Stories Television Doctor Who Season 21 Classic Who S21 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Planet of Fire 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Sarn] (On the planet Sarn, here played by the Montanas del Fuego on Lanzarote, two men trudge over the volcanic rocks. The younger one stops, exhausted.) AMYAND: Come on, Roskal.ROSKAL: It's no good, I can't make it.AMYAND: Give me your hand.ROSKAL: No. Amyand, I'm afraid.AMYAND: So am I. We've come this far. We can't turn back now. Come on, just a short climb then we can see into the heart of the mountain. The others are depending on us. [Settlement] (Also on Lanzarote - in the cool, fern decorated halls of the Mirador del Rio. Everyone say Hi! to Peter Wyngarde in flowing robes very suitable to the climate.) TIMANOV: Since my father's time, unbelievers have been sent to the flames.MALKON: That was barbaric.TIMANOV: Yes, a little overzealous, perhaps. In those days, people didn't tolerate dissenters as they do now.MALKON: But the unbelievers are harmless.TIMANOV: Yes, but it's still a wise precaution to send the occasional free-thinker to the flames. Encourages faith in our traditions.MALKON: I could never order a burning.TIMANOV: When the time comes, you will be given the strength. It can be a rewarding experience for those consumed in the flames. Unbelievers are such, such unhappy souls.MALKON: Is it not sometimes good to doubt, Timanov?TIMANOV: Malkon, for our people to survive we must have faith, and never more so than at this moment. Logar is testing us. We must not seem to be wanting. [Sarn] (Amyand and Roskal are struggling up the steep, loose slope of the volcano.) ROSKAL: I can't breathe. My feet are burning.AMYAND: Timanov says Logar is benevolent. Perhaps he's waiting with a cool drink and new shoes.ROSKAL: How can you joke?AMYAND: Keep going. It's now or never, Roskal. (They reach the edge of the caldera and look down into a gash with steam rising from it.) AMYAND: There's nothing there!ROSKAL: Not even a machine.AMYAND: Logar's a myth. (They laugh.) [Foster's boat] (In the waters off Papagayo Beach, two men are hauling up a basket of encrusted antiquities that have been found by a sub-aqua diver.) CURT: Be careful. Do you wish to achieve what the sea could not? These items are fragile. (One item has no encrustation on it. Like a dumbbell, but with one end larger than the other, and with a pair of intersecting triangles as a design on the end. He picks it up and shows it to a younger man.) CURT: Howard?FOSTER: Sure isn't Greek.CURT: Neither is it Roman.FOSTER: You're right. The metal's modern. Must be some kind of alloy. Do you recognise the logo?CURT: No.FOSTER: I'll get one of the crew to take it to the police.CURT: Yes, but first we must get the statue safely ashore. I won't be happy until it's safely in the workshop at the museum. [Settlement balcony] TIMANOV: Only Logar could create a place of such beauty.MALKON: Then why is he now trying to destroy the planet?TIMANOV: The ways of the gods are complex. Why with his own hands did he build such a place? For his Chosen One.MALKON: I don't know.TIMANOV: Same with the Day of Fire. But why does he test us in this way?MALKON: I only wish I had your faith.TIMANOV: Accept. Accept what you see and hear and feel all around you, and the faith will come.MALKON: Perhaps. But I don't think I will ever understand why this makes me special. (Malkon rolls up his sleeve to reveal a marking on his arm like the one on the artefact on Earth.) TIMANOV: The sign of Logar. You are the Chosen One. The people of Sarn expect your leadership.MALKON: But why? Why the importance of this mark?TIMANOV: Tradition! You were found on the slopes of the volcano. But you know all this. How many times must I tell you?MALKON: I know only that I am confused. What of the memories and strange dreams that I have?TIMANOV: I keep forgetting how very young you still are. Come, we must hurry. One day, it'll all be clear to you. (Amyand and Roskal make their way back down the mountain, watched by a man with a telescope on a tripod.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Daleks. I sometimes think those mutated misfits will terrorise the universe for the rest of time.TURLOUGH: Doctor, you're becoming obsessed.DOCTOR: Yes, obsessed and depressed.TURLOUGH: You miss Tegan?DOCTOR: Well, we were together a long time. (A bizarre electronic wailing rends the air.) DOCTOR: Kamelion! [TARDIS interior] (Just outside the console room, Kamelion is lying on the floor surrounded by an aura. He is plugged into a mechanism behind a roundel.) KAMELION: Help me! Pain.TURLOUGH: He's connected to the TARDIS databank. (Turlough moves to unplug Kamelion.) DOCTOR: No, no, no. No, we need to stop the spasming. Go and programme an alpha rhythm on the computer. It should calm him.KAMELION: Help me, Doctor.DOCTOR: It's all right, Kamelion. Help's on its way. (Turlough programmes the console as instructed.) KAMELION: Point of contact. Point of contact will be made. Contact me.DOCTOR: Contact who? What's happening? [TARDIS] TURLOUGH: Doctor, we're picking up a distress signal. Oh, no. [TARDIS interior] KAMELION: I apologise for that hysterical display, Doctor. For a moment there was confusion. [TARDIS] TURLOUGH: A Trion ship. (Turlough opens a panel under the console and rips out wires. The distress signal stops. The Doctor enters.) TURLOUGH: How's Kamelion?DOCTOR: The spasming's stopped and he's fully conscious. I just wish I (The Doctor discovers Turlough's sabotage.) DOCTOR: What have you done?TURLOUGH: We were picking up some sort of random emission, and I, I thought it might be interfering with Kamelion.DOCTOR: And why have you reset the coordinates?TURLOUGH: I haven't.DOCTOR: Someone has.TURLOUGH: Kamelion's plugged into the computer. He must have computerised the signals we heard. [Orzola Jetty] (A curvy young American woman comes to meet the boat's dinghy as the artefacts are offloaded. Everyone say Hi! to Nicola Bryant.) PERI: Hi.FOSTER: What are you doing here? I thought you were going sight-seeing with your mother.PERI: No, she's taken up with that Mrs van Geysingham from the hotel, and I'm not spending all afternoon exploring a Cro-Magnon cave with some octogenarian from Miami Beach. Hey, what's this? Looks like Elton John. (The statue is carried past.) FOSTER: It's Eros, if you really want to know.PERI: The god of love and fertility.FOSTER: That's right. Beautiful, isn't he? A personification of natural forces in an anthropomorphic deity. In the same pantheon, Hephaestus rules fire, Poseidon the sea and earthquakes.PERI: Howard, do you have to talk at me like it was the Albuquerque Women's League or something?FOSTER: I'm sorry. If you're not interested, then IPERI: I am interested. I just don't like being lectured, that's all.FOSTER: I must get on. I've got a great deal to do.PERI: Sure.CURT: Howard, I've got to go and find out what's happened to the transport.FOSTER: Okay. Look, Peri, I'm really sorry I don't have the time to talk.PERI: It's all right. I only came out to say hello and goodbye.FOSTER: Goodbye? What are you talking about?PERI: This island, Howard. I'm bored out of my mind.FOSTER: How can you be bored, for heaven's sakes?PERI: Look, I've met a couple of really nice English guys and I'm going with them to Morocco.FOSTER: Morocco? But you're due back at college in the fall.PERI: In three months time.FOSTER: But what about your work, your ecology project, your reading schedule? You've got exams coming up. Come on, Peri. No way are you going to north Africa.PERI: I'm not a child. You can't stop me.FOSTER: Okay. So what are you going to use for money?PERI: I've already cashed in my return ticket for New York. I leave for Morocco this afternoon.FOSTER: You what? How do you expect to get home?PERI: I'll get a job.FOSTER: Oh, don't make me laugh.PERI: Oh, stop playing the heavy step-father, Howard. You're not dressed for it.FOSTER: Damn it, Peri.PERI: Please, don't let's argue. I've made up my mind.FOSTER: Okay, have it your own way.PERI: I can go?FOSTER: It's your life.PERI: You mean it? I knew you'd understand.FOSTER: There's just one thing. Reclaim your ticket to New York. I'm not having you stranded in Morocco. Your mother'd never forgive me.PERI: But IFOSTER: Don't say it. I'll advance you the money and you can pay me back out of your allowance.PERI: That's great. You're marvellous.FOSTER: I know. My money's on the boat. Once they've unloaded the dinghy, we'll go out there.PERI: Thanks, Howard. