Stories Television Doctor Who Season 17 Classic Who S17 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nightmare of Eden 1 image Overview Episodes Characters How to Watch Reviews 5 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 8 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, November 24, 1979 Production Code 5K Written by Bob Baker Directed by Alan Bromly Runtime 100 minutes Time Travel Future Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Drugs Location (Potential Spoilers!) The Empress Synopsis The TARDIS arrives on the space liner Empress, which has become locked with a private ship, the Hecate, after colliding with it on emerging from hyperspace. The Fourth Doctor and Romana meet the scientist Tryst, who has with him a Continuous Event Transmuter (CET) machine. It contains crystals on which are stored supposed recordings of planets that he and his team have visited. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save 4 Episodes Part One First aired Saturday, November 24, 1979 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Bob Baker Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 8.7 million Synopsis The orbit of the holiday planet, Azure, the year 2116. The starships Empress and Hecate are fused together after an accident in hyperspace. Naturally the Doctor thinks he can find a solution, but has the accident unleashed a far more deadly menace? Part Two First aired Saturday, December 1, 1979 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Bob Baker Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 9.6 million Synopsis Two ships have collided above Azure but that may be the least of the Doctor's problems. Monsters and drug smugglers are loose on the ship. And it all seems to tie in with Tryst's electronic zoo… Part Three First aired Saturday, December 8, 1979 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Bob Baker Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 9.6 million Synopsis The Doctor and Romana begin to uncover the truth about the strange events aboard the luxury liner Empress. They first have to separate the two ships from each other, but they've got Mandrells, drug smugglers and police chasing after them. Part Four First aired Saturday, December 15, 1979 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Bob Baker Directed by Alan Bromly UK Viewers 9.4 million Appreciation Index 65 Synopsis The Doctor finally discovers the truth about the drug smuggling ring. But the villains are still one step ahead. Show All Episodes Characters Fourth Doctor Tom Baker Romana II Lalla Ward K9 Mark II Mandrels First Appearance Show All Characters (4) How to watch Nightmare of Eden: Watch on iPlayer Blu-Ray The Collection – Season 17 DVD Nightmare of Eden VHS Nightmare of Eden (VHS) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 29 December 2024 · 427 words Review by weebiloobil Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Do you know those stage productions which are deliberately artificial? Shakespeare but all lines are spoken facing the audience, that kind of thing? I think the term is the ‘distancing effect’. This story is absolutely full of it, and for me personally that was the highlight. Extremely tight camera angles on corridors; characters saying Important Things, not so much to each other but to the room; a clearly-stated Message (drugs are bad, kids!); a bewildering choice of Dutch/South African accent; the camera left on a scene just a little too long whenever K9 does something… I could go on. All this has the effect that you are watching Something Special (like Morgus’ addresses to camera in The Caves of Androzani), and the setting – two ships merged in hyperspace, a projection machine that doesn’t so much project as capture, and a decent story about drug trafficking and its effects – has potential for a fantastic episode. On the other end of the scale, we have full-on camp. The passengers on the Empress are dressed like they’re about to go for a trip to see Niagra Falls on a gay cruise. The customs agents’ uniforms have an inexplicable glittery pattern suggesting they were borrowed Nazi uniforms from a production of Springtime for Hitler, or else they were planning to attend the local Pride parade once their mission was over. The Empress security guards look like they have never had to confront anyone in their lives, and hope never to have to – and of course they don’t die but Die, with Facial Expressions and Gestures. As I said – CAMP. Which is not uncharted territory for Doctor Who, and could also have made for a great, if less memorable, story. The problem is, these two aspects are diametrically opposed to each other, and nothing truly meshes. The production was beset with problems, including the original director Alan Bromly being fired halfway through, and perhaps it is this which has caused the difference in styles. One minute you have a corridor chase through a ship where all the corridors look suspiciously the same; then we see vrax slowly take hold of Rigg, and the horrors that entails. All the usual elements are there, with Tom Baker as fantastic as ever and a good supporting performance from Barry Andrews as Stott, who had been accidentally transported not so much from Eden but an episode of The Wire 25 years in the future. It’s just a shame that the serial can’t make up its mind what it wants to be. weebiloobil View profile Like Liked 1 13 November 2024 · 735 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! 📝6/10 = ACCEPTABLE! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! SECOND IMPRESSIONS: “NIGHTMARE OF EDEN” Taking a clear stance against drugs and drug use (who said Doctor Who wasn’t political in the 1970s?), the fourth serial of Season 17 proved to be another production nightmare. The cast and crew disagreed with the director, Alan Bromly, to such an extent that he left midway through production, leaving producer Graham Williams in charge of finishing it. This was, in turn, what made Williams (and script editor Douglas Adams) decide to leave the show at the end of the season, handing over the reins to his successor (and the last producer of Classic Who), John Nahan-Turner. Nightmare of Eden is also known for being the only serial written by Bristol boy Bob Baker without his usual writing pal Dave Martin. Is his decision to go solo better or worse for this spaceship-set, anti-drug sci-fi adventure? Part 1 throws us into the deep end right away, as the TARDIS arrives on a spaceship in the middle of an emergency, with the Doctor and Romana bursting onto the scene and putting their clever