Stories Television Doctor Who Season 23 Classic Who S23 Serial: 1 2 3 4 Mindwarp 1 image Overview Episodes Characters How to Watch Reviews 5 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 2 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, October 4, 1986 Production Code 7B Written by Philip Martin Directed by Ron Jones Runtime 100 minutes Story Type Companion Exit Time Travel Future Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Body Possession, Companion Death, Court Trial Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!) Trial of a Time Lord Location (Potential Spoilers!) Space Station Zenobia, Thoros-Beta Synopsis As the trial of the Doctor continues, evidence is presented showing his most recent adventure - where he faces an old adversary, Sil. As a scientist conducts his unethical experiments to prolong the life of Sil's boss Kiv, the Doctor's memory of the events begins to return... and an unpleasant surprise awaits him. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save 4 Episodes Part Five First aired Saturday, October 4, 1986 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Philip Martin Directed by Ron Jones UK Viewers 4.8 million Appreciation Index 71 Synopsis The Doctor's trial continues. The Valeyard's next piece of evidence for the prosecution concerns the Doctor's recent trip to Thoros Beta. Though originally investigating arms dealing, the Doctor and Peri become embroiled in their old enemy Sil's alarming neurological experiments... Part Six First aired Saturday, October 11, 1986 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Philip Martin Directed by Ron Jones UK Viewers 4.6 million Appreciation Index 69 Synopsis The scientist Crozier keeps making empty promises and Yrcanos and Peri are seemingly betrayed by the addled Doctor who is sure the Matrix is being manipulated... Part Seven First aired Saturday, October 18, 1986 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Philip Martin Directed by Ron Jones UK Viewers 5.1 million Appreciation Index 66 Synopsis While the Doctor helps Dr. Crozier transfer Lord Kiv's brain into a new host skull, Peri accompanies King Yrcanos as he searches for the Alpha Resistance fighters whom he feels, most certainly, will follow him into glorious battle against the Mentors and the Doctor. Part Eight First aired Saturday, October 25, 1986 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Philip Martin Directed by Ron Jones UK Viewers 5 million Appreciation Index 72 Synopsis As the Possidor Ambassador visits, Sil is appalled to realise Crozier has selected Peri to be the Kiv's new host body - a move Yrcanos takes exception to with devastating results. Show All Episodes Characters Sixth Doctor Peri Brown Kiv First Appearance Mentors Sil The Valeyard Darkel Yrcanos First Appearance Show All Characters (8) How to watch Mindwarp: Watch on iPlayer Blu-Ray The Collection – Season 23 DVD The Trial of a Time Lord VHS The Trial of a Time Lord (VHS) (Limited Edition Tin) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 5 March 2025 · 648 words Review by DanDunn Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Next is Mindwarp, which most fans consider to be the best episode of the season, it does certainly have some of the best parts of Trial of a Time Lord, but I think calling it the best episode is giving it way too much credit. Another bit of evidence presented by the Valeyard, this adventure occurs just before the Doctor was captured by the Time Lords, the planet Thoros Beta where the Doctor and Peri once again encounter Sil from Vengeance on Varos, this time he’s subservient to his lord Kiv who’s suffering from his skull being too small for his growing brain, and so has employed a scientist named Krozier to find him a suitable body to place his mind inside. This story does have a lot going in its favour, Sil is the best creation of the Sixth Doctor TV era, brilliantly played by Nabil Shaban and was even meant to be part of the original planned Season 23 so it really speaks volumes that they junked the entire planned Season 23 but still found a way to keep Sil involved with the show. As I talked about with Peri and the Piscon Paradox, the death of Peri is an incredible ending with Colin Baker putting in his finest televised performance as the Doctor, but again it’s made completely redundant by the end of the season with the completely unnecessary retcon. Another positive Mindwarp has is the guest cast, this is honestly one of the most entertaining guest cast I’ve come across in Classic Who, on top of Nabil Shaban being great as Sil, we’ve Christopher Ryan as Lord Kiv who at the time was best known as Mike from The Young Ones, we have Patrick Ryecart hamming it up as the mad scientist Krozier and last but 100% not least, we have the barbarian King Ycarnos played by the one, the only, Brian Blessed! Very rarely does Colin Baker get upstaged in Doctor Who to the degree that Brian Blessed achieves, he is just a joy to watch. So it is understandable why Mindwarp is considered the best of the season as it has some of the best elements, but the story is utterly broken by how it’s presented. At the end of part one the Doctor’s hooked up to one of Krozier’s mind machines which puts him in a very delirious and mentally fragile state. From then on, the Doctor begins helping the villains and turns on Peri, but the Doctor in the trail room can’t figure out what’s going on, was this an after effect of the mind machine, was the evidence being manipulated, or was the Doctor only posing as evil to get closer to the villain’s plans, the answer is I don’t know. Not only is it never made clear onscreen what’s going on, but even behind the scenes Colin Baker asked those exact questions and was met with “I don’t know”. So you have a story where the Doctor turns on Peri and starts helping the