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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Written by

Simon Guerrier

Narrated by

Jean Marsh


77 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Ely, Earth, England


Space Security Agent Sara Kingdom is dead, her ashes strewn on the planet Kembel. But, in an old house in Ely, Sara Kingdom lives on...

Now joined in the house by her confidante Robert, Sara recalls her travels in the TARDIS with the Doctor – and a particular adventure when the ship appeared to land inside a giant clock, where old men are caught in its workings...

And behind this nightmare is an old enemy: Mavic Chen, Guardian of the Solar System.

Then and now, Sara's past is catching up with her. The cogs have come full circle...

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How to listen to The Guardian of the Solar System:


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Ainda seguindo o mesmo formato de suas duas primeiras partes tendo Sara contando histórias para Robert na Casa em Ely - “The Guardian Of The Solar System” encera sua trilogia em grande estilo entregando novamente um áudio imperdível. A história segue o final de “The Drowned World” onde vemos a filha de Robert saindo da Casa deixando-o sozinho - Sara Kingdom decide contar sua última história na qual ela fica frente a frete com seu passado, se depara com Mavic Chen e também com o próprio assassinato de seu irmão, tendo todo esse bloco recheado de ótimos momentos dedicados a se aprofundar nos sentimos e nas lembranças da Companion (como ocorre nos áudios anteriores da trilogia). Mesmo o conceito sendo semelhante ao da Casa de Ely, o “Great Clock” ainda consegue ser uma localização fascinante, é muito interessante o fato do local se alimentar das mentes dos prisioneiros que eram escravizados e responsáveis por manter o relógio funcionando, suas engrenagens, correntes e relógios são muito bem retratadas deixando o áudio altamente imersivo. A conclusão é ótima e consistente, encerrando bem a trilogia de quebra acaba nos deixando muito curioso com seu final inacabado. Assim como nas histórias anteriores, Jean Marsh faz um excelente trabalho entregando uma performance de gala gerando uma ótima experiência para o ouvinte que não só ganha uma nova visão de sua personagem, como também um devido e merecido aprofundamento na Companion. No geral eu super recomendo essa trilogia principalmente aos amantes da Era Hartnell e de The Daleks’ Master Plan.


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A nice ending to the House trilogy. However, how are you bring Bret into this, an absolute stab in the back so cruel. I love how it makes Sara accidentally set in stone the Daleks Masterplan and her realisation of it and her realisation of Bret's death being permanent is absolutely devastating. A house of wishes is one of my favourite things in Doctor Who and it works really well with Robert as a character, having a daughter, wanting to escape but also not, him wanting only the best for her. That slim chance of hope Sara gets when Robert eventually becomes the house so she can escape, only to find there's no boats off the island. So even after thousands of years of being dead, Sara can't live ever :((


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The last story in the Sara Kingdom Trilogy. Will it nail the landing?


This one continues right where the last one left off. Sara Kingdom is a house and now has someone living in her (I love this show). That “someone” is called Robert, together with his unnamed daughter. At the start of the story, the daughter leaves. This leaves us alone with our main characters and one last tale to tell.


This story has some good parts and some lacking parts. I wouldn’t call anything it does “bad” though.


Let’s start with the good. Thematically, this one is really strong. In the story, the Doctor, Steven and Sara discover a giant clock run by old men. It turns out to be a massive power source from Sara’s time, a bit before “Daleks’ Master Plan”. The overarching theme this connects to is predestination and one’s role in society. Sara feels like a cog in a giant machine. A chess piece in society, since she has her role as an SSS agent. But also in time, as she has pushed events into place, like killing Bret Vion.


And her part in the history continues now that she’s living it. She comes across a younger version of both Bret Vion and the evil villain Mavick Chen. Especially that last one is interesting. Maybe this meeting could stop his future part in the Daleks’ Master Plan. Maybe this time she can do more.


But of course, she can’t really change the future. The path is set. She isn’t able to make a real difference and loses all hope. It’s futile. And that sentiment has stuck with house Sara. She is never free. Everything was set in stone. Nothing has meaning. It’s really sobering and thematically strong.


But the presentation isn’t perfect. While all this thematic storytelling is done well, the actual connection between the clock landscapes and the themes of futility is quite barebones. At the tail end of the story, it turns out that the clock is being fueled by the hope of the old men, who are actually prisoners. They all hope to one day escape and try with all their might to stop the clock from running. The clock feeds on this hope energy, and even Steven and the Doctor fall prey to it. Only Sara can stop it, because as mentioned, she has lost all hope. That’s why she is able to break down the clock. Both her and we know this will lead to a search for alternative energy sources, like terranium. Resistance to the path is futile.


The problem I have with this setup, is the part where the clock feeds on human hope. This is technically established beforehand, as Bret mentions it in conversation with Sara. But that was 1 vague sentence that becomes extremely relevant 40 minutes later. So you’d better have caught that, or you’re going to be very, very lost near the end.


…Me. I was lost. I had to look it up mid story.


I do think that might be partially on me, but it also could’ve been more established. There’s plenty of room to reinforce it in the conversation with Mavick Chen, for example. Right now, all the information comes at you fast with only one small sentence of warning. It’s like a baseball to the face. Catch it or break your nose. Would be nice if the story had given us a nice glove to catch all the information in. A little bit of prep.


Let’s move to the house side of the story. In the house, Robert is tired of life, so he and Sara make a deal and switch places. It’s unclear if Sara now has Roberts body or a different one, but that doesn’t really matter. House Sara, after years of being alone and forgotten, is finally free.


Sara is, of course, extremely excited about her new freedom. But she’s also apprehensive. What if she just continues on a predestined path? what if she’s still just a cog? Her new lease on life hasn’t changed her attitude. So, Robert the House does her one last kindness. He knows he will be unable to give her life meaning. But he does know someone who could. And he arrives in a blue box. Sara steps inside, and our story ends.


It's an open ending, but it kind of has to be. We don’t know if Sara will have hope after this. Yet if we were to know, would that not continue the predestiny? We don’t know if Sara will have freedom, because knowing would remove that freedom. It’s poetic. The character can only gain freedom by no longer being in a story.


And that’s “The Guardian of the Solar System”. Thematically, I’d argue this is the one that gives us the most insight into Sara. The other stories did that in spades, but this one does it the best. Yet I can’t call it perfect, because the lacking setup of the clock does hinder it. Still, there’s a lot to love and the ending is gold. A great way to end the trilogy.


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