heads together to solve the situation. They soon uncover a drug smuggling plot, several murders, and an animal conservation project, all related to each other. After the initial premises of the plot have been laid out, there is little more to the story until the end. Things roll along at a leisurely pace, and there are occasional moments of light tension or silly action, but mostly endless scenes of people talking to each other or lurking behind corners. Part 3 changes things up a little by moving part of the action to Eden, where the Doctor and Romana hide from the authorities chasing after them. But things settle back to a spaceship runaround later in Part 3 and throughout Part 4. The Part 1 cliffhanger reveal is a traditional monster reveal, but a pretty effective one. Pretty much all of the story plays out in corridors, control rooms, and other spaces of the spaceship, and we meet the various members of the dysfunctional crew, making Nightmare of Eden feel like an episode of Star Trek (though significantly less populated). The obvious drug themes of the plot only strengthen this feeling. There’s a comical feel to a lot of this as well, which is to be expected (such as the chase sequence back and forth through several rooms in Part 2). The mystery surrounding the identity of the drug smugglers never sits at the forefront of the plot, and Part 4 casually reveals it to be the two most obvious candidates. Lalla Ward is closer to her earlier Season 17 self here than the shaky character she was in The Creature from the Pit. She also takes an active role in the adventure, which is always welcome. K9 is also put to good use yet again. Here we meet yet another slightly off-beat and colourful professor-type character (in the style of Maxtible from Evil of the Daleks or Marius from The Invisible Enemy): Tryst the xenozoologist, played in a tongue-in-cheek manner by an increasingly annoying Lewis Flander. David Daker plays an unusually capable spaceship captain. He’s not a brash bully or know-it-all as most of them are, but once he falls for the drug, he turns into a complete nutjob and plays it very well. It’s hard to believe that he previously appeared as Irongron in The Time Warrior. I quite like the basic design of the Mandrels, but they remain underused and never manage to become more than generic Doctor Who monsters. The two police characters, Fisk and Costa, are quite nice additions; they end up being more enjoyable villains than the Mandrels. Costa is played by Peter Craze, the younger brother of former companion actor Michael Craze, and he previously appeared way back in The Space Museum. The spaceship set is varied but not very interesting, and the incidental music is good here and there. The editing and cinematography of the scenes in the unstable area are wonderfully trippy. The jungle design of Eden is a major step down from the previous serial, though, and the fact that everything is so dark definitely doesn’t help matters. Nightmare of Eden is built around important themes, and the performances mostly work well, but it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of being an interesting or memorable Doctor Who adventure. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 3 24 July 2024 · 61 words Review by uss-genderprise Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! A pretty standard story with a pretty standard plot. The alien zoo concept has already been done a few season earlier, and the drug plot didn't add much in my opinion. The twist was set up well and made for a predictable reveal - which is a good thing! - but I doubt I'll remember this serial in a few hours. uss-genderprise View profile Like Liked 3 28 May 2024 · 189 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: The English Way of Death (Audio Adaptation) This is a surprisingly politically charged episode, dealing with a very strong and unsubtle anti-drugs message. For a late 70s family show this story deals with some serious topics, at one point one of the characters states how he was tempted to "blow his brains out" after being stranded alone on a planet for 183 days. None of that, in my opinion, detracts from a fun little story with a great supporting cast and a brilliant story. The twist of Tryst and Dymond being the drug smugglers was fairly predictable, but I think it was rather good. This serial is somewhat of a hidden gem it seems like, I haven't really seen it get much attention, it seems people are quite indifferent to this story which is a shame because this is a solid story with fun dialogue that's performed exceptionally by the cast. “Of course we should interfere. Always do what you’re best at, that’s what I say.” Next Story: The Beautiful People thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 5 8 May 2024 · 166 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! We are just about still in the 1970s in terms of when this was recorded and transmitted but it is starting to feel very 80s. Bob Baker, sadly in a solo capacity for the first time, is doing a tremendous job of delivering us something new - daring to take on drugs as a topic on a tea time show with a relatively young audience is daring. A drug that makes people disinterested before ultimately leading to their death. As it’s a Bob Baker script, there is a typically psychedelic edge to the way this is shot. K9’s voice has been tweaked and sounds a little more “traditional” in this one. More helpings of natural comedy and a fresh, loose feel to the production. Parts three and four unfortunately devolve into a runaround and the black capped baddie is about as bog standard as it gets but I do like the twist of the Dutch scientist Trist being revealed as the actual drug smuggler. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 4 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating315 members 2.98 / 5 AVG. Rating266 votes 3.50 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 608 Favourited 27 Reviewed 5 Saved 4 Skipped 1 Related Stories Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Target Collection Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Eden Rating: 3.46 Story Skipped Book More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Of course we should interfere. Always do what you’re best at, that’s what I say. — Fourth Doctor, Nightmare of Eden Show All Quotes (8) Open in new window Transcript Needs checking Part One [Empress bridge] (A large space liner makes the jump to warp.) RIGG: We seem to be ahead of schedule, Secker. (Secker has a silly grin on his face.) Show Full Transcript Open in new window