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3 reviews
  • Some key concepts are going on here that I think the story misses out on fully developing, the supposed psychic energy made by LARPing in full costume, and reenactment in the right environment is a paranormal phenomenon that really could have been a big part of the story
  • I think this story is maybe too short, 1 one part really could have had a little more time to let chaos carry out
  • Personally think Jane and Will could have made good companions, such character to them, especially Jane her dynamic with the Doctor was excellent
  • The mallus looks evil as heck, and I wished they used the symbolic face more, representatives of evil everywhere it's a creepy design that could have been used vastly more than it was
  • I just love the vibe of this story, echoes of the past, echoes of the paranormal, set in a tiny village. It's great, but probably needed a redraft


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Meanwhile Turlough

Another great story, if Season 21 keeps this up it'll easily be 5's best. The two-parters of this era have been very mixed but luckily this is on the better side. I'm a bit disappointed how much it feels like a genuine historical despite being set in 1984 but that doesn't detract from it being a good story.

It's got a great mystery running through with the classic explanation of an alien spaceship crash. While that is fairly cliché, it makes up for it in the excellent design of said alien. The Malus is such a cool-looking villain that I can't be mad at how simple of an idea it is.

The cast really sell this story. We get more of the witty and sarcastic 5 and Peter Davison feels very comfortable in the role. I really didn't like the character who was all creepy about Tegan, and I feel like he shouldn't have gotten off so easy by the end. Overall though, it's a really good story, it's not Black Orchid level, but it shows promise for the rest of this season and I really hope that this season keeps the momentum and doesn't screw it up.

Next Story: And You WIll Obey Me


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What a shame Eric Pringle never wrote another story! This is a very neat two parter (the best two part story there has been so far!). It builds up a lot of strange mysteries, then manages to pay them off!

The Doctor and his companions land in a modern day setting (1984) where most people they come across are mysteriously taking on olden day personas, pretending it's the 17th century. This is a novel and very entertaining premise. You are left baffled by what this entire town’s motivation would be to isolate themselves from the rest of the world and play war games, deliberately ignoring all the elements of their town that reveal their in the 1980s, such as the town telephone box. Some of the townsfolk seem more taken in by the roleplay than others, but all of them are playing along - even if they know it's a bit strange.

This strange twist on reality in a subverted domestic environment reminds me of Terry Nation’s Survivors. There is a spooky uncanniness to the world they enter that feels convincing.

The cliffhanger is one of the best from the series that I’ve seen in recent memory. The wall of an ancient church falling away to reveal a giant stone face with glowing eyes - it's a visual treat (much needed after our run in with the Myrka last week). I like the Malice as a one off enemy. A big static statue that controls people through psychic projections and by taking over their minds, explaining the strange behaviour of the townsfolk.

This is a short but sweet one - a great antidote to duller, more overlong tales. I’m surprised more people don’t talk about this underrated gem!


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