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DOCTOR: (direct to camera) Incidentally, a Happy Christmas to all of you at home!

— First Doctor, The Daleks’ Master Plan

DOCTOR: Well, my boy, we finally rid this planet of Daleks.

STEVEN: Bret, Katarina, Sara.

DOCTOR: What a waste. What a terrible waste.

CHEN: You will pay for your crimes against your ruler. You cannot kill me!

MONK: A planet of ice? I didn't set course for this. The Doctor again. The Doctor. He's stolen my directional unit. Now I'll have to wander through time and space as lost as he is. I'll get you for this, Doctor! I'll get you one day!

DOCTOR: Cellular dissemination.

SARA: Cellular what?

DOCTOR: To put it in lay language, cellular dissemination means our bodies were broken up by some process or other, shot through into the fourth dimension, and at a given point, reassembled again on this planet.

STEVEN: That's fantastic.

SARA: Impossible.

DOCTOR: Fantastic it may be my boy, but impossible, no, because precisely that is what has happened.

INSPECTOR: Are you Welsh, then?

DOCTOR: Oh, you'll have to think in a far bigger way than that. Your ideas are too narrow, too small, too crippled.

INSPECTOR: All right, all right. What are you then?

DOCTOR: Well, I suppose you might say that I am a citizen of the universe, and a gentleman to boot.

CONSTABLE 2: He's a nutter.

INSPECTOR: He's straight from a funny-farm, if you ask me.

DOCTOR: Do I take it that you gentlemen are imputing that I am mentally deranged?

CONSTABLE 2: I told you. He's a nutter.

BLACK DALEK: Failure will not be tolerated!

CHEN: But I did notify you of the fugitives' whereabouts. The planet Mira. There the vital core can be taken from them without suspicion. Their presence on Earth was a constant danger! At anytime they could have contacted forces unsympathetic to our plans.

BLACK DALEK: You make your incompetence sound like an achievement.

CHEN: Incompetence now, is it? You forget that the original blunder was not of my doing. I journeyed to and from Earth to correct a failing your security force should have dealt with. The core was stolen from here. My actions have brought about a situation which will allow you to recover the missing taranium easily and simply. If that is a failure, then I have failed.

CHEN: What are your terms, Doctor?

DOCTOR: You will release your prisoners. I also include that Monk fellow too, though I don’t know why I should bother with him.

DOCTOR: I don't think you really understand. That object in the yard out there isn't really a police box.

INSPECTOR: No, no, of course it's not. It's the new Brighton ferry.

DOCTOR: It is a machine for investigating Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.