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DOCTOR: Maybe I am getting too young for this sort of thing.

— Fourth Doctor, The Invasion of Time

LEELA: There's no point in further discussion. Discussion is for the wise or the helpless, and I am neither.

BORUSA: Doctor!

DOCTOR: I am here to claim my legal right.


DOCTOR: I claim the inheritance of Rassilon. I claim the titles, honour, duty and obedience of all colleges. I claim the Presidency of the Council of Time Lords.

(The Doctor tries his sonic screwdriver on the secret door. Nothing. The Doctor speaks directly to camera.)

DOCTOR: Even the sonic screwdriver won't get me out of this one.

(The Doctor meets a guard patrol.)

DOCTOR: Bow to the Sash of Rassilon.

(The guards bow low, and Leela walks through them too.)

LEELA: I'm with him.

(The Doctor goes into the Citadel and the Tardis.)

GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Sash of Rassilon?

(Silence. He strikes the floor once.)

GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Rod of Rassilon?

(Silence. He strikes the floor once.)

GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Great Key of Rassilon?

(Silence. He strikes the floor once.)

GOLD USHER: By custom, with wisdom, and for honour, I shall strike three times. Should no voice be heard by the third stroke, I will, duty-bound, invest the candidate as President of the Supreme Council of the Time Lords of Gallifrey.

ANDRED: But you have access to the greatest source of knowledge in the universe.

DOCTOR: Well, I do talk to myself sometimes, yes.

ANDRED: I mean the Matrix.

DOCTOR: Oh. Oh, that old thing.