad you could make it. Base lead.ANDRED: Insulation. [Panopticon] LEADER: The Doctor! He has betrayed us!KELNER: What do you mean, master?LEADER: He has defected. Kill him! (A Vardan leaves.) LEADER: You are now in charge of this rabble. I must have discipline!KELNER: I shall issue instructions and take control immediately. [Citadel] (Leela hammers on the door.) JASKO: Hey, suppose he's not in there?LEELA: Where else could he be?RODAN: The President's office, I suppose.LEELA: Lead us there. [Castellan's office] KELNER: Expedite immediately. I repeat that under the circumstances I assume complete authority. The President is to be shot on sight. [President's office] (The Doctor gives the Sash to Andred.) DOCTOR: Take that. (He fishes the Rod from a deep pocket.) DOCTOR: And that. (And the circlet from under his hat.) DOCTOR: And that. Come on, boy. (The Doctor picks up K9 and puts him on a table.) DOCTOR: Shush, don't be frightened. Hand me the Sash. Trust me. (He puts the Sash on K9.) DOCTOR: There we are. (The circlet goes on K9's head and the Rod leans up by his side.) DOCTOR: Ready, K9?K9: Affirmative.DOCTOR: Now don't get any ideas. [Outside the President's office] VARDAN: Break the door down. (But just as the guard raises the mace to obey, he and his companion are both shot in the back from opposite directions. The Vardan dematerialises.) NESBIN: Well met, Leela.LEELA: What was that?RODAN: Someone vanishing.LEELA: Where's the President's office? Here?RODAN: Yes.NESBIN. Here.LEELA: Break it down. (They hammer on the door.) [President's office] DOCTOR: Open the door, Andred. (The warriors burst in.) ANDRED: No, keep still.DOCTOR: (sotto) Ready, K9? (K9 nods and puts out his probe three times.) [Panopticon] LEADER: Alert! Alert! I detect an illegitimate frequency tracer! Alert! Full alert! [President's office] K9: Contact. Coordinates of Vardan source planet vector three zero five two, alpha seven, fourteen span.DOCTOR: Activate the modulation rejection pattern.K9: Activating now. [Panopticon] KELNER: Sir, I can't break into the (The Vardans vanish.) KELNER: What happened? [President's office] K9: Negative. Confirm negative. No trace of alien waveform on Gallifrey. (The Doctor removes the regalia from K9.) LEELA: What's the matter?DOCTOR: We've won again. I've sent the invaders back to their own planet. Course, I'll need the Matrix to jury-rig a time loop, but that's notLEELA: But how have we won? We fought no one but a few guards.DOCTOR: Well, it can't always be like the relief of Mafeking, you know.LEELA: All right.DOCTOR: Don't shout at me. Don't shout. Have you ever thought of taking it up seriously?LEELA: Taking what up seriously?DOCTOR: Well, killing people. A little practice, you'd become quite proficient.LEELA: What doesDOCTOR: Come on. (Everyone starts to leave.) LEELA: Excuse me, what, do you know what (Everyone has gone.) LEELA: What does proficient mean? [Panopticon] KELNER: Oh, Doctor! President.DOCTOR: Castellan, is the Chancellor still in his office?KELNER: Yes, your Excellency.DOCTOR: Good. Castellan, as Castellan you are responsible for security on Gallifrey in general and for my safety in particular, are you not, Castellan?KELNER: That is so, Excellency.DOCTOR: Castellan, I don't think you're very good at it. That's just my opinion, I'm only the President. Still, every oligarchy gets the Castellan it deserves, eh, Castellan?KELNER: Er.DOCTOR: Yes, well, never mind. Just clear up the mess when you've got a moment.LEELA: Is it over?DOCTOR: Yes. (Cheers from the Outsider rabble.) DOCTOR: It's been a long, hard road, but at last the future of Gallifrey is assured. What, what are you looking at? (The Doctor turns. Where the Vardans used to be now stand four squat aliens with round helmets. The lead Sontaran draws his Rheon Carbine weapon.) Part Five [Panopticon] DOCTOR: Please don't fire that thing.STOR: There is no advantage in killing, yet. Slavery is more efficient.LEELA: Do you know these things?DOCTOR: Sontaran troopers.STOR: I am Commander Stor, of the Sontaran Special Space Service.DOCTOR: The SSSS. Isn't that carrying alliteration a little far?LEELA: You're not like the Vardans.STOR: Vardans? They were expendable. They had served their purpose to open up the forcefield and let us in. Who is Doctor? (Behind Stor's back, the Doctor puts his finger to his lips.) STOR: (to Kelner) Are you Doctor?KELNER: No.DOCTOR: No, I'm just Lord President of the Supreme Council of Time Lords on Gallifrey.STOR: Your description fits that of one called Doctor.DOCTOR: Well, that's no my fault. I'm Lord President, and I'm called sir.STOR: Sir?DOCTOR: Yes, sir.STOR: I call no one sir except my battalion leader. (Stor fires his rheon carbine at the Doctor's back. It hurts.) DOCTOR: That must mean many thousand sirs.STOR: Thousands. The glorious Sontaran army reckons its numbers in hundreds of millions. Find Doctor. (A Sontaran soldier leaves.) DOCTOR: I was only trying to help. [Chancellory] (Borusa is eavesdropping on a green communications ball.) DOCTOR [OC]: I was only trying to help. (Borusa goes to his secret door.) BORUSA: There's nothing more useless than a lock with a voice imprint. [President's office] (Borusa enters by a secret door. His comm. ball only gives out static now.) BORUSA: I think I believe you, Doctor. In fact, excellent, Excellency. [Chancellory] (Borusa returns via the secret door and continues to listen in on the Panopticon.) DOCTOR [OC]: Knowledge is the ultimate goal, is it not, Commander Stor? [Panopticon] STOR: A means to an end only. The ultimate goal is victory.DOCTOR: Victory over whom?STOR: Victory over all.DOCTOR: Victory over time?STOR: What? [Chancellory] DOCTOR [OC]: I said, victory over time?STOR [OC]: Enough of this idle talk. (Borusa unlocks a small drawer in his desk, and turns a dial on a small circuit. The Panopticon is filled with a head-splitting noise. The Sontarans collapse while the humanoids cover their ears and run. Kelner tries to take Stor's helmet off, but is pushed away.) [Corridor] DOCTOR: Stop!LEELA: What was that?DOCTOR: Celebration chimes.LEELA: What?DOCTOR: Yes, it should have been played at my induction, only fifty times lower. Someone's trying to help us.LEELA: I am.DOCTOR: We'd better split up. Leela and Andred come with me. The rest of you scatter. Come on.LEELA: Oh, and Jasko, Rodan, Ablif.NESBIN: We'll go this way. [Panopticon] (The chimes have stopped.) KELNER: I'm sorry, my lord. It was none of my doing. (Stor uses his communicator.) STOR: To all units. I repeat, to all units. The President is to be apprehended. Kill those with him, but take the President alive.KELNER: No. (Stor knocks Kelner down.) [Corridor] (The Doctor and his group are pressed up against a wall. A figure approaches from a distance.) DOCTOR: A Sontaran.LEELA: What are these Sontarans?DOCTOR: A race devoted to perpetual war.LEELA: Then I shall kill him.DOCTOR: You don't know how.LEELA: Do you know?DOCTOR: Oh, yes.LEELA: Well, tell me.DOCTOR: Small vent at the back of the neck.LEELA: Is that all? (She partly covers her mouth and calls in a deep voice.) LEELA: Over here! (Her voice echoes down the corridor. The Sontaran turns to look behind him, and she throws her knife straight into his probic vent. The group run down to the body and Leela retrieves her weapon.) DOCTOR: Oh, that was a prodigious throw!LEELA: Prodigious?DOCTOR: Well, it was an amazing throw.LEELA: Oh, it was nothing.DOCTOR: Well, yes, I know it's just an old hunting trick.LEELA: That's right.DOCTOR: Come on. (Borusa is still eavesdropping on Stor giving orders, and smiling.) [Panopticon] STOR: Unit group three seven, report. Report!KELNER: They must be onSTOR: Where is level three?KELNER: On theSTOR: Where is level three?KELNER: On the way to level five. The President's office. That's where they're heading.STOR: Unit groups three, five and seven, proceed immediately to level five. Expect the President and his bodyguard. Take him alive.KELNER: My lordSTOR: Do notKELNER: The President isSTOR: Silence! (Stor throws Kelner against the dais.) [Corridor] LEELA: Why the office?DOCTOR: I've got an urgent appointment. [Panopticon] STOR: Time Lord, come with me. (Kelner follows Stor. The Doctor and co run up a flight of stairs. Sontarans follow more slowly.) [Corridor] DOCTOR: Ah. This is a dangerous bit. Five, four, three, two, one, go. [President's office] (The Doctor and Co. run inside.) DOCTOR: Two, three, four, five, six? (He locks the door.) BORUSA: I thought you'd never get here. (Borusa points a staser at the group.) DOCTOR: We were delayed.BORUSA: Not too long, I hope. [Outside the President's office] (Stor, Kelner and the two surviving aides arrive.) STOR: This one, Time Lord?KELNER: Yes, Excellency.STOR: Break it down. (The troops start hitting the lead door.) [President's office] DOCTOR: That's not going to hold forever, Chancellor.BORUSA: A heavy, easily fusible, soft malleable base metal such as lead is not the best defence against heat-intensive weaponry.DOCTOR: I agree.BORUSA: Fortunately, someone had the good sense to reinforce the structure with a titanium based alloy.DOCTOR: Your recipe?BORUSA: A suggestion of mine, yes. A holding device only, I fear.DOCTOR: Thanks for the thought. Thanks for the thought, Chancellor.BORUSA: Is not one of my duties to protect the President?DOCTOR: Well, dereliction of duty's pretty rife around here, Chancellor. Hadn't you noticed?BORUSA: Oh, this is not for you. Your companions, however.DOCTOR: I'll vouch for them.BORUSA: Of your own free