Stories Video Game Time Lord Victorious The Edge of Reality 1 image Overview Characters How to Play Reviews 2 Statistics Related Stories Quotes Overview Released Thursday, October 14, 2021 Written by Gavin Collinson Publisher Playstack Time Travel Past, Future Location (Potential Spoilers!) SS Lucia Minor, Metebelis IV, Earth, England, London Synopsis Wield the sonic screwdriver as you join the Thirteenth Doctor (voiced by Jodie Whittaker) on a quest to save the universe, and meet the Tenth Doctor along the way (voiced by David Tennant in a guest appearance). Experience an unforgettable adventure through space and time, face terrifying monsters and solve a mind-bending mystery! Play Played Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Tenth Doctor Thirteenth Doctor The First Show All Characters (3) How to play The Edge of Reality: External Game Link Metacritic Link How Long To Beat Link Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 2 reviews 9 January 2025 · 373 words Review by MarkOfGilead19 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Is this a great game? Probably not. Is this the best Doctor Who game that doesn't require emulation? Yes. The Lonely Assassins was alright but gameplay-wise was pretty dull. The best this game has to offer is the Angels and the Daleks section. I was geeking out the whole time. I won't say more, just play it. Jodie is excellent here. I'm currently on a rewatch of New Who, and this got me pumped up to get to her era, which I found a bit lacking on my first and only viewing, so props for that. The 10th Doctor is seemingly shoehorned here (the question is, when isn't he?), as if the show can't grow out of his incarnation. Tennant is great obviously, but it irked me anyway. At the end there's a sort of explanation for his appearance tying it to The Girl In The Fireplace, but it felt a bit shallow. I actually liked 2/3 of the story, the First's introduction as the main antagonist was actually interesting and the exposition was well executed in my opinion (plus her design was really cool). It got me interested in her, sadly she just kinda leaves halfway through and is replaced by the CyberReaper. An annoying pursuer that makes the last third of the game pretty boring and uninspired. I think they just run out of ideas at that point. I would have ended the game when the First is banished to the past, as nothing that comes after is better than what came before. There are a few nods to the Classic era too, but those are mostly relegated to items you can collect (like 7th's umbrella, 2nd's recorder...) and a villain from Talons Of Weng Chiang. Lego Dimensions is still the best game out there (even if it's just a DLC), but sadly it is mostly unplayable without forking out a lot of money on eBay, or wrapping your head around the Wii U emulator (which I did, and it was such a chore though, well worth it anyway). 8/10 (I'm totally biased and any other game of this quality would get a 6/10, but I've had a blast with this, I just hope we get some proper Doctor Who games in the future) MarkOfGilead19 View profile Like Liked 2 23 July 2024 · 76 words Review by twelvesoswald 3 as a game, very basic but fun to be in the tardis, the set was amazing! the graphics of the doctors are rather bad but its to be expected from a low budget game. really i was keen to explore more 13 content and this was wonderful for that, lots of 13! the 10 cameo... like... i hate that so much of 13's expanded universe content is plagued by 10 its really infuriating. his part wasn't necessary in the slightest. twelvesoswald View profile Like Liked 3 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating42 members 2.87 / 5 Member Statistics Played 62 Favourited 8 Reviewed 2 Saved 4 Skipped 9 Owned 8 Related Stories Other variations of this story We define a variation as another way of experiencing the exact same story - like an autiobook, a reconstruction or an omnibus edition. Time Lord Victorious The Edge of Time Rating: 3.10 Story Skipped Video Game More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Time Lord Victorious Set of Stories: Video Games Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote