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Classic Who S23 • Serial 3 · (4 episodes)

Terror of the Vervoids

68% 474 votes

First aired Saturday, November 1, 1986
Production Code 7C
Written by Pip and Jane Baker
Directed by Chris Clough
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future

The Time Lords have brought the Doctor to trial, accusing him of gross interference in the affairs of other planets. If he is found guilty he must forfeit all his remaining regenerations. In the hope of proving his innocence, Melanie Bush, an as-of-yet unmet companion from later in his life, is summoned to the court. Hopefully, through her help, the jurors will be reassured in letting the Doctor go free by seeing what good acts he stands to commit as opposed to destructive ones.

In his defence, the Doctor tells of an adventure from his personal future - set on board the Hyperion III space liner in his future. Answering a distress call, the Doctor and Mel arrive on the liner just as a series of grisly murders begins.

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, November 1, 1986
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Pip and Jane Baker
Directed by Chris Clough
UK Viewers 5.2 million
Appreciation Index 66


With the prosecution case concluded, at last the Doctor is able to present his evidence. It takes place in the future with a new companion and new problems.

First aired Saturday, November 8, 1986
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Pip and Jane Baker
Directed by Chris Clough
UK Viewers 4.6 million
Appreciation Index 69


As the Hyperion III continues its journey, more mysterious deaths occur.

First aired Saturday, November 15, 1986
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Pip and Jane Baker
Directed by Chris Clough
UK Viewers 5.3 million
Appreciation Index 69


A course change that takes the Hyperion III closer to a black hole could prove unwise when there are so many aboard ship with hidden agendas. Disappearances continue, a murderer remains at large, and one person finally crumbles under the strain of harbouring a guilty secret.

First aired Saturday, November 22, 1986
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Pip and Jane Baker
Directed by Chris Clough
UK Viewers 5.3 million
Appreciation Index 69


With factions vying for control of the ship, the Vervoids are found to be responsible for the many disappearances. Only the Doctor sees the fundamental but missed point as to why they can't be reasoned with or why they can't be allowed to arrive on Earth.

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