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Some good bits but focuses on my least favorite bit of Amy’s characterization


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The minisodes do what they need too


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Simultaneously goes from absolutely great to horrible in the blink of an eye with not even 4 minutes of runtime. It’s impressive honestly. One second the Doctor is space Gandalf (stupid and also amazing), and then Amy is trying to kiss the Doctor again (stupid and not amazing).

It fluctuates to irrational degrees between Steven Moffat the profound moment writer and Steven Moffat the uses one hand writer. It’s either peak or whatever the kids use for the opposite of that, and nothing in between, so the score is actually the in between.

Seeing past companions is kinda fun. It’s good that kinda boundaries between the Doctor and Amy’s relationship are set? Idk man I’m rambling it’s great and it’s also not so it’s fine.


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Having a minisode nearly entirely dedicated to my least favorite aspect of Series 5 doesn't make for a great time, but this has its moments. I really like the Doctor's explanation of why he likes to travel with a companion; it's the sort of explanation I would've loved to see in the Series proper. Still, it's a bit hard to get over that hurdle of how I quite dislike this part of Amy's early characterization.


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A fun minisode set between Flesh and Stone and The Vampires of Venice that explores Amy's obsession and infatuation with The Doctor. The to be expected excellent acting and chemistry between Matt Smith and Karen Gillan is here and fits right in with where they would be with each other. Well worth tracking down as it adds more dimensions to the characters.


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Like many of the mini-episodes, this is slight but fun. You get to see Amy and The Doctor at a very formative point in their relationship just before The Beast Below. You get some cheeky, very Steven Moffaty lines making fun of DW, specifically why the TARDIS, this incredibly powerful machine, chooses to look like a 1960s police box. These fan in jokes would probably feel a bit crow-barred in, in an actual episode sit nicely here in a short scene that’s made for the fans who have bought a box set. Inoffensive, non-essential, very fun.


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