Stories Television Doctor Who Season 21 Classic Who S21 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Resurrection of the Daleks 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Shad Thames] (On the south side of the River Thames, just west of Tower Bridge, are a series of old wharfs and warehouses that have been yuppified since 1984. In Shad Thames, a man tucks a cigarette behind his ear, then hears a scream some way off. Two men in non-period overalls burst out of a warehouse.) STIEN: Which way? (Everyone say Hi to that bemused Likely Lad, Rodney Bewes.) GALLOWAY: Does it matter? (They run. There is another scream, and the man watches a whole bunch of futuristically dressed but scruffy men burst out onto the cobblestones.) (A dark man with dreadlocks speaks.) MAN: Where are we? (They try to hold the warehouse doors shut, but cannot. They also run, splitting into two groups.) MAN: Run! (Two armed Police Constables come out, watched by a Police Inspector, and walk up and down the street. Then they fire on the fleeing men. The man with the cigarette is also killed. When only dead men remain in the street, the Inspector steps forward and slides a control on a hand-held device. The bodies of the victims glow purple and disappear, and then he does. The Police Constables nod to each other and continue to patrol as normal. Stien and Galloway come out of hiding.) STIEN: Where've they gone?GALLOWAY: Where'd you think. Come on. [Battle cruiser] (The Police Inspector materialises in a bay with the bodies. He throws his cap down in disgust.) LYTTON: That was a shambles.TROOPER: The escape was prevented?LYTTON: They got out of the warehouse. It should never have happened. And who ordered the use of machine pistols?TROOPER: Standing orders. Nothing anachronistic is to be taken to Earth.LYTTON: So instead we slaughter valuable specimens. Next time, stun lasers are to be used.TROOPER: It was an unfortunate mistake.LYTTON: Make it your last, otherwise the next execution squad will be coming for you. [TARDIS] (The TARDIS is still juddering and out of control from the end of the last story. Turlough is thrown against the wall, and Tegan goes to help.) TEGAN: Are you all right?DOCTOR: I can't free the TARDIS from the Time Corridor!TEGAN: Is there anything you can do?DOCTOR: No, too much turbulence. Hold on. Things must stabilise soon. [Shad Thames] STIEN: What if they're still in there, waiting?GALLOWAY: We must warn our own people. [Warehouse] STIEN: Use the Time Corridor?GALLOWAY: You said you were a soldier. Have you no sense of loyalty?STIEN: I'm a Quartermaster Sergeant. I'm not combat trained. I can't afford your sort of principles. Look at me, I'm not exactly in condition. I can't even run properly. (They go up a flight of stairs into a room.) GALLOWAY: You're pathetic.STIEN: That too. [TARDIS] TURLOUGH: Doctor, we're weaving in time.DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I know.TEGAN: Can't we materialise?TURLOUGH: No, not until we're free of the Time Corridor. We risk break-up.TEGAN: Is that true?DOCTOR: Not if I have anything to do with it. (Turlough and Tegan go staggering across the room. Then the Cloister Bell tolls.) TEGAN: Oh, no. [Warehouse- upper level] GALLOWAY: They've gone.STIEN: They could have closed the Time Corridor down. Let's get out of here. I'm scared.GALLOWAY: The entrance to the corridor is round here somewhere.STIEN: There's nothing there now. What was that?GALLOWAY: A rodent. (Footsteps nearby.) STIEN: Wearing combat boots?GALLOWAY: Back to the stairs, quick. (Galloway picks up a piece of metal pipe as Stien runs.) [Warehouse stairs] STIEN: Can you see anything?GALLOWAY [OC]: Get out of here! (An armoured trooper steps out of the shadows. Galloway's jaw drops.) STIEN: Galloway? (Gun fire.) STIEN: Galloway! (Machine gun fire.) STIEN: Oh, Galloway. (The trooper disappears in a purple haze, leaving Galloway's body behind.) [TARDIS] TEGAN: What are we waiting for?DOCTOR: The right moment. The time stress on the TARDIS varies greatly. I'm waiting for the right moment to break out of the Time Corridor.TEGAN: Can I get to my room? I feel sick.DOCTOR: Too late, Tegan. Hold on. (The TARDIS tilts and shudders rapidly.) DOCTOR: Hold on! [Battle cruiser bridge] (Lytton is back in his normal black uniform wearing a small cap with a very long peak that reaches almost to the end of his nose. A large globe in front of him powers up.) TROOPER: Check list completed. All systems functioning.LYTTON: Raise the force shield. All troopers to battle stations. Battle speed! [TARDIS] (The TARDIS is shaking so much everything is blurred.) TEGAN: Doctor, I can't stand much more.DOCTOR: Hold on. (Normality returns.) DOCTOR: We're free.TURLOUGH: Is it over?DOCTOR: For the moment. Are you all right?TEGAN: Yes, I think so. [Space station] (On a large space station, a lady in a white uniform is walking down a slightly shabby corridor with a black man, who speaks.) MERCER: I don't believe this. How long has the station been in this state?STYLES: Since regular inspections ceased. (Everyone say Hi! to the aristocratic Rula Lenska.) MERCER: This place is falling to pieces.STYLES: Huh. And you're seeing it on a good day. If you wanted to see everything spick and span, you shouldn't have asked for a transfer to a prison. Come on! (She kicks a door to make it open.) [Laboratory] (Gleaming white and clean.) MERCER: How'd you cope with that mess?STYLES: By ignoring it. My only concern is the medical welfare of the crew and the prisoner.MERCER: Isn't that rather a narrow view of your responsibilities?STYLES: Oh, do shut up, will you? It's the only way to stay sane. You've only been here three days. You know nothing.MERCER: I've been here long enough to learn that the morale on this station is appalling.STYLES: If the Captain doesn't care, why should I?MERCER: Why, indeed?STYLES: Look, my tour of duty finishes here in eight weeks. I'm dependent on a good report from the Captain for my next promotion.MERCER: I see.STYLES: Oh no, I don't think you do. If I don't get a good report, I could be here for another two years.MERCER: If Control were aware of the morale on this station, the Captain wouldn't be in command.STYLES: It's been tried before, usually by inexperienced new boys like you. And the way you're carrying on, you are going to end up exactly like the others.MERCER: Meaning?STYLES: Dead. You are the third security officer we've had here in two years. [TARDIS] TURLOUGH: Doctor, we're travelling parallel to the Time Corridor.TEGAN: Where are we going?TURLOUGH: Twentieth century Earth, it seems. [Shad Thames] (From one of the walkways across the street connecting the upper levels of the warehouses, Stien watches a Transit van park below him. Armed soldiers get out, and a Sergeant with a clipboard. Then an officer goes to the entrance and ushers a civilian inside. Two sentries stand guard and the van drives off.) [Space station bridge] (A young Indian woman speaks to Mercer. She wears a communications piece in her ear at all times.) OSBORN: How long is your tour of duty?MERCER: Two years.OSBORN: Oh? The Captain normally allows new arrivals to settle in before subjecting them to the tedium of Officer of the Watch. What did you do?MERCER: I complained.OSBORN: Someone should have warned you.MERCER: I had every right. Have you seen the state of the defence system?OSBORN: You fear an attack?MERCER: That's not the point.OSBORN: Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. The only ship we ever see around here is our own supply vessel.CREWMAN: I think you may have spoken too soon. Sensors have picked up a ship in warp drive just enter the exclusion zone.MERCER: Inform the Captain.OSBORN: I wouldn't bother him. Not yet. It could be anything. Let the fighters check it out first.MERCER: What?OSBORN: They'll be grateful for the practice. [TARDIS] (The TARDIS materialises on Butler's Wharf.) TEGAN: Have you calculated where we are?DOCTOR: Well, the instruments are still affected by turbulence, but I think it's 1984, London. Found it! (The Doctor opens the doors.) TURLOUGH: Doctor, where are you going?DOCTOR: The Time Corridor. I want to find out what all this is about. [Space station bridge] OSBORN: Fighter leader has made visual contact. It's a battle cruiser!MERCER: Go to Red Alert. Inform the Captain.CREWMAN: Sensors report we're being scanned, sir.MERCER: Red Alert at once! [Butler's