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First aired

Saturday, February 8, 1964

Production Code


Written by

David Whitaker

Directed by

Frank Cox, Richard Martin


50 minutes

Story Type

Bottle Episode

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Dawn of Time, Everybody Lives!, Mind Control

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

First Aid Kit, Food Replicator

Location (Potential Spoilers!)



As they slowly recover from the shock of being thrown to the TARDIS floor, the Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara all start acting strangely. Unexplained events occur and the travellers start to turn on each other as they contemplate what is happening on the TARDIS.

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2 Episodes

The Edge of Destruction

First aired

Saturday, February 8, 1964


25 minutes

Written by

David Whitaker

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

10.4 million

Appreciation Index



A mysterious explosion has knocked the TARDIS into void. And in their confusion, the crew are turning on one another.

The Brink of Disaster

First aired

Saturday, February 15, 1964


25 minutes

Written by

David Whitaker

Directed by

Frank Cox

UK Viewers

9.9 million

Appreciation Index



The TARDIS is adrift, the crew turning on each other. Only by working together can they find their way out before they are destroyed.


How to watch The Edge of Destruction:


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27 reviews

A great two parter. We get to spend time with just the main team and only on the Tardis. Easy and fun watch.


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  • I wasn't sure of this story, and my expectations I dare say were right, this one isn't for me
  • Probably a well-needed story, good to have a character piece to test the cast, but it could have been anything but this
  • The writing needs a couple of redrafts, as there's information that is supposedly important that isn't brought up til the end
  • I'm still not sure I fully understand it, I've never been this unsure of a plot since first watched 'The Pandorica Opens'
  • I do appreciate the genuine tension they build between the Doctor and Barbara, it's only saving grace


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Episodio mais chatinho ate agora. PS: suzan você ta insuportaveeeeeel.

acho que agora daqui para frente o doctor vai começar a tratar o ian e a barbara melhor


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After a longer serial with The Daleks, I found The Edge of Destruction to be a nice break. It follows a pretty standard plot of paranoia (I was reading in some parallels to Cold War era anxieties) and mystery around being trapped—which you can definitely see the influence of in future bottle episodes i.e. Midnight, Amy’s Choice, Wild Blue Yonder. It doesn’t drag too terribly but it’s a fairly unremarkable serial. I did enjoy the start of the ongoing mythology surrounding the TARDIS, establishing that it thinks. Barbara was the standout for me in this episode, I loved getting to see more of her cleverness and self assurance as well as her developing relationship with the Doctor at the end.


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I genuinely don't get the love for this story. It starts out very intriguing with the characters acting confused and suddenly attacking each other, but then more and more things happen and nothing gets explained properly. Why were they all acting like that?

I don't hate the resolution. I think it's cute, and I like the idea of something tiny going wrong and causing everything to spiral out of control. It makes for a great metaphor. I also like the soft moment between the Doctor and Barbara right at the end.

I guess my problem with this story is that it feels like it's having an identity crisis. It doesn't know what it wants to be or what story it's trying to tell. It's confused and all over the place and I just don't see the point of it.


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AVG. Rating656 members
3.56 / 5

AVG. Rating490 votes
3.60 / 5

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DOCTOR: As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.

— First Doctor, The Edge of Destruction

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Transcript Needs checking

Episode One - The Edge of Destruction


(The TARDIS is in flight after leaving Skaro, when there is bang, it shakes and everyone falls over. It goes dark. We rejoin the action with the lights back on. The Doctor is lying on the floor, Ian slumped in a chair, Susan draped over the console. Barbara is the only one awake.)

BARBARA: Mister Chesterton? Ian Chesterton? I thought

(Susan wakes. She looks almost drunk)

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