Stories Television Doctor Who Season 9 Classic Who S9 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 The Curse of Peladon 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Name dropping DOCTOR: You don't really think that our appearance on the planet of Peladon at this precise crisis in their history was just coincidence, do you? JO: Time Lords again. DOCTOR: Yes, I think so. JO: Ah, you didn't beat them after all. DOCTOR: No, not yet, but I will, Jo. Just give me time. Still, now we've done what they wanted us to do, I suppose they'll whip us straight back to Earth. JO: At least we get to see a real coronation before we go, eh? DOCTOR: Yeah, that's true. You know, I haven't seen a coronation since Elizabeth the first's. Or was it Queen Victoria? JO: Name dropper. — The Curse of Peladon Link to Quote Favourite JO: I'm sorry if I might have misjudged you, but the Doctor did say you were a race of warriors. IZLYR: We were once, but now we reject violence except in self-defence. — The Curse of Peladon Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny PELADON: Greetings, Princess. I'm sorry to hear that your journey ended so uncomfortably. JO: The whole affair was most deplorable. The pilot was exceedingly inefficient. — The Curse of Peladon