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Kamelion denies hearing any transmission. Did you get a precise fix on the signal?TURLOUGH: It stopped. There wasn't time.DOCTOR: Oh. Well, if it transmits again we'll get a fix on it with this. (A hand-held device.) [Foster's boat] (Foster helps Peri on board.) FOSTER: Okay?PERI: Yeah. (He gets a briefcase from the wheelhouse.) FOSTER: I'm a fool.PERI: What's the matter?FOSTER: I've left my wallet in the hotel.PERI: I'll cable my address from Morocco. You could send the money to me there.FOSTER: Sure, of course. (Peri picks up the alien item.) PERI: What's this?FOSTER: I don't know.PERI: It's never platinum.FOSTER: It could be anything.PERI: Hmm. How intriguing.PERI: Oh, will it be long? I'd hate to miss my flight.FOSTER: Don't worry. (The TARDIS materialises on the beach. Peri hands the briefcase to Foster who has got back into the dinghy.) FOSTER: Vamos. Sorry, Peri. You'll have to wait for the next trip.PERI: Howard!FOSTER: I'll send over another dinghy. Keep an eye on the ship, will you?PERI: Get one of the crew to stay behind! I have to be at the airport in an hour!FOSTER: Sorry, honey.PERI: You're doing this deliberately!FOSTER: As if I would.PERI: I will not be treated like this!FOSTER: Morocco's not going anywhere at the moment. You've got your whole life to see it.PERI: Of all the low-down, cheap, rotten, sneaky. You won't get away with it, Howard! You hear me? [Hall of Fire] MALKON: Citizens of Sarn, you have all seen the smoke from the fire mountain and felt the quaking ground. These signs tell us it is the Time of Fire. Logar, lord of fire, is testing our faith. (A woman walks in.) SORASTA: Testing our common sense, you mean.MALKON: The old men will tell you that soon Logar will send a sea of fire from the heart of the mountain.SORASTA: Then we must all leave this place.MALKON: We must do nothing!SORASTA: Nothing?TIMANOV: If we have faith in Logar and are not found wanting, we will survive and prosper. And as a reward, the Outsider will come. There will be food and gifts we have forgotten existed.AMYAND: No! It's a lie. Logar's a myth.TIMANOV: Heretic. Unbeliever.AMYAND: We have climbed the mountain.TIMANOV: It is death to trespass on the mountain of fire.AMYAND: We've climbed the mountain and we're still alive. Logar doesn't exist. [Orzola Jetty] CURT: These ropes aren't tight enough. Must I do everything myself? (The Doctor and Turlough look at Eros in the box on the vehicle.) CURT: And what do you want?DOCTOR: A kouros, late Classical period. It's really rather fine. I'd hazard a guess by a pupil of Praxiteles.TURLOUGH: Doctor, you're showing off.CURT: I'm inclined to agree.FOSTER: But a remarkably well-informed guess, sir.DOCTOR: Hmm. It's a pity about the erosion, but the overall effect is not unattractive, like the marine Venus on Rhodes. Has this just been brought up from the seabed?FOSTER: Earlier today. It's proving to be a very interesting wreck out in the bay. A real mixed bag, just like your English Mary Rose.DOCTOR: Indeed. But more of a mixed bag than you realise.CURT: And what does that mean?DOCTOR: Er, nothing.FOSTER: Oh, come on, Curt. No one's going to take your wreck away from you. Nice talking to you.DOCTOR: Goodbye. (Foster and Curt leave.) TURLOUGH: Do you think the divers disturbed something? (The Doctor's portable detector beeps.) DOCTOR: Without a doubt. We'll need two readings to pinpoint the spot exactly.TURLOUGH: You take one from here. It's quicker if I go back to the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Yes, hurry. I don't know how long there'll be before the next emission. [Foster's boat] (Peri looks through her passport, then her wallet, then picks up the device.) PERI: Could be platinum. [TARDIS] (Kamelion is at the console when Turlough enters.) KAMELION: Do not interfere. TARDIS will be taken to point of contact. I must obey. Find point of contact.TURLOUGH: You're not taking the TARDIS anywhere, and you're not listening to any more messages from Trion. You're finished, Kamelion! (Turlough presses buttons. Kamelion squeals and stops working. ) (On the boat, Peri has stripped down to a bikini and put all her belongings into a plastic bag. She jumps into the water and swims for shore. Having removed Kamelion from the console room, Turlough spots Peri on the scanner. She is getting into difficulties.) TURLOUGH: Earthlings. [Papagayo Beach] (Peri can be heard screaming as Turlough strips to his Speedos and swims out to help her.) PERI: Help! (After a brief struggle, Turlough gets Peri on her back and starts pulling her back to shore. ) (The Doctor is sitting at a table sipping a drink when his detector beeps. He puts a handful of alien tokens on the table and runs off. The waiter is not amused, and gives chase. ) (Turlough carries Peri onto the beach.) [Hall of Fire] SORASTA: This is your last chance, Timanov. If there's no sign, it's you who'll burn on the sacrificial altar.TIMANOV: Logar! A sign! (The flames behind the grill leap up. Timanov kneels.) TIMANOV: Thank you. [Girl's room] (Turlough helps Peri into what was Tegan's room, and drops her onto the bed.) PERI: I think I'm going to die.TURLOUGH: No, you're not. (He puts the covers over her, then spots the alien device in her plastic bag.) TURLOUGH: Where did you find this?PERI: Howard was such a pig. I needed the money. (Turlough rolls up his sleeve. He has the same mark on his arm, too.) [TARDIS] (Turlough has taken the device apart when the Doctor runs in. He hides it in a towel.) TURLOUGH: DoctorDOCTOR: The point of emission moved. It's odd. It's very odd indeed. You're soaking wet. (The detector goes crazy over the towel so the Doctor takes it from Turlough.) DOCTOR: A data core. Where did you find this?TURLOUGH: On the shore.DOCTOR: Hmm. Must be what was sending the signal. Now, with a little help from the TARDIS computer, we may find out exactly why Kamelion set the coordinates to come here. [Girl's room] (Peri is talking in her sleep.) PERI: I'm sorry, Howard. I didn't mean it. No, Howard. Please don't leave me alone. Don't, don't turn out the light. (Elsewhere in the TARDIS, Kamelion is once again plugged in to the computer.) PERI: Howard! (Kamelion transforms into Professor Howard Foster in a full three piece suit, and smiles. Peri wakes up.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Another moment and we'll know where the cylinder came from. (Bang!) DOCTOR: Well, that shouldn't have happened. Ow! (Turlough throws the towel to the Doctor, who uses it to take the data core from the console. The TARDIS doors close.) DOCTOR: Did you do that?TURLOUGH: No.DOCTOR: The TARDIS has dematerialised. (Kamelion Foster enters from the interior.) K-FOSTER: Doctor, we meet again. This has to be the most amazing machine I've seen in my life.DOCTOR: How did you get in here?K-FOSTER: I saw your young friend here save Peri.DOCTOR: Peri?TURLOUGH: The girl.DOCTOR: What girl?TURLOUGH: I was going to explain. (Dressed again, Peri enters from the interior.) PERI: What's happening?TURLOUGH: That girl, Doctor.K-FOSTER: How are you feeling, honey?PERI: Howard? Am I still dreaming or will someone please tell me where I am? [Hall of Fire] TIMANOV: I called to Logar and the fire lord has answered. (The ground shakes and dirt falls from the ceiling.) TIMANOV: I called to the spirit of the mountain and was answered. The spirit of the mountain demands sacrifice. To the burning with all unbelievers.AMYAND: Coincidence.TIMANOV: Even facing death, you remain blasphemous. [Lookout point] (The man with the telescope is looking at the TARDIS, parked amongst stone columns.) LOOKOUT: Timanov was right. The Outsider has come. [TARDIS] PERI: I feel sick. Can I go back to the hotel?FOSTER: Haven't you heard a word the Doctor said? We're no longer on Lanzarote.PERI: Then where are we?DOCTOR: Er, I'm not sure yet, but I promise I'll get you back to Earth just as soon as I can.PERI: What does he mean, back to Earth? (The Doctor looks at the arcade on the scanner.) DOCTOR: Bleak, isn't it. [Hall of Fire] (General consternation.) AMYAND: Stop! Only a Chosen One can order a burning. Well, Malkon?TIMANOV: Decide.MALKON: I don't know.TIMANOV: Decide!LOOKOUT: Malkon! He is here, with a sound of great wind, a shining light. The Outsider has come. [TARDIS] (Peri and 'Foster' watch the Doctor and Turlough on the scanner.) PERI: Do you really think we've left Earth?K-FOSTER: The TARDIS is mine.PERI: Sorry?K-FOSTER: The TARDIS is mine.PERI: What are you doing, Howard? Don't touch that! (Foster closes the doors.) K-FOSTER: I have succeeded. Contact has been made. (Peri screams, Foster laughs, then transforms into the Master.) PERI: Who are you?K-MASTER: I am the Master, and you will obey me.Part Two [Hall of Fire] MALKON: Release the unbelievers!TIMANOV: No!MALKON: It is not necessary. By sending us the Outsider, Logar has shown his favour.TIMANOV: The fire god demands sacrifice.MALKON: I cannot order the deaths of three innocent people. Not now. There will be no burning. Release them! [TARDIS] PERI: Look, I just want to get out of here. Please.K-MASTER: You will remain in the TARDIS.PERI: We'll see about that! (Peri kicks the Master's knee, but it is actually Kamelion's metal knee, and she hurts her foot. She pushes him back then returns to the console. He grips her shoulder, bringing her to her knees, then releases her and hugs himself. Kamelion is fighting back.) MASTER: Resist. The girl. Resist. Obey control. Resist. Obey. (The Master transforms to Kamelion.) PERI: Who are you? What are you?KAMELION: Help me. [Ruins] (The Doctor holds the logo on the artefact against a mark at the base of a column.) DOCTOR: Snap.TURLOUGH: The Misos Triangle.DOCTOR: Oh, is that what it's called.TURLOUGH: It means there are people from Trion here. My home planet. This must be an old Trion colony.DOCTOR: Very old. By the look of it, deserted. (They walk away. A stone door and pillar materialise in an opening.) [Settlement balcony] TIMANOV: A blue box?LOOKOUT: It came from nowhere, with a flashing light.TIMANOV: There's no recorded history of a blue box, and every visitation's different.LOOKOUT: Perhaps we've been sent another Chosen One? The boy is weak, the heretics walk free.TIMANOV: No, no. No Chosen One has appeared on the Time of Fire. It can only be the Outsider. Yes. [TARDIS] PERI: What has happened to Howard? Who is the other man? What's going on?KAMELION: Howard is safe on Earth. His appearance was a projection of your own energy, which overwhelmed my personality circuits.PERI: Circuits? You really are some kind of robot?KAMELION: I am Kamelion. Was Kamelion. But I must help you. Leave the TARDIS at once and find the Doctor. You must Argh! (Kamelion transforms into Foster again, but with silver skin this time.) [Master's TARDIS] (The Master watches the Doctor and Turlough on his scanner.) MASTER: My dear Doctor. So relentlessly predictable. [TARDIS] (Kamelion-Foster removes a circuit board from the console.) K-FOSTER: Give this to the Doctor and warn him that the Master Argh.PERI: The Master? Who is the Master? [Master's TARDIS] (The Master uses a device surrounding his head whilst watching Kamelion twitching on a globe monitor.) MASTER: Kamelion, my slave, resist the girl. Her mind is strong, but you will obey only the Master. [TARDIS] (Silver Foster transforms into the Master.) K-MASTER: My dear Peri, do not be confused by my shifting appearance. The transfer is now stabilised. I am immutably the Master. [Master's TARDIS] MASTER: Now quickly, to my TARDIS. Release me. [TARDIS] K-MASTER: Come.PERI: I've changed my mind. I'm waiting here for the Doctor.K-MASTER: You will come with me or you will remain in the TARDIS, dead.PERI: Oh, well, since you put it that way. (Kamelion-Master twists Peri's arm behind her back and marches her out.) [Ruins] K-MASTER: I deplore such unsophisticated coercion, but your cooperation's necessary to me. (There is an earth tremor, sorry, Sarn tremor, and the Master's TARDIS falls over. Peri tries to get away.) K-MASTER: I think not. I think not, Miss Brown. (A piece of falling masonry hits Kamelion-Master on the head, knocking him out. Peri runs.) [Master's TARDIS] (The Master struggles back into his mind-control device.) MASTER: We must not lose the girl! [Seismic monitor chamber] (The only known bit of technology is bleeping and flashing like crazy. The three unbelievers run down the metal stairs to see.) SORASTA: Look at the dials! They're going mad.ROSKAL: Every time the volcano becomes active, these instruments react. They must be controlling the mountain somehow.AMYAND: If only we could work out how. [Sarn] (Peri runs across the volcanic rocks and hides. Two figures approach, talking.) DOCTOR: We should get back to the Professor and the girl.TURLOUGH: Peri.DOCTOR: Peri.TURLOUGH: Just a bit further, Doctor, please.DOCTOR: There's no one alive on this planet.TURLOUGH: I have a feeling there is.DOCTOR: Let's get a move on. The TARDIS computer may be confident the volcano isn't about to blow, but instinct tells me otherwise. [Ruins] (Kamelion-Master wakes up and feels the top of his head. Then he goes to the Master's fallen TARDIS and tries to lift it, to no avail.) [Master's TARDIS] MASTER: Quickly, Kamelion, go to the Doctor's machine and materialise that preposterous box inside my TARDIS. [Passageway] TIMANOV: I'm going to the place of arrival. You will attend me. It might be a chance for you to redeem yourself.MALKON: The unbelievers do no harm.TIMANOV: Sarn was a thriving and prosperous planet until the existence of Logar was questioned. Now look at us! A primitive settlement on the verge of extinction. No harm? Those heretics must be executed. [TARDIS] K-MASTER: The comparator's missing. [Master's TARDIS] MASTER: The girl must have removed it while my control was weak. You must find her before she rejoins the Doctor. [Sarn] (Peri spots the Doctor and Turlough in the distance.) PERI: Doctor!ECHO: Doctor.PERI: Turlough!ECHO: Turlough. (But they do not hear her, or her echo. Then Kamelion-Master sees her.) PERI: Oh, no. (The chase is on across the treacherous terrain.) DOCTOR: Why have you never mentioned your home planet before?TURLOUGH: No particular reason.DOCTOR: Are you in trouble?TURLOUGH: What makes you think that?DOCTOR: Instinct. And the fact I've never seen you so nervous before.AMYAND: Hey, you there!TURLOUGH: And you said the planet was deserted.(They climb up to Amyand, who has a weapon.Peri has reached a flattened surface with a telescope at the end.) [Bunker] (The Doctor, Turlough and Amyand are met by Sorasta.) AMYAND: Greetings. I am known as Amyand.SORASTA: And I am Sorasta.TURLOUGH: This is the Doctor. I am Turlough.AMYAND: Where are you from?DOCTOR: Here and there.AMYAND: You're not from Logar?DOCTOR: I'm afraid not.SORASTA: Then you are welcome, strangers.TURLOUGH: Are there any more of you here?SORASTA: Yes, our group is sheltering down here.TURLOUGH: Why didn't they send a rescue ship from Trion?AMYAND: Trion?TURLOUGH: You are from Trion? The home planet?AMYAND: We are from Sarn. This is our planet.DOCTOR: Please forgive my friend. He seems to have made a mistake. I would like to know more about Logar.AMYAND: In due course. [Lookout point] (Peri uses the telescope.) PERI: Where could they have gone?K-MASTER: My dear Peri. How positively evanescent you've become. In fact your disappearance has given me a great deal of trouble.PERI: You keep away from me.K-MASTER: You've removed a component from the Doctor's TARDIS. Return it to me instantly. (Peri tries to run, but they are at the edge of a sheer drop. She holds the comparator out over the void.) PERI: One step nearer and you'll never get this back.K-MASTER: If you damage that comparator, the Doctor's TARDIS is useless.PERI: So keep your distance or I drop it.K-MASTER: Give me that component immediately!PERI: This thing belongs to the Doctor, so it's the Doctor I give it to and no one else.K-MASTER: You will obey me.PERI: No.K-MASTER: I am the Master!PERI: So what? I'm Perpugilliam Brown and I can shout just as loud as you can.K-MASTER: Peri, be reasonable. Without the comparator, you will never return to Earth. Do you wish to stand here till the planet's destroyed? Well? Answer!PERI: Kamelion! Where are you, Kamelion? Come on, show me your real self. Come on!K-MASTER: No.PERI: Yes, Kamelion, your real self. Come on. If you can't manage that, show me Howard, please! [Master's TARDIS] MASTER: Kamelion, my slave, resist the girl. Have I travelled a billion light years through time and space to be thwarted by this brat? Resist the girl! Kill her immediately. [Lookout point] (Silver Foster is back.) PERI: Stay where you are, Kamelion. I'm your friend. (Kamelion-Foster puts his hands to his head and turns away. Peri climbs over a rock and leaves.) [Bunker] AMYAND: This is the Doctor and Turlough.DOCTOR: Look, I know it isn't polite for a stranger to take over