Wharf] DOCTOR: Such neglect. A hundred years ago this place would have been bustling with activity.TEGAN: It might be again when we find out who's operating the Time Corridor.DOCTOR: Come on. Trouble with you, Tegan, you have no imagination.TEGAN: That's because I can't get worked up about a load of crumbling brickwork. [Space station bridge] MERCER: Operate the deflector shield.CREWMAN: Power building.MERCER: Seal airlocks.OSBORN: The battle cruiser has attacked the fighters.MERCER: Can we give them any supporting fire?OSBORN: No, not at the moment.CREWMAN: All but airlock three is sealed.MERCER: Alert maintenance. (Boom!) CREWMAN: We've been hit!MERCER: What's happening?OSBORN: Engineering report.MERCER: What's happening?OSBORN: Engineering report damage to the generating plant.CREWMAN: Cruiser's closing in, sir.OSBORN: I've lost contact with the fighters.MERCER: Open fire. I said, open fire!CREWMAN: I can't! We don't have enough power for the laser cannon. We are defenceless. (The spaceship fires twin lasers at the station.) CREWMAN: Look, we should surrender!MERCER: No!OSBORN: But we can't fight. We don't even have a deflector shield.STYLES: Mercer! How much longer is this slaughter to continue?MERCER: Where's the Captain?STYLES: Dead, along with half the crew.OSBORN: Battle cruiser preparing to dock.MERCER: Which airlock?OSBORN: Three. Maintenance team's still working on it.MERCER: I want every available man down there. Block the corridor with anything they can find.STYLES: More killing?MERCER: Your bile would be better directed against the enemy, Doctor.STYLES: How long before they dock?MERCER: Three minutes. We'd better go down to the airlock.STYLES: Right. (Mercer goes over to Osborn.) MERCER: Should we be boarded, destroy the prisoner. (He hands her a computer card.) OSBORN: Good luck. [Shad Thames] (The Doctor reaches for the warehouse door when a hand reaches out from inside and grabs his arm. It is Stien.) STIEN: Don't come in here. Soldiers.DOCTOR: What? (Stien collapses.) DOCTOR: He'll be all right.TEGAN: Look at the way he's dressed.DOCTOR: He must have come down the Time Corridor. (Stien wakes up.) STIEN: You've got to help me.DOCTOR: What happened? [Airlock 3] (As the battle cruiser extends its docking tube, crew members try to build barricades.) MERCER: Check how much longer the maintenance crew will be.STYLES: Right. (The whole place shakes.) MERCER: The cruiser's docked.STYLES: The cruiser's docked.MERCER: Get the shield down!STYLES: Come on, pull! (Everyone pulls down a metal barrier.) STYLES: Pull! [Shad Thames] STIEN: I must rest. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterday.DOCTOR: Who's controlling the Time Corridor?STIEN: I don't know. Have you got anything to eat?TEGAN: Where are you from?STIEN: Earth, but not all the prisoners are from the same period. Are you sure you haven't got anything to eat?DOCTOR: Relax. I'm going into the warehouse.STIEN: No! I told you, there are soldiers.DOCTOR: Perhaps they can tell us what's going on, hmm? (The Doctor enters, followed by Stien, Tegan and finally Turlough.) [Warehouse] STIEN: The Time Corridor's on the next level. Be careful. [Airlock 3] (Whilst the bridge crew watch the activity at airlock three on a monitor, Osborn goes over to a computer panel and inserts the card Mercer gave her. She pushes a button to open the cover of a large red button.The crew take position behind the barricade.)MERCER: Wait until I give the order.CREWMAN 2: Okay. (The barrier disappears in an explosion, and a bunch of permanently annoyed pepperpots enter, with some men behind them.) MERCER: Fire! (The humans begin firing, including Styles. The Daleks kill two crewmen easily.) STYLES: Now. Now! (Mercer presses a button on a small box, and the front two Daleks explode.) DALEK: Under attack. Withdraw. Regroup.DALEK 2: Under attack.DALEK: Withdraw.DALEK 2: Withdraw.DALEKS: Withdraw. Withdraw. Withdraw. [Battle cruiser bridge] (Lytton is watching it all on the globe.) DALEKS [OC]: Regroup.LYTTON: Fools! I told you this would happen. They mined the corridor. (The Supreme, or Black, Dalek is not amused as usual.) BLACK: We do not want excuses. The attack must continue.LYTTON: Only this time, as I planned.DALEK: You will show more respect for the Supreme Dalek.LYTTON: Your battle tactics won't work. Their position is too strong.BLACK: You may proceed. We shall try your plan. But should you fail, you will be exterminated. [Warehouse - upper level] TURLOUGH: Dark, isn't it.DOCTOR: Look around.STIEN: I can't see Galloway's body. (Tegan spots something on the floor.) TEGAN: Look, Doctor. Bullets.DOCTOR: Recently fired.TEGAN: Hardly alien.DOCTOR: Why advertise who you are, hmm?TEGAN: Where's Turlough?DOCTOR: Turlough?TEGAN: Where's he gone?DOCTOR: Turlough! [Warehouse] (The Army officer stops and listens.) ARCHER: Did you hear that?CALDER: No, sir.ARCHER: I thought I heard voices. [Airlock 3] STYLES: How long before they try again?MERCER: Soon.STYLES: Can't we board, take the fight to them?MERCER: I think not. (A single man appears from the battle cruiser and rolls something towards the barricade.) MERCER: Fire! (It is a gas grenade.) MERCER: Masks down! Masks down! (Daleks enter, firing. Styles and Mercer, a nurse and a crewman retreat. The others have been hideously deformed by the gas.) [Space station bridge] MERCER: Move it! We're finished. It's every man for himself.CREWMAN: Oh, no, every man for himself?MERCER: Destroy the prisoner. (Osborn presses the red button.) OSBORN: It's not working! (to the crewman) Come with me. [Warehouse - upper level] DOCTOR: Turlough! (The Colonel and his Sergeant enter.) DOCTOR: Turlough!ARCHER: May I help you, gentlemen? This is private property.DOCTOR: Er, yes, I'm sorry about this. A friend of mine wandered in here by mistake, and we're looking for him.ARCHER: I don't see him. (A bespectacled woman runs in.) LAIRD: What's going on?ARCHER: Precisely what I'm trying to find out. [Outside the prison area] (Osborn enters a keycard then taps 4795 into a pad. A white light comes on, but nothing happens.) OSBORN: Come on, come on! (She kicks the door and it slides open. Meanwhile, Daleks enter the bridge and kill everyone still there.) [Battle cruiser bridge] TROOPER: The bridge has been secured, sir.LYTTON: Good. We must join them.DALEK: The Doctor has been detained in the warehouse.BLACK: Despatch a Dalek. He must be brought to our ship at once.DALEK: I obey. (Turlough hides from the Dalek as it goes on its way down the Time Corridor.) [Prison area] (A familiar figure in a wheelchair sits inside a gas-filled glass cell.) OSBORN: Oh, does nothing work properly? (Mercer tries to pry open the top of a control box.) OSBORN: Try here. What's that smell?MERCER: Well, it can't be the prisoner. [Warehouse - upper level] (Tegan is hiding behind an old crate.) ARCHER: Time Corridors. Alien beings. Really.STIEN: You may not believe us but all we need is a minute or two more. The entrance to the Time Corridor is on this level, somewhere.DOCTOR: Interesting. You don't disbelieve us, do you?ARCHER: Of course I disbelieve you. I've never heard such nonsense.DOCTOR: What have you discovered?ARCHER: Nothing. Take them away.LAIRD: Tell them, Colonel. They've guessed most of it already.ARCHER: Are you from the Press?DOCTOR: What have you found?ARCHER: Quiet.DOCTOR: Tell me! Alien objects? (Archer speaks to Sergeant Calder.) ARCHER: You'd better inform HQ about what's happened.CALDER: Okay, sir. (Calder leaves.) [Prison area] (Osborn has finally got into the control box. She pulls a lever.) OSBORN: Right, explosive charges primed. What is that smell? (Mercer turns round. His skin is melting like the victims of the Dalek gas.) OSBORN: Keep back!MERCER: Help me!OSBORN: Stay away!MERCER: What's happening to me? (Osborn shoots him. Lytton hears the shots and his lieutenant goes to open the door to the prison area. Osborn turns round and kills one man before Lytton shoots her. Troopers carry the bodies away.) TROOPER: Disarmed.LYTTON: Release Davros. (The glass cell walls slide up.) [Warehouse - upper level] (Calder returns.) CALDER: It's heavy static. Can't get through to HQ.DOCTOR: A side effect of the Time Corridor.ARCHER: Be quiet. (Tegan knocks something over.) ARCHER: Who's that?DOCTOR: Don't harm her, please. She's a friend.TEGAN: Sorry, Doctor. Look! (There is a purple glow by the wall, then a Dalek appears.) ARCHER: What is it?DOCTOR: A Dalek. Take cover! (Everyone scatters.) DALEK: Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! (Part Two here if 4 episodes) [Warehouse- upper level] (The Dalek kills a soldier.) LAIRD: Where did they come from?STIEN: The Time Corridor.LAIRD: From the ship you were on?STIEN: Must be.LAIRD: What do they want?TEGAN: I hope we never find out.DOCTOR: Aim for the eyepiece, the stalk at the top of the dome. (Calder lets rip with his semi-automatic. BANG!) DALEK: My vision is impaired. I cannot see. My vision is impaired. I cannot see. (The Doctor grabs the Dalek from behind.) DOCTOR: Quickly!DALEK: I cannot see. My vision is impaired. I cannot see. Warning. Warning. (Everyone piles in to push the Dalek. Tegan gets knocked down.) DOCTOR: Open the door!DALEK: I cannot see! I cannot see! Warning! Emergency!DOCTOR: Stand clear! (The Doctor pushes the Dalek out of the loading hatch. It falls down onto the cobbles of Shad Thames and explodes. He runs back to check on Tegan, who has a cut on her head and is unconscious.) LAIRD: She's all right. We should get her downstairs.DOCTOR: While you're doing that, I'd like a hand with the debris outside. [Battle cruiser bridge] DALEK: The Dalek sent to the warehouse has been destroyed.BLACK: How is that possible?DALEK: The Doctor was aided by the Earth soldiers.BLACK: Seal the warehouse terminal of the Time Corridor. We will deal with the Doctor in due course. [Space station] STYLES: Where precisely are we going?MERCER: Keep your mask down. There could still be gas around.STYLES: So what. I'd rather die quickly than painfully of dehydration. Exactly how much longer are we going to wander around this place?MERCER: Look, as far as we know, there are only four of us still alive. We can't fight the Daleks alone.STYLES: Only minutes ago you were prepared to fight till the bitter end.MERCER: And look where it got me. A dead crew.STYLES: Then don't let it be for nothing.MERCER: What can we do?STYLES: Have you forgotten? This station has a self-destruct system. [Battle cruiser] (Turlough tries to open a door by pressing every button in sight. It finally works and closes behind him although he tries to stop it. He sees the bodies that have been brought back from Earth, with varying degrees of the effect of gas on them. Coughing, Turlough covers his mouth with a handkerchief and goes to the next door.) [Prison area] TROOPER: He's very still. Is he dead? (Davros twitches.) LYTTON: I think not. (Davros takes a deep breath.) [Warehouse - Army base] (In the finest tradition of the Army, Calder is brewing a pot of tea. Tegan is lying on a camp bed within a large area curtained from the rest of the warehouse by blankets. There are strange ribbed cylinders embedded in the floor here.) CALDER: Soon be ready.LAIRD: We could all do with something a bit stronger. How's your friend upstairs?CALDER: He's dead. (The Doctor and Archer enter.) DOCTOR: How is she?LAIRD: She's sleeping naturally.CALDER: Tea, sir?ARCHER: Thank you.DOCTOR: Who discovered these cylinders?CALDER: Builders. They're converting the warehouse into flats. Thought they were unexploded bombs.DOCTOR: Have you tried to open one?LAIRD: They haven't even scratched the casing.ARCHER: Do you think the Daleks have anything to do with this?DOCTOR: It would be an enormous coincidence if they didn't. [Prison area] DAVROS: Who are you?LYTTON: Commander Lytton.DAVROS: Commander? My Daleks do not need troops.LYTTON: You'd still be in prison or dead if it weren't for my men.DAVROS: You speak as though my Daleks are no longer capable of war.LYTTON: A lot has happened during your imprisonment.DAVROS: The war with the Movellans is over?LYTTON: Yes, although casualties were very high.DAVROS: It is to be expected.LYTTON: I'm talking about Dalek casualties.DAVROS: Dalek casualties?LYTTON: They lost, Davros. They were totally defeated. (Davros is apoplectic.) [Battle cruiser] (The next door lets Turlough into a room with a bed in the middle, and three layers of glass fronted shelving around the sides. The faint shapes of people can be seen through the glass.) [Warehouse - Army base] (Calder uses the field radio.) CALDER: Zero three to HQ. Zero three to HQ. Over. (Static.) ARCHER: Keep trying.DOCTOR: You must get reinforcements.CALDER: Zero three to HQ.ARCHER: I can't conjure them out of the air. I have to find a telephone.LAIRD: I'll go. You're needed here.ARCHER: This is more than a military matter now. I have to speak to the Ministry of Defence. We'll need a massive troop involvement.CALDER: Zero three to HQ. Zero three to HQ. Over.DOCTOR: I'll come with you.ARCHER: You're the only one who knows anything about fighting Daleks. Your duty's here. (Archer hands the Doctor his service pistol and holster. ) (Meanwhile, the remains of the Dalek has been brought inside and a single guard posted. He decides to have a smoke and doesn't notice that the Kaled mutant inside the casing is still moving.) [Battle cruiser bridge] (Turlough is being watched on the globe.) BLACK: He is a companion of the Doctor.DALEK: He should be destroyed.BLACK: He would be better used as bait. The Doctor is sentimental and emotional. He will come after the boy. This will aid the Dalek plan. Allow the boy to roam freely. [Space station] MERCER: We'll rest for a moment.STYLES: Don't you get funny ideas? I'd give anything for a glass of cool spring mountain water.MERCER: Quiet. Down! (A group of Troopers walk along the intersection. Their helmets are modelled on the Dalek's domes and their weapons cover their right forearms, like a Dalek.) MERCER: Fire! (The Troopers are all taken by surprise and killed.) STYLES: Careful. (Mercer checks a body.) MERCER: Uniforms.STYLES: Uniforms. [Warehouse - Army base] (Back from his cigarette break, the sentry hears the Kaled squealing and moves forward to investigate. In the main room, Tegan is awake.) LAIRD: Here, take these. It'll help your head.DOCTOR: I won't be long. I must get back to my ship. (The Doctor carefully hands Archer's weapon to Calder.) CALDER: Sir.DOCTOR: I must find Turlough.CALDER: Yes, I understand how you feel, sir, but I must ask you to wait till the Colonel gets back.DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. There is isn't time. Turlough's on board the Dalek ship.CALDER: I'm sure the Colonel won't be long.STIEN: Let him go.CALDER: I can't. (Gurgling scream off-camera. The Doctor and Stien run towards it. Calder grabs his gun first.) [Warehouse - upper level] (The Kaled mutant is trying to strangle its guard.) SOLDIER: Help! (The Doctor runs in. The soldier is lying on the floor, very still.) CALDER: Are you all right, lad?DOCTOR: Be careful.STIEN: I was terrified it was a Dalek.DOCTOR: It was, or at least, the remains of one.CALDER: He's still alive.DOCTOR: We have to find it before it tries to kill again. [Prison area] (Davros tries moving his wheelchair.) LYTTON: You all right?DAVROS: There are malfunctions in my life-support system. I require an engineer.LYTTON: We must board the Dalek ship.DAVROS: I must remain close to my cryogenic chamber. It may be necessary for me to be refrozen.LYTTON: There is a time factor. The space station transmitted a distress call.DAVROS: It will take days for a task force to arrive.LYTTON: Not if the signal's been intercepted by a patrol ship.DAVROS: Then you will shoot it down! I cannot be moved. [Battle cruiser bridge] BLACK: Order an engineer to attend Davros.DALEK: We should leave here at once.BLACK: Without Davros, we have no future. He must be made to believe that we serve him. [Warehouse - upper level] STIEN: This is a waste of time. The mutant could have escaped using the Time Corridor.DOCTOR: True, so why are you being so tentative in your search?STIEN: We don't know for certain.DOCTOR: Precisely. That's why we're searching the warehouse.CALDER: What's it look like?DOCTOR: Oh, you won't mistake it. The moment you find it, it'll try and kill you. [Lafone Street] (Colonel Archer has found a telephone kiosk, but the receiver cord has been cut. He steps out and sees a pair of policemen.) ARCHER: Gentlemen, you've saved my life. I'm Colonel Archer, Bomb Disposal Squad. I have to make an urgent call. May I use your radio? (The policemen just stand still and stare at him.) ARCHER: Please? (A policeman hands over the radio.) ARCHER: Thank you. It's dead. (The second policeman puts a gun with a silencer on it to Archer's