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Classic Who S8 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

Terror of the Autons

76% 1,040 votes

First aired Saturday, January 2, 1971
Production Code EEE
Written by Robert Holmes
Directed by Barry Letts
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Present
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Bessie

The Earth is endangered by a renegade Time Lord known as the Master, who steals a dormant Nestene energy unit from a museum. He reactivates it using the facilities of a radio telescope, then uses his hypnotic abilities to take control of a small plastics manufacturer, Farrel Autoplastics, where he organises the production of deadly Auton artefacts, including plastic dolls, chairs and daffodils.

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, January 2, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Robert Holmes
Directed by Barry Letts
UK Viewers 7.3 million


When a Nestene Energy Unit is stolen and a radio telescope sabotaged, the Doctor is contacted by a Time Lord who tells him his old rival the Master is responsible.

First aired Saturday, January 9, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Robert Holmes
Directed by Barry Letts
UK Viewers 8 million


Attempting to find out where Jo encountered the Master, the Doctor heads to the circus where he falls foul of Rossini.

First aired Saturday, January 16, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Robert Holmes
Directed by Barry Letts
UK Viewers 8.1 million


The Doctor and the Brigadier head to Farrel's factory but the Master and the Autons have already left and are distributing plastic daffodils around the country.

First aired Saturday, January 23, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Robert Holmes
Directed by Barry Letts
UK Viewers 8.4 million


The Doctor discovers the plastic daffodils are designed to fire a spray that asphyxiates people, causing havoc prior to the Nestene's arrival, but before he can alert anyone he and Jo are captured by the Master.

Signal Strength: 50%

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