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What is this...? A 2DA Story I actually like?! How surprising!

Despite being one of the most typical in terms of Doctor Who Stories in this Range, this one just tickles all the right notes. Jamie and the Doctor's Dynamic is just great. Michael and Frazer do such a great Job here. I really like the Cliffhanger revealing that we get the Krynoids here, and in general the Plot is really fun and solid stuff.

I do also really like the Ending Scene with Raven, Michael plays it so well!


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Jamie

Ok so, that was fantastic. What a story. It feels so good to have a story where the good guys utterly outsmart the bad guys and get a cool moment where they reveal they knew all along. This works so well with Jamie and the Doctor specifically who you can really believe have been coordinating this plan the whole time without anyone (even the audience) noticing.

The atmosphere and setting of the story is really good. It's not the first advanced medical facility but it's definitely unique.  I absolutely love how this genuinely follows the format of some sort of spy thriller with the Doctor being sent in undercover rather than barging in at random and ordering people about. It's stuff like this that makes Season 6B stand out from regular Doctor Who.

The Doctor is in a unique position in this story thanks to Raven poisoning him so he could be admitted to the facility. It's rare that you get a story where the Doctor is forced to stay still and has to rely entirely on his companion. Admittedly, I did chuckle a bit at the Krynoid reveal because it's probably the most Big Finish twist a story could have - bringing back a one-off villain from some random classic story. In fairness I think they work really well in this story, especially the way the Time Lords interact with them.

Raven gets a really outstanding moment at the end, brilliantly performed by Emma Noakes. The Time Lords feel like a genuine threat and the stakes are through the roof. I'm starting to think this is one of the best Doctor Who related things that Big Finish are putting out right now (granted, I haven't listened to a good chunk of their modern output).

Next Story: The Shroud


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so when the villain reveal happened i rolled my eyes lol (give the 2da’s original villains challenge) BUT it was a good plot and the scene at the end with raven was so good i’m loving this arc for two


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