head.) [Prison area] (On the battle cruiser, Turlough watches a Dalek glide past a couple of Troopers and into the airlock.On Earth, a piece of sacking moves as the search continues.On the Space Prison, a human engineer is working on Davros' life support system. Everyone say Hi! to Leslie Grantham.)DAVROS: Tell be about the Dalek defeat.LYTTON: You already know most of it. The Daleks and the Movellans were locked in an impasse. Each time their respective fleets attempted a stratagem, it was instantly anticipated and countered by their opponent's battle computer.DAVROS: Two totally logical war machines unable to out-think each other. Fascinating. If only I'd been there.LYTTON: Then the Movellans found the answer. (The engineer causes a little electric spark. Davros gasps.) KISTON: Sorry, sir.DAVROS: Quickly, tell me.LYTTON: They developed a virus which exclusively attacks the Daleks. The fleet was destroyed. Those who survived went to separate parts of the universe to escape the risk of further infection and work on a cure.DAVROS: Have they succeeded?LYTTON: Not yet.DAVROS: So, they have returned to their creator. Like an errant child, they have come home once more, but this time they will not abuse me. This time, I shall take my rightful place as their Supreme Being, and under my control, the Daleks shall once more become triumphant! (Turlough has made it through the airlock and onto the Space Prison while Troopers are removing the destroyed Dalek casings.) LYTTON: Will you be able to find an antidote?DAVROS: Of course.LYTTON: A lot of research has already been done.DAVROS: I am Davros. The Daleks are my creation. If necessary, I shall genetically re-engineer them. Have you finished?KISTON: Almost, sir.DAVROS: I will need a laboratory.LYTTON: There is one already prepared for you.DAVROS: I shall work here, on the station.LYTTON: I've explained. There isn't time.DAVROS: I cannot risk an accident. If the virus were to escape on board the Dalek shipLYTTON: Every precaution has been taken.DAVROS: I work here! Or not at all.LYTTON: I'll see what can be arranged. (Lytton leaves.) DAVROS: Hurry. There is much work to be done.KISTON: I've finished, sir.DAVROS: Close the panel. (Davros flicks a switch, and a triangular device comes out of his wheelchair. He takes it and hold it with the sharp end to the back of Kiston's unsuspecting neck.) [Outside the Prison area] BLACK [OC]: I order you to obey Davros.LYTTON: And what happens when the task force arrives from Earth?BLACK [OC]: We shall be gone. I have a plan that will force Davros to leave of his own free will. Until then, you must supply him with everything he demands. Allow him access to the Space Station's laboratory. (Kiston screams.) [Prison area] (Davros' device slides back inside his wheelchair. Kiston is standing upright with a blank face.) KISTON: As you command. (Lytton enters.) LYTTON: What happened?DAVROS: A small accident.LYTTON: Are you all right?KISTON: I caught my hand. It's nothing, sir. [Warehouse - upper level] STIEN: It isn't here. We haven't found the entrance to the Time Corridor, either.DOCTOR: Temporarily disconnected, I would think. (Calder spots the sack move.) CALDER: Doctor.STIEN: What is it?DOCTOR: Nothing, nothing. Go on with the search. (The Doctor uses a long pole to lift the sack and reveal - a cat.) STIEN: So much for the conqueror of the universe. I told you it had gone. (The Kaled jumps to the throat of another soldier. The Doctor uses the sack to pull it off him and throw it down, where he and Calder shoot it.) STIEN: Is it dead?DOCTOR: Would you care to take a look? How is he?CALDER: It's more shock than physical. Come on, lad. Let's get you downstairs. Come on, you'll be all right. (Calder helps the soldier away. Laird comes running in.) LAIRD: What happened?DOCTOR: The Dalek wasn't quite dead, I'm afraid. Here, take this. (The Doctor gives Laird the gun.) CALDER: Give us a hand with him.LAIRD: Of course.DOCTOR: We must get back to the TARDIS. I have to find the Dalek ship.STIEN: I'm not going back there. They'll kill me.DOCTOR: I need your help.STIEN: Help? Huh. You don't know how much of a coward I am.DOCTOR: Well, you can take this opportunity to show me. Come along. [Space station] (Turlough is surrounded by 'Troopers'. He raises his hands.) MERCER: Kill him!STYLES: Wait. At least question him first. [Warehouse - Army base] TEGAN: What happened? What was that shooting?CALDER: A small problem with a Dalek.TEGAN: He'd be more comfortable over here.LAIRD: Stay where you are.CALDER: It looks superficial.LAIRD: As long as there isn't any poison in it. Well, it was caused by an alien. We don't know what infection may have entered his bloodstream.CALDER: The Colonel'll be back soon, then we get the pair of them to hospital. (The policemen watch the Doctor and Stien walk towards the TARDIS.) [Prison area] DAVROS: Ninety years I was frozen in that. Ninety years of mind-numbing boredom.LYTTON: You were conscious?DAVROS: Every second. The creatures of Earth have no stomach for judicial murder. They prefer to leave you to slowly rot and die. They call it being humane.KISTON: Then you must be equally humane in your revenge.DAVROS: It is a planet I shall destroy at my leisure. But first, I must deal with a meddling Time Lord.LYTTON: That has been anticipated.DAVROS: You have the Doctor?LYTTON: His capture is imminent.DAVROS: Excellent! Once I have drained his mind of all knowledge, he shall then die slowly and painfully! He has interfered for the last time. [TARDIS] (The Doctor and Stein enter.) DOCTOR: Yes, I know.STEIN: What?DOCTOR: It's bigger inside than out.STIEN: I'm going mad. Daleks, Time Corridors, now this.DOCTOR: Don't worry, soon be over.STIEN: Yes, but will I still be sane enough to know? [Space station] (Mercer hits Turlough in the stomach with his weapon.) STYLES: Don't do that.MERCER: Hide your eyes if it offends you.STYLES: Look, even an idiot like you must realise that he doesn't know anything.MERCER: He's not a member of the crew. He must be with the Daleks.TURLOUGH: I've told you, I'm from Earth.MERCER: Then how did you get here?TURLOUGH: The Dalek's Time Corridor.MERCER: Do you believe that?STYLES: Why not? We know the Daleks are capable of time travel.MERCER: So we're letting him go.STYLES: No, but we're not going to wait here for the Daleks to find us, either. [Warehouse - Army base] CALDER: Any one want some tea?LAIRD: No, thanks.TEGAN: I'd much rather have the Colonel back. How much longer is he going to be? (The soldier stands up and starts walking.) CALDER: Hey, where are you going, lad? Come on, you're excused duties. (The soldier pushes Calder across Tegan and leaves.) LAIRD: Are you all right?CALDER: Yeah. You stay there. (Calder grabs his rifle and follows the soldier.) TEGAN: What's all that about? [Battle cruiser - Reception area] DALEK: Activate the exit to the Time Corridor.DALEKS: We obey. (The entrance slides up.) [Warehouse - upper level] CALDER: Come on, lad. Nothing to worry about. It's only Sergeant Calder. Colonel's gone for an ambulance. Then you'll be all right. (The purple haze appears, then four Daleks.) DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! (Calder starts firing.) [Warehouse - Army base] TEGAN: That was gunfire.LAIRD: Quickly. We should get out of here. Quickly. (They nearly walk into blank-faced Archer, Calder and two soldiers.) ARCHER: There's nothing to worry about. [Prison area] (Lytton gets a message on his helmet radio.) LYTTON: I'll inform him at once. Your laboratory is ready.DAVROS: Good. I will require the assistance of a chemist.LYTTON: Of course.DAVROS: And Kiston. He has proven to be a competent mechanical engineer.LYTTON: As you wish. (The door slides open to reveal two Daleks.) DAVROS: Guards?LYTTON: An escort. There are still members of the crew still at large. It's purely a precaution.DAVROS: I am very difficult to kill. You should already know that. [Warehouse - Army base] TEGAN: (sotto) That's not Colonel Archer. He gave the Doctor his gun belt, yet he's wearing one.ARCHER: What are you two whispering about?LAIRD: I was wondering when the ambulance for Tegan would arrive.ARCHER: That is in hand.TEGAN: And the reinforcements?ARCHER: That is a military matter and therefore confidential.LAIRD: I don't think we should wait for the ambulance.ARCHER: This warehouse is under martial law. Attempt to leave, and I'll have the pair of you shot. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: That's it. I've located the Dalek ship. Now, I could drop you off at the warehouse when I collect Tegan.STIEN: I'll come with you.DOCTOR: Good man. (The Doctor presses a button and the TARDIS tilts, throwing them onto the floor.) [Battle cruiser bridge] DALEK: The Doctor's TARDIS has been caught in the Time Corridor.BLACK: Prepare the duplication room.DALEK: I obey. [Battle cruiser - Reception area] (The TARDIS materialises and the Doctor steps out.) DOCTOR: Turlough? (Stien follows.) DOCTOR: Turlough? Foolish boy. (Stien walks purposefully to a small alcove and takes a weapon. A trooper runs in and the Doctor snatches his weapon from him.) DOCTOR: Quickly, let's get out of here.STIEN: No, Doctor. (Stien puts the weapon muzzle to the Doctor's head.) DOCTOR: This is madness. The Daleks won't thank you for capturing me. They'll kill you.STIEN: I didn't quite tell you the truth. I serve the Daleks. I'm a Dalek agent. (Daleks trundle in and pin the Doctor to the wall.) DALEKS: Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate. Exterminate! Exterminate!Part Two (or Part Three if 4 episodes) [Battle cruiser - Reception area] (Daleks glide in.) DALEKS: Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate (Lytton enters.) LYTTON: Wait.DALEK: He is an enemy of the Daleks. He must be exterminated.LYTTON: He must be duplicated first. Confirm with the Supreme Dalek. (The Dalek turns away and uses an internal communications device to send and receive instructions.) DALEK: Supreme Dalek confirms the order. We must take the prisoner to the duplication chamber. Proceed. (The Doctor is escorted away.) STIEN: Impulsive, aren't they.LYTTON: They'd kill anybody, even if they need them.STEIN: Now much longer before it's your turn? [Space Station] MERCER: It's here.STYLES: It isn't guarded.MERCER: Be grateful.TURLOUGH: What is it?MERCER: Self-destruct chamber.STYLES: Right, let's get it open.TURLOUGH: What are you going to do?STYLES: Guess. [Warehouse - Army base] LAIRD: Would anyone like some tea?TEGAN: Please.LAIRD: Colonel?ARCHER: No. (Laird notices a gun belt on the table by the milk bottle and mugs.) LAIRD: How much longer will the ambulance be?ARCHER: I don't know.LAIRD: Tegan has severe concussion. It's vital she receives proper medical attention. (Archer takes the gun belt from the table.) ARCHER: She will receive medical attention as soon as it is available.TEGAN: Thanks very much. (Archer walks away. Laird takes a packet of powder from her pocket.) LAIRD: Pity he didn't want any tea. He'd have slept for hours.TEGAN: We've got to get out of here. (She goes over to the cylinders embedded in the floor which are the reason the Bomb Squad was called out in the first place.) TEGAN: Do you think we could free one of these?LAIRD: I should think so. [Outside the Duplication room] (This is the area where the dead soldiers and others are lying.) DALEK: Proceed. [Warehouse] ARCHER: They know.CALDER: What do we do?ARCHER: The Daleks will instruct us. [Space Station laboratory] DALEK: It is vital you complete your researches as soon as possible.DAVROS: I will need a sample of the Movellan virus.DALEK: It will be brought to you.DAVROS: I will also need two Daleks for experimentation.DALEK: That is forbidden.DAVROS: If I am to find a cure, I will need living Dalek tissue.DALEK 2: We must consult the Supreme Dalek.DAVROS: Do so, but be quick! Already I grow impatient. [Self-destruct chamber] (The control unit is large, with a domed top, and stands in the middle of the room.) STYLES: Where do we start? [Battle cruiser] (Lytton gets a communication through his helmet.) LYTTON: Lytton. [Battle cruiser bridge] BLACK: This is the Supreme Dalek. The self-destruct chamber has been invaded. [Battle cruiser] BLACK [OC]: The hostiles must be exterminated.LYTTON: There isn't time. Abandon the space station.BLACK [OC]: You should have anticipated this.LYTTON: The original plan was to snatch Davros and leave, not dance to his every whim.BLACK [OC]: Nothing must endanger Davros. The hostiles must be destroyed. The Daleks must be obeyed. [Duplication chamber] (This is the single bed chamber that Turlough entered earlier.) DALEK: You must not touch the equipment.DOCTOR: Without the threat of death, you're quite powerless, aren't you.DALEK: You will obey. (Stien has put on the Trooper uniform.) STIEN: It is unwise to provoke the Daleks, Doctor.DOCTOR: However you respond is seen as an act of provocation. I know the Daleks of old. And Davros. I assume he's about here somewhere.STIEN: You only invite trouble with your questions.DOCTOR: Do you mean it can get worse?STIEN: Oh, yes. The Daleks are very capable of devising painful and undignified ways of dying.DOCTOR: But not yet. The Daleks need my brainwaves intact, don't they. [Warehouse - Army base] (The women get a cylinder out of the ground.) TEGAN: It's so light. What's it made from?LAIRD: Who knows? It defied every test I could think of. (They put in on the camp bed and cover it with the blankets.) [Self-destruct chamber] STYLES: It looks complicated.MERCER: Try the computer. It may contain the ignition sequence.TURLOUGH: And when you've primed your bomb, is it absolutely necessary that we die along with the station?STYLES: Look, none of us are looking to become martyrs. You know a way out?TURLOUGH: The Time Corridor I mentioned. It exists, it's real. We could use it to escape.MERCER: What do you think?STYLES: You could check it out while I try and find a way into this thing.MERCER: Right. [Duplication chamber] DALEK: You must cooperate. You must lie down.DOCTOR: Why isn't Davros here? I would have thought he'd have wanted to see this.STIEN: He is otherwise detained.DOCTOR: So, he is here.DALEK: It does not concern you. What sort of trouble are you in this time? (The Doctor lies on the bed.) [Warehouse - Army base] (Pillows have been used to try and create the illusion of Tegan under the blankets.) TEGAN: Well?LAIRD: Not bad.TEGAN: But would it convince?LAIRD: If you didn't look too hard, perhaps.TEGAN: The truth is you'd have to be blind not to see it isn't a body.LAIRD: Quickly! (Tegan gets back into the camp bed with the cylinder as Archer enters.) ARCHER: You can stop pretending.LAIRD: I don't know what you mean.ARCHER: You're to be transferred to the Dalek ship.LAIRD: Tegan is sick.ARCHER: Not for much longer. (Archer leaves.) TEGAN: One way or another, we're both dead. [Space station laboratory] (On a monitor, a man walks up to the laboratory door.) DAVROS: A further recruit. (Davros takes the triangular hypodermic from his 'wheelchair' and hands it to Kiston.) DAVROS: Initiate. (Kiston stands by the door. The man enters.) DAVROS: Welcome. (Kiston uses the hypo on the Chemist.) [Self-destruct chamber] (The computer is not being helpful. Access to self-destruct procedure is classified information. Please enter your security clearance number.) STYLES: Thanks a lot. Zena?ZENA: Lieutenant Mercer might have security clearance.STYLES: That's a point. Get him on the radio.ZENA: The Daleks could trace the transmission.STYLES: Well, he can't have got far. Try him on a high-frequency range. The Daleks can't monitor them all. (Zena gets out a small communicator. Styles switches the wall monitor to different views of the corridors. One view shows Troopers.) STYLES: That's outside! Close the door! Dalek Troopers! (The young man on guard dodges back inside as Zena operates the door control.) [Outside the Self-destruct chamber] LYTTON: They must have seen us. Take out that camera. [Self-destruct chamber] STYLES: Build a barricade. Something we can use for protection. Now there's nothing to lose. Let's see what I can make out of you. [Duplication chamber] (Stien attaches electrodes to the Doctor's head.) DOCTOR: What will you do with my duplicate?STIEN: That does not concern you.DOCTOR: Oh, I think it does. I've grown rather attached to myself.DALEK: You will remain silent.DOCTOR: I assume my brainwaves are destined for Davros. You must need his services very badly.DALEK: The Daleks are the superior being. We do not require assistance.DOCTOR: Superior? It took you long enough to ensnare the TARDIS in the Time Corridor.DALEK: It was but one trap.DOCTOR: Hmm. But Stien was more effective. A living, thinking being, not some tin-pot machine.STIEN: Please, Doctor.DALEK: Stien is but an extension of Dalek technology.DOCTOR: What?DALEK: He is a duplicate. He is a product of our genetic engineering.DOCTOR: Are you all duplicates?STIEN: Yes.DOCTOR: Interesting. I wonder what happened to the real you. [Airlock 3] TURLOUGH: The Time Corridor is on the other side of the airlock.MERCER: What about the Troopers?TURLOUGH: We kill them.MERCER: And the Daleks? We must set the self-destruct mechanism first. We go back.TURLOUGH: No.MERCER: We go back. [Warehouse - Army base] (The bed has been dummied up again.) TEGAN: Let's go.LAIRD: No, I should stay.TEGAN: Don't be silly, they'll kill you.LAIRD: No, not if you can get help quickly. This isn't going to deceive anyone for very long, not unless there's someone here to help it along with a little bluff. Now you're wasting time. Go! Go! And good luck.TEGAN: And you. I'll be as quick as I can. [Outside the Self-destruct chamber] LYTTON: Can we blow a hole in the wall?TROOPER: Could.LYTTON: Then we attack on two fronts. [Space station laboratory] (A Trooper arrives at the door.) DAVROS: My army continues to grow. [Self-destruct chamber] (While Zena and the young man remove wall plates to build the barricade at the door, Style's random button pressing and knob turnings have resulted in a red glow inside the dome.) STYLES: I think I'm making progress. [Duplication chamber] DOCTOR: Have the soldiers from the warehouse been duplicated?STIEN: Yes.DOCTOR: It's very clever. Would you care to tell me how it's done?STIEN: No.DOCTOR: Hmm, I thought not. What about Tegan?STIEN: She is our prisoner.DOCTOR: She's harmless. You must release her.DALEK: Show him. (Stien uses a control to slide back two glass panels on the wall. Behind them lie a blank Tegan and a blank Turlough.) DOCTOR: Why?STIEN: The Doctor without his companions would be rather incongruous.DOCTOR: Why are you doing this?DALEK: Your duplicates will return to Gallifrey, where, at our command, you will assassinate the members of the High Council.DOCTOR: No! [Outside the Self-destruct chamber] (Mercer and Turlough return to see the Troopers dismantling the wall panels.) MERCER: We must do something.TURLOUGH: With only one gun? They'd kill us.MERCER: I have to do something.TURLOUGH: Think about what's happening. The Daleks have a ship, so why are their Troopers trying to break into the self-destruct chamber? Why don't they leave, let your friends blow themselves to pieces?MERCER: Tell me.TURLOUGH: Because whatever the Daleks want is still on board.MERCER: Davros?TURLOUGH: You may not be able to help your friends, but you could still kill him. [Laboratory] (Two Daleks enter.) DALEK: We have been sent by the Supreme Dalek.DALEK 2: We are to assist in your research.DAVROS: I need Dalek tissue, not help.DALEK: You may remove tissue from us.DAVROS: Excellent. In no way will my experiment harm you. (Kiston surreptitiously takes the hypo from Davros.) DALEK: Releasing docking clamp. (The Dalek's dome tilts forward and Kiston uses the hypo on the Kaled inside.) DAVROS: In fact, you will become considerably invigorated. (The second Dalek gets the same injection.) DAVROS: Perfect. Reseal your casings. Now, who do you obey?DALEKS: We obey Davros. He is our master.DAVROS: Excellent. Now all I require is a sample of the Movellan virus. Find out the cause of the delay. (Tegan is still trying to get out of the warehouse unseen.) [Battle cruiser bridge] BLACK: Order a cylinder of Movellan virus to be transported from Earth.DALEK: I obey. [Prison area] TURLOUGH: We're too late.MERCER: He can't be far.TURLOUGH: We could spend hours searching for him and still not find him, and the place is crawling with Daleks.MERCER: I have to find him. And you're coming with me. [Duplication room] (The Daleks beam up a cylinder from the warehouse with a head-splitting high pitched sound.) STIEN: Nearly ready.DALEK: The prisoner is secured. You must proceed alone. We have been summoned to other duties.DOCTOR: Not staying till the bitter end? How disappointing.DALEK: When it is time to die, you will, in your agony, beg to pay homage to the Daleks. (to a Trooper) You will wait outside. (The Daleks and Troopers leave.) DOCTOR: Why do they take themselves so seriously?STIEN: I warned you not to provoke them. You only make it worse for yourself.DOCTOR: Get on with it. I can do without your pity.STIEN: Do you think I do this because I enjoy (starts to stutter) Do you think I do this out of ch-ch-ch-choice? D-d-do I have a ch-choice? I have no choice. [Reception area] (The cylinder arrives.) DALEK: Take the cylinder to Davros.(Troopers obey.Tegan has got out of the warehouse, but she is followed by the policemen.) [Outside the laboratory] (Mercer and Turlough see the Troopers take the cylinder inside, and a Dalek stand guard.) MERCER: Of course. Davros is using Styles' laboratory. [Self-destruct chamber] (The dome opens.) STYLES: We're nearly there. Why am I so excited? It'll be the last thing I ever do. [Laboratory] (The Chemist puts his hands inside gloves to open the cylinder in an isolation cabinet.) DAVROS: Perfect. I have but one more request. I require your cooperation for a little longer. (A Trooper raises his weapon. Kiston knocks him down.) DAVROS: A spirited but foolish reaction. He will make an excellent slave. And so will you. (Kiston hypos the second Trooper.) [Warehouse - Army base] (Archer and Calder enter.) LAIRD: One of the cylinders disappeared! (Calder pulls back the blankets to reveal the cylinder.) ARCHER: Where is she? Where is she? She won't get far. (Laird screams as she is dragged away.) [Butler's Wharf] (Tegan sees the policemen behind her and stops, then notices the gun and runs. On the shoreline she spots a metal detectorist.) TEGAN: Hey! (She starts down the steps to him. The policeman takes careful aim and shoots the man.) TEGAN: No! [Duplication room] STIEN: Are you ready?DOCTOR: You ask it as though I have a choice.STIEN: Everyone has a ch-choice. It's in the Constitution, twenty fifth Amendment, or is it twenty sixth? Didn't you go to school?DOCTOR: I must have played truant that day. Or maybe we didn't go to the same school. Which school did you go to?STIEN: I, I, c-can't remember.DOCTOR: But you remember one of the Amendments. What was the First? It's very important I know. It's very important you remember, too. Think, man. Search the area of your mind the Daleks have shut off. Resist, before it's too late.STIEN: I must continue.DOCTOR: Resist!STIEN: I must continue.(Stien turns on the machine. It hurts the Doctor.Meanwhile, the policemen escort Tegan back to the warehouse.) [Self-destruct chamber] ZENA: They're bypassing the door mechanism.STYLES: You've got to hold them. I'm almost there. [Outside the Self-destruct chamber] LYTTON: Stand by. [Self-destruct chamber] STYLES: That's it. (Styles reaches for the big red lever as the door opens. She is shot along with the young woman. The other Troopers break through the wall and shoot Zena.) [Outside the Self-destruct chamber] TURLOUGH: There's nothing you can do.MERCER: I shouldn't have left them.TURLOUGH: You did the right thing. It's now up to you. We have to get back to Earth. Trust me. [Self-destruct chamber] (The bodies are carried out.) TROOPER: Just in time.DALEK: Your delay put the Dalek plan at risk.LYTTON: We won. That's all that matters.DALEK: The space station could have been destroyed. I must report this to the Supreme Dalek. [Warehouse - upper level] (Laird is under armed guard when Tegan is brought in by Archer and Calder.) TEGAN: I'm sorry. I tried.LAIRD: They're going to send us to the Dalek ship.ARCHER: Get them into the Time Corridor. (Laird kicks her guard and runs for it.) LAIRD: No! (Archer shoots her in the back.) ARCHER: Into the Time Corridor with her. (Soldiers push Tegan forward.) [Duplication room] (Images being ripped from the Doctor's mind are shown on the monitor. Turlough, Tegan, Nyssa, Adric, Romana, K9, Harry, Tom Baker, Sarah Jane, Jo, the Brigadier, Liz, Jon Pertwee.) STIEN: Relax, Doctor, don't fight it. You'll only cause yourself pain. I know how you feel. The pain will pass. You must relax.DOCTOR: Quickly, recite the Amendments. Remember your past.STIEN: I must do my duty.DOCTOR: You must resist. You're destroying my mind. [Laboratory] KISTON: The Daleks have secured the self-destruct chamber. The station is safe.DAVROS: Excellent.KISTON: And the Daleks have taken the Doctor prisoner.DAVROS: Better still. He must be brought to me at