will?DOCTOR: Oh, yes.BORUSA: At your command, Excellency. (Borusa puts the staser down.) LEELA: Shall I kill him now?DOCTOR: What? No. No, he's my friend.LEELA: He's no friend to threaten you like that.DOCTOR: He is a friend. You're my friend, aren't you, Borusa? You're the most important friend I've got. [Outside the President's office] STOR: This is useless. Not even marked. Return with the troopers, but make sure they are fully armed. Otherwise, I will negate you. Now go. (Stor's aides leave.) [President's office] DOCTOR: Bringing up the heavy artillery, I imagine.BORUSA: The next logical step, I agree.DOCTOR: Evacuation?BORUSA: Would appear logical.DOCTOR: I suggest my TARDIS.BORUSA: I agree.DOCTOR: I think the exit through your office would be most expedient.BORUSA: There's no need for formality, Excellency.DOCTOR: I know. There's something in there I want rather badly. Let's go. Come on. (Borusa opens the secret door and the others file through while the Doctor unlocks the main door and opens it slightly.) [Outside the President's office] STOR: What was that?KELNER: I don't know, sir. (Stor tries the door, and it opens slightly.) STOR: What trick is this?KELNER: I have no idea. Believe me, Excellency. (Stor, Kelner and a Sontaran burst into the office. Something is groaning under a cover.) [Chancellory] DOCTOR: Ah, Chancellor. You and I have things to discuss. Urgent things. Leela.LEELA: Yes?DOCTOR: Take the others back to the TARDIS.LEELA: Oh no, I'm not leaving you again.DOCTOR: Please.LEELA: No. Every time I do, you get into trouble.DOCTOR: That's right. Trust me, please.LEELA: All right. Come on. I said, come on. (Leela leads the group which now includes K9 out of the room. The Doctor shuts the door behind them.) DOCTOR: Well, Chancellor? Are you going to help me or kill me, hmm? [President's office] STOR: Why did you not tell us this before?KELNER: He called himself Doctor for many lifespans before he became President, but I have never trusted him. When your good friends the VardansSTOR: You have met the Vardans?KELNER: Alas, all too briefly.STOR: They had their uses. You also may be of use to us, Time Lord. [Chancellory] DOCTOR: Where is it?BORUSA: I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.DOCTOR: Where is it?BORUSA: You ask for the impossible.DOCTOR: I ask for the Great Key.BORUSA: You already have it.DOCTOR: I have Rod of Rassilon and I have the Sash. I do not have the Great Key.BORUSA: That is a myth, a legend.DOCTOR: Chancellor, would you have me break my oath as President? My oath to seek the Great Key?BORUSA: That has been incumbent upon every president since time immemorial. None has ever found it. [Corridor] (K9 is going backwards to defend the rear, but the group is still attacked by a bunch of Sontarans. Jasko is shot.) LEELA: Run! Run! (Andred returns fire. Ablif is shot.) LEELA: Come on, run.ABLIF: Leave me, Leela. Save yourself. They need you. Go! (The Sontarans pass the stricken Outsider without a second glance. He raises himself up and throws his knife into the last Sontaran's vent, then dies.) [President's office] DOCTOR: People are dying out there. Men, women, Time Lords even have died in that battle.BORUSA: I know that.DOCTOR: Isn't that important to you?BORUSA: Should it be?DOCTOR: It leaves you unconcerned. That's the difference between you and me, Chancellor. I'm very concerned.BORUSA: Then you should remember your training in detachment.DOCTOR: I'd rather care. Don't you care about your world being invaded by alien warmongers? These are Sontaran shock troops. A few still, but soon there'll be thousands, millions, threatening time itself.BORUSA: They cannot threaten time! Not while IDOCTOR: Yes, Chancellor. Not while you have the Great Key. (Leela, Rodan, Andred and K9 arrive at the TARDIS. Andred fumbles for the key he used to get in last time.) DOCTOR: If you wanted to hide a tree, where would you hide it? In a forest. I read your essay on reason. (The Doctor points to the forest of keys on the wall.) DOCTOR: Which one is it? [Citadel] LEELA: Hurry. Hurry! (Andred opens the TARDIS and they go inside.) [Chancellory] DOCTOR: I'll take them all, if necessary.BORUSA: Take them.DOCTOR: No. Rassilon was a wily old bird. No president without the Great Key can have absolute power, correct? So to protect the Time Lords from dictatorship, he gave the Key into the hands of a Chancellor.BORUSA: None of this is in the Matrix.DOCTOR: I know. I've been there. You haven't. There's no record in the Matrix of any president knowing the whereabouts of the Great Key. So who does? Not the Castellan, he's just a jumped up guard. But who guards the guards?BORUSA: The Chancellor.DOCTOR: Yes. And I'll kill you before I let that Key fall into the hands of the Sontarans.BORUSA: That will not be necessary. (Borusa takes a six inch long key from the collection. The Doctor throws it into the corner. Borusa goes to his desk and takes the key from the locked drawer.) BORUSA: You are the first president since Rassilon to hold the Great Key. [President's office] KELNER: But I can't, Excellency! (Stor speaks Sontaran to his aide, who advances on Kelner menacingly.) KELNER: It's impossible! No one could connect to the Matrix without the circlet.STOR: Then bypass the Matrix!KELNER: It is impossible!STOR: For the strong, everything is possible.KELNER: I've tried everySTOR: You must widen the gap in the forcefield to allow my battle fleet to enter.KELNER: But only the PresidentSTOR: I must have reinforcements! I must seek out the Doctor. He will lead me to the Great Key.KELNER: The Great Key? But that's impossibleSTOR: That was your last chance.KELNER: Of, of course, I, I know that all things are possible.STOR: Well?KELNER: There could just be a way. [Outside the President's office] (The Doctor and Borusa walk along the corridor to where two Sontarans are standing guard.) DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. Got your new orders yet? Get in touch with Commander Stor. He'll put you in the picture. (And they walk on.) [President's office] (Stor has been contacted on his communicator.) STOR: Of course there are no new orders. Stop him! [Corridor] SONTARAN: Halt! Halt! (The Sontaran fires at the Doctor and Borusa, but it has no effect.) DOCTOR: The Great Key, you see. Good for years yet.BORUSA: The Great Key is quite useless against elementary particle assault.DOCTOR: Is it? What? I don't understand.BORUSA: The Chancellor's personal force-shield. (his medallion of office) Unfortunately, the batteries seem uncomfortably low.DOCTOR: They do?BORUSA: So what would you suggest we do?DOCTOR: Run?BORUSA: Run.DOCTOR: Let's do that. [Citadel] BORUSA: So undignified. I haven't run like this for centuries.DOCTOR: You're out of condition, Borusa, that's your problem. Do you think you can make it over there?BORUSA: Naturally.DOCTOR: I didn't mean you, I meant the batteries.BORUSA: Oh. With luck.DOCTOR: Good. (They both cross their fingers.) DOCTOR: Maybe I am getting too young for this sort of thing. Come on. (They dash across the floor to the TARDIS, and the Doctor goes inside. The door shuts behind him. Borusa knocks on it.) BORUSA: If you could just open the door. (Borusa goes inside just before the Sontarans run into the room. They start firing their rheon carbines at the TARDIS.) [Forcefield Control area] (At the forcefield control box that the Doctor had been jury-rigging.) STOR: Well?KELNER: Well, it's difficult. There's so much disorder.STOR: I must have reinforcements. (Kelner examines an intact panel nearby.) KELNER: There is a way of patching control through. [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: What do you do?RODAN: I'm a technician.DOCTOR: Good. You stand there. Andred, control booth seven, on the right. K9, go with him. Off you go. (Andred and K9 go deeper into the TARDIS.) DOCTOR: Leela.LEELA: Yes?DOCTOR: Show Borusa to the VIP suite.LEELA: VIP suite?DOCTOR: The Chancellor's suite. It's down there on the left, up three stages, one down stage, turn left, turn left, turn left, turn left again. The room's marked no entry. Off you go.LEELA: No entry.DOCTOR: Leela?LEELA: Yes?DOCTOR: Take that for me. (He gives her the Great Key.) BORUSA: (sotto) You can't give the Great Key to an alien.DOCTOR: I just have.BORUSA: You trust her?DOCTOR: I do. Leela, that's important.LEELA: Then I shall look after it.DOCTOR: Good. Off you go.LEELA: Come. (Leela and Borusa leave.) DOCTOR: What's your name?RODAN: Rodan.DOCTOR: Rodan. R O D A N. How do you do, Rodan?RODAN: As well as I can, Excellency.DOCTOR: Well, who could hope for more. What branch did you study?RODAN: Quasitronics.DOCTOR: Quasitronics. I don't know much about quasitronics.RODAN: Well, it's a simple field study exerciseDOCTOR: Yes, I'm sure it is a simple field study exercise. You wouldn't have a glimmer of astrophysics, would you?RODAN: A glimmer.DOCTOR: Good. Could you forget everything you ever learned?RODAN: What?DOCTOR: I mean, could you switch my primary and secondary stabiliser circuitry into your secondary defence barrier?RODAN: Link your control to the main defence mechanism?DOCTOR: Well, to close the hole I made in it, yes. Seal it up and stop any more Sontaran ships coming in. (Rodan thinks for a moment, then) RODAN: Have you got a screwdriver? [Forcefield Control area] STOR: How much longer?KELNER: I can't get, oh.STOR: My battalion commander insists on immediate entry. Unless I obey, I shall die. Before I die, you will die, Time Lord. [TARDIS console room] (Rodan is working inside the