Stories Television Doctor Who Season 12 Classic Who S12 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 Revenge of the Cybermen 1 image Overview Episodes Characters How to Watch Reviews 7 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 1 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, April 19, 1975 Production Code 4D Written by Gerry Davis Directed by Michael E. Briant Runtime 100 minutes Story Type Series Finale Time Travel Future Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!) Cyber-Wars, Nerva Beacon Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver Location (Potential Spoilers!) Nerva Beacon, Voga Synopsis Arriving on Space Station Nerva in its distant past, the Doctor, Sarah and Harry find its crew threatened by a mysterious plague. Discovering that things are not as they seem, they stumble upon a plan to commit genocide, devised by the Doctor's old enemies, the Cybermen. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save 4 Episodes Part One First aired Saturday, April 19, 1975 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Gerry Davis Directed by Michael E. Briant UK Viewers 9.5 million Appreciation Index 57 Synopsis The orbit of Jupiter, the 25th century. Arriving back on the Nerva Beacon much earlier in history, the Doctor and his friends discover the satellite beset by space plague while its crew struggles to keep space traffic away from Voga, the newest moon of Jupiter. But what is the connection between Voga, the plague, and some old enemies of the Doctor? Part Two First aired Saturday, April 26, 1975 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Gerry Davis Directed by Michael E. Briant UK Viewers 8.3 million Synopsis The Doctor transmits Sarah Jane and Harry down to Voga to cure Sarah Jane of the Cybermat's poison but Kellman's sabotage means he is unable to bring them back. Part Three First aired Saturday, May 3, 1975 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Gerry Davis Directed by Michael E. Briant UK Viewers 8.9 million Synopsis The Cybermen force the Doctor, Stevenson and Lester to carry bombs to the centre of Voga while Sarah Jane, Harry and Tyrum decide to contact Vorus. Part Four First aired Saturday, May 10, 1975 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Gerry Davis Directed by Michael E. Briant UK Viewers 9.4 million Appreciation Index 58 Synopsis The Doctor, Harry and Lester try to destroy the Cybermen's relay device, while the Vogans prepare to destroy Nerva even though Sarah Jane is still on board. Show All Episodes Characters Fourth Doctor Tom Baker Sarah Jane Smith Elisabeth Sladen Harry Sullivan Ian Marter Cybermen Cyber-Leader Vogan First Appearance Show All Characters (6) How to watch Revenge of the Cybermen: Watch on iPlayer Blu-Ray The Collection – Season 12 DVD Revenge of the Cybermen / Silver Nemesis VHS Revenge of the Cybermen (VHS) (1st edition) VHS Revenge of the Cybermen (VHS) (2nd edition) VHS Revenge of the Cybermen (VHS) (3rd edition) VHS Revenge of the Cybermen (VHS) (4th edition) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 7 reviews 24 March 2025 · 176 words Review by KieranCooper I found this story a mixture of interesting and dull, such a mix-match of ideas that it ruins my enjoyment of it truly I'm not that much a fan of the Cyberman design in this story. They're too bulky and have the least scariest design. Their sound design is also not great neither is their power set or physicality. The shaking of people's shoulders is funnier than it should be Not sure about the writing style or choices, but I'm fond of the dynamic between Sarah Jane, the Doctor, and Harry in this story, they just give Harry such a hard time. If I were him I'd leave. The civil war on Voga is distracting and kind of useless it ruins the flow and takes away from the real story that the Cybermen are there for, I liked the conceptual choice for the caves, gave the story a new environment Not a big deal but that Cyber Snake Mat thing looks terrible, where are my little Cyber Mat boys, they are way better. Cuter and creepier KieranCooper View profile Like Liked 0 11 February 2025 · 192 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Revenge of the Cybermen wasn't bad, but it was pretty boring. Though there were strong moments of suspense and tension early on, it pretty quickly devolved into a very boring series of flat-feeling scenes of boring dialogue. Maybe something about the planet of gold could have been done in an interesting way with the Cybermen, but it really feels like that wasn't achieved. The reuse of sets from Ark in Space wasn't a bad idea. It's a good use of time travel to save a bit of money in a way that wasn't necessarily a creative hindrance. Exploring the same setting, especially an alien and futuristic one, across an extended time period - that sounds very interesting. Yet that feels like a piece of trivia in Revenge of the Cybermen more than an important or relevant plot point. Still, Tom Baker and Elizabeth Sladen do a lot to still make this a fairly pleasant viewing experience. I'm not so sure Harry stood out as much in this one, but it's still a fun TARDIS crew and I was having some good fun before the third and fourth episodes kind of bored me. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 0 24 November 2024 · 3 words Review by Rock_Angel 1 was a mistake Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 14 November 2024 · 591 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! We reach the end of season 12, Tom Baker's varied and very promising first season as The Doctor. I am finding (like with Pertwee's first season) that I am blasting through these. Unfortunately this excellent season does not end on a high, this is bog standard, unimaginative Doctor Who. This story is the first to feature another returning monster - the Cybermen, last seen in The Invasion seven years ago. I love that they are back on Space Station Nerva but thousands of years before The Ark in Space. Doctor Who is run on a budget, so visiting the same space station at a different point in time enables them to pour the money from two serials into one beautiful set as well as an opportunity to flesh out the mythos of human history in this particular place. It grounds the show and makes it feel like part of something bigger. I wish I could say the same about Voga, the Vogons and their leader Vorus - which is all terribly bland. There are some interesting ideas there - the planet of gold, the last cyber-war, fighting Vogon factions - but it all hangs together very poorly. The Vogons are unrelatable, I did not feel that I had any reason to care about any of them. The glowing veins induced by the plague looked cool, it reminded me of the kind of effect seen in Patrick Troughton's era. The plot points surrounding planting bombs in various locations were similarly retro, but in a bad way. The "we're going to put a bomb here" stories have always been my least favourite unless they are backed up by something else, here they are not. I enjoyed the fact that the Cyberbombs were strapped to our hero's backs though. The moment that Harry (trying to be helpful) dangerously attempts to unbuckle The Doctor's bomb is thrilling. This is followed up with a hilarious moment of Harry being chastised by The Doctor calling him an imbecile! The established and well acted main three characters really helped lift this story, preventing it from being totally bad. Sarah Jane and Harry's hilarious conversation about gold Harry's obsession with gold is very funny and builds on their brilliant dynamic. I'm not really sure what the whole betrayal storyline was in this, why was that human helping out the Cybermen? I was tired when I watched this and didn’t want to go back and see if I could pinpoint a motive - maybe I missed it. This quote from my review of The Invasion pretty much pinpoints my issue with Revenge of the Cybermen: The Cybermen are a wonderfully visual enemy. Because we have seen them before and understand their motives we are able to focus on other elements of the story leaving the Cybermen to do what they do best by looking ominous and creepy. In this story the Cybermen don't seem like a cyber conversion plague (the creature's main motive) instead they are looking to destroy this particular planet which doesn't sit well with me. They are also not given ample opportunity to lurk in the shadows/ they are too visible for too long. The Cybermen's strengths lie in the moments just before their invasions come to fruition, not the invasions themselves. It was was delighted that The Doctor receive a message from the Brigadier at the end of the story - after only a four story absence I am already eagerly anticipating UNIT's return. I want to see how they are written under the new team! 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 23 September 2024 · 110 words Review by AndyUK 1 It's a shame that this was the only Fourth Doctor Cybermen story because you'd think the whole conversion aspect would be perfect for the Hinchcliffe gothic horror era in particular. Unfortunately what we got was really far away from that, and all the criticisms of the Cybermen in the classic series from the 70s onwards like the gold weakness and the increased emotion come from this story. The Vogans are a bit rubbish too. I like the beginning of the story with the plague concept and the location shooting in the caves, but as a big fan of the Cybermen this was never going to be one of my favourites AndyUK View profile Like Liked 1 Show All Reviews (7) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating401 members 2.75 / 5 AVG. Rating375 votes 3.60 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 773 Favourited 15 Reviewed 7 Saved 2 Skipped 1 Related Stories The Blogs of Doom Harry Sullivan Rating: 2.30 Story Skipped Short Story More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: The Blogs of Doom Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Target Collection Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen Rating: 3.55 Story Skipped Book Reviews(1) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved The Lost Stories S6 • Episode 1 Return of the Cybermen Rating: 3.52 Story Skipped Audio Drama Reviews(2) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: The Lost Stories Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny DOCTOR: Harry, were you trying to undo this? HARRY: Well, naturally. DOCTOR: Did you make the rocks fall, Harry? HARRY: Er, well, I suppose I must have done, yes. (The Doctor laughs.) DOCTOR: Harry Sullivan is an imbecile! — Revenge of the Cybermen Transcript Needs checking Part One [Aft control room] (Hanging on to the Time Ring, the Doctor, Harry and Sarah turn and tumble back through space and time to the Ark in Space, where they left the TARDIS at the second story of the season. They materialise in the transmat chambers.) SARAH: Thank heavens for that! We've made it. Haven't we?DOCTOR: Of course we've made it. Did you think we wouldn't?SARAH: Well, in these past few weeks, yes.DOCTOR: There's really nothing that can go wrong with a Time Ring, except a molecular short circuit.SARAH: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes?SARAH: The TARDIS isn't here.DOCTOR: Well, it probably hasn't arrived yet. We're a little early.HARRY: Hasn't arrived yet?DOCTOR: No. You see, the TARDIS is drifting back through time, Harry. We just have to wait for it to turn up.HARRY: I say, Doctor, do you want this Ring thing?DOCTOR: What, that?HARRY: Yes.DOCTOR: No.HARRY: Oh, well, I'd rather like to have it.DOCTOR: Well, you take good care of it, Harry.HARRY: Of course I will. Thank you. (But as Harry reaches for the Time Ring, it disappears. The Doctor is grinning.) Show Full Transcript Open in new window