once. Hurry. There is important work to do. I have waited a long time for this. Once the Doctor is exterminated, I shall build a new race of Daleks. They will be even more deadly, and I, Davros, shall be their leader! This time we shall triumph! My Daleks shall once more become the Supreme Beings! (Part Four here if 4 episodes) [Airlock 3] MERCER: Hey! (The Troopers on guard turn and he shoots them. He and Turlough run into the Battle cruiser.) [Battle cruiser Reception area] (Tegan arrives. She sees the TARDIS then Mercer runs in and points a weapon at her. Turlough knocks him down.) TURLOUGH: What are you doing?MERCER: She was about to scream.TURLOUGH: It's Tegan, you fool. She's a friend.TEGAN: Turlough. Who is this?MERCER: Never mind that. We must get away before the Daleks arrive.TEGAN: Not without the Doctor.TURLOUGH: He's here?TEGAN: Look behind you. (Turlough heads for the Time Corridor.) TEGAN: We must find him. [Duplication room] (The Doctor's memories are still being ripped from his mind while Stien struggles inside his own head. Zoe, Victoria, Jamie, Patrick Troughton, Ben, Polly, Dodo, Sara, Katarina, Steven, Vicki, Barbara, Ian, Susan, William Hartnell all appear on the monitor. Then the two men scream in unison.) STIEN: I can't stand the confusion in my mind! (Stien switches off the duplication machine.) DOCTOR: Quickly, release me.STEIN: What about the guards?DOCTOR: We'll call them in here. [Laboratory] (Davros has been watching the goings-on at the Time Corridor entrance.) DAVROS: You must secure the TARDIS for me. Take the Troopers.DALEKS: We obey. [Battle cruiser] TURLOUGH: In here. (They go into the room with the bodies just before Daleks glide past.) [Duplication room] (The Doctor and Stien have got the guards inside the room and disarmed them.) STIEN: Now what? The Dalek conditioning could c-cloud my mind at any minute.DOCTOR: You'll be safe in the TARDIS.STIEN: You don't understand. Under the Dalek influence I could kill you.DOCTOR: I'll take that chance. (Turlough opens the door.) TEGAN: Doctor!STIEN: Come on, move. Over there.DOCTOR: Well, don't just stand there. Come and help. [Battle cruiser bridge] BLACK: The Doctor is free. Your Troopers have failed.LYTTON: More to the point, where were your Daleks? (Lytton uses a small communicator.) LYTTON: This is Lytton. Call out my Special Guard. [Duplication room] (One of the Troopers is being fastened to the duplication table when Turlough spots the security camera.) TURLOUGH: Doctor, look. We should get out of here.DOCTOR: Quickly. Come on. (The rest leave. The Doctor fires a Trooper weapon at the tape containing his memories.) [Battle cruiser bridge] BLACK: Lytton grows too arrogant. His mind resists our control. He must be exterminated as soon as it is convenient to the Daleks. [TARDIS] TEGAN: Where are we going?DOCTOR: Earth.TURLOUGH: Best news all day.DOCTOR: Why did the Daleks rescue Davros?STIEN: They wanted a cure for a virus that was destroying them.TEGAN: Is that what's in those cylinders on Earth?STIEN: Yes.TEGAN: Why Earth?STIEN: They were safer there, and they acted as a lure. With the Bomb Disposal Squad duplicated, the Daleks had people to guard the warehouse who wouldn't arouse suspicion.TEGAN: Very neat.STIEN: Oh yes, the Daleks haven't lost any of their old guile. (The Doctor opens the door.) TEGAN: Where are you going?DOCTOR: To kill Davros.TEGAN: Doctor!DOCTOR: I must. Davros created the Daleks. He must not be allowed to save them.TEGAN: But murder?DOCTOR: Once before I held back from destroying the Daleks. It was a mistake I do not intend to repeat. Davros must die.MERCER: I'm coming with you.DOCTOR: No.MERCER: I can show you where he is.STIEN: I'm coming too. I wouldn't mind a taste of revenge.DOCTOR: All right. (to Tegan) Wait as long as you can, but should the Daleks attack, you leave at once.TEGAN: What about you? (The Doctor leaves, followed by Mercer and Stien.) [Laboratory] (Davros sees the Doctor on the monitor being escorted through the airlock by two Troopers.) DAVROS: Could this be the Doctor?KISTON: The prisoner is certainly important. The one on the left is Stien, a member of Lytton's Special Guard. He wouldn't be assigned to escort duties otherwise.DAVROS: The Doctor and his TARDIS. Perfect! [Battle cruiser] LYTTON: Lytton.BLACK [OC]: Davros has gained control of two Daleks. They are in the Reception area, attempting to enter the Doctor's TARDIS. You must exterminate them.LYTTON: At once.BLACK [OC]: You must also destroy Davros. He is unreliable. He cannot be trusted.LYTTON: (to Trooper) Take two men and kill Davros. [Laboratory] DAVROS: Welcome, Doctor. I have waited many years for this meeting.DOCTOR: I'm sorry to have detained you.DAVROS: It was but a pleasure deferred. Now you are here, you will repay tenfold for the mental agony I suffered.DOCTOR: I'll say one thing for you, Davros. Your conversation is totally predictable. You're like a deranged child, all this talk of killing, revenge and destruction.DAVROS: It is the only path to ultimate power.DOCTOR: But to what end? Just more suffering for those unlucky enough to survive?DAVROS: Only for those who resist my will. (The Doctor turns to Mercer, who hands over his weapon.) DAVROS: What are you doing?DOCTOR: Until I walked through that door, I foolishly hoped you'd changed enough for me not to have to do this.DAVROS: Stien, kill him!DOCTOR: I'm not here as your prisoner, Davros, but your executioner.DAVROS: Listen to me. You, in your way, are not an unambitious man. Like me, you are a renegade.DOCTOR: Save your breath.DAVROS: I had planned to completely redesign the Daleks. Kiston will confirm I am telling the truth.KISTON: It is so.DAVROS: My mistake was making them totally ruthless. It restricted their ability to cope with creatures who rely not only on logic, but instinct and intuition. That is a factor I wish to correct.DOCTOR: And compassion? Are they to be programmed for that?DAVROS: They will learn to recognise the strength that can be drawn from such an emotion.DOCTOR: But only to make the Daleks more efficient killers.DAVROS: To make them a more positive force.DOCTOR: For destruction!DAVROS: The universe is at war, Doctor. Name one planet whose history is not littered with atrocities and ambition for empire. It is a universal way of life.DOCTOR: Which I do not accept.DAVROS: Then you deny what is real. Join me. You will have total power at the head of a new Dalek army.STIEN: Doctor. (Two Troopers are on the monitor.) DOCTOR: Outside. Deal with them. (Stien and Mercer leave.) DOCTOR: To be honest, I wouldn't know what to do with an army. (The Doctor raises the weapon to Davros' head.) [TARDIS] (The Time Rotor is moving.) TEGAN: What's that?TURLOUGH: The Doctor preset the controls on the timer. We're going to Earth.TEGAN: He didn't intend to return. (The TARDIS tilts.) TEGAN: What's happening?TURLOUGH: We're travelling down the Dalek's Time Corridor. We're being dragged back to the warehouse! [Laboratory] DAVROS: You hesitate, Doctor. If I were you, I would be dead.DOCTOR: I lack your practice, Davros.DAVROS: You are soft, like all Time Lords. You prefer to stand and watch. Action requires courage, something you lack. [Outside the laboratory] STIEN: Don't argue. You're to report to Commander Lytton at once.MERCER: Perhaps I can convince you. (Mercer kills the Troopers.) STIEN: Did you have to?MERCER: Help me hide the bodies. Now what?STIEN: The Dalek conditioning, it's taking hold again.MERCER: You should have stayed in the TARDIS.TROOPER: Drop your guns!STIEN: It's all right, they're our Troopers.MERCER: They're Dalek Troopers. (There is a brief shoot out. Everyone dies except Stein, who appears injured. The Doctor steps out of the laboratory to investigate the noise.) STIEN: Stay where you are.DOCTOR: No, no, you need medical attention.STIEN: I can't control my mind. I'm not safe. I caused Mercer's death. I've got to get away from here.DOCTOR: No, wait! Look, I can help you.STIEN: Don't try to follow me. I may cause your death. (Stien leaves and Davros locks the Doctor out of the laboratory.) DOCTOR: I'm an imbecile. [Battle cruiser] BLACK [OC]: Your Troopers have failed. Davros still lives.LYTTON: Then shoot the space station down. Kill everything on it.BLACK [OC]: I must see him dead. I have dispatched Daleks to complete the task you failed. You must redeem yourself. You must destroy the Daleks of Davros.LYTTON: Where are they?BLACK [OC]: You must follow them to Earth. You must exterminate them. [Reception area] (Lytton takes a packet of explosives from the armoury.) LYTTON: Let's go. (Lytton and his Troopers go down the Time Corridor.) [Space station] STIEN: This isn't any good. I've got to be more positive. Oh, more positive. Self-destruct. I must find the self-destruct chamber. [Warehouse] TURLOUGH: This is lunacy.TEGAN: Be quiet. The soldiers might hear you.TURLOUGH: What's the point? We can't go back to the Dalek ship.TEGAN: The Doctor may get back. Some other opportunity may arise. I don't know!TURLOUGH: Absolute madness.TEGAN: The virus in those cylinders is the only effective thing we've got to fight the Daleks with. Now, come on. [Laboratory] (Davros is handing out small blue containers to his Trooper.) DAVROS: Go, release the virus in the Dalek ship. (The Trooper and Chemist leave.) [Warehouse] (Two Daleks glide past in the half light with Troopers.) CALDER: Davros' Daleks?ARCHER: They are to be destroyed. It is the Supreme Dalek's order.DALEK: The TARDIS is not on this level. We must search elsewhere.ARCHER: Now! (The soldiers open fire with little effect. The Daleks and Troopers return fire.) ARCHER: Behind you! (The Daleks kill the duplicated soldiers.) [Warehouse - Army base] TURLOUGH: Surely one's enough.TEGAN: We need another. (Turlough sits on the camp bed next to the cylinder.) TEGAN: All right. Let's get back to the TARDIS. [Warehouse - upper level] (Stien finds the self-destruct chamber as Lytton and his Troopers arrive in the warehouse.) LYTTON: Take cover! (The Dalek Troopers and Lytton's Special Guard start shooting each other.) [Reception area] DALEK: We are ready to descend.BLACK [OC]: Proceed. Everything in the warehouse must be exterminated, including Lytton and his Troopers.DALEKS: We obey. (The Doctor watches the Time Corridor door close then takes a couple of packs of explosives from the nearby armoury.) [Space station] (Davros' Trooper and the Chemist are walking along a corridor.) DALEK: Stop. Exterminate.(They die. A vial of Movellan virus rolls from the Trooper's hand.In the warehouse the massacre of Lytton's Special Guard is almost complete. Lytton feigns death amongst the corpses of his men.A pale and sweating Stien kills the guards outside the self-destruct chamber, then goes inside.) [Warehouse - upper level] DALEK: We must find the TARDIS. That is our prime mission. We must obey Davros. (As Davros' Daleks and Troopers move away, more Daleks arrive.) DALEK 2: What is happening?DALEK: We are being attacked. The Supreme Dalek wishes us destroyed. The invading Daleks must be exterminated. [Battle cruiser bridge] (The Supreme Dalek has Stien on the globe monitor.) BLACK: Daleks to the self-destruct chamber. A hostile has broken in. Emergency. Emergency! He must be stopped. [Warehouse - upper level] DALEK 3: We must find the traitors. The enemy of the Daleks must be destroyed.DALEK: We are not traitors. We serve our creator, Davros.DALEK 3: The Supreme Dalek is your ruler. He must be obeyed at all times.DALEK: Davros must be honoured.DALEK 3: He must be exterminated. Nothing must interfere with the true destiny of the Daleks! You must be exterminated! Exterminated! Exterminated!(The two factions start killing each other, then the Doctor comes down the Time Corridor with his explosives.Stein struggles with the self-destruct mechanism and his conditioning.The Doctor puts one pack of explosives onto a Dalek and hides. It goes BOOM! He slides the other across the floor and the final Dalek is no more. Lytton rolls over and tries to shoot the Doctor, but he gets away.) [TARDIS] (Tegan is examining the cylinder when the Doctor enters.) TEGAN: Doctor!DOCTOR: Well done.TURLOUGH: She's been trying to open the cylinder. I warned her that she could start an epidemic if she released the virus.DOCTOR: The virus is only partial to Dalek. It would die once it's done its work.TEGAN: What's happening up on the next floor?DOCTOR: Lunch has arrived for our friend here. [Laboratory] DAVROS: My escape hatch is prepared. (Davros flicks a switch on his 'wheelchair' to open and close a concealed door. Then he takes a vial of virus.) DAVROS: Now for the Daleks. (He breaks the vial and releases the virus. The laboratory door is blown in by a Dalek.) DAVROS: I did not summon your assistance!DALEK: We are here to exterminate you.DAVROS: By whose order?DALEK 2: The Supreme Dalek.DAVROS: Exterminate me, and you abandon your lives without purpose. Join me, and I will make you rulers of the universe. (Foam starts squirting out of the Dalek's casings.) DALEK 2: Malfunction. Emergency.DALEK: Malfunction.DAVROS: Your lives are over.DALEK 2: System failure. [TARDIS] (The Doctor slaps the base of the cylinder and slides open a small panel in the side. He turns the valve and the gas starts hissing out.) DOCTOR: Open the doors. (Turlough obeys. The sound of Dalek weapon fire can be heard as the Doctor walks out with the cylinder.) [Warehouse] (He creeps around the back of one group of Daleks, puts the cylinder down, then gets back inside the TARDIS just as the other group spots him and opens fire. The Daleks start squirting foam.) DALEK: What is happening? I cannot see. My vision is impaired. Emergency.LYTTON: They're dying. And so are you. (He shoots the last Trooper, then polishes his Police Inspector's cap badge and leaves.) [Self-destruct chamber] STIEN: Done it. I must rest. I'm tired. (Stien slumps against the wall in pain.) [Laboratory] DAVROS: The Daleks are dead. Long live the new Daleks! (Davros trundles towards his escape hatch then jerks.) DAVROS: What is happening? No, no. It cannot be! I am not a Dalek! I cannot die. I am Davros! (gurgle, splutter.) [TARDIS] (Outside, the Daleks are dying.) DOCTOR: It's over.TEGAN: It was horrible.DOCTOR: The Earth is safe, at least until the Daleks find an antidote for the Movellan virus. (The image on the scanner is replaced by one of a single Dalek.) TURLOUGH: Doctor, look.BLACK [on scanner]: You have not won, Doctor.DOCTOR: You won't be able to invade Earth.BLACK [on scanner]: You forget, Doctor. Daleks do not need to invade. I have my duplicates. Some have already been placed in strategic positions around the planet. The collapse of Earth society will soon occur.DOCTOR: Your duplicates aren't stable. It won't work.BLACK [on scanner]: The Daleks will triumph. We cannot fail. The Daleks' true destiny is to rule the universe. [Self-destruct chamber] (Two Daleks stand in the doorway.) STIEN: Hello, boys. Just in time for the fun. (One shoots Stien, who manages to throw himself forward onto the red lever in his dying throes. KaBOOM! goes the space station, then KaBOOM! goes the docked Battle cruiser.) [TARDIS] (The remains of the explosion are on the scanner.) DOCTOR: The Dalek ship has been destroyed.TURLOUGH: How?DOCTOR: The self-destruct device on the space station.TEGAN: Davros?DOCTOR: No, no. Stien, I would think. He must have finally decided which side he was on. (In Shad Thames, Police Inspector Lytton is joined by his two duplicate Police Constables. They turn into Curlew Street and walk away.) [Warehouse] TURLOUGH: Are you sure all the duplicates are unstable?DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Yes, given time they'll all be free of Dalek control.TURLOUGH: Shouldn't we inform Earth's authorities?DOCTOR: Er yes. Yes, indeed. Come along.TEGAN: I'm not coming with you.DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?TEGAN: I'm tired of it.DOCTOR: What's the matter?TEGAN: A lot of good people have died today. I think I'm sick of it.DOCTOR: You think I wanted it this way?TEGAN: No. It's just that I don't think I can go on.DOCTOR: You want to stay on Earth.TEGAN: My Aunt Vanessa said, when I became an air stewardess, if you stop enjoying it, give it up.DOCTOR: TeganTEGAN: It's stopped being fun, Doctor. Goodbye. Turlough. (They shake hands.) TURLOUGH: Goodbye.TEGAN: I'll miss you both.DOCTOR: No, no, don't leave, not like this.TEGAN: I must. I'm sorry. Goodbye. (Tegan runs out of the warehouse in tears.) DOCTOR: It's strange. I left Gallifrey for similar reasons. I'd grown tired of their lifestyle. It seems I must mend my ways. Come along. (The Doctor and Turlough enter the TARDIS and it dematerialises. Tegan returns.) TEGAN: Brave heart, Tegan. Doctor, I will miss you. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.