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First aired

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Written by

Chris Chibnall

Directed by

Jamie Childs


49 minutes

Story Type

Series Finale

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Ranskoor Av Kolos

UK Viewers

6.65 million

Appreciation Index



Team TARDIS discovers nine different distress calls, all coming from the same location on an unknown planet in the far future. Little does the Thirteenth Doctor know that her very first enemy has survived throughout the centuries, and is looking to get revenge upon her in a crueller way than is even imaginable.

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This seems to have been the trend for Series 11 for me, over the years I've read/heard how poorly rated and viewed this season is, yet I've loved pretty much every episode I've watched of it. That's not too say I think it's amazing, (would probably pick any other NuWho season, except for 2, over it,) but I still had fun watching it.

Now to the finale, I thought it was decent. It does have some big "grand" finale elements to it, but it certainly could have benefited from a few more drafts. That being said, I liked the Dune/Star Wars vibes, and the Ox (?) were a pretty interesting alien race.

Top-notch visuals as always from this season. Though I wish Max didn't crop the show to 16:9, I'd like to see the whole picture as it was originally intended.


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Fortunately not half the flimsy, discordant, incomprehensible mess that I’d previously thought. Obviously I never bothered to rewatch this after the initial broadcast, and I liked it more in retrospect. I’ve been really enjoying Graham’s arc this season, and I’m actually a big fan of how it’s concluded here. Walsh’s performance is mainly what sells it.

Is the episode good? No, but like it’s far from the worst that this season or the show has to offer. It still features an uncomfortably stilted and in charismatic lead performance. This is Chris’s best season finale unfortunately. 13’s era is by far the one I make the most comparisons to the classic era. This time I found myself constantly reminded of Time and the Rani. Make of that what you will.


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AVG. Rating629 members
2.07 / 5

AVG. Rating1,337 votes
3.63 / 5

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DOCTOR: None of us know for sure what's out there. That's why we keep looking. Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe'll surprise you... constantly.

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

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Transcript + Script Needs checking

[Planet surface]

(An old quarry with water in the middle.)

ANDINIO: (older female) Finally, this is where our journey stops.
DELPH: (younger male) You're going to make this the place?
ANDINIO: It's time. You're ready, Delph.
DELPH: I don't think I am.
ANDINIO: Seventeen years is enough. This is what I've trained you for.
DELPH: You call it training, I call it building doubt. Every lesson that you've given me, I feel like I've understood less, not more.
ANDINIO: Which is the point. The more we learn, the less we realise we know. This is our faith. This is our existence. The Creator would contend the world is not to be understood, only experienced, and built with our gift.
DELPH: Praise the Creator's will.
ANDINIO: Do this, Delph, and you shape our world in worship.
DELPH: But if I fail, if I can't do it after all these years...
ANDINIO: Trust in yourself. Now, come on. Show me our years of walking have not been wasted. Fulfil what we are, what only we can do.

(Delph clasps his hands and closes his eyes. He opens them again and they are burning orange. Rocks from the quarry side fly into mid-air, crashing into each other as they agglomerate into a structure. Suddenly there is a flash of energy behind the pair. Andinio turns to see.)

ANDINIO: What's happening? Stop, Delph, now.

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