console. The Doctor hands her tools as needed.) DOCTOR: You all right?RODAN: Of course I am.DOCTOR: Good.RODAN: Crimps.DOCTOR: Crimps. Crimps. Are you sure you know what you're doing?RODAN: I do. Five four two lever.DOCTOR: Five four two lever. Five four two lever. (Something creaks.) DOCTOR: Steady, old girl. This won't hurt a bit. [Forcefield Control area] KELNER: Useless.STOR: What is of no use?KELNER: The primary, secondary and tertiary control circuits are out of order.STOR: Then repair them.KELNER: It isn't a question of repair, Excellency. They have been bypassed. The only way of doing that is through a time capsule, and the only one in operation at the moment is the President's.STOR: Doctor. (Frustrated, Stor slams his hand through the panel Kelner was trying to work on. It burns out.) [TARDIS console room] DOCTOR: They could rampage right through the whole universe. And not just this universe, all the universes. Nasty thought, isn't it? That's why I had to stop them. Just had to.RODAN: Vinkelgruber.DOCTOR: Vinkelgruber? Are you listening to what I was saying?RODAN: A Vinkelgruber.DOCTOR: Vinkelgruber.RODAN: No, now what were you saying?DOCTOR: I was saying that what they're after is the Rod of Rassilon, the Sash, and above all, the Great Key. These three together, linked into the Matrix, provide the sum total of Time Lord power. That's what they want. [Forcefield Control area] KELNER: There is an alternative, Excellency.STOR: What is it?KELNER: I believe I can bypass the safety circuits. [TARDIS console room] RODAN: Hand.DOCTOR: Hand. (The Doctor helps Rodan stand up.) RODAN: Load of junk.DOCTOR: What is?RODAN: This.DOCTOR: It's my TARDIS you're talking about. (Rodan activates the scanner.) RODAN: There you are. Look, there's the arrow head, arrow wings, arrow shaft. Why, it's a perfect Sontaran formation.DOCTOR: Yes. Why an entire battle fleet?RODAN: Doesn't matter. The defence screens are up again.DOCTOR: Huh, you haven't seen what a Sontaran battle fleet. Are you sure?RODAN: Shush. As long as this TARDIS remains secure, you control the defence screens.DOCTOR: As long as the TARDIS remains secure. [Forcefield Control area] STOR: Better. Much better, Time Lord. (Kelner throws switches and levers on an intact piece of equipment.) [TARDIS console room] (The TARDIS wobbles from side to side.) RODAN: What is happening?DOCTOR: He's reversed the stabiliser banks.RODAN: But that's impossible. Only a Time Lord could do that.DOCTOR: A criminal Time Lord could, too. (They are thrown to the floor.) DOCTOR: We're being thrown into a black star!Part Six [TARDIS console room] (Everything goes negative. Leela rushes in.) LEELA: Doctor! Doctor!DOCTOR: Get Rodan.LEELA: Rodan?DOCTOR: Get Rodan. (Leela pulls the Doctor to his feet and he rushes out of the console room, where he throws a switch on the wall.) [Forcefield Control area] STOR: What has happened?KELNER: He has stabilised, thrown the fail-safe switch in his time capsule.STOR: With what effect?KELNER: The capsule is fixed in its present state for eternity, until he throws off the fail-safe switch.STOR: So he is trapped?KELNER: Yes, Excellency. The Great Key. I could have done so much with the Great Key.STOR: No one may enter or leave this solid-state capsule?KELNER: I have entrance probes for all time capsules, sir.STOR: Bring the relevant probe with you. [TARDIS fail-safe control] DOCTOR: Quick, lock the door. (Leela puts a big bar across the door. The Doctor takes a component from the wall panel.) DOCTOR: Without that, no one can reset the systems. Where are the others?LEELA: In the bathroom.DOCTOR: The bathroom?LEELA: Yes, in the bathroom.DOCTOR: You got lost, didn't you.LEELA: Well, it's bigger than it looks, your TARDIS.DOCTOR: Ah no, the mighty huntress got her. Don't you think she got lost?LEELA: I didn't. How do you know?DOCTOR: I think you got lost.LEELA: Listen, Doctor, you gave me the wrong directions.DOCTOR: Come on. You got lost.LEELA: How could you possibly expect me to follow those directions?DOCTOR: You got lost!LEELA: Doctor! [TARDIS console room] (Stor enters with one warrior and Kelner. He removes his helmet.) STOR: This machine is a load of obsolete rubbish.KELNER: This model was withdrawn centuries ago.STOR: Make the systems function again.KELNER: But, but I'm not an engineer, sir. ISTOR: Make it work, or you'll die. Well?SONTARAN: He has fastened it with some kind of locking device from the other side, sir.STOR: He's trapped in here now, and this is the only way out.SONTARAN: I will open it, sir. Then we shall have them.STOR: He has the Great Key. I want him captured, intact but unharmed. After that, I will deal with him personally. [TARDIS storeroom] DOCTOR: All right, let's walk. I've got a wonderful sense of direction. I've got a perfect sense of direction. (The Doctor stops, then goes down the steps.) RODAN: I thought you said you had a goodLEELA: Shush. Where are we?DOCTOR: Storeroom twenty three A.LEELA: Where are we going?DOCTOR: The workshop.RODAN: Has he got a workshop on board?DOCTOR [OC]: Of course I have. Come on! [TARDIS storeroom] (Identical location to 23A.) DOCTOR: What nobody understands is, the advantage of my antiquated TARDIS is that it's fully equipped and completely reliable.LEELA: Completely?DOCTOR: Yes. Yeah, well, almost completely. [TARDIS service tunnel] LEELA: Where are we now?DOCTOR: Service tunnel, Blue Section two five. Everything's going to be all right. You just follow me. [TARDIS storeroom] (And into an identical area to storeroom 23A again and down the steps. Running joke.) DOCTOR: Odd. I could have sworn I've been here before.LEELA: We have.DOCTOR: Oh. Oh. I must be in level twenty three B.RODAN: Well, wherever we are, it could do with a lick of paint.LEELA: Lick of paint?RODAN: Yes, clean it up a bit. You know, redecoration.DOCTOR: Listen, I'm a Time Lord, not a painter and decorator. I'm preoccupied with (pause)LEELA: Sontarans?DOCTOR: Yes. Sontarans, Daleks.RODAN: Don't get excited.DOCTOR: What did you say?RODAN: I said, don't get excited.DOCTOR: I'm not getting excited. I'm not gettingLEELA: (sotto) Doctor!DOCTOR: (sotto) What is it?LEELA: You are getting excited.DOCTOR: No, I'm not. [TARDIS service tunnel] (Leela steps on the Doctor's scarf.) DOCTOR: Would you get off my scarf, please.LEELA: Doctor, we've been here before.DOCTOR: Nonsense.RODAN: Dj vu.LEELA: Dj what?RODAN: Dj vu. It's a common thing among time travellers.DOCTOR: There you are.LEELA: We have been here before.DOCTOR: Rodan, tell her she's wrong.RODAN: Doctor, she's absolutely right.DOCTOR: What?RODAN: We just travelled this route ten minutes ago.DOCTOR: Nonsense. I know this TARDIS like the back of my hand. (The Doctor stares at his right palm. Leela turns his hand over for him.) DOCTOR: Come on. [Swimming pool area] (The Doctor taps the sundial on the wall.) DOCTOR: That clock's slow.(Up in the console room, the Sontaran warrior brings in a rifle-sized weapon to use on the locked inner door.The Doctor, Rodan and Leela are sitting on white painted cast iron seats.)DOCTOR: Come on, we can't sit around here all day.LEELA: You said you wanted a rest.DOCTOR: I've just had one. Let's go and find K9.LEELA: K9! [TARDIS workshop] (K9 is wired up to some equipment whilst wearing the circlet, and Andred is just watching.) ANDRED: If I had a dog like you in my unit, I'd make him a sergeant. [TARDIS storeroom] (Again.) RODAN: Why you can't use a perfectly modern seven oh six model, I'll never understand.DOCTOR: No character.LEELA: Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes?LEELA: We have been here before. (Leela sits on the steps and folds her arms.) DOCTOR: Nonsense. Rear area now, storeroom fourteen D. Onward! [TARDIS console room] KELNER: It's impossible, sir.STOR: Why?KELNER: Well, it's obvious. You see, the Doctor has removed the primary refraction tube from his fail-safe controls. With that circuit broken, well, no one can reactivate the TARDIS.STOR: So I cannot destroy the TARDIS and the Doctor cannot escape? Stalemate. (The bar across the inner door finally burns in two and falls.) [TARDIS workshop] DOCTOR: Hello. boy. How's it going?K9: Nothing is going anywhere, master. A state of perfect inertia.DOCTOR: I know we're not going anywhere. I don't like the idea of inertia being perfect.LEELA: Little K9.DOCTOR: Is it clear?ANDRED: At full capacity, Excellency, just as you ordered. (An alarm sounds.) LEELA: What is it?DOCTOR: Early warning. Something's broken in upstairs. [TARDIS fail-safe control] STOR: We will do battle on your own ground, Doctor. (Stor puts his helmet back on.) [TARDIS workshop] K9: Master.DOCTOR: Leela, the key I gave you.LEELA: Of course.DOCTOR: Can I have it, please? Thank you. Rodan, look at me. You are now in a state of deep hypnosis. Can you hear me?RODAN: Yes.DOCTOR: Rodan, you will help K9. You will do whatever he tells you. When K9 asks you for this key, you will give it to him. You will not give the key to anyone else. You understand?RODAN: Yes.DOCTOR: Good. Watch the door. Come on. We're relying on you, K9.K9: Master. (The Doctor, Andred and Leela leave.) K9: One rod of type three iridium alloy, one metre in length.RODAN: Coming up. [TARDIS staircase] (Going downwards, still.) DOCTOR: Sorry the lift's out of order. Shush.LEELA: What did you say?DOCTOR: I said I'm sorry the lift's out of order.LEELA: Oh. Where are we going?DOCTOR: What? To the bathroom of course.LEELA: To the bathroom? [TARDIS service passage] (Stor uses a tracer on his comm. unit to try and find