villains, and nobody both on and off camera can explain why. On the one hand it serves to put the Doctor in the present in a desperate situation where the Valeyard is winning over the courtroom and he’s forced to watch helplessly as Peri is taken away and seemingly killed. But on the other hand it makes the story unintentionally confusing and we’re never sure what to think of the Doctor and his actions. This normally wouldn’t be a huge negative but it’s the crux of the entire story and it could so easily have been remedied if they’d just picked one of the options. This would’ve been a lot better had it been done in another season, being tied to the trial story just breaks it. DanDunn View profile Like Liked 0 23 October 2024 · 297 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: The Mysterious Planet And after such a great start, we're back to Season 22 quality again. The courtroom framing device is still very effective here, and Michael Jayston only gets better as the Valeyard. This story was especially good as you begin to see how the narrative is being twisted and the Doctor is losing favour in the court. I really enjoy how helpless the Doctor is here, it greatly adds to the tension. The actual plot here is very weak. This story seems to think that the reason Vengeance on Varos was so well-recieved was Sil. I despise Sil. Brian Blessed's King Yrcanos is the definition of hammy Classic Who acting, but atleast they're self aware about it. While I think he's a fun character, I don't like the romantic narrative being set up with Peri. The idea of mind transfers was pretty interesting, but no matter how much they say it will affect the fate of the universe, I just can't see why the Time Lords care so much. It's also baffling to me why they make Colin Baker's Doctor evil for half this story, it's genuinely impossible to tell whether he's being influenced or if he's genuinely just had a change of heart, that's how erratic and unstable his Doctor is. Getting rid of Peri like that was ridiculous and the only reason I tolerate it is because of Colin Baker's performance when the Doctor finds out. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now though as I haven't watched the rest of the season. Overall, a big step down though not particularly awful mostly thanks to the courtroom scenes. Next Story: Terror of the Vervoids thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 2 20 August 2024 · 73 words Review by greenLetterT Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! Mindwarp had the potential to be so much better were it not for the whole. Well. Everything about the production of s23 The Doctor not knowing if the Matrix had been edited or if he simply forgot his cruelty was a good idea! Peri's death was a good idea! The Doctor having to face consequences of his actions was a good idea! Ah well. At least Brian Blessed seemed to be having fun greenLetterT View profile Like Liked 3 18 June 2024 · 877 words Review by WhoPotterVian Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! After the BBC's initial axing of Doctor Who was reversed into merely an extended break, the production team found themselves having to hastily rework their planned serials for the show's twenty third season. Very few of the story ideas survived this hasty reshuffle, causing an entirely different season to emerge. However there are tiny remnants of one such concept for the original season that did make the transition. I'm speaking, of course, about Mission To Magnus, the planned return of Sil (Nabil Shaban). This story was reworked from the ground up, for what became 'Mindwarp', the second serial to make up the Trial Of A Time Lord arc. It's great to see Sil here, and Nabil Shaban is on fine form; you can tell he is relishing returning to the role. It's also really fun that the story takes place on his home planet of Thoros-Beta. It adds an extra layer to the world building of the series, as we finally get to see the planet that was teased in his debut adventure Vengeance On Varos. Strangely, however, he takes more of a back seat here to a new member of the Mentor race, Lord Kiv (Christopher Ryan), a Mentor who is slowly dying and wishes to transplant his mind into another body in order to prolong his life. Sil is made more of a comedic presence, which is a somewhat bizarre creative decision given that he is known to offer a more threatening presence. I do in general really like the narrative on display here however; I think the idea of an extra-terrestrial being attempting mind transference into another body is a really strong one for a Doctor Who episode, and it's executed very well here. Especially as we get to see the results of the mind transference twice, and the outcome as Kiv's mind essentially finds itself in two different bodies at different points of the narrative. This serial is known in particular for starring Brian Blessed as King Yrcanos, and he's every bit as you would expect. He delightfully hams it up, bringing this enormous sense of fun to proceedings. There's never a dull moment with somebody of Brian Blessed's screen presence around, and he's pretty much perfect casting as Yrcanos here. He has the booming voice of a King, somebody who you could easily imagine ordering servants around and watching over an interstellar kingdom. Yrcanos's equerry Dorf (Thomas Branch) is something of a tragic figure. A result of the Mentors' experiments, he's become this wolfman who is clearly not very happy about his predicament, and I really found myself feeling for this character. It feels so needlessly cruel the way he was transported into this mutated body, which really establishes the nature of the threat they are up against. Only a cruel and heartless mind could do this to the poor man; these are clearly people who need to be stopped. What I didn't quite buy was the Doctor's