a party, but you really must get away from here. The volcano isn't stable.AMYAND: We're safe enough underground.DOCTOR: Oh, far from it. The tunnel we've just come along is a vent for the volcano.SORASTA: The planet's covered in them. We use them as shortcuts.DOCTOR: It's the same route the molten lava will take to burn you alive. I have a ship. I can get you away from here. Think about it. (The Doctor joins Turlough, who is looking at the equipment.) DOCTOR: Is this from Trion?TURLOUGH: Yes.DOCTOR: Yes. Your Trion settlers must have tapped the volcanic gas. It's a very complex control mechanism. A seismic energy converter for powering a city.ROSKAL: Do you know how this machine works?DOCTOR: In principle, yes.ROSKAL: I thought if I learnt how to manipulate it, I could control the volcano.DOCTOR: Not from here, you won't.AMYAND: Doctor, we accept your offer of help.DOCTOR: Good. (The lookout enters.) ZUKO: Timanov has gone to greet the Outsider.AMYAND: Doctor, your ship. Would there be a shining light? The sound of a great wind?DOCTOR: Possibly.SORASTA: The lookout wasn't lying.AMYAND: That old fox Timanov. He'll have a long search for his messengers from Logar. We have them here. [Lookout point] (Timanov is out of breath, and resting.) TIMANOV: Grateful as I am for the visitation of the Outsider, I wish he'd come nearer to the settlement. (Kamelion-Foster staggers into view.) MALKON: Timanov. Shining is well-documented. [Master's TARDIS] (The globe monitor is full of static.) MASTER: There's energy around you. Use it. Come, my slave, be at one with me. [Lookout point] (While Peri slides painfully down a slope, Kamelion transforms into the Master. Timanov and Malkon kneel.) TIMANOV: Outsider, welcome to the settlement.K-MASTER: Who are you?TIMANOV: Timanov, chief elder of the Sarns. I've been struggling to keep the faith. (Kamelion-Master helps Timanov to stand.) TIMANOV: I never thought I'd be alive to see this day. Logar is just. He sent you to help us through the Time of Fire. [Hall of Fire] (Armed unbelievers enter.) ZUKO: Don't anyone move. Stay where you are and no one will get hurt.AMYAND: Citizens, listen to me. You're here to see the Outsider. You won't be disappointed, because we've found him. In fact, we found two of them. Doctor? Turlough? (The Doctor and Turlough enter and start looking at some of the odd pieces of equipment around the area.) AMYAND: Look at them. But they're not who you think they are. They're not messengers of Logar, but men like us. They will tell you that Logar is dead. Logar never existed. (Malkon enters.) MALKON: I hope you bring proof of your statement.SORASTA: Doctor, this is our leader, Malkon.DOCTOR: How do you do.MALKON: You're welcome to Sarn.DOCTOR: Not a very hospitable planet at the moment.MALKON: You will hear out the Doctor.DOCTOR: Er, yes. Well, what Amyand said is right. What you call the spirit of the mountain is fire itself, and that fire will pour down onto your settlement destroying everything in its path.MALKON: It has happened before, but do you have knowledge that will help us?DOCTOR: I can't save your planet, but I can get you away from here.TURLOUGH: Where did you find these? Tell me, please.MALKON: They are gifts of Logar.TURLOUGH: This equipment is relatively new. It comes from a Trion spacecraft. Now where are the crew?AMYAND: Malkon speaks the truth. Timanov says they're gifts of Logar.DOCTOR: Whoever your benefactor, they provided you with a transceiver unit, even if somewhat incomplete.ROSKAL: What is transceiver unit?DOCTOR: Er, it's a way of communicating with other people. Possibly a more effective way of getting you settled on another planet. The Trions must have a form of colony or something, eh, Turlough? If you could get a message to the Trion, they could send a rescue ship.TURLOUGH: Contact Trion and you ruin everything.DOCTOR: What are you talking about? (Turlough takes hold of one of Malkon's pendants.) TURLOUGH: Where did you find that?MALKON: It is nothing. A Chosen One has many gifts.TURLOUGH: There are more like this? Show me.DOCTOR: Turlough?TURLOUGH: Doctor, you don't understand. I think this equipment came from my father's ship. [Sarn] PERI: Will someone help me, please? (She looks at the endless tracts of desolation.) [Passageway] TURLOUGH: Why do they call you the Chosen One?MALKON: I carry the mark of Logar, at least that's what Timanov says.TURLOUGH: Show me. (Malkon bares the mark on his arm.) TURLOUGH: The Misos Triangle.MALKON: Timanov also says I came from the fire. That is always how the Chosen One arrives.TURLOUGH: From the fire?MALKON: I was found in the wilderness by the volcano.TURLOUGH: Do you know precisely where?MALKON: Yes.TURLOUGH: Take me there.MALKON: I can't. It's in the forbidden land.TURLOUGH: Please, take me there.MALKON: No. Unbelievers are not allowed. If you are caught, you would be sent to the burning.TURLOUGH: Come on, no one's going to burn us. I order you!MALKON: No one can order a Chosen One. (Turlough rolls up his own sleeve.) TURLOUGH: Except another Chosen One. Now please, take me to where you were found.MALKON: Where did you get that?TURLOUGH: Probably the same place as you. Trion. It's a unique custom they have. [Sarn] PERI: Doctor!ECHO: Doctor. [Hall of Fire] (The Doctor gets an electric shock from the transceiver, which is now wired up to another piece of tech.) DOCTOR: Ow! We need more power.SORASTA: Doctor, Timanov has returned.DOCTOR: Good, good, I need to speak to him. We've a full-scale exodus to organise.TIMANOV: Seize the enemies of Logar. Arrest all unbelievers. Obey me!DOCTOR: Look, be a good fellow. We're trying to help. The volcano could erupt at any moment.TIMANOV: You must be the Doctor. It is the Outsider's wish that you go to the fire.DOCTOR: There is no Outsider.TIMANOV: Do as the Outsider has instructed! (Zuko rushes forward to protect the Doctor.) ZUKO: No! (And gets shot. Kamelion-Master enters.) DOCTOR: Oh, no. (Peri has stopped feeling sorry for herself and started walking again. She sees the spaceship remains in the distance and begins to run.) [Spaceship] (It is a tangled mess.) TURLOUGH: This was your fire. The ship crash-landed.MALKON: I travelled from Trion in this?TURLOUGH: And you weren't alone.PERI [OC]: Turlough!TURLOUGH: Peri? (Peri enters.) PERI: Oh, am I pleased to see you. Who's this?TURLOUGH: Malkon. Peri is a friend, another traveller.PERI: Have I seen everything today. A transgalactic payphone, a stepfather who turns into a robot, and a robot who turns into a gangster.TURLOUGH: That must be Kamelion.PERI: That's him. I sure prefer him to the Master.TURLOUGH: Master? Kamelion turned into the Master?PERI: Yes. Why, do you know him?TURLOUGH: Come on, we have to get back to the Doctor.PERI: Oh no, please, no. (Turlough drags Peri outside, and Malkon follows.) [Hall of Fire] K-MASTER: Wretched citizens of Sarn, you turned your backs on the lord of the fire mountain and listened to his enemy.DOCTOR: The man's an imposter.K-MASTER: Save your breath, Doctor, to tell me but one thing. Where is the girl from your TARDIS? She's joined you here? Where's the comparator?TIMANOV: Outsider, sacrifice the enemy.K-MASTER: Not yet. Burn the others first. (The believers start to round up the unbelievers and push them towards the flames.) DOCTOR: No!K-MASTER: The comparator, if you please, Doctor.SORASTA: Only Malkon can order a burning!TIMANOV: It is the will of the Outsider that you all die. The messenger of Logar has supreme authority.DOCTOR: I don't know where the girl is. I don't have the comparator!K-MASTER: Commence the burning!DOCTOR: No!ROSKAL: Doctor, help us!DOCTOR: You must believe me!K-MASTER: Oh, but I do believe you. Commence the burnings! (The gates to the flames are pushed open.) SORASTA: No!DOCTOR: Stop this!K-MASTER: You are quite powerless. Continue the sacrifices. See that this Doctor burns slowly.ROSKAL: Doctor!Part Three [Hall of Fire] (Turlough, Peri and Malkon run towards the Temple as the putative sacrifices resist being pushed into the flames.) K-MASTER: Journey's end, Doctor. I'm sorry. Your cremation will deprive me of our periodic encounters. Quickly, my time is short. (Two Sarns take the Doctor's arms and pull him towards the flames.) TIMANOV: Great Logar, receive these mortals as an oblation from your faithful people. [Outside the Hall of Fire] (Inside, the Doctor is protesting that only Malkon can order sacrifices.) PERI: That's him. That's the Master.TURLOUGH: No.PERI: Really?TURLOUGH: Yes. We may be able to help.PERI: How?TURLOUGH: Something the Doctor pointed out earlier. Malkon, you keep them occupied and tell the Doctor about Kamelion. Quickly. (Turlough drags Peri away, and Malkon enters the Temple.) [Hall of Fire] MALKON: Stop! There is to be no sacrifice.K-MASTER: What are you waiting for? Continue the burnings.MALKON: This man is an imposter.K-MASTER: Who is this boy?DOCTOR: Oh, don't you know? Allow me to introduce Malkon, Chosen One of the Sarns. You see? He's no Outsider. He doesn't recognise your Chosen One, and he doesn't understand the laws of the settlement. [Bunker] PERI: That kid won't hold them off for long.TURLOUGH: The Doctor can help him. We only need a few minutes.PERI: Do you know what you're doing?TURLOUGH: If I can hit the right circuits, if it still works, I think I can cut the gas supply to their sacrificial fire. [Hall of Fire] K-MASTER: Obey me or there will be no gift and I shall call down the wrath of Logar on you all.TIMANOV: Malkon is overruled. Continue the burning.MALKON: No! (One of the Sarns shoots Malkon with a laser.) K-MASTER: Never mind the boy. Now, to the fire with the unbeliever. (The flames go out.) TIMANOV: Logar refuses the sacrifice. He's angry that his Chosen One has been struck down! [Bunker] (Turlough gets a monitor to show various places in the settlement. It finally reaches the scene in the Temple.) PERI: Oh, you've done it! The fire's out. [Hall of Fire] (The Doctor, Amyand and Sorasta check on Malkon.) DOCTOR: He's not dead, but let them think he is.MALKON: Warn the Doctor. Kamelion is the Master. (They cover Malkon with a cloak, then the Doctor goes over to Timanov and Kamelion-Master.) DOCTOR: Life must be very complicated for you at the moment. Not only are you a phony Outsider, you're not even the real Master. You're just a machine. Oh, no, no, don't turn away. You will accept my will. I am the Doctor and you are Kamelion.K-MASTER: Will you allow my enemy to torment me?DOCTOR: You are no more than the sum of your parts, a mass of printed circuits.K-MASTER: Kill him.DOCTOR: You see? He likes to kill. He turned on your Chosen One. Next time it'll be you, Chief Elder.K-MASTER: Kill!TIMANOV: No. Let Logar decide. Let the fire god send us a sign.DOCTOR: Oh, you'll have a sign, all right. If I can break the energy link with the Master, this so-called will be nothing but a heap of spare parts. You're on your own, Kamelion. Your power is weakening, turning to silver. A silver puppet jumping on a string. String cut! (Kamelion-Master transforms to silver Kamelion-Foster.) TIMANOV: He's shining.ROSKAL: I don't believe it.DOCTOR: Psychomorphic fringing. Nothing supernatural about that, it's an intermediate stage between anthropoid and robotic identity.TIMANOV: No, it is the sign of Logar. [Bunker] PERI: Seems like the Doctor could do with some more help. He'll need this thing too. It's from his TARDIS. (Peri hands the comparator to Turlough and runs up the stairs. Turlough follows.) [Hall of Fire] AMYAND: The more you attack it, the more it looks like the Outsider.DOCTOR: I must concentrate. [Master's TARDIS] MASTER: The cave, quickly. Shield yourself from the Doctor's mind. Use the cave. [Hall of Fire] DOCTOR: Obey me. The Doctor. The Doctor.K-FOSTER: Take them to the cave.TIMANOV: Obey the shining one.DOCTOR: Mustn't resist. Any distraction will allow the Master to break through. That's right, Kamelion. Servile. Slave! Bond broken. [Outside the Hall of Fire] (Turlough stops Peri from rushing in.) TURLOUGH: No!PERI: The Doctor's trying to control Kamelion's mind. I can help him. I know how to do that, too.TURLOUGH: Leave it to the Doctor. [Hall of Fire] (The unbelievers and the Doctor are locked in the cave where the flames used to be. Kamelion-Foster becomes Kamelion-Master again.) ROSKAL: What happened?K-MASTER: (laughing) Oh, Doctor, you quite let your enthusiasm run away with you.AMYAND: What went wrong?DOCTOR: The cave. Somehow it's screening the thought control. (Kamelion-Master takes a Trion laser from a Sarn guard.) K-MASTER: Oh, phew. Over the years I've dreamed of a million exquisite tortures to accompany your final moments. That it should come to this. (Kamelion-Master points the weapon at the Doctor, and Peri runs in.) PERI: No!DOCTOR: Peri, get back.PERI: Kamelion! You're supposed to be the Doctor's friend. Kamelion!K-MASTER: You see? I've grown stronger since our last meeting. Your puny mind no longer affects me. I'm grateful, however, that you've seen fit to return the comparator.PERI: That thing's where you'll never find it. (Another Sarn aims his weapon at Peri. Timanov slaps it aside with his staff.) TIMANOV: No! There's been too much killing. Only the fire is acceptable to Logar. [Master's TARDIS] MASTER: You're still resistant. Do not oppose them or my TARDIS will never be free. Take the girl with you. She's unskilled, but strong. There's much work to be done. As for the Doctor, he'll die in the holocaust with the rest of them. [Hall of Fire] K-MASTER: I'm sorry to be deprived of the pleasure of seeing you die, Doctor, although I am consoled by the thought that your imminent and inevitable demise will be excruciating. (Kamelion-Master returns the weapon to the guard.) K-MASTER: Now, Chief Elder, I've work for you elsewhere.TIMANOV: Work? Where are the gifts? The Outsider always brings gifts from Logar.K-MASTER: Of course, how foolish of me. I have them in safekeeping at the ruin. Buried. (to the Doctor) You will be cremated alive. (Kamelion-Master grabs Peri's arm and drags her out, followed by the rest of the Sarns.) PERI: No! No! Doctor! [Outside the Hall of Fire] (Turlough watches them go, unnoticed.) PERI: No, let me go! [Fire cave] (The Doctor looks at the residue on his hands from the metal gate.) DOCTOR: Interesting. I knew something other than rock must be screening me from Kamelion's mind.ROSKAL: Turlough! [Hall of Fire] DOCTOR: What kept you?TURLOUGH: I've been to the wreck of my father's ship.AMYAND: Get this gate open, will you? Another surge could come at any moment. (Turlough releases the lever on the floor and opens the gate.) TURLOUGH: I don't think so. I've been back to the bunker, re-routed the flow. Where's Malkon? (The Doctor indicates the figure still lying on the floor.) TURLOUGH: No.SORASTA: He's still breathing.TURLOUGH: Who did this?DOCTOR: One of the Elders.TURLOUGH: I shall kill him for this.DOCTOR: What good would that do? We must get after Peri.TURLOUGH: You don't understand, Doctor.DOCTOR: Come on.TURLOUGH: I think Malkon is my brother. [Ruins] K-MASTER: Beneath that rubble lies an object of incomparable value. A gift from Logar. [Bunker] (The unbelievers have brought Malkon here.) DOCTOR: How do you know Malkon is your brother?TURLOUGH: The last Trion ship to come here crashed and Malkon was the only survivor. It must have been the ship my father was on.DOCTOR: How does that make him your brother?TURLOUGH: Just accept, for the moment, Doctor, that I know he would have been the only infant on board.DOCTOR: He's in severe shock. There may be some damage to his nervous system. Keep him warm. Make him as comfortable as you can. Why fuel the cave with volcanic gas?ROSKAL: The cave has always been used for sacrifices.DOCTOR: With all due respect to your fellow Sarns, I think the people who built this had a more useful purpose than burnt offerings to Logar. Come on.AMYAND: Where are you going?DOCTOR: To find the Master and his TARDIS. Do you know this ruin he spoke of?AMYAND: Yes, and I know a safe route to it. Follow me.DOCTOR: Don't you want to stay with Malkon?TURLOUGH: I must be there when the Sarns find out you've escaped from the cave.AMYAND: How can you help the Doctor?TURLOUGH: With this. (Turlough rolls up his sleeve.) DOCTOR: Does everyone from Trion have this mark?TURLOUGH: No. You have to be very special to wear the Misos Triangle. [Ruins] (The Sarns have cleared the rubble from the Master's fallen TARDIS.) TIMANOV: It's stone. It's a pillar of stone.K-MASTER: My TARDIS. I am most grateful.PERI: You do realise this creature is about to do a bunk.K-MASTER: As my word is my bond, Chief Elder, this is a day of reckoning for us all. [Lava tunnel] DOCTOR: Something must have happened to the Master for him to be using Kamelion.TURLOUGH: He certainly went to a great deal of trouble to get him back. Do you think he's into another regeneration crisis?DOCTOR: His present body must be good for a few years yet. There has to be another reason. [Ruins] (With