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Doctor Who S3 • Episode 13

Last of the Time Lords

80% 1,726 votes

First aired Saturday, June 30, 2007
Production Code 3.13
Written by Russell T Davies
Directed by Colin Teague
Runtime 54 minutes
Time Travel Future Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Time Travel Pivotal Dance Number
Locations Earth London England
UK Viewers 8.61 million
Appreciation Index 88

One year later, the Saxon Master and the Toclafane are rulers of Earth, which is torn apart by a year of hell. The Tenth Doctor has been aged 900 years, and Jack Harkness and the Jones family have been reduced to slavery on the Master's ship, the Valiant. The only hope for everyone on Earth is Martha Jones, now a legend amongst humanity. As the Master prepares to turn the Earth into a giant warship that will ultimately engulf the rest of the universe, Martha must trek through dangerous territory to destroy him, but tragedy awaits her, the Doctor and her family on the day that will pit humanity against the stars...

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Also featuring:

Lucy Saxon  The Toclafane