sudden betrayal and teaming up with the serial's antagonists. This didn't make much sense for me, for very much the same reasons as Colin Baker himself has stated. The story is very vague on whether the Doctor is simply stringing Sil and Kiv along, or if the Valeyard (Michael Jayston) has been tampering with the matrix in order to portray the Doctor as the bad guy and it doesn't feel purposefully vague either. It's like they didn't realise in the production of the serial how unclear it was, and it has the affect of making the Doctor seem too unlikeable when he tortures Peri for information, or alerts the guards to her presence when she appears as a servant to the Mentors. Hell, at one point I was wondering if the mind experiments attempted on the Doctor earlier in the serial had done something to his brain in order to affect his behaviour, but this isn't clarified either. The ending, on the other hand, is sublime, as Peri's mind inside her body is replaced with that of Kiv's. It's a brutal and tragic way for a companion to go, Peri ultimately becoming nothing but a vessel for the primary antagonist of the serial. The performances of both Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant both really sell it too, as the Doctor is moved to tears in the courtroom whilst Peri on the screen intonates the precise speaking tones of Kiv. It's a shame that this ending is later reversed, as if it had stuck it would have easily been one of the greatest companion exits of all time. Overall, whilst Mindwarp has its problems, it's still an extremely entertaining serial which provides an enjoyable hour and a half of television. Peri's initial exit in particular is very strong stuff, and Brian Blessed is every bit as larger than life as you would hope. Unfortunately there are some very bizarre creative production choices on display here, such as the Doctor betraying his companion and their new allies for no good reason, and Sil becoming more of a comedic secondary antagonist to the main villain. With more substantial rewrites this could have been one of the best Doctor Who stories out there, but as it is it's still a great adventure for Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor. WhoPotterVian View profile Like Liked 3 26 April 2024 · 213 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! The best way to enjoy Mindwarp is to imagine that it’s a pantomime - this way you are more likely to appreciate the hammy acting, including the bombastic, larger than life turn from BRIAN BLESSED. It’s nice to see Sil’s return and get a better idea of what his home planet is. Predictably for this era of the show it is all dark, gory and camp - a queasy mix. It moves from below average but entertaining to something less palatable once they start blurring the lines over whether The Doctor is a megalomaniacal villain or not and whether he has harmed Peri. Peri has been consistently mistreated by this Doctor, a Doctor it is not easy to warm to, so when you see this you can’t help but feel that it’s yet more negative, poisonous screen time for Colin Baker. This storyline could work, if done rightfor another Doctor and companion, but it does not work here. After seeing Peri chained to a rock (which made me feel particularly sad) she ends up being dispensed in a brutal way. Head shaved, mind controlled and then shot. She didn’t even die as herself. Poor Peri. She was an excellent companion, consistently put through hell since day one. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 3 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating321 members 3.13 / 5 AVG. Rating218 votes 3.60 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 627 Favourited 42 Reviewed 5 Saved 2 Skipped 1 Owned 12 Related Stories Reeltime Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor Rating: ??? 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Target Collection Doctor Who: Mindwarp Rating: 3.22 Story Skipped Book Reviews(1) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite PERI: Do you think this wise, Doctor? DOCTOR: My dear girl, if I stopped to question the wisdom of my actions, I'd never have left Gallifrey. PERI: Sometimes I wish you hadn't. — Mindwarp Show All Quotes (2) Open in new window Transcript Needs checking Part Five [Trial room] VALEYARD: Members of the court, we have just witnessed a typical glorious escapade of the Doctor.DOCTOR: Madam! I ask that the court protect me from the abuse of the Brickyard here.VALEYARD: How pathetic and juvenile are your attempts at humour.INQUISITOR: Gentlemen, may I remind you this is a court of law, not a debating society for maladjusted, psychotic sociopaths. You will both conduct yourselves in an orderly manner and show proper respect for the judicial procedure. I hope I make myself very clear. (The Doctor and the Valeyard bow.) INQUISITOR: And Doctor, the prosecuting counsel's title is the Valeyard. Not the brickyard, backyard, knacker's yard or any other kind of yard. Again, do I make myself clear?DOCTOR: Piercingly and irrefutably so, madam.INQUISITOR: Proceed.VALEYARD: As I was saying, we have just witnessed a sequence in the Doctor's history which illustrated perfectly his almost gleeful pleasure in interfering in the development of alien life forms.DOCTOR: I object!INQUISITOR: Sit down and shut up!VALEYARD: Thank you, Sagacity.DOCTOR: Sagacity? You sycophant. Since when has that been a form of address used in a Gallifreyan court of law?VALEYARD: I am simply showing respect to our learned Inquisitor.INQUISITOR: An attitude I much approve.DOCTOR: Well, you would, wouldn't you? Sagacity, indeed.INQUISITOR: Doctor! Continue.VALEYARD: I should now like to present the Doctor's next frightening adventure. In fact, the one in which he was engaged when removed from time and brought to this court. Show Full Transcript Open in new window