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The War Doctor: Only the Monstrous • Episode 1

The Innocent

80% 190 votes

Released Monday, December 14, 2015
Written by Nicholas Briggs
Runtime 60 minutes
Time Travel Future
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) The Time Destructor Sonic Screwdriver

As the Daleks mass their time fleet for a final assault on Gallifrey, something ancient is waiting for them at Omega One. And a sacrifice must be made.

Arch-manipulator and Time Lord strategist, Cardinal Ollistra receives shock news of the Doctor's death.

Meanwhile, on the planet Keska, a parochial war has returned to plague a peaceful civilisation after decades of tranquillity. But how can such a war have any connection with the great Time War which, at any one moment in the whole of eternity, could threaten to tear the universe apart?

If only the Doctor were still alive.

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Also featuring:

Rejoice  Veklin  Taalyens