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AMY: Okay, kid. This is where it gets complicated.

— Amy Pond, The Big Bang

DOCTOR: Oh, you can do loads in twelve minutes. Suck a mint, buy a sledge, have a fast bath.

— Eleventh Doctor, The Big Bang

DOCTOR: Hi, honey. I'm home.

RIVER: And what sort of time do you call this?

RIVER: Right then, I have questions, but number one is this. What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?

DOCTOR: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool.

DALEK: You will be exterminated!

RIVER: Not yet. Your systems are still restoring, which means your shield density is compromised. One Alpha Mezon burst through your eyestalk would kill you stone dead.

DALEK: Records indicate you will show mercy. You are an associate of the Doctor's.

RIVER: I'm River Song. Check your records again.

DALEK: Mercy.

RIVER: Say it again.

DALEK: Mercy!

RIVER: One more time.

DALEK: Mercy!

DOCTOR: We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?

— Eleventh Doctor, The Big Bang

AMY: I found you. I found you in words, like you knew I would. That's why you told me the story the brand new, ancient blue box. Oh, clever. Very clever.

RORY: Amy, what is it?

AMY: Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue.

AMY: Okay, Doctor. Did I surprise you this time?

(The Doctor appears in top hat and tails.)

DOCTOR: Er, yeah. Completely astonished. Never expected that. How lucky I happened to be wearing this old thing. Hello, everyone. I'm Amy's imaginary friend. But I came anyway.

RIVER: Did you dance? Well, you always dance at weddings, don't you?

DOCTOR: You tell me.

RIVER: Spoilers.

DOCTOR: River, who are you?

RIVER: You're going to find out very soon now. And I'm sorry, but that's when everything changes.

DOCTOR: Sorry, something's come up. This will have to be goodbye.

AMY: Yeah, I think it's goodbye. Do you think it's goodbye?

RORY: Definitely goodbye.

(Amy goes to the door and shouts to Leadworth.)

AMY: Goodbye! Goodbye.