Stories Audio Book The Companion Chronicles The Companion Chronicles Episode 5 Home Truths 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 5 Statistics Related Stories Quotes Overview Released November 2008 Written by Simon Guerrier Narrated by Jean Marsh Runtime 77 minutes Location (Potential Spoilers!) Ely, Earth, England Synopsis There’s a house across the waters at Ely where an old woman tells a strange story. About a kind of night constable called Sara Kingdom. And her friends, the Doctor and Steven. About a journey they made to a young couple’s home, and the nightmarish things that were found there. About the follies of youth and selfishness. And the terrible things even the most well-meaning of us can inflict on each other. Hear the old woman's story. Then decide her fate. Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters First Doctor Sara Kingdom Steven Taylor Officer Robert First Appearance Show All Characters (4) How to listen to Home Truths: Big Finish Audio The Companion Chronicles: Home Truths Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 15 January 2025 · 80 words Review by TheTruestRassilonian 1 Massively appealing. Sara Kingdom, plus a ghost story, equals a matchmade in heaven. Literally. This story has a certain reputation among listeners, but it's a very valid one, seeing as the concept is well-realized, the writing is sharp, and Jean Marsh's return is fabulous. A powerhouse performance, no notes. I heavily doubt this would be anywhere near as remembered if she didn't give it her all, taking what would have already been a good story to unmissable, all-time classic levels. TheTruestRassilonian View profile Like Liked 1 15 January 2025 · 274 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Acho difícil ter um outro áudio da linha "The Companions Chronicles" melhor que esse - Home Truths é uma história brilhante, assombrosa, com ótimas performances, execelente efeitos sonoros, música arrepiantes e bem imersiva, ela possui um enredo que a princípio parece simples, mas tem um impacto inesperado. Aqui temos Sara Kingdom como protagonista, a personagem recebe um aprofundamento merecido tendo em vista que são poucos os traços de personalidade significativos apresentados na Série de TV mostrando ela como uma investigadora determinada e perspicaz, cujo zelo pela justiça tem um lado negativo. Sara se encontra em uma história cheia de reflexões sentimentais junto a tormentos muito intensos, assuntos bem pesados são tocados, um deles é claro o assassinato de seu próprio irmão (algo que ela sofre muito ao relembrar). Momentos emocionais são exigidos da personagem e transmitidos de forma impactante ao ouvinte... temos sentimento de melancólia, arrependimento, recordações e etc etc. Com inumeras coisas sendo apresentadas, é nítido que não há espaço para o áudio explorar campos temáticos ousados ou complicados, então ele foca em oferece um lembrete ao ouvinte de como as pessoas podem se machucar mesmo sem querer. . Sara Kingdom: "Cada indivíduo que você vem a conhecer, acaba moldando um pouco a pessoa que você é" . Em resumo, "Home Truths" é um áudio que toca em temas bem pesados e sombrios talvez à um nível nunca visto anteriormente em Doctor Who. O conceito da casa abandonada é brilhante unindo uma narrativa perfeita, é tudo muito bem sacado - Sem sombra de dúvidas, é uma obra prima imperdível. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 1 29 November 2024 · 100 words Review by dema1020 1 This is one of the more highly rated among the Companion Chronicles for good reason. It is a great story featuring Sarah Kingdom, and an interesting way to expand on an otherwise much more limited character. I found the story engaging, the big plot twist a lot of fun, and the SFX consistently used well to establish atmosphere and keep a nice sense of pacing. Solid, solid audio play overall. Definitely enjoyed it and would recommend, though like most of Companion Chronicles, Home Truths really requires one to be familiar with a lot of Doctor Who stuff to fully appreciate. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 1 28 May 2024 · 20 words Review by Rock_Angel Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Amazing little epilogue to dmp and I can’t wait to listen to the other two stories Jean marsh SUPREMACY Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 2 14 May 2024 · 542 words Review by Joniejoon Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! The first part of the “Sara Kingdom Trilogy”. It’s a great showcase of how to get the most out of a, in theory, limited character. This story is narrated by Sara, who meets with a detective. The Doctor, Steven and Sara arrive at a house with mysterious circumstances. Appliances seem to react to thoughts and a happy couple is found dead. Their smiling corpses found in different rooms. I like a good mystery, and it is set up well here. Random events keep us engaged, but not informed enough to figure it out. We find that the well-dressed male corpse wears a jacket that is too large for him, but perfectly fits Steven. Steven suddenly disappears without a trace. And one of the corpses suddenly has its eyes closed. From here on we get into deeper spoilers, so leave now if you want to experience it yourself! It turns out that the house is psychic, made to fulfill every need from its guests and inhabitants. The problem is that the house has no conscience. No limits. If you ever think a bad thought, like wishing your lover dead for a split second, the house will grant your wish. That;s how the people died and all the mysteries happen. This leads to some great moments for Sara. Because the house is built on the wants of the characters, we get some real insight in what is happening. Even though she shouldn’t wish any further, Sara wishes that there was still a mystery to solve. Even when the house is revealed. There are several times where she could’ve taken the “easy way out”, but her pride doesn’t allow for that. She has to solve the mystery in earnest. Which puts the Doctor and Steven in dire situations. Yet we keep rooting for her. Her situation is somewhat relatable and, while potentially foolish, we want her to succeed. She explains her inner thoughts and rationale, so we get on board. And she does solve it. In the end, the house gets a conscience. Her conscience. The mental processes of the house have become a total copy of her own. Which leads to the twist that it wasn’t Sara who was interviewed by police, but the house itself. This story is pretty notable. It found a way to add a lot of character to someone who had basically none. It made room for a lot of internal processes of that character, which built that character up well and it had a fun twist to round it all out. It’s a true piece of foundation that gets built on in later stories. Is it perfect, though? No, I don’t think so. The copying of Sara to the house feels sudden and a tad unsatisfying. By no means a dealbreaker, or out of the scope of the story. But it happens quite suddenly and could’ve been presented better. For example, like an actual solution to the mystery. But it is still darn good and puts in miles for Sara’s character. Considering this is a part of a trilogy, it really makes you wonder where we’ll go next. Joniejoon View profile Like Liked 2 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating78 members 4.32 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating161 votes 3.96 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. 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