ropes and pulleys, the Master's TARDIS is raised upright back into the alcove.) K-MASTER: At last.TIMANOV: Where are the promised gifts? (Kamelion-Master opens the TARDIS door.) PERI: Don't let him go!K-MASTER: Gullible idiot. (He pushes Peri inside and follows her. The Doctor, Turlough and Amyand enter.) TURLOUGH: Too late.DOCTOR: No. No, no, that's the Master's TARDIS. [Master's TARDIS] (A dark version of the Doctor's console room.) PERI: It's like the Doctor's.K-MASTER: But infinitely superior, as I am to that galactic philanthropist. [Ruins] DOCTOR: I can stop the Master by materialising around his TARDIS.TURLOUGH: You'll need this. (Turlough gives the Doctor the comparator. Armed Elders stop them.) TURLOUGH: It is the will of Logar that you obey me. I am your new Chosen One. Order them to put down their staves. (Turlough shows Timanov the triangles on his arm.) TIMANOV: The mark of Logar?TURLOUGH: I have released the prisoners from the cave. I now hold supreme authority.TIMANOV: The blue box is sacred Logar. It must not be profaned by his enemies.TURLOUGH: You have been cheated by the false Outsider. The Doctor is no enemy. He is the rightful custodian of the box. Will you compound the murder of Malkon by defying your new leader? Let the Doctor pass! (Timanov nods and the Elders lower their weapons.) TURLOUGH: There we are. (The Doctor and Amyand enter the TARDIS. Kamelion-Master operates some controls on his console.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: We're stuck. The temporal stabiliser's been removed. Another old trick of the Master's. [Ruins] (The Master's TARDIS dematerialises.) TURLOUGH: Oh, no. [TARDIS] AMYAND: Where's he gone?DOCTOR: Hmm? Er, I don't know yet. Someone's been interfering with the TARDIS navigational system. Kamelion. It's been remote-paralleled with the Master's TARDIS. So that's how he followed us to Sarn.AMYAND: I don't understand.DOCTOR: Hmm? Oh, it's perfectly simple. If this machine were working properly, we'd follow the Master's TARDIS.AMYAND: What, anywhere?DOCTOR: Indeed. Although the effort would hardly be worthwhile. He's still on Sarn. [Master's TARDIS] (Peri helps Kamelion-Master carry in a large metal box.) PERI: What have you got in this?K-MASTER: It's no concern of your. Place it here.PERI: Oh. It's your control box, isn't it.K-MASTER: Very perceptive, Miss Brown. But the real power of my control is well beyond your inadequate comprehension. (The Master's TARDIS materialises in a chamber with a very vigorous fire behind a grill. Lots more pieces of tech here.) [Seismic control centre] PERI: Where are we?K-MASTER: In the heart of the volcano.PERI: Look, if I'm to help you I want to know what you're doing and what happens to me when allK-MASTER: You will obey me without question.PERI: You said that once before.K-MASTER: Perhaps you doubt the efficacy of this device? Allow me to introduce the Tissue Compression Eliminator. (He uses it on two of the three silver thermal protection suits handing on a rack.) K-MASTER: The same will happen to you, my dear, if you obstruct me. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: There's something the Master needs on Sarn. If we could find it, we'd find him. I think Turlough will need some help.AMYAND: Nothing short of a sign from Logar will have any effect on Timanov and the elders.DOCTOR: A sign from Logar. What does he look like, this fire lord? [Ruins] TURLOUGH: Perhaps I should choose new elders from amongst the citizens, and a Chief Elder who would be more faithful to his new leader.TIMANOV: No, wait. It's a time of crisis. We must do nothing to threaten the continuity of our people.TURLOUGH: Then obey me in all things.TIMANOV: We will be guided by you, Chosen One. [TARDIS] (The Doctor is going through images in the databank.) DOCTOR: How about that?AMYAND: Not quite. He's fatter, a larger head, bright silver. That's more like it. [Seismic control centre] (Kamelion-Master has the ruined colonnade on a monitor.) K-MASTER: The Doctor's TARDIS. A modest thunderbolt, I think.PERI: What are you doing?K-MASTER: You'll see. [Ruins] (The ground shakes.) TURLOUGH: Into the TARDIS! [Seismic control centre] PERI: You did that?K-MASTER: The entire power of the mountain is at my command. But enough of games. I'm here for more serious work. [Ruins] TURLOUGH: I said into the TARDIS! Quickly! [TARDIS] TURLOUGH: Sorry, Doctor. There was nowhere else I could bring them.DOCTOR: Welcome, gentlemen.TURLOUGH: This is the Doctor. He's not an enemy of Logar, but an elder from the city of Gallifrey.DOCTOR: Do any of you recognise this? (The Doctor puts the image of the silver-suited person on another console monitor. Timanov and the elders kneel.) TIMANOV: Logar.TURLOUGH: You see? He appears at the Doctor's command.TIMANOV: Why doesn't he strike down the heretics?TURLOUGH: Logar is the friend of all people, whether they believe in him or not. He's only angry when the citizens fight amongst themselves. (sotto) It's a man in a thermal suit.DOCTOR: Hmm. Must be some sort of control centre inside the volcano. Timanov, have you actually ever seen Logar?TIMANOV: Yes, once, when I was a boy.DOCTOR: Where?TIMANOV: It was the summit of the fire mountain. The fire god spoke to me, encouraged me to inhale the gases. I felt intoxicated, invigorated. I felt reborn.AMYAND: You were drunk.TIMANOV: When I returned from the mountain, my body and my mind felt stronger and fitter.DOCTOR: I wonder if that's what the Master wants. To be born again. (The console beeps.) DOCTOR: Now, isn't that interesting? According to this, the Master and Peri are inside the volcano. [Seismic control centre] (Kamelion-Master is working on the circuitry of the consoles.) PERI: How much more is there?K-MASTER: Stop mewling. (The flame changes from yellow to blue.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: The seismic scanner. Something's happening inside the volcano.TIMANOV: We must gaze upon it.DOCTOR: Shall we gaze upon it too? [Ruins] (Blue flame is coming from the volcano.) TURLOUGH: The Master must have precipitated an eruption.DOCTOR: I don't think so. That isn't an eruption.TIMANOV: No, it's the blue flame. It hasn't been seen for many generations.TURLOUGH: What is it supposed to indicate?TIMANOV: It's a sign of great favour from Logar. He's showing his mercy to the sick and the injured. There'll be a gathering. We must go to our people.DOCTOR: I wonder if Logar will help a sick Time Lord. Perhaps the Master needs the blue flame more than the people of Sarn.TURLOUGH: We should get back to the bunker.DOCTOR: No, no, no, the Hall of Fire. I want to analyse the deposit on the walls. Unless, of course, you can tell me what it is?TURLOUGH: How should I know? That cave's part of a colonial civilisation that ended ages ago.DOCTOR: The control centre's been maintained. Just what sort of interest have your people got in the stability of an abandoned planet?TURLOUGH: I don't know.DOCTOR: When we arrived, you expected to find Trions here. Why?TURLOUGH: The triangle here in the ruin.DOCTOR: If this is an abandoned planet, what was your father doing here? All right. But if you're holding back anything that will aid the Master, our friendship is at an end. Is that understood?TURLOUGH: Yes, Doctor. (The Doctor leaves with Amyand, then Turlough follows.) [Seismic control centre] (The blue flame returns to the normal red.) K-MASTER: Excellent! We now have control of one of the greatest energy sources in the universe.PERI: A blue flame?K-MASTER: Numismaton gas, my dear. An immensely rare catalytic reagent from deep inside the planet. When the surge comes again, I shall be ready to absorb its infinite transforming power.PERI: Really. (Behind his back, Peri alters some controls on the panel.) PERI: Well, you're getting no more power! (She pushes Kamelion-Master to the floor and runs out of the chamber. He follows, she ducks back inside and into the Master's TARDIS, closing the doors before the TCE can get her. ) [Fire cave] (The Doctor tastes some of the encrustation from the wall.) DOCTOR: Hmm. Trace elements of numismaton gas. Very useful for an injured Time Lord who can't regenerate. Now, why would he want the gas in such quantities?TURLOUGH: Perhaps he plans to bottle and sell it.DOCTOR: Even if I were in a better humour, that wouldn't be funny. [Hall of Fire] SORASTA: Doctor, Malkon is much worse.TURLOUGH: We must get him back to the TARDIS.DOCTOR: No.TURLOUGH: Doctor, please!DOCTOR: Thanks to the Master, he's