something.) STOR: Very clever, Doctor.KELNER: What is it, sir?STOR: The Doctor has set up a biological barrage. My instruments cannot trace human life forms. We must return to his control room and eliminate this barrier.KELNER: Wait, sir. There is another way. If I can trace the ancillary generator that powers this barrierSTOR: Can you do this?KELNER: I believe I can, sir.STOR: Then you will be well rewarded. Lead on. [TARDIS Swimming pool] (Borusa is reading the Daily Mirror from Tuesday April 16 1912 - lead story the sinking of the Titanic - and drinking a blue cocktail through a fancy curled straw.) DOCTOR: I've kept you waiting, Chancellor. I've kept you waiting, Chancellor.BORUSA: I'm quite comfortable, thank you.DOCTOR: Good. (Borusa hands him the newspaper.) DOCTOR: I had nothing to do with this, I promise you. Chancellor, you know about the Rod of Rassilon.BORUSA: Yes.DOCTOR: And you know about the Sash of Rassilon.BORUSA: Yes.DOCTOR: And especially, you know about the Great Key.BORUSA: Yes.DOCTOR: Therefore, it would be very bad for us if you were to fall into the hands of the Sontarans. No breeding, you see.BORUSA: It's not just a question of breeding, surely?DOCTOR: Oh, but it is, it is, I assure you, Chancellor, it is. They're a cloned species, you see. They can multiply at the rate of a million every four minutes. Shall we go?BORUSA: I think so.DOCTOR: Good. [TARDIS storeroom] (Kelner leads Stor and his aide in and up the short flight of steps, then stops.) STOR: Well?KELNER: Tangential formation has been quite altered. The Doctor has made many modifications over the centuries. We should be by nowSTOR: Which way?KELNER: Through here. [TARDIS Swimming pool] KELNER: Here, I'm sure of it. (The Doctor and Borusa have gone when Stor, Kelner and the Sontaran enter. Andred throws a pool chair at the Sontaran, knocking him off balance and almost into the water before running off.) [TARDIS service passage] DOCTOR: Pick a door, any door. Ready? Leave. (Borusa goes through one door, Leela and Andred another, and the Doctor takes one on the other side of the passageway.) [TARDIS sickbay] (They all meet up at the entrance to a hospital ward, with curtains across cubicles. Leela gasps at seeing the Doctor.) DOCTOR: Come on.BORUSA: I wish you'd stabilise your pedestrian infrastructure, President.DOCTOR: What? Come on, pull yourself together, Borusa. Hello, sickbay. Quick, curtains. Lock the door, Andred. (Stor arrives outside and looks through the glass panel in the door. He puts his fist through the glass and unlocks the door. Rheon carbine in hand, they move slowly along the room, pulling back each cubicle curtain as they go. Andred is behind one, but Stor does not see him. Instead he starts firing his weapon in frustration, catching Andred's right arm, and leaves.) LEELA: Let's get out of here.ANDRED: You go on. I'll hold them off.LEELA: With what? We must catch the others. We'll go my way. Come on. [TARDIS Swimming Pool area] DOCTOR: What is it?ANDRED: Sorry about this. I'm not going to be much good to you now.DOCTOR: Leela?LEELA: Yes?DOCTOR: Take these two back to the workshop. You know the way.LEELA: Well, as well as I did last time.DOCTOR: It's along there on the left. Second on the left, up two stagesLEELA: Don't worry, Doctor. I'll find my own way.DOCTOR: Good. Bye, bye. (The Doctor hides in the lush foliage.) [TARDIS storeroom] LEELA: Oh, no.BORUSA: Where are we?LEELA: Dj vu. Back where we started. (In the swimming pool, the Doctor makes bird calls, prompting a frustrated Sontaran to fire wildly, then step backwards into the clutches of a giant carnivorous plant. With only his arm sticking out of the clam-like lips, he drops his carbine. The Doctor shakes his hand as he leaves.) [TARDIS service passage] STOR: This is useless! Where is the ancillary power unit?KELNER: I don't know.STOR: What? (Stor takes out his weapon.) KELNER: Wait! Perhaps the Doctor is individual.STOR: That is a weakness. Only through unity is there strength.KELNER: He has hidden it, I think.STOR: Where?KELNER: I believe I begin to understand the Doctor.STOR: I doubt that.KELNER: It is a utilitarian unit. He would disguise it with beauty. [TARDIS storeroom] DOCTOR: Come on, Doctor. You've got a perfect sense of direction.