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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Written by

Lisa McMullin


60 minutes

Story Type


Time Travel

Past, Future

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Closed Temporal Loop, It's bigger on the inside

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Shadow Lamp, TARDIS key fob, Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Lucidus Silvara


When the Sixth Doctor goes sight-seeing on Lucidus Silvara, he finds himself in a place where nothing is visible at all...only all-encompassing light! The Tenth Doctor is drawn in by a temporal anomaly, and the two Doctors meet a species with no sense of sight, living in a city surrounded by Weeping Angels.

To save a civilisation, the Doctors must keep their eyes on the Angels. Don’t blink. Don’t even wink...

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How to listen to Out of Time 3 – Wink:


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Wink - 8/10

The final instalment of this set is definitely the strongest of the lot and I have to say I really dint expect to enjoy this duo as much as I did!

The biggest take away from this story for me is just how comedic 6 and 10 are together, genuinely some laugh out loud moments from their back and fourth. The Weeping Angels as monsters have always been one of my favourites because I find them quite fascinating to be perfectly honest.

The plot here is masterfully crafted by the writer (Lisa McMullin) and the way it ties itself up is really cool in my opinion. McMullin writes a very atmospheric story here mainly because of how claustrophobic it can feel at times, this is because our side characters don't have the sense of sight and the planet we're on blinds the Doctors throughout the story which is fun. The city of mirrors as an idea is really interesting to me because id never really thought of trapping Angels by making them look at their reflection although this is where one of the very few downsides to this story appear - the Angels being stopped by their own reflection feels too easy part way through the story but I understand why it is written that way.

The two side characters worked really well in this story and enjoyed the rapport they created with the Doctors, their species not having the sense of sight and having elevated senses in general provided them with some extra personality and made for a more interesting listen - especially the scene in the 'art' gallery.

Overall Wink gets an 8/10 because I really did have a blast with this story, its definitely one of the more atmospheric stories I've ever listened too. But once again its the same story throughout this set the biggest enjoyment came from the two Doctors chemistry together.


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Someone coined the term “popcorn Who” in reference to one of the other Out of Time audios. That term definitely continues to apply here. This is the franchise movie blockbuster version of Big Finish that is great to listen to every so often - a fun combo of Doctors you don’t usually hear inhabiting the same space.

My main success factor for a multi-Doctor story is whether it actually contains any story or not, I’m thankful to say that this one does - and a fun one at that.


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They are pathetic losers together and I love them. Also the civilization was awesome. The audio effects were superb, and also the time loop makes the civilization morbid and questionable.


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A really creepy and atmospheric Weeping Angel story. It provides some interesting insight on what happens when an Angel feasts on two Time Lord incarnations at the same time, and creates one of the most imaginative societies with a planet where the people have no sense of sight.

The Sixth and Tenth Doctor's spiky relationship is hilarious, as they make constant snipes at each other. It also ties into The End Of Time very neatly, making this an essential listen.


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SIXTH DOCTOR: What are you afraid will happen if you pause for breath?

TENTH DOCTOR: That there won't be another.

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