far better off here. I must get back to the bunker and organise the gas flow. [Master's TARDIS] (Kamelion-Master is hammering on the door.) PERI: The Master's control box. I may have a puny mind, but you don't need to be Albert Einstein to find the off switch. (Peri removes the lid of the metal box to reveal - the real Master in his control room, but shrunken down to mere inches tall.) MASTER: You escaped from my slave, but you will obey me or die.Part Four [Master's TARDIS] PERI: Urgh! (She knocks the box onto its side and the Master falls out, disconnecting him from Kamelion. Outside, Kamelion-Master falls to the ground and changes into Kamelion-Foster. Mini-Master scurries away.) [Bunker] DOCTOR: There's healing power in one of the volcanic gases. Could be why the Trions constructed the Hall of Fire, some sort of curative centre. I must release the gas flow. Strictly for medicinal purposes, of course. There we are.ROSKAL: You're doing what Timanov wants.DOCTOR: Why not, if it saves Malkon's life? Bring him to the Hall of Fire, quickly. [Hall of Fire] (Sick Sarn file in.) AMYAND: Do you think this is wise?TURLOUGH: Don't stop them. The Doctor wants to use the gas for its original purpose. (Timanov gives Turlough a necklace with the Misos Triangle on it, then bows and goes towards the fire cave.) TIMANOV: This is for you, Chosen One. The gift of Logar.TURLOUGH: Thank you. Wait a minute. I've seen one of these before. (The flames return to the cave. The Doctor enters.) DOCTOR: Excellent.AMYAND: That flame will burn, not heal.DOCTOR: There's still a residue of hot gas still to burn off. (The Doctor looks at Turlough's new necklace.) DOCTOR: Where did you get this?TURLOUGH: Timanov gave it to me.DOCTOR: More gifts from Logar?TURLOUGH: Yes, from a Trion ship. It's a coded circuit release key. I know the lock it operates. (Meanwhile, Roskal has carried Malkon in and is standing in front of the cave with Timanov whilst other Sarns have gathered to watch. The flame is blue.) DOCTOR: Pure numismaton gas. It's quite safe. (The Doctor walks through the blue flames in the cave.) DOCTOR: Look.TURLOUGH: What are you waiting for? (Turlough takes Malkon from Roskal's arms and goes into the cave along with several other Sarns.) [Master's TARDIS] (Peri is hunting for Mini-Master. She spots him amongst a coil of wire and takes of her shoe.) PERI: There you are. (But she starts sneezing and he gets away again, climbing into the console.) [Hall of Fire] (Fully recovered, Malkon leads the other Sarns, Turlough and the Doctor out of the cave just before the flames turn yellow again.) TIMANOV: Praise be to Logar.DOCTOR: Logar had very little to do with it.MALKON: What happened?DOCTOR: You were shot, but you should be all right now. (The ground shakes.) TURLOUGH: Assemble the rest of the citizens here. Please, my friend. We need your skills of leadership and organisation. Logar demands it.TIMANOV: Yes, of course, Chosen One. (Timanov stops to bow to Malkon, and leaves.) DOCTOR: Amyand, I'll need your help as a guide. We must get to the seismic control centre.AMYAND; I'll do my best.DOCTOR: Turlough, when I've got the TARDIS working, we'll materialise here and take the Sarns on board.TURLOUGH: That won't be necessary.DOCTOR: Why?TURLOUGH: If it's still intact, I think I can operate the main transmitter on my father's ship. That gives us direct access to Trion Communications Executive, and the Custodians will send a rescue ship.DOCTOR: Couldn't do better. [Outside the Hall of Fire] DOCTOR: Just a minute. You were concerned about the Custodians earlier.TURLOUGH: I'll be all right.DOCTOR: You are in trouble.TURLOUGH: The Misos Triangle is the mark of a prisoner, and Sarn is a prison planet for very special people. That's why my father was sent here. If he had lived, he would have been your leader.AMYAND: Are we Trion prisoners, too?TURLOUGH: No, you are all that is left of the indigenous population. [Master's TARDIS] (Peri finds Mini-Master amongst the wires and circuit boards of the console base.) MASTER: Miss Brown, Peri, listen to me. There is no way you can escape either from my TARDIS or from the control centre.PERI: We'll see about that.MASTER: Help me. I'll spare your life.PERI: Spare my life? You come out here and say that. (The Mini-Master shorts out a pair of transistors and the doors open.) PERI: Who's there? (She goes outside.) [Seismic control centre] (Kamelion-Foster is twitching on the ground.) PERI: Pleasant dreams. (Mini-Master hauls himself out of the console and back into Kamelion's control box.) [Passageway] DOCTOR: Turlough, how did your family become criminals?TURLOUGH: There was civil war on my planet. My mother was killed. My father was on the wrong side and was exiled here with my younger brother. I, for my sins, was sent by the regime to Earth.DOCTOR: But how could they possibly know you've absconded?TURLOUGH: The Trions have agents on every civilised planet. An agrarian commissioner on Verdon, a tax inspector on Darveg, and a very eccentric solicitor in Chancery Lane. They'll know, all right. (Mini-Master hauls himself back into the overturned metal box.) [Sarn] DOCTOR: I'll see you back at the TARDIS.TURLOUGH: Good luck, Doctor. Come on. (Turlough and Roskal leave.) DOCTOR: This must have been a very fertile planet.AMYAND: When the Trions were here?DOCTOR: Oh, don't be too hard on them. It's their technology that's maintained the stability of the planet.AMYAND: You call this stability?DOCTOR: They did their best. The silver things that were seen on the mountain, they were Trion volcanologists attempting to control the eruptions.AMYAND: So they could imprison here their own undesirable elements. Like fools, we've tried to make sense of things, inventing legends and myths to explain them away.DOCTOR: Well, that's at an end. The old order's gone forever. There'll be no more Outsiders, no more Chosen Ones.AMYAND: And the years that have been wasted.DOCTOR: With a leader like you, Amyand, your people will soon advance. (They crunch along over the volcanic rocks. Meanwhile -) TURLOUGH: Come on, we're nearly there. (The crashed spaceship is in sight.) [Caldera] (As Peri tries to find her way out through the steam vents, the Doctor and Amyand are looking for the way in.) AMYAND: Which way? There must be an entrance somewhere on this hill. Let's try along here. (There is a rock slide. Peri is stuck on a ledge.) [Spaceship] TURLOUGH: Somewhere over here. (Another tremor.) ROSKAL: We must hurry. [Caldera] DOCTOR: Get back! (A stream of lava begins to flow nearby.) AMYAND: We're trapped. (There is an eruption. Fortunately this lava flow goes away from them. They scramble up the slope.) PERI: Doctor! (Peri helps them onto the ledge.) PERI: It's this way. It's in here.DOCTOR: All right, come on.PERI: Okay. [Seismic control centre tunnel] (A lava flow begins to cover the entrance to the tunnel down to the control centre.) DOCTOR: Quickly. [Spaceship] ROSKAL: Is it still working?TURLOUGH: I don't know. Keep your fingers crossed. (Roskal holds the key against the panel while Turlough presses buttons.) TURLOUGH: The emergency power cells may have decayed. No, we're in luck. (static) There's a lot of geomagnetic interference.MAN [OC]: This is Trion Control.ROSKAL: It's amazing.MAN [OC]: This is Trion Control. You're transmitting on an executive frequency. Please state name, rank and identification code.TURLOUGH: My name is Vislor Turlough, Junior Ensign Commander, identification code VTEC9/12/44. [Master's control box] (The Master gets his Kamelion control device working again.) MASTER: Come, my slave. Revive. We're not defeated yet. [Seismic control centre] DOCTOR: The seismic control centre. It's impressive. The question is, how effective. Keep an eye on him, would you? (Amyand goes to the still supine Kamelion-Foster while the Doctor starts pressing buttons on a control panel.) PERI: What are you doing now?DOCTOR: Trying to slow down the eruption. The Master's interference has caused the seismic machinery to become unstable. If I can override the automatic controller, I can delay the worst of it.PERI: Can't you stop it?DOCTOR: I doubt it. The Master's already triggered a massive surge of numismaton gas in the planet's core. It that hits the surface it will disrupt the inhibition circuit altogether. There'll be devastation. [Spaceship] TURLOUGH: At least they're sending a ship.ROSKAL: They won't punish you.TURLOUGH: Just so long as they don't send me back to Brendan.ROSKAL: Where?TURLOUGH: The worst place in the universe. An English public school on Earth. Come on, let's get back to the others. [Seismic control centre] DOCTOR: There we are. That should hold back the eruption for a while. Now for the Master. [Master's TARDIS] (The Doctor, Amyand and Peri enter. Peri goes straight for the metal box.) PERI: There it is, but he could be anywhere. (The Doctor takes a component from the Master's console.) DOCTOR: Fair exchange is no robbery. The Master's temporal stabiliser.PERI: Will it fit your machine?DOCTOR: Oh yes. (The Doctor puts the metal box back on its base.) [Master's control box] MASTER: Revive. Revive, Kamelion! (He turns to see three faces looking down at him.) DOCTOR: How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?MASTER: I live, Doctor.DOCTOR: Albeit in somewhat reduced circumstances.MASTER: I shall soon be restored to profit from my research.DOCTOR: Ah, you're experimenting with the Tissue Compression Eliminator.MASTER: To increase its range. I was building a new and more deadly version.DOCTOR: You made it too powerful for your own good.MASTER: A small design problem.DOCTOR: And a very small Master. That's why you needed Kamelion, isn't it?MASTER: I've lodged in the mind of that slave since our fateful meeting on Xeriphas.DOCTOR: The scream in the TARDIS. He even felt your pain. (Kamelion-Foster gets up.) MASTER: Mmm, and came instantly to my help. Now, with the next surge of numismaton gas, all is prepared for my supreme renewal.AMYAND: Kill him, Doctor.K-MASTER [OC]: Get away from the box. [Master's TARDIS] (Kamelion-Master has the TCE in his hand.) DOCTOR: No need to remind you what will happen if you use that thing in here.K-MASTER: I don't think that'll be necessary. Now, outside. (Peri, Amyand and the Doctor leave. Kamelion-Master closes the doors.) [Seismic control centre] PERI: He's let us go.DOCTOR: He needs to move his TARDIS into the circle of flame. When the next surge comes, he'll be surrounded by restorative gas. Amyand, I want you to go back to Turlough and give him this. (The Doctor hands over the temporal stabiliser.) PERI: Look! (Flames fill the tunnel to the surface.) PERI: We're trapped.DOCTOR: No, we're not. Amyand, your turn to play Logar. (The Doctor gives Amyand the last usable thermal suit.) [Outside the Hall of Fire] TURLOUGH: Your people must go to the ruin.SORASTA: To the ruin? Why?TURLOUGH: That is where the Trion rescue ship will land. Please, you must hurry. [Seismic control centre] (Amyand puts on the helmet. Now he looks like a slimmed down Sontaran.) PERI: Good luck! (Amyand walks out through the flames and strides through the lava fields towards the settlement.) PERI: Now what are you doing?DOCTOR: I'm trying to raise some local radiation. If I can induce a sympathetic reaction in Kamelion's psychocircuits, he'll have the electronic equivalent of a heart attack. (The Master's TARDIS dematerialises.) PERI: What are you trying to do?DOCTOR: You'll see. Now, when I give you the word, I want you to push this control here hard to its end stop, all right? Now, get down behind the desk. (The Master's TARDIS materialises behind the flames. Kamelion-Master comes out and puts the metal box down in the flames then points the TCE at the Doctor's back.) K-MASTER: Get away from the controls.PERI: Doctor.DOCTOR: He won't dare fire and risk hitting the control system.PERI: He's a robot. He'll just walk through the flame.DOCTOR: I hope so. What I've prepared will only work at close range.K-MASTER: I've warned you, Doctor. (The Doctor turns round, holding two pieces of equipment.) DOCTOR: Just as you say. (Kamelion-Master walks through the flames towards him. The Doctor backs away.) DOCTOR: (sotto) Keep down. (loud) Now! (Peri pushes the control and Kamelion-Master clutches his chest then falls to the floor. The Doctor picks up the TCE.) K-FOSTER: Kamelion no good. Sorry.DOCTOR: I'm sorry too, Kamelion.K-FOSTER: Destroy me. Please.DOCTOR: (to Peri) Get back. (When K-Foster morphs into Kamelion proper, the Doctor fires the TCE at it. It shrinks into a tiny silver doll.) DOCTOR: I must try to control the surge of energy the Master's programmed, otherwise the planet could be destroyed before the Sarns can escape.PERI: How much longer do we have?DOCTOR: I don't know. I just hope Amyand get the stabiliser to Turlough in time.PERI: Does Turlough know how to fly the TARDIS?DOCTOR: He doesn't have to. It's still linked with the Master's. It should materialise in the same relationship as the ruin. [Hall of Fire] TURLOUGH: We're running out of time. You must leave for the landing ground.TIMANOV: Leave us in peace. We wish to die with our sins. (Then Amyand enters still in full silver suit.) TIMANOV: Logar!AMYAND: On your feet, all of you. (Amyand removes his helmet.) AMYAND: So much for Logar.TIMANOV: Deception. Another deception, and from a heretic.TURLOUGH: Where's the Doctor?AMYAND: Trapped by the fire. He said you must fit this into the TARDIS.TURLOUGH: The stabiliser. Quickly, to the ruin!TIMANOV: You will never understand, Amyand. Logar is everywhere. He cares for the faithful.AMYAND: Perhaps that's why he's in the ship from Trion. Perhaps he wants you to live. (Timanov turns his back on Amyand's outstretched hand, so Amyand leaves.) [Seismic control centre] (The sleek Trion spaceship is on a monitor.) PERI: Now that's what I call a real spaceship.DOCTOR: It's no good to us. The TARDIS is the only way out of here. Hurry up, Turlough. [Ruins] CAPTAIN: Now, you're sure this is the last batch?SORASTA: Yes. Yes, it should be. (Turlough runs in and goes into the TARDIS.) CAPTAIN: They've no option?SORASTA: They don't want to leave their own place.CAPTAIN: Excuse me. [TARDIS] (Turlough puts the stabiliser into its slot.) CAPTAIN: It's customary to salute a senior officer, Turlough.TURLOUGH: I'm very sorry, but there isn't time for that.CAPTAIN: Where are you going?TURLOUGH: The TARDIS is on a time-delayed takeoff. We have fifteen seconds to clear this room.CAPTAIN: Still running away?TURLOUGH: If I were running away, I would hardly have asked for a rescue ship from Trion, Captain. (They leave, the doors close and the time rotor moves.) [Seismic control centre] (The flame is blue.) PERI: Is this it? (The Master grows out of the box.) PERI: Oh, no. (The TARDIS materialises.) DOCTOR: Well done, Turlough. Quickly, into the TARDIS. (Peri runs into the TARDIS.) MASTER: I shall come from this fire a thousand times stronger, to hound you to the borders of the universe. Bwahahahahaha! (The flames return to yellow.) MASTER: Oh! Cancel the ray injection immediately. Doctor! I'll plague you to the end of time for this. Help me! I'll give you anything in creation. Please! Won't you show mercy to your own Argh!!! (The Master is atomised in the flames. The Doctor goes into the TARDIS and the control panels start exploding. The TARDIS dematerialises as the whole place goes KaBOOM!) [TARDIS] PERI: Doctor? Are you okay?DOCTOR: Er, yes, of course. I'm all right. [Ruins] CAPTAIN: We must hurry.TURLOUGH: Am I under arrest?CAPTAIN: Do you wish to be?TURLOUGH: I thoughtCAPTAIN: Things have changed on Trion. Former political prisoners are no longer persecuted. You're welcome to return. (The TARDIS materialises.) CAPTAIN: Or not, as you please.MALKON: Turlough.CAPTAIN: We'd best be gone.TURLOUGH: You go. Go on, please. (Malkon leaves, followed by Amyand. The Doctor and Peri come out.) TURLOUGH: My exile has been rescinded.DOCTOR: I'm pleased for you.TURLOUGH: Doctor, IDOCTOR: I shall miss you.TURLOUGH: I don't want to go, Doctor. I've learnt a lot from you. But I have to go back to Trion. It's my home.DOCTOR: Better to go back while you're a bit of a hero, eh? (They shake hands.) TURLOUGH: Thank you for everything, Doctor. Look after him, won't you? He gets into the most terrible trouble.PERI: Well, I (Turlough leaves with the Captain.) DOCTOR: Well, I should get you home.PERI: Oh, must you?DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Your friends will be worried. [TARDIS] PERI: It's funny, but just before I met you I was saying I wanted to travel, and I've still got three months of my vacation left.DOCTOR: And you want to travel with me.PERI: Is that an invitation?DOCTOR: Actually, it was a question.PERI: May I?DOCTOR: Three months, you say?PERI: That's right.DOCTOR: All right. Why not. (The TARDIS jerks and they grab the console.) DOCTOR: Welcome aboard, Peri. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.