Stories Audio Drama Novel Adaptations Novel Adaptations Love and War 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 2 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 3 Overview Released Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Written by Jacqueline Rayner, Paul Cornell Directed by Gary Russell Runtime 150 minutes Time Travel Future Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver Location (Potential Spoilers!) Heaven Synopsis On a planet called Heaven, all hell is breaking loose. Heaven is a cemetery for both humans and Draconians - a final place of rest for those lost during wartime. The Doctor arrives on a trivial mission - to find a book, or so he says - and Ace, wandering around Joycetown, becomes involved with a charismatic Traveller called Jan. But the Doctor is strenuously opposed to the romance. What is he trying to prevent? Is he planning some more deadly game connected with the coffins revered by the mysterious Church of Vacuum and the unusual Arch that marks the location of a secret building below ground? Archaeologist Bernice Summerfield thinks so. Her destiny is inextricably linked with that of the Doctor, but even she may not be able to save Ace from the Time Lord's plans. This time, has the Doctor gone too far? A new adaptation of the Virgin New Adventures novel which introduced Bernice Summerfield; also contains the prelude from Doctor Who Magazine and a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the story. Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Seventh Doctor Ace The Hoothi Bernice Summerfield Audrey Dudman Máire Mab Finn Show All Characters (6) How to listen to Love and War: Big Finish Audio Love and War Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 2 reviews 15 January 2025 · 535 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! É difícil descrever em palavras o quão pesado, intenso, lindo, emocionante e quão alto é o grau da tragédia que há por trás dessa história. Simplesmente uma experiência única que me proporcionou minutos em êxtase olhando pro nada apenas refletindo, me vejo na necessidade de evitar ao máximo em soltar detalhes ou spoilers que comprometam a experiência do leitor dessa review. Comparando o nível de exaltação entre as duas versões existentes de Love And War, notamos que o livro é mais aclamado do que sua adaptação de áudio - Mesmo não lendo a versão original, posso dizer que entendo perfeitamente as críticas quando se trata de que seu enredo foi comprimido, de fato não é uma tarefa fácil resumir um livro de 200 e poucas páginas em um áudio de 2hrs. Uma das principais críticas está relacionado a forma como o envolvimento de Ace e Jan foi reproduzido na adaptação de forma muito repentina e rasa, mas ainda bem emotiva - No meu caso me agradou muito quanto me convenceu, talvez teria a mesma opinião das críticas se tivesse lido a obra original, há momentos onde nos deparamos com a Ace em seu ápice de vulnerabilidade emocional de forma muito crua, seus colapsos emocionais dolorosos e descontrolados são muito chocantes. Falando de alguns detalhes do enredo, os Hoothi são vilões incríveis com um conceito muito genial, criaturas que possuem a capacidade de controlar/influenciar os vivos e os mortos absorvendo-os por uma consciência superior criando uma espécie de mente coletiva – Isso nos gera pessoas que já morreram tendo contato com as que estão vivas ainda tendo consciência de sua morte, algo bem chocante e desconfortável de se imaginar. As atuações do cast envolvido são um espetáculo à parte, talvez a melhor performance coletiva de um elenco que já me deparei em um áudio da BIG FINISH, parece que todos tiveram a noção do quão épico isso precisava ser e corresponderam perfeitamente a isso. No meio dessa obra temos a introdução da companion “Bernice Summerfield” que já me trouxe uma ótima impressão, aparentemente uma espécie de Indiana Jones feminina de Doctor Who (kkkk à primeira vista me pareceu, futuramente posso estar enganado), já vejo que sua química com o 7° Doctor vai dar super certo. Falando no Time Lord...Uaaau! Como seu personagem está extremante manipulador nessa história a nível nunca visto anteriormente - A forma como conduz seu jogo de xadrez altamente calculado faz como que o ouvinte duvide da índole do protagonista, enxergue como um vilão uma pessoa sem coração, mas no fim vemos que tudo isso tem seu propósito. O final é extremamente chocante, desconfortável, pesado, emotivo...uma parada que deixar qualquer sala em silencio. Em resumo, Love And War é algo muito especial – Aquele tipo de história que me faz lembrar o porque amo essa série. Uma experiência que chegou perto a que tive em “A Death In The Family”. Não preciso nem dizer que é uma história obrigatória, preciso!? KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 1 27 December 2024 · 278 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I had an alright time with this audio. It's interesting as an adaptation of Bernice Summerfield's first appearance in the original novel, which I have not read as of writing this review. Though we don't get a lot of it, the scenes where Benny and the Doctor were getting to know each other were a real treat. However, I really didn't get a feel for Ace and her romance in this story. I'm not against companions falling in love with characters, but when they are one-off randoms with a rushed, forced sense of chemistry, well, I don't love when the original series did that for characters like Leela, Susan, and Vicki. Here it feels like it is done to force conflict between Ace and the Doctor, and I didn't quite buy that drama. I understand the novel spends a little more time between Ace and her new romance Jan, or at least builds that up a little more, so I'd be interested to see if this character stuff works a bit better in the novel. I kind of feel the same way about the Hoothi. They are interesting, in theory, and I like how their plan so thoroughly involves and shapes the world of Heaven, but their story kind of felt underdeveloped. It feels like before they really got to do anything Jan got to play the heroic sacrifice card and that was that. Again, I do wonder if the novel handled this better. So overall, no, I don't think I quite enjoyed this audio, but it did at least leave me curious about the original novel because, to its credit, this wasn't the worst listening experience, either. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 1 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating80 members 3.88 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating171 votes 3.95 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating119 votes 3.75 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 126 Favourited 8 Reviewed 2 Saved 7 Skipped 1 Owned 8 Related Stories Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Virgin New Adventures Love and War Rating: 4.26 Story Skipped Book Reviews(2) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Virgin Books Set of Stories: Virgin New Adventures Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Do you know Puff the Magic Dragon? BERNICE: We went out a few times. He was very immature. DOCTOR: Do you know the bit where Jackie Paper leaves him? Leaves him all alone? BERNICE: I really don’t want to hear this. DOCTOR: The dragon can’t be brave without the little boy. He doesn’t have anything to be brave for. He might as well go, might as well drift off into myth, and just be something in old stories. BERNICE: But what would happen then? There are other monsters, other terrible things out there beside the Hoothi. DOCTOR: Many of them. Yes. BERNICE: Well, they must be fought. Because—and this is important. You can’t just be alone. That’s a childish thing to be. You can’t just isolate yourself from everything, no matter what terrible things have happened. You have to help other people. DOCTOR: That’s what Jackie Paper would have said. BERNICE: Oh. Oh, I see. DOCTOR: What do you think? — Love and War Show All Quotes (3) Open in new window