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Novel Adaptations

The Highest Science

66% 154 votes

Released Friday, December 12, 2014
Runtime 127 minutes
Time Travel Future
Locations Hogsumm

The Highest Science. The pinnacle of knowledge and a terrible weapon. A legend – nothing more.

Sheldukher. The most wanted criminal in the galaxy. Evil to the core and hungry for power, whatever the cost.

The Chelonians. A vast military power, pledged to eradicate human parasites wherever they are found.

The Doctor. An ancient and wise Time Lord tracking a temporal fluctuation that endangers the universe itself.

Some things should never meet, but as Professor Summerfield is about to discover, the universe is full of coincidences.

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Jinkwa  Chelonians  Sheldukher