(Kelner and Stor enter the swimming pool area.The Doctor whistles Colonel Bogey as he goes along a service passage.) [TARDIS swimming pool area] (Stor releases his minion from the carnivorous plant.) SONTARAN: I could notSTOR: Explanations will wait. My orders are clear. You will follow this fool and destroy the power unit he will show you. (Stor removes his helmet.) STOR: I have other duties. [TARDIS service passage] LEELA: Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes.LEELA: Have you defeated them?DOCTOR: No. We've got to get to the workshop.BORUSA: Workshop?DOCTOR: Yes, the workshop. Come on. [TARDIS ancillary power station] (While Stor stomps off on his own, Kelner and the Sontaran arrive at a corridor lined with paintings, and the Venus de Milo at one end. Kelner looks at the Arnolfini portrait.) KELNER: How beautiful.SONTARAN: What is this place?KELNER: Ancillary power station. (Kelner goes back to the Venus, and feels his way down her left leg until he finds a hidden switch. Whirring, and the artworks vanish. Kelner returns to where the Van Eyck painting had hung, opens a clear plastic box on the wall and removes the circuit breaker.) KELNER: Now, try your tracer.SONTARAN: The humanoids are three levels below. [TARDIS workshop] DOCTOR: Finished?RODAN: Yes, it's finished.DOCTOR: Where is it? (Rodan points across the room.) DOCTOR: Give me the key. Wake up, Rodan. Give me the key. (The Doctor crosses the room, picks up a hefty weapon with three cylinders and an arrowhead muzzle on the end and puts it on a table.) LEELA: What is it?BORUSA: No!DOCTOR: You know how helpless we are against the Sontarans.BORUSA: I forbid you to use it. You should never have constructed it.RODAN: But what is it?DOCTOR: It's the ultimate weapon. The Demat gun.RODAN: That's impossible!DOCTOR: You built in under hypnosis. But how to arm it, hmm? Is that why the Key remained hidden for so long? (The Doctor places the Great Key into a chamber behind the cylinders, and they light up.) DOCTOR: I could rule the universe with this, Chancellor.BORUSA: Is that what you want? Destroy that gun. Destroy all knowledge of it. It'll throw us back to the darkest age!SONTARAN: No, Chancellor, forward. (The Doctor fires the Demat gun whilst it is still on the table. The Sontaran vanishes. Leela runs to Kelner and puts her knife to his throat.) DOCTOR: No, wait, wait, Leela! Don't kill him! Kelner, where's Stor? Kill him.KELNER: No! No! He's in the Panopticon.DOCTOR: The? Borusa, the Matrix. (Stor stalks along a service corridor. The Doctor appears carrying the Demat gun. In true farce fashion, they keep missing each other at junctions until the Doctor ends up tailing him. They both leave the TARDIS.) [Panopticon] (Stor climbs onto the dais.) DOCTOR: Hold it, Stor.STOR: Doctor. This grenade will give me a lot of pleasure.DOCTOR: You'll destroy us all.STOR: Yes. It is a glory to die for a glorious Sontaran empire.DOCTOR: But you'll destroy this entire galaxy.STOR: Yes, and all of the Time Lords with it.DOCTOR: And your battlefield.STOR: Yes, Doctor. But it is a small price to pay. If we cannot control the power of the Time Lords, then we shall destroy it. Goodbye, Doctor. (The Doctor Demats Stor. There is a blinding flash and we next see the Doctor lying on the floor of the Panopticon. The Demat gun is gone, and only the Great Key remains. ) [TARDIS workshop] ANDRED: Leela, listen. (Slow, heavy footsteps approach.) DOCTOR: Hello, Leela.LEELA: Oh, Doctor.DOCTOR: Put it away. Borusa, what are you doing here?BORUSA: Your Excellence. (Kelner sinks to his knees.) DOCTOR: Excellence? Excellence? (The Doctor looks down and sees that he is wearing the Sash.) DOCTOR: Is this some kind of a joke, Borusa? It's not like you to make jokes. (Borusa takes the Sash from the Doctor.) BORUSA: Have you forgotten your induction?DOCTOR: My induction?BORUSA: The Vardans?DOCTOR: (sotto) Vardans.BORUSA: The Sontarans?DOCTOR: (sotto) Sontarans.BORUSA: Doctor, you saved Gallifrey.DOCTOR: I have? Oh. Well, what do you think of that, Leela?LEELA: I think you've gone mad.BORUSA: He remembers nothing of it. It is the wisdom of Rassilon. [Citadel] (The Doctor enters to applause from the cast and goes straight to the TARDIS.) DOCTOR: Well, ta-ta, everybody. Come on, Leela. Come on. What's the matter?LEELA: I'm staying.DOCTOR: What? Staying? Here? Why? (Leela takes Andred's hand.) DOCTOR: Ah, I see.ANDRED: I hope thatDOCTOR: Yes, I'm sure you do hope. She'll look after you. She's terribly good with a knife. Come on, K9.K9: Negative. I remain.DOCTOR: Here?K9: Affirmative.DOCTOR: Why?K9: To look after the mistress.LEELA: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes?LEELA: I will miss you. (The Doctor smiles and shuts the TARDIS door on them all.) [TARDIS console room] (He leans against the door for a moment.) DOCTOR: I'll miss you too, savage. [Citadel] (The TARDIS dematerialises.) BORUSA: Where will he go now, I wonder.LEELA: Somewhere else. (The Doctor pushes a large cardboard box into the console room.) LEELA: Will he be lonely, K9?K9: Insufficient data, mistress. (Leela and K9 bow their heads. The large cardboard box in the console room is labelled K9 Mk II. The Doctor grins at the camera.) Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.